View Full Version : Greif system is messed up.

2004-04-24, 03:37 AM
I am at near 1000 greif and am just trying not to get greif to let it go down. Im running around in a max and hit a rock. I get greif. Then the timer. :ugh: This has been happening. They have something fucked up with the greif system.

2004-04-24, 06:57 AM
no, you just can't fire off your gun like a retard every time you see an enemy, most likely hitting teammates in the back, which I'm guessing you do

2004-04-24, 08:17 AM
Fact of life, you don't get 1000 grief for running into rocks, however you do get 1000 grief for repatedly shooting your own teammates despite the flashing red icon in the middle of your screen alongside your mounting grief points.

2004-04-24, 09:59 AM
No. It's the dumbfucks that chase grenades and run infront of friendly fire. Then, they send you a tell about how you are such a dumbass and kill whore...

2004-04-24, 10:29 AM
Grief is very sensitive, and I think its better that way. There are some parts of the system which I can sympatize with, collision grief in a game with lag and CSHD such as this, means tank drivers tend to get a lot of grief.

There are also some weapons which are extremely griefing. Maelstrom being the worst imo. Once you are past 200 grief, just about every stray grenade that lashes one friendly is instant 100+ grief. around 500 grief, a 1/2 second burst of primary that clips a friendly is instand 100 grief as well.

Maelstroming a massive enemy force, I got 1000 grief in about 20-25 minutes. Its easy to avoid, however, it was too tempting to killwhore with the mael. 25 minutes, 1000 grief, 200+ enemy kills, 2 friendlies.
The problem with mael is friendly lashing, I hit 6 enemies, and the chain-lash reaches up to me, lashes off me and hits people near me.

Despite having been grieflocked myself, I still have zero sympathy for people who complain about it. Although the Mael is hyperactively-grief-tastic I still probably had it coming. ;)

2004-04-24, 10:32 AM
Yeah I noticed that grief with the maelstrom seems to be a lot more. Accidently hit a vehicle with a grenade, instand 50 grief with only 200 grief.

2004-04-24, 10:38 AM
Elan your sig is gonna get owned. Sorry for being off topic

2004-04-24, 11:32 AM
I am at near 1000 greif and am just trying not to get greif to let it go down. Im running around in a max and hit a rock. I get greif. Then the timer. :ugh: This has been happening. They have something fucked up with the greif system.

Hmm, strange, because when I had a POUNDER MAX, a GRIEF MACHINE I always had less than 100 grief, always, except for that one time some asshat kept TKing me, but that grief was on purpose. It is damn near impossible to get 1000 grief on accident, unless you're being EXTREMELY stupid. Which you are, so I'm not suprised.

2004-04-24, 12:05 PM
Getting grief by running into rocks and hurting yourself is not normal. Try logging in and out and if that doesn't fix it send a /bug.

2004-04-24, 01:16 PM
meh. i got 965 grief by bouncing of a sunderer in my max.

if you must teamkill, DONT TEAMKILL A ROUTER. instant weapons lock.

2004-04-24, 03:16 PM
if you cant keep down 1000 grief, you have issues.

Neon Apocalypse
2004-04-24, 05:10 PM
it can happen

sometimes people get in your crossfire, especially with lashers, theyre slow and people run into them sometimes, lancers also have a delay, so one will shoot out when u dont want it to, and if it hits a max or vehicle it will give you quite a bit of grief, also magriders are grief hogs, theyre brakes suck so you drive into friendlys alot, people also get in the way of them

i dont like the grief system either, and im not a tker

2004-04-24, 05:36 PM
No. It's the dumbfucks that chase grenades and run infront of friendly fire. Then, they send you a tell about how you are such a dumbass and kill whore...

I dont think ive ever had over 100 grief points before Im always pretty careful but yeah you do get stupid ppl sometimes, especially low battle rank infils that decide to crouch right in front of a spawn tube with their little AMPs trying to get cheap kills when the tubes are being destroyed then they have the audacity to call you a moron, that does'nt help your grief, what also pisses me off is that you sometimes get grief points for being run over by friendly vehicles, now surely thats not right :confused:

2004-04-24, 05:39 PM
You are damaging the vehicle. It was put in so people wouldn't jump in front of vehicles to intentionally give them grief.

2004-04-24, 06:00 PM
But why should i be punished for being run over?, for something that isnt my fault? I appreciate that shit happens and you will get run over because of lag and stuff like that but i shouldnt get grief points for it.

