View Full Version : I desperatley need help!!
2003-02-01, 06:07 PM
2003-02-01, 06:12 PM
Tell her that the monthly fee goes towards upgrades, improvements, and continued support. So instead of paying a one time charge and getting a pretty stationary game that wont do anything else, you get a game that evolves all the time. New vehicles, new lands to explore, maybe even a new empire one day. The new things never stop, and thats why games like everquest have been around for years and will be around longer than most games released this year. Planetside will be the same way.
For the price of a movie ticket you can play a game that never stops evolving, for as long as you want.
2003-02-01, 06:14 PM
Well, you answered your own question.
I played Everquest for years. I would go 6 months or more without buying a new game.
Here is a suggestion you might not like:
Its only going to be 10-15 dollars. There are lots of ways to come up with 15 dollars a month. I used to pay some kid 15 dollars to cut my grass.
2003-02-01, 06:16 PM
It's like getting new game everymonth.
You will stay home more, and go out less by playing a game like this. Thus negating many of your oppurtunities to get in trouble.
Games like this teach leadership and communication.
One month of this game is cheaper than one trip to the movies.
If you buy this game, you won't have time to play another game for a long time. Thus, you won't be spending 50 bucks every month on new games, but just 10 a month on one game.
It's highly regulated, so you're less likely to be subject to questionable material.
"I really need to get this game" - You just realized that it's a game and you don't *need* it.
You're getting a job and a bank account with in the next month. With your lovely bank account you can get a debit card which acts like a check. This debit card can be used to pre order the game. Once it is out, I am sure they will have cards in the store you can buy, to purchase alotments of game time.
Don't make your mom pay for the game. Do it yourself, show her your responsable.
2003-02-01, 08:10 PM
tell her to bake u a cake... ignore that bad advice
Ask if u can do more chors around the house to make some money. Get good grades too that is probauly good cuz then your parents won't hate u and they could be more leanent... maybe that just applies for mine.
OR buy a gun grab a dog and say if they won't pay it for u then you'll shoot the dog:D
2003-02-01, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Mazelmavin
Well, you answered your own question.
Here is a suggestion you might not like:
Its only going to be 10-15 dollars. There are lots of ways to come up with 15 dollars a month. I used to pay some kid 15 dollars to cut my grass.
Getting $15 a month is easy. Not having a computer, and wanting this game is much harder. (Not that that last statement applies to me though, I have a job, and my own place, man I'm broke....) Selling news papers, having a paper route, cutting grass, washing cars (My friend detailed cars for 2 years and bought a Porsha 914 when he turned 16). I'm getting kind-of up set about how lazzy you are now. Damn kids these days, when I was a kid....
2003-02-01, 08:28 PM
Yeah usually I just argue with my parents for a couple months and then they give in, but i pay with my own money... I get 20 bucks a month and 10/15 will go to PS so just pay for it with your own money.
2003-02-01, 09:13 PM
prpb is, around where I live, before I moved here kids were lazy so there arn't any opportunities for me to earn money at 14. I used to live in NYC, there I could do stuff, but everyone gets their grass cut by their own kids or by mexicans for minimum wage and such. I prob won't get PSU until I'm 16 so I can work at this sandwhich place.
2003-02-01, 09:22 PM
I use to live in Greenwich where we had workers for everything, we moved to maine and there isn't anyone like that so I have to do everything but I like it cuz I get payed. This summer will be fun I get to take down this barn on our property gonna get a ton of money for it too !
2003-02-02, 02:27 AM
Tell her to crawl out of her hole and notice that it isn;t the 1950s anymore and that things change. PAY FOR TV?!?!?!WHAT?!?!?!MORE CHANNELS?!?!?BLAH!....
TGF NightHawk
2003-02-02, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
It's like getting new game everymonth.
You will stay home more, and go out less by playing a game like this. Thus negating many of your oppurtunities to get in trouble.
Games like this teach leadership and communication.
One month of this game is cheaper than one trip to the movies.
If you buy this game, you won't have time to play another game for a long time. Thus, you won't be spending 50 bucks every month on new games, but just 10 a month on one game.
It's highly regulated, so you're less likely to be subject to questionable material.
"I really need to get this game" - You just realized that it's a game and you don't *need* it.
You're getting a job and a bank account with in the next month. With your lovely bank account you can get a debit card which acts like a check. This debit card can be used to pre order the game. Once it is out, I am sure they will have cards in the store you can buy, to purchase alotments of game time.
Don't make your mom pay for the game. Do it yourself, show her your responsable.
