View Full Version : Xp for medics etc.
2004-04-27, 05:14 AM
Could they do something simple like give 1/5 or 1/10 the healing amount of xp to medics and people who heal others armors and heal vehicles and base stuff. They would just have to add a simple system to count what it already keeps track of to anyone who uses there healing or repair succesfully on the mode to heal others. Obviously you dont add it to the self repair heal stuff or even to your own vehicles. They could also just have it check any vehicles are not under your own ownership or maybe not a sqaud or platoon members. That little amount of xp would be nice for full time medics. And maybe later a stat for medics on how many revives and points healed like troops have hacks and kills. And a little xp per revive as well. And as a said for CE users who heal base stuff as well. The one or two points of xp per heal wouldnt mean anything for non full time medics etc(unless your a low lv character which could get more people to consider medics like they do resuplying ntus at low lv.) but could mean the world to full time dedicated medics or engineers/combat engineer users aimed at support. And hopefully make it more available and maybe boost its use and allow tactics to sway more around its common use over respawning and zergs.
2004-04-27, 06:02 AM
Support xp is in the works, SmokeJumper hath decreed it thus.
Real Mulambo
2004-04-27, 07:50 AM
I am all for anything that makes the ADV medics and CEs more keen to help.
They are a vital resource and can make all the difference but it is a dangerous and thankless task as it is and i think that and exp reward is the least they should get.
Long live the medics and engineers. :thumbsup: :clap: :thumbsup:
2004-04-27, 08:24 AM
I still think a xp system for healing people will be exploited.
2004-04-27, 08:39 AM
So? they are going to get that exp either way, who cares if they are br4 or br20? you will able to kill them all the same either way. And I'm sure the exp gained from repairing/healing is miniscule, so someone who gets to br20 would take a long time.
2004-04-27, 09:21 AM
Giving the medic xp is useless, you have to give the guy waiting xp to encourage him not to release, otherwise your still never gonna rez anyone outside your outfit/platoon.
Even then, your still addressing the symptoms, not the cause.
Real Mulambo
2004-04-27, 10:11 AM
So tell me...what is the cause incompetent? :confused:
2004-04-27, 10:47 AM
There is no good reason to wait instead of just waiting to respawn.
If you respawn, you can watch the little numbers count down and know about how long it will take for you to get back into the fight, if you wait, it's impossible to tell when or even if someone is going to try to rez you. So most people just release, because there is no good way to tell if a medic is nearby, sees you, is coming, can reach you, won't get killed in the process, or even gives a shit about rezzing you.
2004-04-27, 10:56 AM
You bring up a good point incompetent, however think of it this way:
If people get, oh, 1 XP for every 10 health they heal, and we'll say 50XP for fully rez-ing a guy, that's decent enough incentive to inspire more people to cert in Adv. Med. This will, in turn, increase the likelyhood of an adv med being around, which will give people more incentive to stick around and wait that extra five seconds before clicking out. It won't make all the problems go away, but if you don't wait to see if an adv med is around, then you'll never know if one was.
2004-04-27, 11:05 AM
Right, but you have to give the guy on the ground an incentive not to just release or the xp whores will get frustrated and drop it in a few days and then your exactly where you started. What they really need though is to make rezzing more similar to Wolfenstein, with things like having the death cam snap to nearby medics, quicker rezzes that don't place the medic in as much danger and giving rezzed players enough stamina to move out of the line of fire.
However, effectively allowing medics to communicate with nearby friendly medics and casualties along with allowing rezzes up until the actual spawn (and maybe the ability to pause the spawn bar) would make more difference then any other single factor.
Real Mulambo
2004-04-27, 11:27 AM
There is good reason not to respawn if your nearest respawn point is an AMS, your nearest base or tower is an age away and you are in a MAX suit.
Eg. AA MAX supporting a sniper ridge.
2004-04-27, 11:40 AM
Yes, because we all know that MAXes are so very common on the battlefield. :rolleyes:
Eg. AA MAX supporting a sniper ridge.As for this SPECIFIC example, the AA MAX can be assured of two things. 1.) Chances are he isn't going to get killed without the position being compromised 2.) There are most likely a few advanced medics and engineers nearby. So yeah, obviously he has an excuse to wait a little bit and see, however, that is but one very minor situation. Adv medic has always been useful in certain situations, the problem is that its not worth the certs to hang onto Adv medic instead of picking up ground support or ground transport because of how rarely those situations surface.
Real Mulambo
2004-04-27, 11:45 AM
I agree that the ADV med and ADV CE are a bit heavy on the certs and I myself have neither but I would love to see more of them.
Maybe reducing ADV to 1 cert would help instead of 2.
2004-04-27, 11:51 AM
It would be better to just roll the rezzing ability into regular med, since alot of people pick that up for personal use, and give adv medic some of the fancier stuff they've talked about, like stim packs and forward medical stations.
Personnally, i think it would be pretty damn cool to let adv medics create smaller deployable spawn points (bindable), and allow CEs to create small deployable terminals (with equipment restrictions) to allow a couple of people to throw down quick field fortifications. Obviously they wouldn't give them the cloaking ability of the AMS, but they would still be useful for getting places vehicles can't.