2004-04-24, 06:00 PM
Its easy to get greif as VS. I odly got it before, which is why i probly have it now so quickly with a pulsar from hallway battles where someone jumps in front gets slaughtered and i fired once and got his death shot and would get 40-50 greif per shot(over 24 hour period of playing). And I dont give people hate tells because of giving me greif points.

This last bout a combination of trying to use a rockelt in the same circumstances trying to take out the hard targets like maxes(most of the greif wasnt from the rocklet) while the guys with pulsars all kept crowding infront of the orginized defense behind them(including me) and getting in front of our fire. For the most part (Those were giving me more like 100+ and were all after the patch was fixed). The majority of it was my first time with a thumper, lol. Hence i use the rocklet. That happened in like one incident with the plasma ammo and i just kept seeing 100, 125, 135, 175 over and over from like two shots when i couldnt get a clear shot in to the other room.(i was in the front too(off to the side) by the way with like 1 or 2 people infront of me and a bunch of people kept coming form the top stairs and behind me and i missed and got the motherload). Im just hitting 1000 now because it hasnt gone down because im trying to just play withough hitting it and keep getting like 1-7 greif hits and going back over. 8\

If the thumper incedent were only my fault id take credit for it. But there are too many people screwing up around for that during the instance. Especially when 50 people are flying up and down the steps while the enemy is plowing in from the main entrence into the stairs and wont let anyone get a damn shot in. 8\ Which is, if you want to know, the vanus biggest weakness. The guys blocking fire keep pushing in front and letting, especialy the TR, push towards us and then, when they guys jumping around in front die, they come flooding and are at the wrong range for our defense to kill them. If it werent for that we would hold bases alot longer.

Normally i only hit 1 or 2 greif occasionally, and keep about 10-50. 50 being the extreme.

Im not complaining about the thumper stuff. im complaining about me running into a damn rock in a max and getting like 7 grief. 8\

2004-04-24, 09:02 PM
But why should i be punished for being run over?, for something that isnt my fault? I appreciate that shit happens and you will get run over because of lag and stuff like that but i shouldnt get grief points for it.

I just explained it to you. It's to stop people from running in front of vehicles and intentionally giving the driver grief.

2004-04-24, 09:09 PM
I love it when I'm sniping and friendlies run in front of me as I take a shot. They die, I get 10-50 grief, then they complain about me...

2004-04-25, 08:37 AM
The majority of it was my first time with a thumper, lol.

Thumper needs a lot of care to use, just be careful with it.

2004-04-25, 10:57 AM
1. Griefing for the first time in 3 hours will get you 2-10 grief.
2. The more you grief in the shorter the amount of time the more the grief stacks. Now 1 damage to a friendly could equal 5 grief.
3. Try defending with a radiator.... no one cares and the radiator should have a grief nerf. Too easy for noobs to think its funny and run into your cloud.

2004-04-25, 04:16 PM
I just explained it to you. It's to stop people from running in front of vehicles and intentionally giving the driver grief.

Well I dont think its fair, believe it or not there ARE people out there that DONT jump out in front of vehicles to give the driver grief, people get run over by accident. Its just the idiots that do intentionally give grief have ruined it for the other players.

2004-04-25, 04:46 PM
It's easy to stay low on grief, even with spec assault. Just hold your fire when you'll hit friendlys. I am consistently below 100 grief, even when I use the maelstrom, thumper, or magrider.

If you get greedy, yes, your grief will mount quickly. Very quickly.

2004-04-25, 08:09 PM
I love it when I'm sniping and friendlies run in front of me as I take a shot. They die, I get 10-50 grief, then they complain about me...

I just had that happen yesterday. An infil walked infront of my gun while we were on a wall and.. X.X people dont realize you zoom all the time and cant see them.

Im starting to see all of you emerald players in game alot now.(through my sniper rifle of course.) 8) Who was at the hossin voltan/naum thing last night. I was VS in the character in my sig. Im pretty sure i saw blackhawk last night.

2004-04-25, 09:36 PM
Unfortunately, the name BlackHawk was taken by the time I started playing (about 6 months after release) so that would not have been me :(. BlackHawk is, unfortunately, quite a popular name. If I had known that when I chose it 6 years ago while playing Tribes, I would've picked something a little less ubiquitous.


2004-04-25, 09:41 PM
Unfortunately, the name BlackHawk was taken by the time I started playing (about 6 months after release) so that would not have been me :(. BlackHawk is, unfortunately, quite a popular name. If I had known that when I chose it 6 years ago while playing Tribes, I would've picked something a little less ubiquitous.

Like my name. :)