Nicely said....bravo! Listen to this advice, she can't say no!!:clap:
2003-02-02, 02:38 AM
Logically she cant, but she will still say no. I hope you realise that. It's just how too many people think...Hmm, he's given good reasons, arguments that I can't defend against so...No, he won't be getting the thing that costs very little.
TGF NightHawk
2003-02-02, 02:45 AM
I'm sure if she sees the effort in him trying, they would have no choice...assuming he will actually try! Wouldn't hurt to buy her a bouquet of roses too!:thumbsup:
2003-02-02, 05:28 AM
1- It encourage getting a education so you can get a job to pay for it
2- Because of the good/mature people you will be hanging with in a pay to play game will give you a good influence on your personality ;)
3- It'll keep you indoor and away from drug
2003-02-02, 05:30 AM
But if I were to do drugs I'd do them indoors..
2003-02-02, 07:27 AM
Your mom is right. NO kiddies in planetide ! Go play CS !
2003-02-02, 10:26 AM
you kiddin? I only do drugs on airplanes.
2003-02-02, 11:00 AM
thanks everyone, i think i got it in the bag :) btw, i'm not a 11 year old or something, i've been playing t2 for almost 2 years. but of course my mom thinks we have less money than we really do :P. she doesn't want to even have to pay me for working, so i can pay for this, but i figured it all out. thank u
2003-02-02, 11:29 AM
hehehe I'm personally more scared of my job. Taking away my quality ps time moneys not a issue its the job that keeps me away from my long days and nights of Beer, cheetos, and PS time..
**"Whos that drunk pilot in that reaver there.
Don't worry its just the Professor!"**
2003-02-02, 12:20 PM
well, assuming that PS will be released in early june, and that the game will cost 50$, and that mothly fees will be 10$, and you get 1 month free, I would calculate my costs to be thus:
500$ for new mobo, processor, and more ram
50$ for game
17 months worth of playing time 170$
~720$ before I can get a job
then it will be no problem
2003-02-03, 08:53 AM
The only things keeping me from a job are the work permit/regulations. Even when I do get the work permit, very few will want to hire because maximum hours they are allowed to let me work are below 20 hrs/week. >:|
2003-02-03, 09:18 AM
A) dont ask mom for game, she will say no.
b) say you want to start a savings account, do so, but make it checking and get a check card. Use this for the credit card required to pay to play.
c) get a job, or do odd jobs, or save your lucnh money, that shit is bad for you anyway.
2003-02-03, 09:32 PM
Don't you people realize this will make a bad precedent. Nobody wants to spend money PER MONTH to play a first person shooter!!
If the game companies out there see one company do it then others will think its ok and start charging extra themselves!
Yes I admit I was very excited when I found out about Planetside and it being a massive multiplayer type game. I was ready to become its biggest fan........till I found out you had to pay PER MONTH to play it!
This is a first person shooter. You pay your money for it and you play. Bloody hell! Some of you over zealous fans are trying to convince poor kids out there to start mowing peoples lawns??????! And wash their windows or walk their bloomin dogs just to play this game???????
Why don't you make them rob the blasted corner market at gunpoint while u at it?
And if you start sputtering about expensive bandwidth then i sware to god I am going to smack you guys upside your heads! And don't even start.....(for the love of God) ...don't even start talking about that the money is going to go to future updates???
Let me try to say that again because it was just too ridiculous.
The money is going to go to future updates??? Hello??? What? You mean they gonna make us start paying for bloody patches now?
The final insult.
Hey kids! I don't care how good this game is supposed to be. Don't let em make u pay per month just to play a bloomin game.
What? Did I wake up in Russia this mornin?
Your already paying over priced net access. In the name of all that is Holy, for freedom, for justice....don't let em make you pay per month just to play a game!!!
There are other ways and technologies out there that would allow players to massively connect without having to pay per month. To those who are offended by me and are appauled by the very notion of paying per month to play might be wrong............WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
2003-02-03, 09:37 PM
the game is in constant development and the size of the game requires employee's to run the game. The money you pay goes to making a better game, and happy employee's. They will be adding new weapons and vehicles and items eventaully but they can't design them for free... unless they figured out how to grow a money tree:eek: :eek: :eek:
2003-02-03, 09:55 PM
Spouting the company line I see. So I assume at your day job your what.............part of Microsoft's public relations staff?
I suppose if any game has enough good features some could convince themselves that the negatives are somehow good too. Good thing this game doesn't literally transport you to the game field like Tron or something otherwise you might be convinced that letting them harvest your organs might be a good thing too.
Damnit! I was so looking forward to this game now I'm afraid of it. Afraid that if it is successful it will set a precedent that other companies would feel obliged to follow. Not the massive multiplayer part. But the unncessary overcharging part.
