View Full Version : Proper OS tactics???

2004-04-25, 10:58 PM
im a cr 3 working on 4 and im wondering wuts the proper OS tactic. I hear something about getting in an air veh getting realy high in a mossy over the target and set the OS off while you drop? is this true if not how do OSs work. Ive never used one so i have no idea. (im meaning alot more like ingame tactics..osing your own vehicle isnt very...useful)

edit sry about that i hit send before i typed a body

tnks for the reply, heres the link http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21621&highlight=orbital+strike any and all credit obviously gose to bio

2004-04-25, 10:58 PM

2004-04-25, 11:00 PM
Bio made an informative movie on it, search for it.

2004-04-25, 11:01 PM
tnks ill check it out and post the link incase anyone else is interested.

2004-04-25, 11:15 PM
Here's a good one.
wait on the wall of a freshly captured dropship center in an infl. suit. when the gals start to cluster and load up, let one off, rips em to shreds, tons of kills. i can't help but laugh whenever i see this happen :rofl:

2004-04-26, 12:07 AM
321's Steps to OS:

1. Get your command uplink device (CUD) out
2. Click then click again on OS
3. Point the OS at a friendly CY close to the enemy base you're attacking
4. Fire, don't worry about the hate tells the friendlies really like you

2004-04-26, 12:13 AM
321's Steps to OS:

1. Get your command uplink device (CUD) out
2. Click then click again on OS
3. Point the OS at a friendly CY close to the enemy base you're attacking
4. Fire, don't worry about the hate tells the friendlies really like you
EXACTLY, finally a Commander with some sense.

2004-04-26, 12:19 AM
321's Steps to OS:

1. Get your command uplink device (CUD) out
2. Click then click again on OS
3. Point the OS at a friendly CY close to the enemy base you're attacking
4. Fire, don't worry about the hate tells the friendlies really like you


but when i OS i do a reveal enimes first then where ever the biggest cluster of dots are i os that spot. but if im not 100% sure there is one i scout out with a phoenix. when i find an AMS i lay a personal WP then i place the OS beam on the personal wp. then i OS.

2004-04-27, 02:01 PM
the really sad part is when I see enemy commanders miss 3 times with an orbital strike against an ams out in the open, I suppose its just what happens when there are such a large number of retards in a position with such power that it balances out :)

also, if you want to save an ams from an orbital strike, land a mossie on top of it and get out, the os will kill the mossie but not the ams, and more likely than not, the remains of the skeeter will "sheild" it from any other OS's, its a bug, but it works :)

2004-04-27, 04:54 PM
tactics for using OS? easy, find a lot of people, and nuke it.

2004-04-27, 08:16 PM
OSs are not as exciting as you're thinking. The CR4 OS is so pathetic is only useful for destroying AMSs (when it actually does), the CR5 OS goes well with reveal enemies (which doesn't cover an entire cont like the description reckons). Reveal enemies during a very big fight, wack it down in the middle of the largest concentration of them, guaranteed to get decent kills. The CR4 OS is just painful and frustrating.

2004-04-27, 08:20 PM
OSs are not as exciting as you're thinking. The CR4 OS is so pathetic is only useful for destroying AMSs (when it actually does), the CR5 OS goes well with reveal enemies (which doesn't cover an entire cont like the description reckons). Reveal enemies during a very big fight, wack it down in the middle of the largest concentration of them, guaranteed to get decent kills. The CR4 OS is just painful and frustrating.

yea I saw a OS coming down right next to me, so I took a few steps back, and lived. I think it god some dust on my armor but thats about it.