View Full Version : 1967-1994
2004-04-05, 02:55 PM
The king is dead, long live the king :(
2004-04-05, 03:08 PM
dude thats not elvis.
2004-04-05, 03:14 PM
:lol: :lol: omg omg :lol: :lol:
2004-04-05, 03:17 PM
Fuck you too.
2004-04-05, 03:18 PM
Thank god someone remembered :love: Frag
2004-04-05, 03:19 PM
btw for you retards that don't know, it's Kurt Cobain, died exactly 10 years from today
2004-04-05, 03:21 PM
i know, it was a joke. and squeeky went a little too far this time :(
nirvana :love:
we had to write a paper about 4 people that inspire us and Kurt was one of mine.
2004-04-05, 03:22 PM
Plz forgive me if i dont commemorate some overrated musician who blew his brains out over a decade ago.
I'm a little tired of getting AIM spam msg's, chain mails, PHONE CALLS, and other stupid shit telling me to "remember kurt". I didn't even know the fucking dude, but i did know he was overrated, not to say he wasnt talented.
2004-04-05, 03:31 PM
I agree. Nirvana was defenitely overrated. Some good stuff, but overall not the musician he was portrayed to be imo.
2004-04-05, 03:32 PM
I agree. Nirvana was defenitely overrated. Some good stuff, but overall not the musician he was portrayed to be imo.
Thank god i'm not the only one who see's it like it is.
2004-04-05, 03:36 PM
i admire him for a few things about the musical aspects of his life and nothing else.
[edit:] yeah i also agree he's somewhat overrated. I still think he should be remembered, but there need not be so much -hype- about it.
2004-04-05, 03:48 PM
Yes, I KIND OF feel that nirvana is slightly overrated, and I don't really respect people who kill themself.
2004-04-05, 04:18 PM
Yes, I KIND OF feel that nirvana is slightly overrated, and I don't really respect people who kill themself.
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it...
Now try it
2004-04-05, 04:51 PM
2004-04-05, 05:05 PM
Fuck that, I dont celebrate people commiting suicide. Retard.
You gave up. Dumbass.
Fuck that, I dont celebrate people commiting suicide. Retard.
You gave up. Dumbass.
/fscking signed
2004-04-05, 05:43 PM
Fuck that, I dont celebrate people commiting suicide. Retard.
You gave up. Dumbass.
/fscking signed
2004-04-05, 05:45 PM
Nirvana? Wasn't that the group Weird Al parodied with the song where he just mumbles?
On the other hand, every generation has to have some sort of idol or somewhat famous figure. Elvis and/or Beatles with the Baby Boomers, for example.
2004-04-05, 05:52 PM
I pity anyone who idolizes Kurt Cobain :rofl:
2004-04-05, 05:56 PM
Fuck that, I dont celebrate people commiting suicide. Retard.
You gave up. Dumbass.
/signed fscking
2004-04-05, 06:11 PM
Courtney killed him.
2004-04-05, 06:13 PM
I have to agree with Squeeky on this one.
2004-04-05, 06:18 PM
Courtney killed him.
She might've.
2004-04-05, 06:19 PM
The moral to the story is put the crack pipe down before you pickup the shotgun.
2004-04-05, 06:23 PM
Courtney killed him.
Too bad she didn't follow suit and kill herself. I hate that bitch.
2004-04-05, 06:31 PM
Fuck that, I dont celebrate people commiting suicide. Retard.
You gave up. Dumbass.
/fscking signed
2004-04-05, 07:03 PM
Fuck that, I dont celebrate people commiting suicide. Retard.
You gave up. Dumbass.Eh. What the hell.
/fscking signed
2004-04-05, 07:06 PM
Plz forgive me if i dont commemorate some overrated musician who blew his brains out over a decade ago.
I'm a little tired of getting AIM spam msg's, chain mails, PHONE CALLS, and other stupid shit telling me to "remember kurt". I didn't even know the fucking dude, but i did know he was overrated, not to say he wasnt talented.
Still, you don't have to be an asshole just cause you're cranky about hearing about it so much. Just ignore it.
:love: Kurt Cobain
2004-04-05, 07:07 PM
Courtney just looks like a ho.
2004-04-05, 07:08 PM
I agree though that she should have killed herself too
2004-04-05, 07:12 PM
Courtney killed him.
:lol: :rofl:
I dont know about you guys but this is a little O.Fn
Im a big fan of nirvana but I didnt like cobain's lifestyle.
2004-04-05, 07:16 PM
:lol: :rofl:
I dont know about you guys but this is a little O.Fn
Im a big fan of nirvana but I didnt like cobain's lifestyle.