Yes unnecessary!!! :nazi: :tear:
2003-02-03, 09:59 PM
amazingly enough I'm a student:eek: how crazy is that :bouncy: but I'll keep my eyes on the goal Microsoft here I come.
And they said I would eventaully go insane and live in the jungle as a hunter gatherer
2003-02-03, 10:02 PM
This game is more than you're run of the mill fps so don't start putting it in the same category as half life or tribes.
It's $10-15 a month jesus christ it's not like you're paying $300 a month. I'd gladly pay a small amount of money to have people release quality patches for a good game. Problem with other games (ie. tribes) is when the money stops coming in the desire to put out quality patches/updates is lost. Patches come few and far between and the game loses it's edge.
Game development is still a business whether you like it or not. They don't just make the game for the love of gaming they make it for $$$.
2003-02-03, 10:05 PM
Stalker_Zero, for one thing I have heard enough from idiots and a couple average people complaining about the payment. If you want to whine about it go whine somewhere else. Personally, I'm gonna get off of my ass and work to play a game this good. If you are not interested in all of the serices and advantages that pay-to-play offer, then you don't need to be here. It WILL cost money, so what?
For how good this game is, it's constant maintenence, constant new material, secure and up-to-date servers, and the sheer ability to drive uncaring players away, I will, and I believe that nearly everyone else here, will, gladly, if not grudgingly, pay that fee.
Believe me, it WILL be worth it.
[edit] grr, BZ, simultaneous posting
[edit2] geez, format too
2003-02-03, 10:05 PM
Its like saying you dont have enough money to go to the movies once a month. I mean comon, you cant be that poor. Can you? Im not saying i would pay $15 for any old game, but this isnt any old game now is it? Its planetside people! PLANETSIDE
2003-02-03, 10:09 PM
so touching and true:tear:
2003-02-03, 10:19 PM
Time will tell. And no I'm not that poor. but technically poor just the same. But other people certainly are very poor. What about them? Some poor kid who is not going to bother to research the game properly is going to save up his pennies for the game. Then his heart will explode when he finds out he has to pay per month. When he asks dad he will laugh then scream doubt crushing his son. So for those who can't pay we're uncaring blithering thumbless idiots who only play counterstrike huh? And we obviously have no interest in planetside so why bother talking about it....right?
So you guys are running screaming tripping over yourselves...beating the crap out of each other to have the honor of being the first to fork over your gas money correct? Ok then. Suit yourselves. Time will tell. So money really pushes people to do a better job eh? LOL. Yeah it will be fascinating indeed to see whether the dev team can really give the players their moneys worth with frequent patches and such.
I will be watching this games progress. Watching VERY CLOSELY. :flamemad:
2003-02-03, 10:25 PM
If they were seriously poor, then i doubt they would have the money to pay for the hardware needed to run PS. And as for getting your moneys worth from this game, well, we'll see. I myself think I will, maybe some people just have too high standards.
2003-02-03, 10:29 PM
Who would have enough money to buy a computer and not be able to financially afford PlanetSide? Even if they had to give a little concession?
You are also underestimating how good this game will be. If it is more than 25% as good as I believe it will be, then they have my money. If it's 125% then I'd pay double. Plus, if you can get a job then it working 2 hours a month at minimun wage. 2 HOURS!!
[edit] grr, AGAIN!!!
2003-02-03, 10:45 PM
I'm not a fan of forking over money to play the game either, but I finally cracked and subscribed to DAoC awhile back. I can see where my $10 a month goes.. it goes to having a huge lag, cheat and exploit free server to play on. It also went to updates, patches, and new features getting released every other month or so. I was addicted to tribes 2, and let me tell you, comparing the level of support between DAoC and t2 was like night and day.
My t2 clan ended up hosting two public servers through recon gamer, we all had to chip in to pay the cost of the servers, and I ended up paying $15 a month just for that alone.
A friend of mine from my clan used the same arguement, that we should boycott pay2play games because that will give game makers the idea that they everybody will shell out for monthly subscriptions, so every game will adopt this model. I however raise the bogus flag. pay2play games and games like bf1942, quake, tribes, just aren't the same.. sierra makes t2, they release it, pretty much end of story, there isn't a real need to have a subscription, because the game never changes.. the players host everything themselves for the most part.
and yes i believe that money really does motivate people to do a better job.
2003-02-03, 11:11 PM
Money will never be a good motivator. The love of the game should be the best motivator for this dev team or any other. When grid-computing gets ready for prime time then the average player (or groups of enthusiasts willing to set this up) would have the power to host massive amounts of players without the hand of corporate america all over ya.
