View Full Version : New Gamer!

General. lee
2004-04-28, 02:10 PM
This weekend im going to get 1024 ram for my pc so i can finaly play planetside!
I've decided im going to be on the TR side!!!!!!

so TR people out there i need to know what Are side is lacking right know i cant decide if i want to be a medium asault or go into heavy asualt.......also i am considering becoming a sniper too. so do any of yall have opinions on which TR is in lack of and needs right know?

2004-04-28, 03:44 PM
Well seeing how there are hundreds/thousands of people playing planetside daily, no one is really lacking anything. Play what you like to play the most. If you like shooting people from far away, play sniper. If you like ramboing it 24/7 pick up HA and REXO, if you like supporting pick up engi and med, etc...

2004-04-28, 04:04 PM
so why are you choosing them???

2004-04-28, 04:08 PM
He gets to blow shit up!

2004-04-28, 06:14 PM
Well seeing how there are hundreds/thousands of people playing planetside daily, no one is really lacking anything. Play what you like to play the most. If you like shooting people from far away, play sniper. If you like ramboing it 24/7 pick up HA and REXO, if you like supporting pick up engi and med, etc...

Red October
2004-04-28, 06:38 PM
so TR people out there i need to know what Are side is lacking right know i cant decide if i want to be a medium asault or go into heavy asualt.......also i am considering becoming a sniper too. so do any of yall have opinions on which TR is in lack of and needs right know?

After logging in last night just test a couple of things and seeing a blue world (Markov).....

....I would say bodies...any body out there. So just about anything...so long as your shooting, hacking, or just being any kind of pain to the enemy (preferably to NC). But realisticly, play the style you like and don't be too afraid to change, you may discover a role you may be very good at.

Of course I may be exaggerating on NC's dominance a bit...afterall, I'm TR myself and like to see a RED world. If you are on Markov and do well, check out the Hellbound Outfit, we be a bit twysted

2004-04-28, 06:50 PM
It was sweet last night we onwed up, but you can't say you've never done it, Markov has been crazy lately going in 2 days cycles about, First NC take most of the world then lose it to the VS who then lose it to the TR and then it evens out for a bit and repeats.

Its those BWG's they make the Fightling a bit too fliud, so peopl go everyware and as soon as you get some momentum you get very hard to beat, and as soon as you start losing you get easier to beat. BWGs need a bit of tweaking.

2004-04-28, 07:17 PM
After logging in last night just test a couple of things and seeing a blue world (Markov).....

....I would say bodies...any body out there. So just about anything...so long as your shooting, hacking, or just being any kind of pain to the enemy (preferably to NC). But realisticly, play the style you like and don't be too afraid to change, you may discover a role you may be very good at.

Of course I may be exaggerating on NC's dominance a bit...afterall, I'm TR myself and like to see a RED world. If you are on Markov and do well, check out the Hellbound Outfit, we be a bit twysted We had all the continents except for one at one point

2004-04-28, 07:47 PM
well, since youre starting new, go MA, and then sometime else. if you like flying reaver, otherwise Id go REXO if you just like ground fighting. over time you'll develop the cert points to get like special assault and stuff fairly quickly.

2004-04-28, 08:04 PM
Agreed. Go into the virtual firing range and vehicle test range and try them all out (literally, you can make it to BR4 without firing a single shot just by doing all the virtual stuff and visiting a base). If you find a weapon or vehicle you think seems like fun, cert in it. Try to join a squad and let them know what you're certed in and that you're new and they will help you get started.

Personally though, I always take Medium Assault as my first cert on any new character EXCEPT infiltrators.

2004-04-28, 08:11 PM
yea get MA first, u need that anyways if u want any other weapon certs.

2004-04-28, 08:12 PM
never start in infiltrating. ever. I did it since beta and I quit a week ago pretty much for good. getting owned by weapons that literally own you in 2 hits gets annoying.

General. lee
2004-04-28, 08:32 PM
I going into medium asault, not just because of the cert thing but also because i like fighting on the ground alot.

also have any suggestions on which world i should join?( i live in Texas)

2004-04-28, 08:40 PM
you can go either way, I mean, I play on Markov and I live on the east coast. doesnt make a difference.

General. lee
2004-04-28, 08:55 PM
I heard emerald was funner is that true?

2004-04-28, 08:57 PM
not really.

2004-04-28, 09:26 PM
Each server is just as fun as the next. Think of it this way when you have very very very very many people, as a whole they probably act the same given the same circumstances.

2004-04-28, 10:11 PM
It depends on what you like. Emerald certainly has more playres, which is why me, a West Coaster, still plays on it: I like big ass battles and constant action.

2004-04-28, 10:19 PM
its basically the same I never see a difference other then outfit names.

2004-04-28, 10:31 PM
Ah, another TR to feed to my gauss. Life is sweet.

2004-04-28, 11:13 PM
No observable difference between Markov and Emerald aside from population (a gap which isn't as large as it used to be, anyway).

2004-04-29, 08:19 AM
I hate these blue worlds. Stay to yourself and say no to drugs!

2004-04-29, 10:09 AM
Well as an experienced player when I start a new character I get MA + SA right away " VR will get you to at least BR3 and you have 6 certs and MA + SA costs 5 total " and use agile with plasma thumper to rack in tons of kills for that good early XP and BR climbing. But the thumper takes a lot of practice to not rack in tons of greif so starting out if you dont want to use a vehicle I sudjest MA + REXO. This gives you two rifle slots and I reckoment that you use cycler for long range and sweeper for close up and rexo lets you use them both so its a good starter. Then at BR5 "which comes pretty quickly" you could pick up AV and use the striker to shoot down aircraft, destroy enimey maxes, and harass enimey tanks. "Killing MAXs and aircraft/vehicles is the big XP". Once you have your infantry situated and you reach BR 8 or 9 you could consider getting a vehicle of some type. If you like going solo in a vehicle then I reckoment either the Reaver, Lightning, or Liberator "yes it can be used by one person to effect", Depending if you like Air or ground. The reaver and lib is kind of a trade off, reaver = fast and good firepower, lib = heavy armor with very good firepower but slow. Or you could field a Prowler but you will need to find a gun crew. If TR is lacking anything its the low number of Prowlers we field compared to the other empires. The TR maxes are kind of gimped right now so id stay away from them at least until they get fixed "if ever" except for the Burster(AA) which is very usefull.