He was the best rocker. Period. Everything about him.
2004-04-05, 07:17 PM
Nirvana is extremely overrated, and Kurt Cobain is an emo loser who blew his own head off because he sucked.
/fscking signed
2004-04-05, 07:23 PM
OK, everyone please stop ripping on him. We know most of you don't like him, think he's a loser, blah blah blah. So show some respect for those of us who do care, especially Frag because he started this thread. This thread was not meant for YOU to rip on him. Just like Vicchio's baseball threads are not meant for those of us who don't enjoy the game to rip on it. Please, have some dignity and respect, and stop ripping on him. That is all.
2004-04-05, 07:24 PM
Dear God, you make it sound like your cousin died.
You never knew him, he died, it sucks. Fine. But fucking 10 year anniversaries?
2004-04-05, 07:27 PM
Fuck that, I dont celebrate people commiting suicide. Retard.
You gave up. Dumbass.
fscking signed
Dear God, you make it sound like your cousin died.
You never knew him, he died, it sucks. Fine. But fucking 10 year anniversaries?
fscking signed
2004-04-05, 07:28 PM
Nirvana is extremely overrated, and Kurt Cobain is an emo loser who blew his own head off because he sucked.
/fscking signed
If you don't like his music don't talk, especially in this thread. If you knew one fuckin thing about Nirvana or Cobain then you'd know why he did commit suicide, and I think it's a fuckin disgrace to talk about him like that, you fuckin panzy.
Best rocker period. Now you, stab yourself, you fuckin idiot.
You didn't know Jesus Christ, it's not like he was your cousin, yet I'm sure his life and death affect you.
Oh, and millions of people celebrate his on them, why don't you?
2004-04-05, 07:29 PM
OMG, It was my 12th birthday when Kurt Cobain killed himself...
2004-04-05, 07:30 PM
Dear God, you make it sound like your cousin died.
You never knew him, he died, it sucks. Fine. But fucking 10 year anniversaries?
Nirvana just so happens to be one of my favorite bands
2004-04-05, 07:31 PM
I don't think it has to do with liking his music more than the fact that the guy blew his brains out and everyone is celebrating him as some kind of a legend...
I personally wouldn't honor the anniversary of someone who committed suicide.
And yes he was overrated.
2004-04-05, 07:42 PM
If you don't like his music don't talk, especially in this thread. If you knew one fuckin thing about Nirvana or Cobain then you'd know why he did commit suicide, and I think it's a fuckin disgrace to talk about him like that, you fuckin panzy.
Best rocker period. Now you, stab yourself, you fuckin idiot.
You didn't know Jesus Christ, it's not like he was your cousin, yet I'm sure his life and death affect you.
Oh, and millions of people celebrate his on them, why don't you?
First of all, let me state that this thread just became Omaha Beach.
Secondly, I belive that suicide in any form is a disgraceful way to end life. Why? Because I am Catholic, and I belive that life is sacred, &c. Usual Catholic stuff. This isn't a thread on suicide, we'll leave it there.
Thirdly, I disagree that he was the best rocker ever.
Fourth, I refuse to stab myself. I wouldn't want to hurt myself.
Fifth, Jesus Christ was the Son of God. He died for our sins, showed us how to live, perfomed miracles, &c, &c, &c.
And finally, the #1 Kurt Cobain fan at school wasn't here today. However, you do make a good point. I will take my case to fans.
2004-04-05, 07:44 PM
If you don't like his music don't talk, especially in this thread.If you don't want people to give there opinion, don't put the thread in play.
2004-04-05, 07:44 PM
Fuck that, I dont celebrate people commiting suicide. Retard.
You gave up. Dumbass.
2004-04-05, 08:00 PM
If you don't want people to give there opinion, don't put the thread in play.
MrVicchio made the thread about baseball, and asked that non-fans stay out of it. So far, I've done a pretty good job of keeping away from it. Both threads are opinionated.
2004-04-05, 08:04 PM
If you don't want people to give there opinion, don't put the thread in play.Thank you.
2004-04-05, 08:05 PM
He was the best rocker. Period. Everything about him.
I know, he pratically invented grunge rock, but doing coke all the time, then killing yourself, thats not very admirable.
2004-04-05, 08:08 PM
No he wasn't. I dislike grunge rock. Just becuase you like one part of a genre doesn't mean that that part owns all other parts.
2004-04-05, 08:14 PM
If you knew one fuckin thing about Nirvana or Cobain then you'd know why he did commit suicide, and I think it's a fuckin disgrace to talk about him like that, you fuckin panzy.
There is no reason for suicide. Your point is blank. There is NO reason for suicide. There is no reason for suicide.
