View Full Version : Who do you plan on voting for?
2004-04-25, 10:55 AM
Just wondering. Do NOT turn this into a debate, I'm just wondering who plans on voting for who.
EDIT: Oops, I voted for the wrong one, :doh:
2004-04-25, 11:00 AM
Good luck, I'm under 18, but I'd vote for Bush, so on this poll he gets my vote.
2004-04-25, 11:03 AM
Can't vote yet my vote dosent count(Canadian) :P~ yet .But can i vote here? :P~
2004-04-25, 11:06 AM
Just barely to young, but even if I wasn't I wouldn't vote, all the canidates suck.
2004-04-25, 11:38 AM
This thread needs hijacking.
I'm voting for Bush because Kerry is a flip-flopper who supports racism against whites, rule by minority, cowardice to our enemies, and other such bullshit! Wait a second, nm, he just flipped again.
We also need a new pic that shows some middle eastern terrorist guy and it says "This thread needs hijacking!". Someone needs to make that.
2004-04-25, 11:47 AM
People who don't vote who are of age should be shot or deported.
2004-04-25, 11:57 AM
Yeah! Hamma, I know you're a Kerry guy, but let's get the assault rifles and hunt the bastards down!!
Just made this, you like? And when using paint, how do I make it stay a .gif and not get this blurry .jpg shit?
I Think I'm Going To Katmandu,
That's Really, Really Where I'm Going To.
If I Ever Get Out Of Here,
That's What I'm Gonna Do.
I Think That's Where I'm Going To.
If I Ever Get Out Of Here,
I'm Going To Katmandu.
I Got No Kick Against The West Coast
Warner Brothers Are Such Good Hosts.
I Raise My Whiskey Glass And Give Them A Toast,
I'm Sure They Know It's True.
I Got No Rap Against The Southern States.
Every Time I've Been There It's Been Great.
But Now I'm Leaving And I Can't Be Late
And To Myself Be True.
That's Why I'm Going To Katmandu,
Up To The Mountains Where I'm Going To,
And If I Ever Get Out Of Here That's What I'm Gonna Do.
K - K - K - K - K - Katmandu,
That's Really, Really Where I'm Going To,
Oh, If I Ever Get Out Of Here I'm Going To Katmandu.
I Got No Quarrel With The Midwest,
The Folks Out There Have Given Me Thier Best.
I Lived There All My Life, I've Been Thier Guest,
I Sure Have Loved It, Too.
I'm Tired Of Looking At The T.v. News.
I'm Tired Of Driving Hard And Paying Dues.
I Figure, Baby, I've Got Nothing To Lose,
I'm Tired Of Being Blue.
That's Why I'm Going To Katmandu,
Up To The Mountains Where I'm Going To.
If I Ever Get Out Of Here That's What I'm Gonna Do.
K - K - K - K - K - Katmandu,
Take Me, Baby, 'cause I'm Going With You.
If I Ever Get Out Of Here I'm Going To Katmandu.
I Ain't Got Nothing 'gainst The East Coast.
You Want Some People Where They Got The Most.
And New York City's Like A Friendly Ghost,
You Seem To Pass Right Through.
I Know I'm Gonna Miss The U.s.a.,
I Guess I'll Miss It Every Single Day,
But No One Loves Me Here Anyway,
I Know My Playing Is Through.
That's Why I'm Going To Katmandu,
Up To The Mountains Where I'm Going To.
If I Ever Get Out Of Here,
That's What I'm Gonna Do.
Really, Really Going To,
If I Ever Get Out Of Here,
If I Ever Get Out Of Here,
If I Ever Get Out Of Here,
I'm Going To Katmandu.
I Hate Pants
2004-04-25, 12:14 PM
Im Canadian. But i'd vote Kerry. Im also under 18 but my birthday is in September so i'd be able to vote.
I would vote for Bush but I'm under 18.
2004-04-25, 12:41 PM
I'd go kerry but I'm not quite 18.
But for 2008... Condoleeza Rice all the way!
2004-04-25, 12:48 PM
none. But over 18.
Depends how Blair handles the European Super State question.
2004-04-25, 12:51 PM
Jim Carey...
