View Full Version : Recertification Credits

2004-04-15, 03:41 AM
I�d like to see a system of �credits� put in place to govern how certifications can be forgotten to be relearned. I�m thinking of a credit system that would work as follows:

Every 24 hours you get 1 credit. You can accumulate up to say 8 (which would allow a complete re-certification of the character) of these credits before hitting your credit limit. Each credit is good for one �forget� and you can use these at any time. In your character information screen I�d add a simple credit counter to show the number of available credits or retraining vouchers.

Why implement this you ask? Because the current system makes it a chore in some cases to re-cert your character. Let�s say for example you have a heavy grunt with rexo and heavy weapons filling all of your certification slots. Now what if you want to re-cert to become a cloaker/support guy? You have to log on each day at about the same time, unlearn one certification, and repeat this process for a week or so before you can fully play the role you want to.

Also, what about those of us that can only play on weekends or who have to take business trips and can�t play for days or weeks at a time? I think it would be nice to return to a re-cert option.

This would add more flexibility to players and add more fun to the game. Say you have an outfit with lots of fighters and a few dedicated support guys. What do you do when your support guys can�t play at a particular time? Does everyone have to sacrifice their desired cert build to get support certs? Or would it be nicer is one guy could spend his credits and re-cert completely to fill the needed support role?

This would also alleviate the tedium of doing the same old thing all the time. Most players who have cert builds to play a specific role are dreading changing as you are usually stuck in this less than desirable cert build during your week long transition period waiting to re-cert on the one-a-day plan.

Will this allow flakey players to constantly re-cert at will? No, you still �earn� only 1 re-cert per day. It just makes this re-certification process less painless.

2004-04-15, 06:54 AM
I really like that. I hate reworking my character.

2004-04-15, 07:47 AM


2004-04-15, 10:08 AM
Really good idea.

2004-04-15, 12:23 PM
/agree really great idea

2004-04-15, 01:35 PM
Good idea.

2004-04-15, 03:06 PM

2004-04-15, 03:09 PM
Yar. :thumbsup:

2004-04-15, 03:21 PM
I think it's a good idea. However I think we should look at why the devs made it the way it is now. There should be some element of decision that has semi-permanent effects on how you cert your character. But overall, i like the idea, and I think the credit system may actually keep it in balance, so I guess I like it! Not bad! Just don't expect it to happen anytime soon.

2004-04-15, 03:30 PM
I'd Hit It

2004-04-15, 03:33 PM
Great idea, i totally agree with it (i've recerted my 4 br20's many times...such a pain in the ass...)

2004-04-15, 09:13 PM
4 br20s!


2004-04-15, 09:54 PM

2004-04-15, 11:37 PM
No, this is a bad idea, I agree that it is a pain to recert a br20 but think of this situation....

You are defending a bio lab, you can easily pick up special assualt and sit up on the wall and defend, then lets say your empire's zerg comes to help you out and you move to the tower, then you can drop spec assualt and pick up sniping, then once your empire is starting to infiltrate the tower, you drop sniping and pick up heavy assualt or a max. I can understand why you would think about this but it is a very bad idea, unless they make it where you need to respawn at sanc to recert but if you can still do it at a bio lab then this wont work. :huh:

2004-04-16, 03:34 AM
No, this is a bad idea, I agree that it is a pain to recert a br20 but think of this situation....

You are defending a bio lab, you can easily pick up special assualt and sit up on the wall and defend, then lets say your empire's zerg comes to help you out and you move to the tower, then you can drop spec assualt and pick up sniping, then once your empire is starting to infiltrate the tower, you drop sniping and pick up heavy assualt or a max. I can understand why you would think about this but it is a very bad idea, unless they make it where you need to respawn at sanc to recert but if you can still do it at a bio lab then this wont work. :huh:


1st: you could only pull this off at the bio-lab, not any other base

2nd: you can only use one weapon/vehicle at a time... if you get HA I'll blast you with my jackhammer... if you get a MAX "say hello to my little friend" (my decimator)... if you run down and cert in your sniper rifle... well, I've always owned snipers...

Again I say... So?

If its a land slide zerg horde having a few players wasting time tinkering with their certs won't make a difference...

If it's a close battle having a few enemies dicking around with their certs is a good thing... while they are fuxoring with certs and equipment load outs I'll be hacking, taking down tubes, and blasting them to oblivion...

In fact if this idea were put into effect I'd welcome opponents to waste time recerting during a fire fight...

And also... not to sound to harsh but you do know that BR20 characters have 23 cert points to use right? In your above doomsday soldier example... any BR12 can already do all of what you listed... special assault, snipe, heavy assault, max (15 cert points of skills which you can get at BR12 and above)... again the question comes to mind...


2004-04-16, 04:02 AM
Great idea.

Real Mulambo
2004-04-16, 04:06 AM
I think I like it

2004-04-17, 10:22 AM
Sounds like a smart idea. Should be taken into consideration. :)