View Full Version : Kill Bill vol.2
2004-04-14, 11:26 PM
I am most definitely going to see it on Friday when it comes to theatres here.
Who else is up for this soon to be kick ass Quentin Tarantino movie?
2004-04-14, 11:27 PM
Still havent seen Vol. 1 :(
2004-04-14, 11:28 PM
Looks cheesy and fake w/ horrible acting, shitty plot, overall gheyness
2004-04-14, 11:29 PM
Your kidding.......volume one was excellent......some parts are a little fake purposely.....its comedic violence.....thats whats so amazing about tarantino
2004-04-14, 11:41 PM
First one was pretty good, I'm going to see the second one. Then in 2019 I'll see the 3rd, which he will breed actors for, just to slaughter them.
2004-04-14, 11:43 PM
Seeing it friday with my sister and Hipster Thom...we need to brew up a scheme to get in though.
2004-04-14, 11:47 PM
Going to see it Saturday with my girlfriend. And for all of those who are freaking out, she saw Vol. 1 and loved it :)
2004-04-15, 12:06 AM
Looks cheesy and fake w/ horrible acting, shitty plot, overall gheyness
Were you able to get a good look at it as it was flying over your head?
2004-04-15, 12:12 AM
Looks cheesy and fake w/ horrible acting, shitty plot, overall gheyness
It would appear to me that Tarentino is trying to make a movie from every one of the classic genres. This is just his go at making a kung-fu movie, and having watched a few kung-fu movies in my time, I say it is a very close resembalance.
2004-04-15, 01:27 AM
Your kidding.......volume one was excellent......some parts are a little fake purposely.....its comedic violence.....thats whats so amazing about tarantino
I wouldn't call that amazing. I can make shitty wire-fu bloody swordfight films too with 30 million dollars.
2004-04-15, 11:00 AM
Looks cheesy and fake w/ horrible acting, shitty plot, overall gheyness
Yeah I have to agree with you there,looks like total and utter shit.If I wanted a movie with bad acting and shitty story lines I'd go in my backyard and make one
2004-04-15, 12:27 PM
I wouldn't call that amazing. I can make shitty wire-fu bloody swordfight films too with 30 million dollars.
Haven't seen any of them.
You are obviously a 350 pound bald man sitting in his basement typing this. I haven't actually seen you being a 350 pound bald man sitting in your basement typing, but I feel pretty confident in making knee-jerk sweeping reactions in order to try to sound semi-intelligent.
2004-04-15, 12:44 PM
I could tell from the commercials. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like wasting $8.50 to see that crap.
Thats okay Dhark, I won't make you go see it.
...this time.:evil:
Thats the thing about Tarantino, either you get it, or you don't like it. Dhark doesn't get it. No need for a pissing contest.
2004-04-15, 12:54 PM
I saw vol. 1 and Loved it... going to see vol. 2 this friday night. And to all of you that are knocking the movie, (even if you only saw the commercials) im sorry that your mad because you were too young to get into the movie. But dont worry, even if you did see it you probably wouldnt understand it...
2004-04-15, 12:55 PM
I could tell from the commercials. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like wasting $8.50 to see that crap.
Again, sweeping reactions with absolutely no basis in anything resembling fact. When you're uninformed, you're much better off staying quiet. I'm not quite sure why somebody would go around proudly shouting "I'm uninformed! I have no idea what I'm talking about!" Since you can tell so much from commercials, you should save a fortune by never having to go to the movies.
"Hey Dhark, did you see The Matrix?"
"Totally lame."
"Really? I liked it. You didn't even like the lobby scene?"
"Lobby scene? Did they show that in the commercial?"
Tarantino happens to be one of the great writer/directors of our time. I get some perverse amount of pleasure knowing that there are small minded people out there judging his films without ever seeing them. You should print this thread out for posterity, make a pact with yourself to read it on your 25th birthday. I'll bet I'd be able to hear you smack yourself in the head from wherever in the country I happen to be on that day.
2004-04-15, 12:57 PM
Thats the thing about Tarantino, either you get it, or you don't like it. Dhark doesn't get it. No need for a pissing contest.
You'd have to see one of his films to realize whether or not you get it. How is this point lost?
2004-04-15, 01:21 PM
Again, sweeping reactions with absolutely no basis in anything resembling fact. When you're uninformed, you're much better off staying quiet. I'm not quite sure why somebody would go around proudly shouting "I'm uninformed! I have no idea what I'm talking about!" Since you can tell so much from commercials, you should save a fortune by never having to go to the movies.
"Hey Dhark, did you see The Matrix?"
"Totally lame."
