View Full Version : What does planetside have going for it?

2004-04-29, 03:12 AM
Because UT2k4 + BF:V > Planetside on every level excluding an engine that can handle 600 people in one spot (Never see that many people in one spot, it lags up around 100-150)

Positive UT Points

1.) Fast Paced
2.) High-Quality Graphics
3.) Simpler Interface
4.) More Skill-Based Weaponary
5.) Realistic Vehicle Physics
6.) Completely Moddable (Can create your own maps, models, skins, etc.)
7.) No Fees
8.) More Gametypes

Negative UT Points

1.) Can only support 64 players in one server

Positive BF:V Points

1.) Realistic Balance
2.) Realistic Enviroments
3.) High Quality Graphics
4.) Realistic Vehicle Physics
5.) Realistic Weaponary
6.) Completely Moddable (Can create your own maps, models, skins, etc.)
7.) No Fees
8.) Multiple Gametypes

Negative BF:V Points

1.) Can only support 128 players in one server
2.) Aircraft Physics is very realistic causing a large learning curve

Positive Planetside Points

1.) Can support up to 600 players in one server (A continent is a server)
2.) Can support large areas of land without load times

Negative Planetside Points

1.) Not Moddable
2.) Poor CSR Support for a payment game
3.) Poor QA quality on patches
4.) Have to pay a monthly fee
5.) No Johari

In conclusion, planetside is dead, UT fwns you...

*Intiate Drama Mode!* "Roger Captain, Drama Mode Intiated, prepare for fanboys!"
*Loads Flak Cannon* "Anytime... Anytime..."

2004-04-29, 03:33 AM
For everyone who was going to say tactics and such, in UT2k4 and BF:V people act as a team without you having to ask them to. They'll load up a huey a drop when they're supposed to they'll wait for you to land to get in, they aren't self-centered pricks like a lot of players are in planetside. Most people have certs FOR THEMSELVES, not others, in UT2k4 and BF:V you don't have to worry about certifications, you get what you get and you use it.


I just feel like trolling because drama is funz

2004-04-29, 03:43 AM
Just have to say that ut04 and battlefield.... are complete shite! They cannot be compared.

2004-04-29, 03:45 AM
Hmm having loggin problems, but needed to add that:
They cannot be compared to Planetside

2004-04-29, 03:48 AM
You have it mixed my young padawan... Planetside cannot compared to them!

2004-04-29, 04:08 AM
Maybe you should find a nice bridge to dwell under somewhere.

2004-04-29, 04:31 AM
You need a life outside of your computer, son. Obsessing about PS is not healthy, no matter how much you rant, cry and just bend your peepee over and fuck yourself in the hershey highway (metaphorically), you keep coming back for more. Sucker for punishment?

Here is a suggestion for you to take into consideration. GO AWAY. That is it. Just leave and don't come back. Noone likes you, noone respects you. Your moronic antics, while initially funny in the way that elephantitis is funny, are no longer appreciated.

However, I guess the community just wouldn't be whole without its village idiot.

EDIT: Wait, if you're gone for good this time, I just thought of a strong point of PlanetSide's favour.

2004-04-29, 04:34 AM
However, I guess the community just wouldn't be whole without its village idiot.
:rofl: :rofl:

2004-04-29, 07:39 AM
You missed some points...

- PS is like a real world! I mean, I can logon and stay in a game for 5 or 6 hours (what I did sometimes) and play the game like a story in a book. But in UT or BF a game runs just for 20 or 30 mins.

- PS has MUCH more communication than BF or UT. It is necessary to make a good game, especially when you are in an outfit. I love communication :groovy:

- PS has this certification thingie. I really like the idea that not everyone can do everything. I like the situations when you are needed because of your certifications or "skills". Also funny situation can result, for example granny-hacking a tower :D

- PS is not just a game for thousands of people. ITS A GAME FOR THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!!!! Perhaps you accustomed to this fact, but it is an important fact!

- No matter what other say: I think that the MISSION in PS is much better than in UT or BF (not deathmatch, i mean this CTF and OnSlaught thingie). You have to capture a base. Okay, this is not such a great thing, but HOW you do this, is really special: Blow the gen, kick the spawn tubes, make a tankinvasion, blablathis, blablathat....

A really good point is that UT and BF have better graphics. But hey, the graphics in PS are really good and impressive, too! Especially for a game with thousands of players.

