View Full Version : Returning to PS and have a few questions

2004-04-02, 11:10 AM
I was wondering if their is a website that shows vehicle HP, and vehicle and regular weapons damage. Id like to compare the damages of different vehicle weapons and their HP to decide what I want to use and the firepower of the AV weapons and others. Or if their isnt a site can someone tell me the hp and the damage of the 75mm cannon on the lightning, the hp and damage of the 35mm machine gun on the liberator, and the hp and damage of the rockets on the reaver? If anyone could help me with this id much appreicate it.

2004-04-02, 12:19 PM
I'll bet GreyFalcon has all the values. He knows everything!

::Ok Grey, this is your cue... bust out with the graphs and stuff::

2004-04-02, 01:37 PM
Booyah Falcon, we're all awaiting the stats.

2004-04-02, 02:28 PM
::taps his foot impatiently...::

2004-04-05, 01:33 PM
Do people find out these stats from testing in game or is their a website that shows the damage. I found that the 100mm cannon does 300 dmg and the 150mm does 450 dmg. Kinda makes since since 150mm is 50% bigger then 100mm so it does 50% more damage, does the same apply to the 75mm cannon, is it 75% the damage of the 100mm putting it at 225 damage? Really wanting to know the damage of the 35mm gun on the liberator, heard it can chew vehicles up better then the reaver rocket pods.