"Really? I liked it. You didn't even like the lobby scene?"
"Lobby scene? Did they show that in the commercial?"
Tarantino happens to be one of the great writer/directors of our time. I get some perverse amount of pleasure knowing that there are small minded people out there judging his films without ever seeing them. You should print this thread out for posterity, make a pact with yourself to read it on your 25th birthday. I'll bet I'd be able to hear you smack yourself in the head from wherever in the country I happen to be on that day.
I'm not saying ALL of his movies suck, I'm just saying that Kill Bill 1&2 look retarded.
2004-04-15, 01:32 PM
I'm not saying ALL of his movies suck, I'm just saying that Kill Bill 1&2 look retarded.
But you haven't seen it! It's one thing to say that the commercial doesn't interest you, it's another altogether to talk about plot/action/acting from the 60 seconds of the film you've actually seen. He makes an homage to grindhouse flicks, you apparently have no understanding of exactly what genre he is paying respect to or why the way he films certain items are even considered homage.
It's only at 90% fresh over at Rotten Tomatoes at the moment, if I were you I'd write those critics a letter and help them understand what they're missing.
Happy lil Elf
2004-04-15, 11:14 PM
Dhark, novel idea for you. Clear your head, go out to the video store then rent and watch Vol 1 with an open mind (it's out on DVD now). After you're done, and can at the very least give an informed opinion, come back and give your honest opinion. Keep the "open mind" thing firmly in view and try not to let your preemptive judgment of the movie (which seems to be based soley on a sixty secod preview) cloud what reasonable judgment you have though, or it'll be a wasted effort.
I Hate Pants
2004-04-15, 11:20 PM
I haven't seen Vol. 1 yet. But I want to see what all the hype is about so i'll rent it this weekend and might go see Vol. 2..... Oh wait, im broke.
Goin' to see it tomorrow w/brother.
I Hate Pants
2004-04-15, 11:28 PM
Do you actually see the people get sliced up? Or is it always hidden? Or does she just simply knock the swords outta thier hands and the baddies run away?
2004-04-15, 11:34 PM
Do you actually see the people get sliced up? Or is it always hidden? Or does she just simply knock the swords outta thier hands and the baddies run away?
Indeed. Indeed you do. And dear Jesus is it ever bloody.
My mom, who has never seen it/would HATE it, actually went out and bought Vol. 1 today for some reason. I'm happy I didn't have to buy it myself (which i would have willingly done).
2004-04-15, 11:35 PM
I may see it tomorrow. Prepare for a critical review, as I am critical of anything popular.
2004-04-15, 11:45 PM
In other news, Conan Obrien interviewed Quinten Taranetjawtvagina
2004-04-15, 11:54 PM
Q's huge chin and my massive head form 2 angles of a trifecta to destroy the world. It's anyone's guess what huge male body part will create the 3rd.
2004-04-15, 11:58 PM
And dear Jesus is it ever bloody.
Yup. Something like 200+ gallons of fake blood used in filming...
I Hate Pants
2004-04-16, 07:37 AM
Omfg! Awesome!
2004-04-16, 10:13 AM
I will be seeing this at 1 today, they're closing my office early to move everybody's desks around. I really liked (didn't love) the first one, but from what I've heard this one will be more my speed anyhow. I'm stoked.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-04-16, 03:31 PM
im gonna see the first tonight
2004-04-16, 03:34 PM
I gotta admit, I did think the trailer for Kill Bill was a joke.
It is pretty damn good. It follows the style of 1 very closely while adding the plot development necessary for the movie to really shine. Remember when you are watching it that it is the second part of the movie, not a sequel.
2004-04-16, 07:28 PM
i'm so excited. i love Q.T. he's teh mastah
talk about an original screenplay writer/director.
i myself am currently close to signing a publishing contract to get a short story i wrote turned into a screenplay. it probably wont' actually take place for four or five years, but it hopefully will happen. i have to tell you, as someone who knows and understands the facets of the writing and film industry: Quentin Tarentino is by far one of the best out there when it comes to writing and directing. if you don't like his stuff, that's fine, cuz it's not meant for everyone. BUT, don't say it SUCKS or looks retarded. this guy is making millions of dollars. he's not doing it because his stuff sucks. if you don't like his movies, fine, then they're not your thing. but they certainly do not suck. i'm sorry, but you don't get to where he is if your stuff sucks. that's just how it works. anyone care to argue, i'll have a previous professor of mine send you an e-mail about just how the industry works.