So you see, I piss on the really good graphics of ut2k4, I lost my relationship to UT2k3 (i played it alot before PS) and you can go to hell playing your BF or UT while we others are staying in heaven and play PS like holy angels... :rofl: :doh: :D

I ask myself what you want to reach with this thread in a PS forum :confused: :huh:

2004-04-29, 10:47 AM
I'd like to wonder why the heck you felt it necessary to come in here and bash a game that so many people enjoy? Do you think yourself big and bad for coming into the PS forums and talking trash about PS? If that's the case...well, you may want to reconsider how you spend your time. Bitching, complaining, whining, and insulting people because you think your game is better than our game is pretty childish, not to mention completely unnecessary. Why bother, dude? I mean, really, think about it. Other than ticking people off, getting your reputation trashed, and adding a bit of lemon juice to an otherwise happy community, there's nothing to be had from doing this.

Hey man, if you get your jollies off of bashing on other people, then that's your own barrier. I just hope for your own sake that you grow out of it soon.

2004-04-29, 10:58 AM
Cryptica and Cor:

Perhaps you haven't been around the internet for very long, but this guy is what is known as a troll. Sincerely responding to his 'arguments' or getting angry is just about the worst thing you can do. Do what I did, click the 'I' in the upper right hand corner and move on.

2004-04-29, 11:02 AM
He's just pissed he got banned for speedhacking.

2004-04-29, 11:52 AM
He's just pissed he got banned for speedhacking.

Eka Timeline by me.

1. Plays Planetside.
2. Gets pissed he gets owned all the time.
3. Discovers hacking.
4. Hacks game, proceeds to own by cheeting.
5. Thinks he's god's 12 year old gift to gaming.
6. Gets shut down.
7. Bashes game.
8. Goes off into the corner of the room to masturbate while he cries.
9. Dies of cancer. (Hey, you can hope... right?)

That is all.

2004-04-29, 11:53 AM
Eka Timeline by me.

1. Plays Planetside.
2. Gets pissed he gets owned all the time.
3. Discovers hacking.
4. Hacks game, proceeds to own by cheeting.
5. Thinks he's god's 12 year old gift to gaming.
6. Gets shut down.
7. Bashes game.
8. Goes off into the corner of the room to masturbate while he cries.
9. Dies of cancer. (Hey, you can hope... right?)

That is all.
:rofl: :rofl:

2004-04-29, 12:06 PM
He is trying to recruit for those games cause nobody plays them and he needs some friends.

Whew, you are right, it IS easy to troll.

2004-04-29, 12:20 PM
He is trying to recruit for those games cause nobody plays them and he needs some friends.

Whew, you are right, it IS easy to troll.

erm...Yes it is. :rolleyes:
Just try not get addicted to it, or you'll start to lose some valuable brain cells....


2004-04-29, 02:25 PM
You planetside fanbois are funny...

I'd beat any of you in a 1v1 duel, I'll get on a trial and make a quick br3 and waste you over and over and over again.

Best part of it is...

Buy Planetside
Play Planetside
Own in Planetside
Get bored with Planetside
Get banned for sending tells to a CSR
Sweet-talk into getting unbanned
Play some more
Get bored with Planetside again
Teamkill on all 3 empires on all 3 servers
Get banned
Buy Another account for 20 bucks
Play some more
Get suspended for teamkilling 1 person 1 time
Come Back
Get bored with the incredibly slow game
Load up the Speed Hax
Have tons of fun owning entire empires
Get banned
Come back on a Trial and do it again
Get banned on trial
Load up UT2k4 and actually enjoy playing games

I forgot the part about me getting suspended for EaterofCSRs

I love PSU, so many newblars to troll upon, ARE JOO GONNA BAN ME TEW?!?! OH NOEZ

There are no tactics in planetside, it's Spawn, Run, Shoot, Die, Spawn, Run, Shoot, Kill, Die, Spawn, Run, Die, Spawn, Die... and that's about it...

In UT2k4 and BF:V There are tactics involved that you don't even have to ask your team what to do, they already know what to do, because of the simpler interface and simpler overall game, stupid players can act intelligent, unlike in planetside where not a single weapon requires skill to use (Not even the beamer).

Come duel me sometime, plz =D

2004-04-29, 02:27 PM
You planetside fanbois are funny...

I'd beat any of you in a 1v1 duel, I'll get on a trial and make a quick br3 and waste you over and over and over again.

Best part of it is...

