View Full Version : TR's Own Weapons
2004-04-13, 07:05 PM
Tell me if i'm wrong but all of the TR's "unique" weapons cause medium damage. Even the mini chaingun which is heavy assualt causes medium damage. As for the NC their Jackhammer and Gauss both cause high damage and the VS energy pistol and lasher both cause high damage. I don't really have a problem with it as i still get my fare share of kills but.... it is slightly unfare, but then again maybe TR are better off in other areas!
2004-04-13, 07:17 PM
Those are just descriptions, all that matters are the numbers.
2004-04-13, 07:38 PM
It's not unfair, all weapons are balanced against each other. There are still some problems (like TR maxes), however those will be addressed by the dev team.
2004-04-13, 07:44 PM
TR weapons spit out twice as many rounds as the VS and NC weapons. Hence, they do less damage, but there's more lead flying. Objective of the weapons of each empire:
TR - Suppress and turn back enemy forces with an incomprehensible barrage of shit
VS - Quickly and efficiently laser beam and energy ball the enemy's ass into oblivion
NC - Pound the fuck out of the opposition with heavy shit until they get tired and log
all of these options are equally good and very evened out. Each empire has it's drawbacks and advantages.
2004-04-13, 08:14 PM
TR weapons do only do medium damage but they shoot damn fast.
2004-04-13, 08:15 PM
Oddfish is right. TR specialize in rapid-fire Hence having twice as much Ammo per round, and their rate of fire is double that of the NC and VS. Hence one single shot being next to nothing in damage, but firing a full round is deadly.
2004-04-13, 08:31 PM
It's not unfair, all weapons are balanced against each other. There are still some problems (like TR maxes), however those will be addressed by the dev team.
Exactly what I was going to say KIAsan
2004-04-13, 08:36 PM
TR weapons spit out twice as many rounds as the VS and NC weapons. Hence, they do less damage, but there's more lead flying. Objective of the weapons of each empire:
TR - Suppress and turn back enemy forces with an incomprehensible barrage of shit
VS - Quickly and efficiently laser beam and energy ball the enemy's ass into oblivion
NC - Pound the fuck out of the opposition with heavy shit until they get tired and log
all of these options are equally good and very evened out. Each empire has it's drawbacks and advantages.
You are NC, there is an unbiased opinion...
2004-04-13, 08:41 PM
You are NC, there is an unbiased opinion...
Agreed ;)
2004-04-13, 09:01 PM
the VS energy pistol and lasher both cause high damage
2004-04-13, 10:16 PM
I think he meant the pulsar which does have the biggest punch of assault rifles under 75m and yes the lasher does cause high damage.
2004-04-13, 10:31 PM
As it stands, imo all the infantry weapons are well-balenced against each other.
MA is about the best-balenced cert out there, pulsar has almost no degradation up to med range, where cycler/gauss start to have faster ttk's, and in general the empire strengths are well-reflected.
HA is balenced in my opinion, more so than it has ever been. All HA works well surgiling, and as a check, in the right hands, a rexotank HA can own just about any surgile. VS versatility really works with lasher, I would argue that a vs grunt really does not need AV or SA if they have lasher, it can function in both of those conditions and still own at AI. JH has steep damage drop-off an MCG has an awesome range and with a skilled user is hands-down the best HA out there. (Little more of a learning curve, but it remains badass)
AV too is well-balenced. For all the bitching about striker lockons, I have used AV/Rexo as tr and the occasionaly difficulty locking on is more than made up for the awesome ttk and dps. It is also a mini starfire. 3-4 striker users chew through armor faster than any other av, even decis. If striker is missing half as much as all the forum whiners make it out to be, I hope they don't fix it, it already does near-absurd damage.
Lancer, since they upped the projectile speed it does a fine job of sniping vehicles and maxs. It also works well against low-flying aircraft, like the striker it has awesome dps.
Phoenix = fun as hell, but very situational, it does have an absolutely terrible dps and a ttk slower than a snail tied ot a 1000 kg weight moving through molassas, but the ability to hide and the effectiveness in groups makes up for its weakness alone.
Vehicles, I am not going to deny that I think van and enforcer are far better than any others, but that is more as a result of me using them both extensivly, I have a healthy respect for all ove the other empires vehicles.
Maxs: All av is gimped, nothing much there, AA gets the job done, however the starfire is nuts, while burster has serious difficulties hitting the ceiling.
AI Maxs: Scatmax tears through other maxs like butter. AV Maxs should be able to kill it, however in the realities of combat it is not difficult for a scatmax to rip any av max to pieces. Indoors, a scatmax can kill either of the other empires maxs with plenty of clip to spare, usually finishing with about 250 armor. It there is one thing I would conseide, its that in the right hands, with the AV damage on the scattercannon what it is, with the shield and all, its not even fair what can be done with it.
You are NC, there is an unbiased opinion...
Well, I am NC too, so I guess that means I am incapable of being unbiased, well can't say I didn't try. :shrug:
2004-04-14, 01:11 AM
I'd have to disagree with the AV max argument, eldanesh. The commet is far superior to either the falcon or the pounder MAX. It has the best TTK, and better projectile speen than the falcon(accuracy issue there). Additionaly, the VS jets allow it to be the only max that can actualy serve an anti-vehiclar roll without too much risk of geting mowed. This applies to the starfire as well because it can reach places noone else can and dodge reaver rocket spam.
The beamer still needs work though.
2004-04-14, 02:12 AM
I think the falcon is great vs vehicles. The rockets have good speed, biggest issue is leading your target correctly. You do that from the top of a tower or wall, they are going to die pretty quick. Took out several prowlers that way. But it does take skill.
The sparrow is also a good AA killer (not as good as the starfire), but will quickly put a hurt on enemy Acft. Burster just plain sucks in most situations. True, if your locked down and can surprise them, most Acft are dead before they can react. The fact that you can't tell where the flak is coming from makes running away a risky business (you may just run down their line of sight). However, if you know where the max is, you can fly in and own the thing before they do serious damage.
Sure the MCG isn't as strong as the Jackhammer and Lasher but, it has it's strong points like the 100 bullet clip so you could take on like four guys before you reload. The thing is you have to keep the bullets hitting the person and move around so they can't shoot you.
2004-04-14, 02:22 AM
Its really funny that the other empire weapons have very very close ROFs as the other empires. Hell, the fucking beamer shoots .1 rpm under the Repeater. Big fucking diffrence there.
2004-04-14, 05:18 AM
WTH, .1 under? Nerf the beamer RoF :p
Whats there to say bout the TR weapons hmm...
Barring the MAX suits and the horrible lockon issues for the striker, they get the job done. The TR MAX suits ain't worth the polygons that make them, waste of cert points.
Btw a tip for striker users, the problem with the striker lockon is the insanely large "no lock on bubble" thats around frienly vehicles to prevent friendly fire. So in order to counteract that you should try to find fiering positions that dosn't have alot of frienly vehicles in your LoS.
2004-04-14, 07:13 AM
Well, I am NC too, so I guess that means I am incapable of being unbiased, well can't say I didn't try. :shrug:
Props for effort
2004-04-14, 11:03 AM
TR MAX suits arn't total shit. They are supposed to be used in numbers, they arn't the uber weapon NC and VS maxes that the other empires have.
2004-04-14, 01:03 PM
TR MAX suits arn't total shit. They are supposed to be used in numbers, they arn't the uber weapon NC and VS maxes that the other empires have.
Even in numbers the DC sometimes fails.... but sometimes on its own it succeeds :)
Burster can work well on its own :D
2004-04-14, 02:03 PM
I think the idea behind the TR is flawwed. "More is better" - a'right, but what about the fact that only 1/3 or so bullets hit due to the massive bloom of the CoF when you want to hold down the trigger to get those bullets flying? Bleh.
2004-04-14, 03:54 PM
Here are some issues that I think need to be fixed:
AV MAXes of all Empires need a buff, and a serious one. As it is right now, the AI MAXes generally best them, which is pathetic, and they are utterfly worthless against Main Battle Tanks and Lightnings.
TR MAXes need buffs to bring them on par with the rest of the MAXes. The Burster should get less of an arc and a slightly increased ROF, the Pounder should get less arc and more damage, and the Dual Cycler should get a huge COF buff.
IMO, the MCG is just slightly below par in comparison to the other HA weapons. While the Devs have done a great job balancing HA, I feel that the MCGshould get a slight ROF buff, as it feels like it takes forever to kill someone.
The Magrider should get a small AA damage nerf, and in return get a small AV damage buff. For me, it seems like the Mag is too good vs. air and not good enough vs. other MBT's. But that's just me.
