View Full Version : A minor patch note

2004-04-22, 07:10 PM
* Added code for improved detection of speedhacking exploits.

Saw that when I was skimming through everything waiting for the patch to finish downloading. I thought it was pretty funny.

2004-04-22, 07:19 PM
* Added code for improved detection of speedhacking exploits.

Saw that when I was skimming through everything waiting for the patch to finish downloading. I thought it was pretty funny.

Yeah, it looks like the test code they recently used to bust exploiters worked well and was scalable enough to implement server wide rather then just on select players in a "monitoring" status.

Looks like we may well lose another round of "elite" players. Good.

2004-04-23, 12:12 AM
Yup, and of course we will get the same posts about how they got banned for no reason, just because they were so good.

2004-04-23, 01:41 AM
Yup, and of course we will get the same posts about how they got banned for no reason, just because they were so good.


2004-04-23, 01:44 AM

2004-04-23, 02:14 AM
You cant speed hack on accident can you? What is it?