View Full Version : How long will PS be "cool"

2004-04-05, 08:15 AM
How long do you think people will play PS?

How long do you think you will play?

I mean this question related for example to these cs clans. CS is not "in" anymore, but there are lots of people still playing it.

I mean PS should stay cool for many years cause it's an MMORPG and the devs are always implementing new thingies.

What do you think? :groovy:

2004-04-05, 08:19 AM
Wrong forum.... and it's not an MMORPG, its an MMOFPS

2004-04-05, 08:40 AM
Even is PS does survive, it wont be the same game I started playing in beta...

2004-04-05, 08:49 AM
a. Wrong forum
b. PS was originally designed to be a MMORPGFPS .. FPS with RPG elements...which it is..just not as much so as you would think
c. Planetside will be going down the shitter pretty quick unless they hurry up and figure out their new coding system so they can implement new base layouts.

2004-04-05, 09:29 AM
c. Planetside will be going down the shitter pretty quick unless they hurry up and figure out their new coding system so they can implement new base layouts.

harsh :p

2004-04-05, 09:29 AM
I think that PS will stay popular for another few years. Maybe 2 or 3. The reason I say this is that yes, the devs work hard at updating it and they do a great job. (despite all the grumbling going on here.) However, I do believe that in the next couple years someone (maybe even SOE itself) will come out with a better game. It's just the way it works. Unless SOE totally revamps PS with updated graphics, coding, and gives it fresh new ideas and concepts, it will fall behind.
Having said that, I would like to also say that I love PS, I've never played anything nearly as cool (except maybe Kingdom Hearts...but that's a different story.) I only say it will die out because that's how the video game world works. Nothing stays at the top for very long.

2004-04-05, 10:03 AM
Ack. I think Kingdom Hearts sucked. Disney movies don't make good video games IMHO. The only part of I really liked was Halloween Town... that was pretty cool. But the other boards... ugh.

As for PlanetSide, yes it will fall behind eventually, but if you think about it, it really is a one-of-a-kind game. There arent any other TRUE MMOFPS. Sure, there are other online FPS, but they only support 64 people per map (and the maps themselves are also much smaller), not the many hundreds of people on massive continents like PlanetSide offers. Because of this, I think that PlanetSide has plenty of life left in it. Its graphics will become outdated, but as long as it is continually updated by the Devs and is the only real MMOFPS out there, it will most likely maintain a decent population.

2004-04-05, 10:04 AM

I am sorry. Also that I started the thread in the wrong area. It's monday, I did a lot of mistakes today like that. You can shoot at me if you want to. :P

I think in an MMOFPS you can think that it's not the same when it's not beta anymore. But that's not the point in this discussion. I also think the devs are doing well. The game is running well, too. I never go to the official forums because there are too many people. That's a good sign IMO :)

The bad fact: You cannot create mods for PS. That has some disadvantages.

But if I think about this: You cannot create mods... and you also don't have to, cause the devs are doing this work :D

2004-04-05, 10:07 AM
c. Planetside will be going down the shitter pretty quick unless they hurry up and figure out their new coding system so they can implement new base layouts.

Not harsh, dumb. Why would people decide to stay or leave because they're changing base layouts? Like the counterstrike example... people play the same maps over and over and over... and they still play to this day.

2004-04-05, 10:51 AM
Not harsh, dumb. Why would people decide to stay or leave because they're changing base layouts? Like the counterstrike example... people play the same maps over and over and over... and they still play to this day./agreed

They just need to fix the graphics and code.

2004-04-05, 11:25 AM
Well, a graphics buff (rebuff to be specific) is coming with the next patch, and the Devs have said that they are working on an updated patcher that will allow them to modify the map and buildings without requiring us to redownload the whole thing (which is a couple hundred megs). The only problem is, you cannot release a buggy patcher. Release a buggy patch program that doesn't work on even a FEW computers, and you've screwed the players. They won't be able to download a patch to fix it! So, if they take a while on the patcher upgrade, its because the Devs need to be ABSOLUTELY certain that it is 100% bug free.

2004-04-05, 12:00 PM
Well if the autopatcher doesnt work right, there is a nifty thing called FTP...