Only fuckin panzy around here is Cobain. Its life. Deal with it.
2004-04-05, 08:17 PM
I fucking quit, you people are too much
2004-04-05, 08:18 PM
There is no reason for suicide. Your point is blank. There is NO reason for suicide. There is no reason for suicide.
Only fuckin panzy around here is Cobain. Its life. Deal with it.
as much as I like nirvana I have to agree with Gohan.
2004-04-05, 08:22 PM
Shit man, I like nirvana a lot too. I just despise suicide.
I made a bunch of big long posts back in the spider episode remember? :p
2004-04-05, 08:36 PM
Chalk one up for Aztec *high fives teh cuban*
I can't believe Angel Of Death had the nerve to compare Kurt Cobain to Jesus Christ :rofl:
2004-04-05, 08:41 PM
Lmao. Indeed. Last time I checked Jesus died to safe people. Painfully. Not cause he cant handle getting someone pregnant (that is the reason he killed himselft correct? I wasnt into music at all around that time.) :p
I am neutral towards Kurt Cobain and his death, as well as his music.
That being said, suicide is the easy way out and for that Kurt may be viewed as a coward rather than a martyr ( rightfully so ) But the way you people are acting is uncalled for.
The impact of Nirvana's music in the early 90's changed pop culture at the time, and introduced a new brand of music that spoke for a new generation. Which has yet to happen since. To call the band overrated while supplying no reasoning behind the statement is extremly foolish. I have no respect for anyone who would make such a blind statement.
In conclusion - Think what you will of suicide, but I highly doubt the thread was created to house your beliefs on suicide and Kurts death. But rather pay omage to a musical visionary.
-The Pope
2004-04-05, 09:17 PM
Fuck that, I dont celebrate people commiting suicide. Retard.
You gave up. Dumbass.
I'll /sign too.
Here's me giving a shit.;)
2004-04-05, 09:29 PM
Here's me giving a shit.;)
:lol: nice ;)
2004-04-05, 09:44 PM
2 entries found for fsck.
<operating system> file system check. The Unix program that
checks a file system for internal consistency and bad blocks
etc. and can repair some faults.
fsck is often used after a crash when the file system has
been left in an inconsistent state, e.g. due to incomplete
flushing of buffers.
Used on Usenet newsgroup alt.sysadmin.recovery as
substitute for "fuck" and became more main-stream after the
Communications Decency Act.
i only allow for two different kinds of people to commit suicide, those already going to die from illness, and those that should die, i dont think he was either. unfortunatly, i dont recall any of nirvanas music, exept mabey a song about a cannon ball.
2004-04-05, 09:58 PM
Lmao. This thread I think is a record for me. Some..what..8 10 people agreed with me? :p
2004-04-05, 09:59 PM
Wow.This thread was f'ing stupid.You guys are so f'ing disrespectful.You dont have to celebrate or something but at least show more respect then dissing him.If one of you had made a Happy Birthday to Jesus freaking christ and someone came in there and said something you all would be on him in a second but because Kurt isn't Jesus(though to me he's better then Jesus,Has Jesus ever made good music.Didn't think so) and because all of you diss suicide you come and ruin a good thread.Yet we seem to celebrate Easter and all that is about is some guy dieing.But of course if someone diss's the almighty Jesus every Catholic at PSU runs into the thread to tell the guy he's stupid.Kurt went from being a unknown hated kid with a guitar to a rock superstar in less then a few years.He was already doing drugs and was having a hard life.Sometimes suicide is the only way out.And before some of you knock it,do the world a favor and go try it.
Excuse any hateful things above but im tired and pissed off that you can be so disrespectful to the creator of grunge rock
2004-04-05, 10:05 PM
Holy shit dude. You are gonna burn in hell.
2004-04-05, 10:08 PM
Ok fuck it, lock this thread. Some people can't just contain themselves.
2004-04-05, 10:10 PM
have a nice time in hell. :groovy:
2004-04-05, 10:11 PM
Heh sorry it's late for me,I'll edit the post and try to fix the errors a bit. Oh and Hell cant be any worse then dragging my ass outta bed every 5:30 to go to god damn school :\
2004-04-05, 10:11 PM
HFS! The Pope!
/me runs
2004-04-05, 11:00 PM
I like the advertisements for this thread
Articles on Suicide
KeepMedia - current and archived articles from premier publications
Suicide Thoughts?
Take this test to find answers.
