View Full Version : Super-n00b question (not really techy)

2004-04-11, 02:48 PM
Hi all.
This may seem really stupid, but I don't get why my sig isn't working. I've put it in BB Tags ( [IMG ]URL HERE[/IMG ] minus the spaces) and it just doesn't work. I tried using the Insert Picture button, but again, it just ends up as a link. Could it be because I'm using msn groups as my host? (I doubt it.. but you never know)

Like I said, not really a tech question, just.. annoying.


PS. The link does go to my sig, so it's not a duff link... :doh:

2004-04-11, 04:05 PM
Yeah, using MSN groups won't work. You need to find an image hoster. If you look at your link, it doesn't end with a .gif extension. The image tags will only work if you have such an extension, i.e.:

[IMG]www.something.com/image.gif[/IMG ]

2004-04-11, 04:05 PM
It is because it is not being recognized as a picture.

Try this link: http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0RQD!AtAUWNo2TM6aSeu!CJZK7A5L7cnTKt7Pae89t0MVxVLG4 PSdx28j8GfDaoYv8UWjV4DZ1swLQJbF8XFtwoRmsrHS6ZPJJn4 jTErVUyM/Untitled-1.gif

Edit: I used that link and it works, so there you go. It didn't have a .gif ending because of the way MSN does things. That will work for you.

2004-04-11, 05:03 PM
Thanks dscytherulez and UncleDynamite, sorry to be a pain in the ass, but as soon as I got the sig working (the URL still didnt work for me, even when ending in a GIF) I was unhappy as there were bits all over it. If anyone knows anything about Adobe PS I'd be muchos grateful if you could help on this thread (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?p=359851#post359851). Wow I'm really making myself look like the stereotypical n00b. I'll make up for it in later posts, honest... :rolleyes: