View Full Version : Thumbs up or down poll for the Flail
2004-04-14, 12:12 PM
From various other posts here and on the official forums there is a lot of ire over the flail. And it got me wondering how many people actually think the addition of the flail was a good idea.
I thought I�d take a simple thumbs up or thumbs down poll to determine if you either like the flail and think it adds quality to game play or if you dislike the flail and think it hurts the game.
Also, this is not a poll to determine if things had been done differently. It's an opinion poll on how the flail currently works... in other words don't vote yes or no with a conditional. E.G. Yes, if the nerf it or No, it needs more power.
2004-04-14, 12:15 PM
i dont give a rats ass. cause i never use it and only been killed 4 times by one if people like to use the fail as an artilery based weapon its cool with me.
2004-04-14, 12:20 PM
I think it is time we had conventional artillary though. The flail if used correctly can end a battle very quickly. Just have 3 flails shell the three exits of the base and the enemy cant get out. Boom you have the CY.
2004-04-14, 12:46 PM
Not voting, people have been asking for artillery for a long time, and I think the game deserves some form of artillery, limiting it by needing a tech plant and an expansion was inadvertantly a good idea.
I just think it needs more work, something to prevent the lone person from dominating a base. Perhaps the flail should required targetting information from a laser to fire? Perhaps it should have a greater arc? I dunno.
2004-04-14, 12:49 PM
i hate the flail. i have been klled by a friendly flail more than an enemy flail has killed me.
2004-04-14, 01:10 PM
Worst thing they ever put in the game.
2004-04-14, 01:28 PM
^^ Completely agree.
2004-04-14, 01:59 PM
/agree with madcow
2004-04-14, 02:09 PM
Got CC. Used Flail about 3 times. Couldn't hit a thing.
Forget your conditionals: I want it to be better to tell if you're NEAR whet your shooting at, or if some unknown hill or wall is in your LoF (as it's artillery you often shoot from miles away, and cant see what you're shooting) ...
Its well balanced, and I dont see to many of them because of the v-mod deal. Seems cool to me.
2004-04-14, 03:43 PM
I hate them with a passion. On the occasion that a bunh of n00bs get together and start Flail-spamming a base, you're screwed. It doesn't matter that the n00b's combined grief is a five-digit number. It doesn't matter that the n00b's collective skills levels wouldn't be enough to take down a Standard Armor with a Reaver. All that matters is that you will be killed randomly, easily, and frustrating, time and time again. 'Nuff said. :rant:
2004-04-14, 03:46 PM
Well, I've had an idea for retooling the flail for awhile.
I think that they should make it be a one person vehicle, that requires no-one to shoot. The idea behind it is, you would go and deploy it on a hill somewhere near a base. Grab a laze target--which would be bound to the flail--Go and laze a target, and the flail would attack the lazed target for however long the laze is up (about 6 seconds now I think, probably enough for 3 good shots).
This new system would actually make use of the laze, and not allow people to just set up a laze near a tower or base, and completely dominate it just by firing at anything that moves.
Also, this system would stop friendly-flailing almost immidiately. By only shooting a few shots at once, an infiltrator could just walk up to a vehicle term, laze it, and destroy all enemies, but not just continue firing after the courtyard was taken by friendlies.
Also, this system would make flails MUCH easier to counter. Because there is no actual driver, you would be able to destroy a flail simply by following the shots, and attacking the flail.
I think this idea would even more-so suppress bases, because it would be much more accurate, but covert-ops would have a chance to take out the flails. This would make the whole flail idea much more balanced.
Just my two cents, I really doubt the dev team would even look at the idea because all the kill-whores love the flail as it currently is implimented, but hey, a guy can dream.
2004-04-14, 03:59 PM
........ you would be able to destroy a flail simply by following the shots, and attacking the flail.-Lunchbox
I do that any ways
Red October
2004-04-14, 04:54 PM
Nothing like a pack of infils and one of them throws a jammer at it. The guy thinks "I'm going to nail that infil", jumps out with a spam weapon, heads in the direction of the jammer...only to be taken down by the rest of the pack.
Or if you feel mischievious, throw a jammer, he jumps out, you shoot him with your weak assed pistol, he heads your direction, you yank out a nade and drop it just as he finishes you off.
2004-04-14, 05:18 PM
I like it. It does add a lot to gameplay and it's easy to take out the person weilding the weapon too. Just rocket spam and they = done.