2004-04-05, 11:10 PM
Wow.This thread was f'ing stupid.You guys are so f'ing disrespectful.You dont have to celebrate or something but at least show more respect then dissing him.If one of you had made a Happy Birthday to Jesus freaking christ and someone came in there and said something you all would be on him in a second but because Kurt isn't Jesus(though to me he's better then Jesus,Has Jesus ever made good music.Didn't think so) and because all of you diss suicide you come and ruin a good thread.Yet we seem to celebrate Easter and all that is about is some guy dieing.But of course if someone diss's the almighty Jesus every Catholic at PSU runs into the thread to tell the guy he's stupid.Kurt went from being a unknown hated kid with a guitar to a rock superstar in less then a few years.He was already doing drugs and was having a hard life.Sometimes suicide is the only way out.And before some of you knock it,do the world a favor and go try it.
Excuse any hateful things above but im tired and pissed off that you can be so disrespectful to the creator of grunge rock
Disrespectful? Hell yes. People do not respect those that they do not like. The threadmaker asked for PSU's opinion, well, he got PSU's opinion.
Yes, he was a good guitarist. He is *not* the best guitar player in the world.
You are way screwed up when it comes to faith. I recommend you go to Church more or something. Next, Easter is not about Jesus dying. Easter is about the *resurrection* of Our Lord after he died, and he died for our sins in a brutal betrayal, NOT a shotgun shell to the face. Yes, if you diss [sic] Jesus you will get every Catholic (I like how he says Catholic, because to hell with Protestant Christans and Muslims, who see him as a prophet but not the Messiah.)
Case in point: If you make a thread titled "HEIL HITLER! DESUTCHLAND UBER ALLES!" you will recieve flame like never seen before. Why? Because if you openly state something to a populace, they are going to respond. Fact of the matter is, most people do not admire Kurt Cobain. We will get vocal about this.
Kurt did go from the unknown to superstar. Yes. That does take skill. However, Nirvana is not The Best Band Ever, Undissable, Under one Cobain. This is my opinion.
Sucide is the wrong way out. If you see it as a viable means to end life, you should see someone. That's just fucked up and will get you nowhere.
PS: I won't kill myself because I took a suggestion from some random guy over the Internet.
2004-04-05, 11:10 PM
Courtney just looks like a ho.
:hitit: :bananasex:
2004-04-05, 11:18 PM
Zodiac, she has an eye. You'll fuck anything as long as it has one eye.
2004-04-05, 11:19 PM
2004-04-05, 11:25 PM
2004-04-05, 11:29 PM
Cyclops pr0n
The impact of Nirvana's music in the early 90's changed pop culture at the time, and introduced a new brand of music that spoke for a new generation. Which has yet to happen since. To call the band overrated while supplying no reasoning behind the statement is extremly foolish. I have no respect for anyone who would make such a blind statement.
-The Pope
Britney spears and christina aguilera changed pop culture of the 2000 era. Now theyre old hat. Why? because thier music sucks now, and the novelty has worn off.
Just like it would have with Nirvana.
Excuse any hateful things above but im tired and pissed off that you can be so disrespectful to the creator of grunge rock
Fuck Einstein. Piss on his grave and let him eat shit for eternity.
Oooooh, Im irreverant to the creator of the theory of relativity! I suppose I'm a horrible person now.
A lot of you need to STFU. If you think it's dumb, just don't post. Show some respect for those who want to celebrate it.
And i don't even like Nirvana that much.
One sec... wait... let me check...
Nope. I still don't give a shit.:rofl:
2004-04-06, 12:28 AM
You lost all credibility when you compared Cobain to Jesus.
The point people are trying to point out isn't what he did, it's the fact that you're bashing them for what they believe in.
The Jesus example: I'm agnostic/athiest, but i don't go around bashing christians or catholics because i don't believe in what they believe.
You guys are being assholes, flat out. It might not be your belief, and it's allright to express your contrasting opinions, but you don't need to be assholes about it.
2004-04-06, 12:36 AM
I don't think we need to bring personal beliefs into this. That said, Jesus did not die for our sins! If you'd like to discuss this with me, please take it to a PM or email or instant message. You get the point.
As for the rest of this discussion... :blows raspberry:
Get over it.
2004-04-06, 07:16 PM
some of you need to see the Passion. :p
Fuck that movie. I dont--- you know what, im not evne going to get into it. Fuck it.
2004-04-06, 07:19 PM
:huh: ok....its just a movie.
2004-04-06, 07:49 PM
I read a long account by a private investigator. Courtney paid to have Kurt killed. It's a wonder the D.A. hasn't ordered an investigation, but the evidence is ruined now.
Courtney Love is a beast.
2004-04-06, 09:01 PM
What book?
2004-04-06, 11:13 PM
I don't think we need to bring personal beliefs into this. That said, Jesus did not die for our sins!
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