2004-04-05, 01:12 PM
I don't care how good the graphics are if im still getting bad fps, and ping and lots of nasty bugs. Fix the coding is the first step, then content, then graphics. That should make it last abit longer....

2004-04-05, 01:36 PM
I mean this question related for example to these cs clans. CS is not "in" anymore, but there are lots of people still playing it.

CS Has Owned For Years PlanetSide Won't Come Close, Like Said Before Some Changes Are Made.

Half-Life Is Old But One Of The Best Engines Ever Made. IMHO

Counter-Strike:Global Coming Soon MMOFPS.

CS Respond To Areas Around The World To Crush The Top Terrorist Threats.


Based On HL2 Engine

2004-04-05, 01:44 PM
Most of the veterans will be gone by the end of summer IMO. The game will still have a playerbase for another year maybe a year in a half if its lucky.

2004-04-05, 05:47 PM
Maybe a good expansion will help... or what about a sequel? PS2?

2004-04-05, 05:58 PM
fo evar!

I realy don't knwo but it could go on for a very long time if they so somethign like a yearly graphics physics revamp

2004-04-05, 06:00 PM
I think that Planetside will 'last' for another 1-2 years, and then SOE will come out with PS2, which will have amazing graphics, more complicated gameplay, and less bugs.

2004-04-05, 06:03 PM
I think that Planetside will 'last' for another 1-2 years, and then SOE will come out with PS2, which will have amazing graphics, more complicated gameplay, and less bugs.
Unless you get the ones with the cheap CD reader...

2004-04-05, 06:24 PM
From working with the guys from www.raylogic.com who told me alot about Game Development. The key to keeping a game fun is implementing new gameplay mechanics that enhance the gameplay and add something that much more different but if your Q&A Screws it up, its not worth it.

For the stuff most of you know:

Great Idea, Poor Implementation/Port : Halo PC

2004-04-05, 09:23 PM
Superballz- CS Global intrigues me. Tell me more, please :)

2004-04-05, 09:31 PM
I guess 2 more years, more if the Devs are good and SOE is nice...

2004-04-05, 10:29 PM
I think PlanetSide will be around for two more years, because it will see the same kind of graphics improvements that CS saw a while back. THEN we'll all get our PlanetSide two and it'll start all over again. By that time, my processor will be a 7Mghz Pentium Bajillion with 5 Gigs of RAM and An UBERJEEEFUCKINGFORCE FIFTY THREE video card with A zillion Megs of video ram with a little oompaloompa civilization inside that waves big leaves to keep the whole thing from going critical and detonating like a ten jazillion megaton nuke and taking out half of the U.S. And i'll be running Windows (insert stupid meaningless numbers or letters here) while checking my Microsoft online gaming convenience colostomy bag and catheter assembly. Thank you Bill Gates. Eat shit and die you sonofawhore. :doh:

2004-04-05, 10:57 PM
kids who aren't geeks are just starting to get into CS now because of an internet cafe that opened up nearby (kids that used to call me a nerd now spend 80-100 dollars a week to play DoD, CS and Digital Paintball) so I think CS may still be kicking around for the next coupla years

2004-04-06, 02:31 AM
Considering I just cut off my subscription? Not much longer.

2004-04-06, 06:43 AM
I'm not going to even consider quitting until I make BR20 CR5.

2004-04-06, 07:49 AM
I would rather pay the substriction than pay food to survive... :D

2004-04-06, 11:00 AM
I personnaly dont think this kinda thread has anymore relevance now then when the gloom and doomers posted it after things went retail.

2004-04-06, 11:04 AM
This thread has lost sight of it's topic.

2004-04-06, 06:06 PM
I'm not going to even consider quitting until I make BR20 CR5.
That isn't hard and doesnt take long...

2004-04-06, 08:48 PM
Considering I just cut off my subscription? Not much longer.

Then why the frag are you still polluting my little corner of the interweb. Shoo Shoo, someone turn the front porch light on. :confused:

2004-04-07, 04:18 PM
Superballz- CS Global intrigues me. Tell me more, please :)