Buy Planetside
Play Planetside
Own in Planetside
Get bored with Planetside
Get banned for sending tells to a CSR
Sweet-talk into getting unbanned
Play some more
Get bored with Planetside again
Teamkill on all 3 empires on all 3 servers
Get banned
Buy Another account for 20 bucks
Play some more
Get suspended for teamkilling 1 person 1 time
Come Back
Get bored with the incredibly slow game
Load up the Speed Hax
Have tons of fun owning entire empires
Get banned
Come back on a Trial and do it again
Get banned on trial
Load up UT2k4 and actually enjoy playing games

I forgot the part about me getting suspended for EaterofCSRs

I love PSU, so many newblars to troll upon, ARE JOO GONNA BAN ME TEW?!?! OH NOEZ

There are no tactics in planetside, it's Spawn, Run, Shoot, Die, Spawn, Run, Shoot, Kill, Die, Spawn, Run, Die, Spawn, Die... and that's about it...

In UT2k4 and BF:V There are tactics involved that you don't even have to ask your team what to do, they already know what to do, because of the simpler interface and simpler overall game, stupid players can act intelligent, unlike in planetside where not a single weapon requires skill to use (Not even the beamer).

Come duel me sometime, plz =D

:banplz: :ban:

You sir, are a pillock, a wanker, and a twat. </fragmatic>

Ooh, I know one advantage Planetside has!

It doesn't have YOU

2004-04-29, 02:29 PM
But trolling you guys is so easy!

Easier then the official forums!


2004-04-29, 02:34 PM
In UT2k4 and BF:V...stupid players can act intelligent
Hehe you said it.

2004-04-29, 05:18 PM
And I thought he would want to discuss seriously about these games. I took important time of my live to respond, and this �"*%*�% troll just keeps calm and laughes about me. I WAS REALLY NICE TO YOU, I WAS NICE MY WHOLE LIVE TO EVERYONE, AND YOU GIVE A SH.. ABOUT MY OPINION AND TALK SUCH A "%*�% IN OUR HOLY FORUM. THAT MAKES ME REALLY ANGRY! I NEVER JOIN THE CAPSLOCKCLAN, BUT YOU MADE ME DO THIS!!! YOU RUINED MY LIVE! I AM NOW REALLY DEPRESSED!!!

haha you just su*k! I hope you feel piss taked! :groovy:

Sorry guys I feel sad about using so much big letters. I apologize.

Troll, see ya in hell! (from heaven :D )

2004-04-29, 05:48 PM
I'd beat any of you in a 1v1 duel, I'll get on a trial and make a quick br3 and waste you over and over and over again.

because you use fucking speed hacks.

2004-04-29, 05:48 PM
Atleast I don't have to pay to get owned, I get owned without paying.


2004-04-29, 05:59 PM
It's interesting how some people can make themselfes happy. I make myself happy with PS programming gaming drinking eating tving smoking musiclistening or talking.

But trolling? WhatTheHell did you smoke? :confused:

2004-04-29, 06:07 PM
You know, it's people like Smiley777 and Ekathekilla that cause me to think that survival of the fittest was a pretty good way to live :rolleyes: . Now everyone survives, and retards like them stay in the fucking gene pool, assuming that they can get laid.

2004-04-29, 06:42 PM

lol fwnt.

2004-04-29, 06:44 PM
You should send an application to Sony requesting you write the scripts for Troll and Ogre speech, damn that's some talent you have there.

2004-04-29, 06:46 PM
This message is hidden because EkatheKilla is on your ignore list, imo.

2004-04-29, 06:48 PM
For everyone who was going to say tactics and such, in UT2k4 and BF:V people act as a team without you having to ask them to. They'll load up a huey a drop when they're supposed to they'll wait for you to land to get in, they aren't self-centered pricks like a lot of players are in planetside. Most people have certs FOR THEMSELVES, not others, in UT2k4 and BF:V you don't have to worry about certifications, you get what you get and you use it.


I just feel like trolling because drama is funz
bullshit. I took a galaxy pilot group of ten random people to take down an important technology plants generator to help my teammates out and keep the magriders off of em. Also, how often can a commander organize 2 random gal pilots to do an organized gal drop, as a CR4 without broadcast abilities. You say tomawto i say tomayto. You say BF:V has more teamwork, I say bullshit.

2004-04-29, 06:48 PM
This message is hidden because EkatheKilla is on your ignore list, imo.

Neat :D

2004-04-29, 06:55 PM
..................................IGNORE THE TROLL

2004-04-29, 07:24 PM
.... becaue he is a fucktard, it was funny when spork banned you.

2004-04-29, 09:17 PM
It was funny when you guys whined about getting owned to one guy -_-