View Full Version : PS as a whole
2004-04-22, 07:34 PM
There are many things that hold PS back from greatness, as well as new innovations that make it still an interesting game.
I dont plan to get back into it anytime soon (moving to a 56k for a bit), but if things like the AOC thread are put into effect, I would consider this PS2, and would give it another shot.
When (pre-CC) things were very buggy and for some, unplayable, I feel that SOE betrayed the PS public, and went for the "new content" escape route. I'm fairly certain that the community as a whole would have rathered the devs focus on balance/patch issues, rather than make new vech's and areas.
I remember when I first heard about this game. Everyone would have apartments, make a salary, and be given objectives from their "empire". Objectives like patrol, recon, or assault. Had this been the game I bought, I would have never quit. But (at present) PS is little more than a massive UT2K4 map.
The main reason I post this, is that I had a good time while it lasted. And I will come back if SOE delivers on its orginal promises, goes back to its roots. But the fact of the matter is, PS is in trouble. With Soldner and HL2 both sporting 128-player servers, the last real advantage of PS, its shear massiveness, will loose it's appeal, as the alternatives will be free, and have moddable qualties (which seems to drive the market now).
If PS remains in its current state, how many of you will keep playing? Even if PS was free, the alternatives will be better. This isnt another "rats flee a sinking ship" post. It a well known fact that the devs have a deep respect of this community (more so, than for their own I would imagine), and it is the reactions to this post/poll that I want them to see. Just know that I WANT to comeback to PS, I love the community.
2004-04-22, 07:38 PM
Do you know if Team Fortress 2 will have 128 player servers? if so, I'll probably be playing that
2004-04-22, 07:44 PM
its been a while since i looked into it.
just looked. the most i could find was 16-player. which is unlikely, even Tribes1 supported up to 64 (with some tweaking).
I want to say 64, but that is only an opinion.
2004-04-22, 08:14 PM
TEam Fortress 2 looks like its gonna suck. graphics are pathetic. I dont care how good the game is those textures ruin everything.
2004-04-22, 08:34 PM
yes and no. Bug fixes they need more of if they dont fix these then kiss PS goodbye. But game wise yes the game is very much so alive
2004-04-22, 08:54 PM
I answered "No", but I don't believe the timer is counting down. I have seen more people playing in my (Australian) prime time in the last month than I have seen since 1st 3 months of release.
Just personally, a few things have occured in a few patches that I don't like.
2004-04-22, 10:22 PM
I answered "No", but I don't believe the timer is counting down. I have seen more people playing in my (Australian) prime time in the last month than I have seen since 1st 3 months of release.
Just personally, a few things have occured in a few patches that I don't like.:nod:
2004-04-22, 11:04 PM
Do you know if Team Fortress 2 will have 128 player servers? if so, I'll probably be playing that
Ahhhh hahahahahaha. You know TF2 comes out the day before Duke Nukem Forever comes out, right? Sometime in 2009 probably...
As for the game, I think I would say, "Not yet, but it's getting there."
They need to optimize and work the engine and interface. Soon. I hate trying to access the global map, and I climb out of my vehicle. Or I am typing and then I start running and jumping as the chat bar closes.
2004-04-23, 12:01 AM
i dont like people who whine.
2004-04-23, 12:06 AM
i dont like people who whine.
call it whining, or call it pointing out what tempts you to stop paying SOE $13 a month, but in the end, plz make a constructive post, i dont like people who waste Hamma's server space.
Vis Armata
2004-04-23, 03:12 AM
I've not heard much about least, nothing very good.
Planetside can be played like a massive Quake map, but it won't get you too far.
I'm not sure how long you've been gone, but the bulk of development activity since CC has been fixes and tweaks. The last entirely new item was the Lodestar, and the next patch is apparently going to bring some new content - but really, content hasn't been high on the list.
As far as the subject of the poll: It really is a unique game (the only thing that comes close is WWIIOL, and that is not really like PS at all), and I think it has more appeal than you believe.
2004-04-23, 10:16 AM
i came back in the middle of march, i will admit there has been progress, but it wasnt enough to keep me for April.
Real Mulambo
2004-04-23, 10:48 AM
i still like it but recently the pop locks have been a pain and being confined to sanc.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-04-23, 11:02 AM
IMO its not one of those games like UT2k4 or BFV that you just pick up and play.
PS is a game that takes time to get into, while not as complicated and rewarding in the end as some games that i play like EVE Online, it is still fun for me.
PS is very fun when you have an outfit that uses TS, forms raids every week, and is a bunch of skilled and organized players. Thats when its fun. PS gives me a feeling of teamwork that I don't think you can find in any other game. This is because the people that love PS are serious about it and want to use teamwork. Games like UT2k4 and Soldner are just games with a bit less teamwork where u just go out and rape, not accomplishing much for your team. UT2k4 does have voice comms, but in the end people online that I don't know don't work as well as my PS outfit which I know. I love PS because the people are willing to use teamwork to win.
While I am still attracted to PS's aspect of going out and killing, it does work as a bit of a stress reliever. Killing in PS is harder than most games, so kills really count as an achievement. I strive to be the best I can be at killing in PS, so if I am in a bad mood one day I can go play PS for an hour and just totally go all out and kill lots of people. It gives me the feeling of satisfaction.
I know that some people aren't as fortunate being able to play with a group of experienced players that work together like I am. Thats why they leave PS, it gets boring because that feeling of satisfaction is gone. Thats also why before I joined my beloved Phoenix Royal Guard PS was almost over for me. I was in it for the feeling of raping people ingame rather than teamwork and that feeling only lasts so long.
PS's time is dwindling because people are leaving faster than people are getting immersed in it. I still play because of the teamwork and of course I want to get to BR20 CR5. I started playing PS in june of 2003 on the same character. Because i didn't have a good outfit then it wasn't nearly as fun and I played much less. I should be CR5 by now, I was never really into PS as much as I am now.
The devs need to focus on the aspect of teamwork rather than content.
My suggestion to those lacking interest in PS but looking for interest is find an outfit that you're willing to devote time to and that uses teamwork effectively.
2004-04-23, 11:18 AM
It has its plusses and minuses. In my opinion, it is balanced on a fine edge right now and could tip either way depending on a number of factors.
- New games are always a challenge, especially free ones that are MMO. But on the flip side, pay-to-play limits the "tard count" by a monetary filter.
- Pay-to-play is too expensive to some (see first point), but on the other hand, SOE owns the servers and can kill llamas who decide to cheat.
- Content lately has been lacking, but the dev team seems to be listening to the public concerning issues.
- Critical issues seem to ruin the game for some, yet it appears the devs do care if one empire is unbalanced and they seem to strive for a balanced game (for example).
- Reaching the max BR and CR would appear to be the end of a career for someone who is playing, yet the multiple possibilites make up for it somewhat. (I am not real convinced the different uses and certs totally make up for the limited BR and CR. SOE needs to look at further incentives to continue playing. The one thing that will hook gamers in most cases is the opportunity to work for uniqueness of their characters within the game. Jury is out on this one.)
- The chance to game with a solid team of friends in an environment that you as a team can actually affect an outcome is probably the main reason I like the game.
Just some of my thoughts.
2004-04-23, 10:26 PM
Do you know if Team Fortress 2 will have 128 player servers? if so, I'll probably be playing that
2004-04-26, 09:12 AM
Do you know if Team Fortress 2 will have 128 player servers? if so, I'll probably be playing that
Ergggg, didnt they cancel TF2 in like 1999?? Dont hold your breath for it.
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