2004-04-25, 12:57 PM
i don't know how anyone could vote for John Fucking Kerry. He's a block of wood. I'm voting for Bush, NOT because i think he's the best god damned president, because he's not, but because the alternative is far too frightening. I think voting for a shitty candidate just because he's your party's candidate is the most immature and ignorant thing to do. Anyone who does that needs to watch Chris Rock's new special. He'll tell you how to act right. Bitches. \
AND, i agree entirely with Hamma. If you can vote, vote for christ's sake. There's always something on the ballot to vote for. Don't just NOT GO because you don't like the presidential candidates. There's all kinds of shit on the ballot. Go vote. It's a right you have in this country that a lot of people around the world would give anything to have. Vote.
2004-04-25, 01:03 PM
I'm voting for John Kerry. I fully support John Kerry. I have donated to his campaign and am in the process of trying to convince my roommate (Martyr) to have a fundraising party at our apartment.
It isn't just because I hate George Bush and think he's running this country to the ground, but I (unlike so many people who form "educated opinions" on candidates) researched all people involved, before Kerry was the non-official democratic candidate. I look at everyone's stances and read everyone's histories, and looked at what points were important to everyone.
In the end, John Kerry matched almost all of the criteria that I set.
Politics aren't just who will be in that office for another four years, at least not to me. Politics are who's brother is going to Iraq and who's sister will be out of a job. What taxes I have to pay and what certifications do I have to get before I can own a gun. If I can get an abortion if I need to and choose whatever religion I want to practice.
John Kerry 2k4 :)
2004-04-25, 01:15 PM
I would vote Bush if I was old enough... John Kerry just stright up scares me...
2004-04-25, 01:20 PM
that guy DOES look like an alien...
www.johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway.c om
2004-04-25, 01:26 PM
good find dhark.
2004-04-25, 02:05 PM
The candidate who promises the most Goatse. :brow:
2004-04-25, 02:13 PM
I am not a bush guy at all......i have many reasons for it to.
i'm for kerry..he may do something for this country that doesn't include foreign affairs...
2004-04-25, 02:17 PM
Damnit, you people screwed it up. You are not supposed to mark anything other than 'Under 18' if you are under 18!
I'm a hardcore conservative, pro-Bush, yet I voted for Under 18.
2004-04-25, 02:25 PM
you know what's sad? in four years, it's gonna be the same situation: two morons up for president, which piece of shit seems less shitty than the other piece of shit? Sure, you're retarded four-year-old cousin could run this country better than these guys but hey, it's all about who gets the party's money!
I say Ross Perrot, 2008. Fuck the right and fuck the left.
2004-04-25, 02:48 PM
I don't like either canidate so im just gonna sit this one out
2004-04-25, 02:56 PM
Just barely to young, but even if I wasn't I wouldn't vote, all the canidates suck.
2004-04-25, 02:59 PM
Perot's not going to run for president again... If another _illionaire ran for president, I'd think it'd be... er....
The hell with it, I'd vote for Perot.
2004-04-25, 03:06 PM
In any case, I'm from Florida, we are GOING to fuck up again (machines still aren't up and running at 100%). We fucked up the 2002 minor election, this will be the same.
Nation: Fuckit, we vote Florida is out of the union. Let's bomb them.
*US Army invades Florida for leaving the Union*
Florida: OMG NO RUSH!!!!!11
2004-04-25, 03:29 PM
I will be 18 but I don't plan on voting until I read into this Kerry character, which I haven't had much time to do so lately
2004-04-25, 03:44 PM
2004-04-25, 03:45 PM
Hey oniz, what European Super State bullshit is this? Do I see USSR somewhere? By God, I think I do.
2004-04-25, 04:29 PM
2004-04-25, 05:00 PM
im underage but if i could id vote for a moose, and if a moose wasnt on the ballot, id kill someone.
2004-04-25, 05:06 PM
I'd vote for Bush. Why? because Kerry is an idiot. IMO anyway.
Kerry has no defined posistions, to quote SNL "Flippy the Flip-Flopper, good one" Bush has been keeping things from the public. And Nader... ehh.
well if that thign they're atlking about letting below 18's getting half/quarter votes in California goes through, Kerry.
