View Full Version : Playing on the West Coast on Emerald

2004-04-24, 01:00 AM
Is the lag really that much less on Markov?

2004-04-24, 01:03 AM
not a bit, no.

2004-04-24, 01:21 AM
not a bit, no.
o, cause they're always sayin to minimize lag by playin on the server closest to you, but Emerald's more fun

2004-04-24, 01:33 AM
not a bit, no.

2004-04-24, 02:13 AM

2004-04-24, 04:41 AM
In a game with CSHD, as long as your ping isn't stupidly high, it doesn't really matter. I play on US servers with a ping around 200, I do fine.

2004-04-24, 01:19 PM
markov needs more fighters, join our server!

2004-04-24, 01:43 PM
My main is on the European server, and I ping aroudn 200. It's bearable, though,

2004-04-24, 02:29 PM
I prefer Markov over Emerald simply because my ping on Markov is 30 and my ping on Emerald is 210 on average.

I notice a difference in that I don't get disconected or have as much packet loss on Markov.

2004-04-24, 03:31 PM
Im on east coast and I play Markov and occassionally Emerald. no difference to me.

2004-04-24, 05:06 PM
Heh, the ping difference is tiny, and not nearly big enough to make up for the fact that Markov fighting is as exciting as Bob Dole's speeches :rolleyes: .

2004-04-25, 05:56 AM
I play on Emerald from the west coast, and it's fine for me (100 ping usually, compared to 50 on markov and 200 on werner).

Vis Armata
2004-04-26, 02:17 AM
I get an average ping of 90 on Markov, but I play on Emerald (160 average). A higher ping is not as much of a gamebreaker as it would be in faster twitch games, though.

2004-04-26, 08:59 AM
It all depends where you are. It makes sense that East Coast players like myself are going to get a consistent 30-50 ping. But I have alt's on markov and werner and i find both to be less laggy, and also less exciting for that matter. I guess frame-rate is a different issue...

2004-04-26, 09:40 AM
Your ping will be lower but your overall gameplay won't be affected much.

I play on Markov from the UK with a ping of 170 and to be honest, it's only a problem once in a while (which you have to expect). Play with a 170 ping in many other games and it just isn't funny.

2004-04-26, 01:51 PM
I play on both servers and I can honestly say I don't even notice a difference. I'm on west coast btw.