2004-04-14, 05:41 PM
Nothing like a pack of infils and one of them throws a jammer at it. The guy thinks "I'm going to nail that infil", jumps out with a spam weapon, heads in the direction of the jammer...only to be taken down by the rest of the pack.
Or if you feel mischievious, throw a jammer, he jumps out, you shoot him with your weak assed pistol, he heads your direction, you yank out a nade and drop it just as he finishes you off.
3 mines, and a vehicle that takes way too long to deploy in order to get away. 90% of flail gunners are too dumb to get out and try to spam you anyhow, they just try to undeploy and drive away.
2004-04-14, 06:24 PM
Its well balanced, and I dont see to many of them because of the v-mod deal. Seems cool to me.
Happy lil Elf
2004-04-14, 07:42 PM
Flails are sitting ducks for air or heavy tanks. The only thing I would change on them is the armor which I'll readily agree is too high.
2004-04-14, 07:56 PM
Limit 6 flails per empire per cont, boom
Flail might actually be as dangerous to the enemy as it is to your own team if it had a targetting system that was worth two shits.
2004-04-14, 10:24 PM
It needs an armor nerf and a better targeting system but overall I think it makes the game better when used correctly.
2004-04-14, 10:28 PM
The flail if used correctly can end a battle very quickly. Just have 3 flails shell the three exits of the base and the enemy cant get out. Boom you have the CY.
Agreed but thats what makes taking an enemy base so much fun. PISSING THEM OFF
2004-04-14, 10:38 PM
Yeah, like others have said, just give it much less armor. And I mean much less. Give it the same armor, if not less than a Lightning. Allow it so that Reavers can destroy it in one pass. Also, perhaps you should make it a multiperson vehicle. And finally, making it so that it can't fire below 40 degress of the REAL horizantal, none of this deploying on hills crap and firing 50 meters away from you.
2004-04-14, 10:41 PM
Yeah, the Flail gets misused a lot, which usually results in copious friendly fire. It really shines when you have some good spotters who can tag targets and to say when too many friendlies are present for safe shooting.
Cauldron Borne
2004-04-14, 11:15 PM
I like to spot for competent flail gunners, but I gave that up when some dumass flail gunner nailed ME when i was setting up hit target. Seems he was to impatient to wait the three seconds it took to lase the friggin back door...
2004-04-15, 12:39 AM
I like the idea of Planet Side FINALY getting some artillery. I've alway's been a fan of indirect combat, not becuse I suck, I just don't think the flail is the arty I was looking for. Some empire specific ordinance would be lovley. somekind of giant howitzer for NC, mabey a rocket platform that fired off a bunch of little rockets for TR and the VS can have a super soaker. Honestly the Core Combat expansion didn't add anything of value to the gameplay. 99% of the battles still occur over land and don't include AT weapons excluding the occasional flail. To this day I haven't seen anyone actualy duke it out in the caverns OR cruise around in a... scythe? Anyway The flail added that artillery aspect to the game, that's good, but the flail itself sucks, that's bad, so I give it a thumbs up for adding to the game. But it dosen't deserve it. :confused:
2004-04-15, 01:31 AM
If you get killed by friendly flails, you're retarded. Those energy balls move so slow a crouch walking rexo with 0 stamina could get out of the way faster. Just look around once in a while, like you should be doing anyways.
2004-04-15, 01:52 AM
If you get killed by friendly flails, you're retarded. Those energy balls move so slow a crouch walking rexo with 0 stamina could get out of the way faster. Just look around once in a while, like you should be doing anyways.
I gotta disagree with that statement. The shooter needs to have responsibility for what he is shooting at when there is line-of-sight firing going on (in other words 90% of the times the flail is fired). You can't just spam into an infantry fight or into contested doorways and not expect to hit friendlies... yet this happens ALL the time.
There is nothing more scary in this game than a n00b in your empire with a flail.
2004-04-15, 02:03 AM
I'm not saying it's not their fault at all, but every time someone dies to flail FF, they blame it on the flail user. I've never used the flail, and I've only been killed by it like 3 times.
2004-04-15, 08:03 AM
Oh, so if I'm rushing into a tower with a bunch of other friendlies, and a flail kills 5 rexo's, then it's our fault.
2004-04-15, 08:41 AM
Yeah, like others have said, just give it much less armor. And I mean much less. Give it the same armor, if not less than a Lightning. Allow it so that Reavers can destroy it in one pass.
Whilst I agree it needs less armour, I don't think it should be that bad. I mean it's deployed and not going anywhere, least you can move around in a lightning. But it definatly needs a lot less armour yeah :)
2004-04-15, 11:01 AM
That's just the thing though, it's artillery. Artillery doesn't rely on it's armor to protect itself, it relies on it's distance.
2004-04-15, 11:20 AM
Thing is pansy ass flail drivers will park the damn things in the CY of a base and shell out. Not much you can do against it if the base is defended (maybe get one lib run if your a Terran b/c of the AA maxs). If its not defended you have to go about blowing all the turrets then dumping your entire payload into it. Lowering the armor on the flail so that one or two passes will take it out will eliminate this issue.
2004-04-15, 11:26 AM
Plus they just sit at the repair term and get continuous repairs.
2004-04-15, 11:31 AM
I liked the flail. It gave people another objective other than cap and run. If you were being raped by flails, you'd have to coordinate aircraft and armor strikes to take em out. Added depth to the game in my opinion.
2004-04-15, 01:43 PM
Upon further reflection, the Flail just needs revisment. A good solution, as one person already said, is to nerf the armor. Make it so that a couple Lib bombs, a Reaver pass, or an MBT salvo can destroy it easily. Then, give it a great targetting system. This would cut down on the n00bs using it, cut downh on the blue-on-blue, and finally give PSide realistic mobile artillery.
2004-04-15, 01:47 PM
I'll bet 27 of the 28 currently in favor of the flail are people who have core combat and the certification to use it :P
Cauldron Borne
2004-04-15, 07:52 PM
I shouldn't have to dodge my own artillery. Especially if I'm the one giving them coordinates. 'HEY my spotter just placed a lase on the vec term, i think i'll fire to the left and smear his cloaker butt across half the cy'...
umm, no.
If just ONE more friendly flail intensionally fires into a crowd of friendly peeps trying to hit a tower, to kill that one agile enemy that tries to make a break for it, I'm going on a flail killing spree. All flails. Especially n00b gunner flails on my team.
Oh how they will pay for their stupidity.
2004-04-15, 11:57 PM
give it a minimum range limit (say 500 meters?) if the shot lands before it hits the 500 mark, the shot does nothing, I'm fuckin tired of flails setting on a hill 70 meters away and owning the CY
To sum up, our problems with the flail:
1. Too much armor. It doesn't deserve that much armor.
2. Needs to have a firing restriction based on the real horizontal, rather than the relative horizontal.
3. Needs an accurate targetting system.
If these issues are solved, then the flail is a better weapon for it. As is, it's too bizarre to use in a consistent, effective, methodical manner.
2004-04-16, 03:04 AM
It'd be nice if you could laze something, a prompt would come up for the flail user, and the gun would auto align to hit that spot, but they couldn't fire without a target, so you would HAVE to have someone laze.
2004-04-17, 01:14 PM
Flail might actually be as dangerous to the enemy as it is to your own team if it had a targetting system that was worth two shits.
Heheh I agree.
Hate the flail.....And no, unless you have a Super computer and 10Megs per second conection so you can set the clip plane to 1000+meters there is no way even a surging inf can dodge a flail round once he sees it comming....if you have some sort of ESP that lets you know some noob just fired a random shot 2000 meters away and its gonna hit you please share the secret.
Also the prop the flail up against a rock or on a hillside to fire 10 feet infront of you has to go.......that and Flails having insane armor......
2004-04-18, 05:07 AM
personally as a flail pilot myself i think the flail is well it is uber powerfull but hard to get a target........i realy dont know why alot of players seem to hate flail pilots..........could just be jelosy i supose
and personally the prop a flail against a rock is just about the only way to defend a flail and then its still hard so i think that shold stay
2004-04-18, 05:55 AM
Every vehicle related to that abomination of an expansion Core Combat should be tip-exed out of the game and forgotten about.
Instead of the floating sex toy that is the flail, we could of had empire specific heavy artillery. Damn even a common pool artillery battery would of been great.
Seeing those dildos flying about just reminds me that this game has problems and nothing the playerbase does will ever solve them.
If they replaced flails with 3 empire artillery vehicles and made a common pool router that looked normal, i would be happy chappy :)
Never gonna happen, but i can dream :D
As for balance, the flail is fine, i dont seem to be killed by them too often and when i am it tends to be a tk lol
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