And believe it or not there are others out there who feels just the same.
So because I'm not a lamb happy to go off to the slaughter I'm some sort of freak huh? So if the Ant-Christ and hoards of nazi storm troopers invades america and you lose your freedoms I guess you could eventually get used to it too huh? He'll bring world peace (for a time) and everything will be hunky dory. World hunger will be eliminated and there will be no poor people or disease.
I guess it would be worth it right?
Perhaps the analogy was a bit extreme but I hope some of you get it. In the game world at least I guess its the beginning of the end.
I know you are saying so many great things about the game but in your heart (like Picard when the borg turned him into locutus) you really want to cry but can't.
So, I will cry for you. :tear:
2003-02-03, 11:34 PM
What i'm saying is this.. I have some amount of trust in the developers for running the game decently. I liked tribes 2.. but the support blew, and game would UE constantly, and scripts could ruin gameplay. Also, take ultima online for example.. i bought that game because you could play on free shards run by fellow gamers w/o the monthly fee. Concept sounds great until you got in there.. the free shards i played on were tweaked so bad gameplay was crap and grievers were everywhere. So it wasn't even worth my time.
So yeah sure, fine, if someone would develop a game with the same scope of PS and give it gamers to host for free and it wouldn't completely be suck, then I'd be all down for that.. but it's a shame that has never happened and it's not happening anywhere now either.
And calm down for a second, i can completely see and understand your point, as idealistic as it is.
2003-02-03, 11:43 PM
*blood pressure raises* I'll CALM DOWN!!! ................*takes aspirin*.................ok.........ok......I'm calm. :nod:
.................................................. ............for now. :furious:
2003-02-03, 11:45 PM
^whoa. Speaking of those free shards in UO.. how did that come in to being? are there any other MMORPGs or anything that people have done that on?
2003-02-03, 11:46 PM
And how would they afford it? Paying for a staff of game developers' wages for at least 1 year? With no income? And where's the security keeping people from stealing your stuff or greiving or cheating?
None of it exists because no one can pay for it with no money. think TINSTAAFL buddy, think TINSTAAFL.
(there is no such thing as a free lunch)
2003-02-03, 11:52 PM
I'm personally not to fond pay to play either paying 50 bucks on a game then spending money a month just to be able to play it. If you don't you just wasted the initial 50 bucks. So I can see your point Stalker. And I think They should think about a donation system. but personally I would be glad to donate 10 to 30 dollars a month for this outstanding game. And even if other gaming companys out there go with a pay to play system as long as its a outstanding and one of these gaming companys thinks about making destructable level and model geometry. I would be happy to pay for thier games as well a month. I am by no means poor I could quite my job for 3 years and still be well off. But I realize some people aren't as fortunate as I am. So thats how I can see your point. And won't flame you or feed you crap for you stating your opinion on these forms. Takes a Strong person stand out in a crowd and say something. And I commend you for that. But I also can't see why you would deem someone a Idiot for those who will gladly pay for the. Lag/cheating/exploiting free enviorment. I think of it as people paying for the security of a good time in a massive multiplayer online world.
then on the side get quality updates as well.
but these are my opinions on this matter
but which ever what this may go
I will be happy to pay for a great time on the internet
with this title. I'm looking forward to a brand-new experience
the planetside has to offer :)
2003-02-04, 12:27 AM
Can you please tell me then how game developers have been able to stay afloat for the last 25 years?? A few of those years have been online too. You people are acting like we've been paying per month to play for years!
And try not to act like a no cost for the player system is some sort of communist welfare program ok? Because thats the model we all use. Do some research on grid-computing for gaming then get back to me. The only way grid-computing for gaming doesn't catch on would be because the big corporate conglomerates (not the game companies because the conglomerates own their poor slave butts) would put a stop to it somehow.
Imagine if America's Army and some experts in grid-computing hook up. That would be cool. :cool2:
2003-02-04, 12:38 AM
Um, im not sure if this has been stated or not but, THIS IS A FREAKING MMO, that means:
1.) It needs a boat load of bandwidth to support everyone playing
2.) They need a boat load of servers to support everyone playing
I don't know about you Stalker, but money doesnt grow on trees, someone has to pay for the bandwidth and technical support for the servers. If the companies that ran MMO games had to pay for these, they would go bankrupt in days. To keep a good MMO, it is a necessity to support them.
Not mentioning paying to help those people that actually help keep the game alive.
Oh, by all means, if you can afford that kind of bandwidth do it. Power to you:rolleyes:.
2003-02-04, 12:42 AM
Great money right.
As I stated before.......I can't wait when grid-computing for games comes more in the limelight. That would effectively end the whining from companies about the expenses of massive multiplayer games.