2004-04-27, 12:31 PM
Incompetent, that's a good point. It would also encourage the multiple AMS attacking a base situation the Devs envisioned. If we give AMSs a more adv terminal and all the small spawn point/terminal deployables (from the adv med and adv eng) a less adv terminal (ie like the one currently on the ams) then we might see attacking forces continue instead of coming to a screeching hault every time the one ams they brought is OS'd.
2004-04-27, 12:46 PM
You dont have to worry about most of those problems. Im a dedicated medic and engineer and beleive me the exp will keep me playing like that, especially that i can now go without my weapon and get some exp til i get rexo (since suppressor doesnt exactly bring in the certs.) and it will bring back alot of people who like support over combat even after the xp whors are thankfully gone. It wil be easier to have real medics after theyre gone.
The point of an ams wasnt to be the main stay. It was meant as back up to revive when you needed it even when you have a tower etc not to mention a place to get more ammo in odd places on the feild(which will happen more if you had medics reviving everyone). Its better to revive and heal because your holding a position better and at all times creating a better offensive line(atleast for assaults) and makiing your offense not scatter itself going to and from the spawn tubes constantly back to the battle(If you have those 100 guys and 50 are constantly running to the battle you only really ahve the force of 25 to 50 people). Its priceless and will change battle and combat drastically if reliance on medics becomes a reality. And make overall less stress and need for over abundent resources to take a location and make battles more fun and keep experience for kills up more than likely.IE you wont have to walk back to the location in the stairs etc and leave a temporary whole in your forces everytime someone dies which is much better and will cause less need for as many combatents atleast at one place and maybe cause wider lines and more battles at more locations that may be much feircer and fun.
OR thats what the great hudini predicts. lol :doh:
And when did they say they were going to do it and wheres the link. :)
2004-04-27, 10:10 PM
You bring up a good point incompetent, however think of it this way:
If people get, oh, 1 XP for every 10 health they heal, and we'll say 50XP for fully rez-ing a guy, that's decent enough incentive to inspire more people to cert in Adv. Med. This will, in turn, increase the likelyhood of an adv med being around, which will give people more incentive to stick around and wait that extra five seconds before clicking out. It won't make all the problems go away, but if you don't wait to see if an adv med is around, then you'll never know if one was.
there you go, couldnt have said it better
2004-04-28, 12:29 AM
Hopefully, they will add somekind of indicator to show friendlies who the medics are (something that is full time, not just when they pull out their med unit). Other than that, Maybe throw in some additional abilites for Adv medics. As it is now, the ability to rez folks just isn't enough to attrack more players. We have all seen the good ideas, like stim packs and implant activations. If the adv med had that ability, more people would wait to be rezed, just to avoid the delay to their implants.
2004-04-28, 04:06 AM
i like anything that will increase the number of dedicated medics on the Battlefield. it get's frustrating as hell to sit on the stairs of a tower with a third of your health and armor left because some HA noob charged in and sprayed everyone five seconds after they picked a fav from the equip terminals. now, if you're on those same stairs with two Adv. Meds around jumping from person to person doing his Jesus thing, well, then, i think the situation is looking much brighter, right? Right. We need to have more medics on the battlefield.
Now, i don't think pouring XP into a Medics pants for healing someone is a good idea. I think the idea of 1xp per every 10 pts healed is a good plan, thank you Cryptica. This way one in every three guys won't be adv. med which is cheesy as all hell. BUT, at least one in ever seven guys will be adv. med. Unlike now where you've got to scour the fucking MAP to find one.
Also, another problem is sometimes you get a guy with Medical who just got it to heal himself not others. Now, if he got experience ONLY by healing others, he'd probably be more interested in that facet of medical training, now woulnd't he? Hooray. ALSO we may not have to cram one or two med kits into our inventory and be able to replace them with ammo if we had more medics on the battlefield. That would certainly be a plus.
Real Mulambo
2004-04-28, 09:56 AM
What about a medic rating.
The exp for medics and engs could be channelled into medic ratings and engineer ratings.
The higher the MR/ER the faster they can rez people/repair things.
Maybe add a few other perks for each grading of ER/MR like the CR ratings.
2004-04-28, 10:51 AM
I think i hospice point (ever play firearms?) would be good. This way there is a place in the field where people can go to get healed and have a medic stationed. Also, more incentive to become adv. medic would possible make the healing time faster. I cant remember the rates off-hand but maybe the adv. medic could heal twice as fast, etc.
2004-04-28, 11:29 AM
AMS should regen inside bubble, maybe 1hp/s
2004-04-28, 12:59 PM
AMS should regen inside bubble, maybe 1hp/s
Just buy medpacks from the terminal, a lot faster.
2004-04-28, 04:03 PM
I do. But I'm lazy.
2004-04-28, 09:37 PM
there already is a indicator for where a advanced medic is. it appears on your minimap as a little flashing gold cross if you're dead.
but, i think it only works if said medic has the applicator out, and who runs around with a applicator out all the time?
2004-04-29, 06:32 PM
it should be, healing people takes off greif, then you can earn experience after all grief is depleted. Say 15 health points per 3 greif
2004-04-29, 06:45 PM
it should be, healing people takes off greif, then you can earn experience after all grief is depleted. Say 15 health points per 3 greif
Whilst I like the idea, you just know it's gonna be abused. :(
2004-04-29, 06:53 PM
eh how? The ratio for kill to heal would be gaining more greif for damage than losing it for healing, i think
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