N3rf 73h 1337 B3amar!!11
Disclaimer: While I certainly feel that the game is not entirely balanced, I do think that the Devs have done an excellent job with balancing issues. Keep up the good work guys!
2004-04-14, 08:19 PM
She meant Pulsar.
2004-04-14, 09:51 PM
I think the idea behind the TR is flawwed. "More is better" - a'right, but what about the fact that only 1/3 or so bullets hit due to the massive bloom of the CoF when you want to hold down the trigger to get those bullets flying? Bleh.
I assume you are talkin about the MCG, burst-fire does wonders. Apparently surge + flickering crouch also makes for some weird-looking warp effects too. ;)
MCG can be very inaccurate, however owns outside of HA damage dropoff range and kills MA within their medium range. Unless you are within the killzone of HA though spray + pray does little more than waste ammo with mcg.
2004-04-14, 10:44 PM
All the Heavy Assault weapons are meant to be used in close quarters, the MCG is no different. Quite frankly, of all the Heavy Assault weapons, I believe the MCG is pretty much on par with the Lasher, both of them second to the JackHammer. I've used all three HA weapons extensively, I have a TR with HA, a vanu with HA, and I've looted plenty of JackHammers. The MCG is probably the best for multiple opponents, I've killed 5 or so people with one magazine if they're all close together. However, it does require close range, just like the other two. It's range is slightly longer than the other two HA's, though.
2004-04-14, 10:56 PM
I agree with Chewy completely; the MCG is an excellent weapon, and can easily hold its own against the other Heavy Assault weapons. The bullets are actually quite powerful, so if all your shots connect, then your foe is done-for.
2004-04-15, 05:09 AM
Dunno, I used the MCG a lot and quite frankly found the Cycler much more useful. Cycler has same damage per shot, less of a CoF bloom, only a slightly slower RoF and half the magazine capacity. Better all purpose weapon if you dont know whether you are going to be indoors or outdoors the next minute or not. For ease of use and flexibilty it is better than the MCG. I guess it depends on what you want in a weapon.
The striker lock bug is bad and easily explioted if the dirver of your target vehicle knows what he is doing and for God's sake get rid of the Anchoring on TR MAXs.
2004-04-15, 08:06 AM
Well of course it's more flexible. All of the MA weapons are more flexible than the HA weapons, since they're designed for medium range combat. Since they're designed for medium range combat, they also perform well in short range combat. The point of the Heavy Assault weapons is as the best close range attackers, so a Heavy Assault meeting up with the same skilled user with a Medium Assault weapon in less than 10 meters of range should win 9 out of 10 times.
2004-04-15, 10:23 AM
Yea, the devs def need to get rid of the TR anchoring ability because it's the worst defensive measure in the game, standing still. Last night, I saw a Scat max own a grunt and then own a DC right after the grunt and survived to fight longer, thats plain ridiculas.
2004-04-15, 01:45 PM
Yea, the devs def need to get rid of the TR anchoring ability because it's the worst defensive measure in the game, standing still. Last night, I saw a Scat max own a grunt and then own a DC right after the grunt and survived to fight longer, thats plain ridiculas.
Yah, it's kinda sad that an AI MAX can own an AV MAX. In fact, I saw a ScatMAX last night that strolled in the BD, blew away 5 soldiers, killed 2 Pounders, and lived to fight on. That's just pathetic.
2004-04-15, 04:01 PM
I never use TR's MAXes. In my expierience, you guys basically summed it all up. They just dont seem useful. I'm not saying they need to be buffed or nerfed, they just need a different ability, the anchoring sucks.
2004-04-15, 07:23 PM
The state of maxs the way they are now, the lockdown really does not help. The old, old, post-release pounder was worthwile as they could cover a tower, however with a direct-fire AI, it just does not cut it. Shield and Jets are both very useful and effective. In a scatmax fighting a rexo many times I either kill them before they can fire 2 decis or they run out of decis.
*deci to my ass while I finish off other tr*
*flip on shield, take another deci*
*strafing + tower lag, they miss the 3rd deci and die*
It happens a large portion of the time in a tower. Net result is usually 2-3 dead tr and my scatmax with like 150-200 armor left.
The old shield was worthless, the new one is effective.
The jets are good and really have always been good.
The lockdown is like the jackhammer: its hard to make effective without making it overpowered.
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