But in my opinion it would seem to me the big corporate conglomerates would put a stop to it somehow.
They wouldn't want grid-computing to mess up their pretty little revenue model.
2003-02-04, 12:47 AM
Omg, why do you pay for TV? why do you pay for anything? to get the service it will provide. And believe it or not, MMO is a service.
2003-02-04, 12:57 AM
This isn't cable tv buddy. And you seem to be missing the point still. Grid-computing for games is coming real soon and companies won't have a reason to be over-chaging gamers for this. Just like setting up your own little server for a regular ip game with 32 of your friends you will be able to access independent servers using the grid-computing model. But I really hope it comes sooner than fps mmo games. Paying per month to play would be a deadly deadly precedent to make.
2003-02-04, 01:08 AM
It's the same idea buddy. I don't care if it's cable TV or the waterbill, it's a service and you pay for services, if we were using your logic, everything would be free.
And what's with you and MMOFPSs? how is it different then MMORPGs? oh no! it's not an RPG, so i shouldn't have to pay the MMO cost? And don't give me that grid-computing model, if it's not being used then it's not being used. You know, I'm glad this game will keep people like you out, woo, bitch about this, bitch about that.
TGF NightHawk
2003-02-04, 01:17 AM
Shut the f**k up already! If you don't want to play the damn game because you have to pay....don't! No one is begging you to or asking for your philosophies. I'm tired of all these whine asses bitchin' about having to actually pay for something. You prob steal cable too, right? You obviously know nothing about what it takes to maintain servers and provide good quality us all a favor and stfu!!:P~
2003-02-04, 01:48 AM
Ok, after reading all that, my brain has been reduced to mush from trying to comprehend the way you think, so forgive me if you have answered this before....
Why are you on this forum?? If you hate one of the basic concepts of the game (that you have to pay to play it), then why are you here?? And why, pray tell, will you be watching it closely?? I don't know about everyone else, but I tend to ignore sites that are about things I don't like. I don't post on forums about the Sims Online because I don't play the game and don't plan to start, so why would I waste my time talking about it??
I guess my overall quesiton is simply, why do you waste your time here when you could be somewhere talking about a game you actually will play and enjoy??
TGF NightHawk
2003-02-04, 01:54 AM
Sorry Hamma, tried to keep the language clean! Just can't stand people expecting to get something for nothing...makes me sick!!:sick:
2003-02-04, 03:13 AM
Hey Stalker Zero, are you a big baby or what. First off the monthly charge isn't for the updates you idiot. The monthly charge is to maintain the servers that will be able to support over 1000 people at any given time with no lag. You will never find that good of a server on a free game hoste, second off yes it does help in the paying for the band width. Hell, if you can't handle paying to play a game that will out do any other fps out there by allowing so many people to be able to play at one time then just go away. As for all the kids out there, hey if you can't afford it, don't kill yourself tring to get money to play it, but if you want to play it that bad then I am sure you can think of a safe way to come up with the funds. Don't listen to Stalker Zero, it is obvious he is just upset cause he won't be able to afford to play the best FPS game that is coming out in 2003.
2003-02-04, 08:30 AM
Lets calm down a bit. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but if you dont want to play PS, dont post here. Your doing so is not going to make SOE offer the game for free, no matter where you post. :p
2003-02-04, 10:09 AM
What if I ask nicely and offer them my love?
2003-02-04, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
Lets calm down a bit. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but if you dont want to play PS, dont post here. Your doing so is not going to make SOE offer the game for free, no matter where you post. :p
I agree with Hamma because he's the Jerry Springer of the forums. Whenever somone gets overally pissed about something whether its stupid (most of times) or good he still is there:love:
2003-02-04, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Stalker_Zero
This isn't cable tv buddy. And you seem to be missing the point still. Grid-computing for games is coming real soon and companies won't have a reason to be over-chaging gamers for this. Just like setting up your own little server for a regular ip game with 32 of your friends you will be able to access independent servers using the grid-computing model. But I really hope it comes sooner than fps mmo games. Paying per month to play would be a deadly deadly precedent to make.
You can argue that companies are over-charging gamers until you are blue in the face, however the thing is that people are willing to pay to play. This is a reality. If people are willing to pay to play then companies are going to charge them, period.
Now you have two choices. Pay to play, or miss out on the games. If you prefer to miss out on a game that is fine. Personally I will be more than happy to fork over 50 cents a day to play planetside. When I get tired of it, I will unsubscribe.
2003-02-04, 10:37 AM
You kids these days... your so crazy.. and lazy...
2003-02-04, 10:41 AM
everyone is lazy:D
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