2004-04-16, 07:48 PM
Kill Bill Vol2 was pretty good, I saw an advertisement for Quinten's next movie. "Hero" with Jet Li as some superhuman fighting samurai machine back in a time of The Last Samurai. Also produced by the same person as Crouching Tiger Hiden Dragon, looks VERY similar too.
2004-04-16, 10:11 PM
Kill Bill Vol2 was pretty good, I saw an advertisement for Quinten's next movie. "Hero" with Jet Li as some superhuman fighting samurai machine back in a time of The Last Samurai. Also produced by the same person as Crouching Tiger Hiden Dragon, looks VERY similar too.
That sounds pretty cheesy to me, but Quinten as made enough good movies so that I would go see all of his movies from here on out, even if they all suck (which they don't, of course...)
Going to see KB 2.0 tonight.
Time for some bloody satisfaction.
That just sounded wrong...
I Hate Pants
2004-04-16, 10:14 PM
I just saw Kill Bill 1. HOLY SHIT! THAT MOVIE WAS FUCKING NUTS!!!! When I was expecting to see blood. I don't think I was expecting that much. I thought it was a good movie. Im probably gonna go see Kill Bill 2.
2004-04-16, 10:16 PM
I just saw Kill Bill 1. HOLY SHIT! THAT MOVIE WAS FUCKING NUTS!!!! When I was expecting to see blood. I don't think I was expecting that much.
lol, yeah, they actually used fire extingguishers to expell the blood out of alot of the wounds. The bloodiest (but not nescarily goriest) movie I have ever seen...
2004-04-16, 10:54 PM
Wow ....just got back....amazing
you must see it
2004-04-16, 11:17 PM
Wow ....just got back....amazing
you must see it
was it cooler then when in KIll Bill Vol 1 where that japanese schoolgirl took a mace in the face? because that was so priceless I almost died.
Ultimate moment:
Pai Mei: *dramatically strokes beard for the umpteenth time*
Best repeated joke evar.
Oh. I :love: QT for his use of Saturation and noise filters in the black/white part. omg.
The buried alive scene was goddamn brilliant.
2004-04-17, 03:03 AM
Kill Bill Vol2 was pretty good, I saw an advertisement for Quinten's next movie. "Hero" with Jet Li as some superhuman fighting samurai machine back in a time of The Last Samurai. Also produced by the same person as Crouching Tiger Hiden Dragon, looks VERY similar too.
Hero isn't a QT movie. It's a foreign film that has been completed and released overseas ages ago. Miramax bought the rights to the movie for domestic release, then decided that there wouldn't be enough of a market for it so they left it on the shelf. QT came to Miramax and said "Hey, if I let you put my name on it will you release it?". So that's what happened. Quentin Tarantino presents Hero. He didn't write it, direct it, nothing. He's just presenting it. It looks pretty kick ass though.
And Kill Bill 2 was freaking awesome.
2004-04-17, 11:56 AM
not as much fighting but still a bunch (really) .....much better story insane plot but still amazing
I liked it better than vol 1 (storywise) some fight scenes in one were better but wow omfg ellie driver wow insane fight scene you must see it if you even remotely liked the first one
2004-04-17, 11:57 AM
omfg the sound of the dirt......
Happy lil Elf
2004-04-17, 05:17 PM
In other news, Conan Obrien interviewed Quinten Taranetjawtvagina
THAT GUY HAS A HUGE FUCKING CHIN.And more money and free vagina than you, Dhark, will ever see in ten lifetimes. Then again, so does the mop boy at the local porn shop so I guess that's not saying much :(
2004-04-17, 05:57 PM
omfg the sound of the dirt......
Quentin does the best sound in the industry.
2004-04-17, 11:38 PM
Bill's dialogue was genius. That is all.
I Hate Pants
2004-04-17, 11:40 PM
was it cooler then when in KIll Bill Vol 1 where that japanese schoolgirl took a mace in the face? because that was so priceless I almost died.
It was a flail. A mace is the spike ball with the handle attached to it.
2004-04-17, 11:43 PM
It was a flail. A mace is the spike ball with the handle attached to it.
yea thats what I meant. :doh:
2004-04-18, 10:44 AM
lol thanks pants for the clarification on that one :p
2004-04-18, 11:54 AM
I was going to see Volume 2, my friends mom bought the tickets and walked into the theater but they still wouldnt let us in, we had to settle for Walking Tall pretty good movie.
:nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi:
2004-04-18, 11:57 AM
bummer....its a good thing my dad likes tarantino ....or i wouldnt have been able to see it.
2004-04-18, 03:25 PM
I almost couldn't go see it because the lady wouldn't accept my fucking school ID when buying tickets. But luckily my dad decided to see it too.
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