2004-04-25, 05:31 PM
If I could, I think I'd prefer Kerry over Bush, just because I don't like Bush. But the whole hypocritical incident where Kerry denounced service records for political purposes, pressures bush to reveal his, then refuses to do the same is a bid shady.
2004-04-25, 05:49 PM
My thing is why should they even have to release that shit? Voters dont care about that bullshit, its just like doing drugs, who gives a shit.
I don't want a president who is perfect and never made mistakes.
2004-04-25, 06:02 PM
agreed Hamma, how would a perfect person relate to the people? I think we should get somone like Andrew Jackson!
2004-04-25, 06:03 PM
In Related News..Im Voting for Bush.
2004-04-25, 06:07 PM
My thing is why should they even have to release that shit? Voters dont care about that bullshit, its just like doing drugs, who gives a shit.
I don't want a president who is perfect and never made mistakes.
Quoted for great truth. Except when the mistakes cost us jobs, billions of our dollars, and the lives of our citizens being shipped abroad.
2004-04-25, 06:38 PM
Just wondering. Do NOT turn this into a debate, I'm just wondering who plans on voting for who.
EDIT: Oops, I voted for the wrong one, :doh:
2004-04-25, 06:49 PM
None of the Above
2004-04-25, 06:56 PM
Throne is writing me in :brow:
In other news, Uncle Sam's flaccid length is incredible. I bet he gets some stares in the gym shower.
And I'm voting for Bush. My girlfriend is dyed in the wool liberal who plans to vote for Kerry. Her motto is "my vote cancels out yours!"
2004-04-25, 10:56 PM
Plus Bush actually has some sense of personality when he speaks... to me Kerry is worse then Gore when it comes to personality... and he flaunts his busted arm about hoping to win sympathy...
2004-04-25, 11:27 PM
Plus Bush actually has some sense of personality when he speaks
But Bush has the intelligence of a fifteen year old boy.
No offense to you fifteen year old boys out there, but you're not running the most powerful country in the world.
2004-04-25, 11:31 PM
Throne is writing me in :brow:
Damn straight
let you ban half the asshats out of the us :p
2004-04-25, 11:48 PM
But Bush has the intelligence of a fifteen year old boy.
No offense to you fifteen year old boys out there, but you're not running the most powerful country in the world.
I dont know, some 15 year olds are pretty smart. I know I was smarter than that at 15. Anyways, I say we vote for Joe Kucan.
Kane lives in death!
(plus he needs a new job)
Triggar, that's a confusing statement. Are you conflating intelligence with maturity, wisdom, or knowledge?
Hell, I'm writing my dog in.
2004-04-26, 12:59 AM
I am voting for Bush because it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for the Kim Jong Il endorsed Kerry. That and the fact that I cant fucking stand socialism.
When Kim Jong Il, Osama Bin Laden, and every other dictator endorses Kerry, I know that means we are doing something right. I think it is fantastic we are kicking the shit out of these radicals. Just look at Lybia and Syria quivering in thier boots. I think its ausome
2004-04-26, 01:17 AM
Spoken like a true closed minded conservative. Do you even know what socialism is? Much less the difference between totalitarian communist system and a democratic one.
2004-04-26, 01:50 AM
socialism, thats what hitlers goverment was wasnt it?......
anyways, ive been reading the fourms a lil, all the vets and current soldiers say kerry sucks, so i say bush.
2004-04-26, 02:14 AM
The vets and soldiers are all saying that Kerry sucks because he was in a picture with Jane Fonda in 1974, and despite that he was an actual soldier in Vietnam (like, in the actual country, and not just in the armed services during the war), everyone takes the picture to mean that he hates the military.
2004-04-26, 02:26 AM
socialism, thats what hitlers goverment was wasnt it?......
anyways, ive been reading the fourms a lil, all the vets and current soldiers say kerry sucks, so i say bush.
Hitler's government was facist.
His party, however was called the "National Socialst Party". Despite not being at all socialist at all, the party carried that name. The name of a political party should never be associated with what it actually does. Hell even my provincial government is called the "liberal party", but it's as conservative as ever.
Everay wins the award for best troll with his expertly crafted double header. Honorable derailment mention goes to Infernus, Triggar, Queenside and Derfud.
2004-04-26, 03:40 AM
It's impossible to have a thread about politics wihout addressing any political issues. Everything is relative.
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