View Full Version : ps any good?
2004-05-01, 10:11 PM
As i have to wait till tomoz to play ps i wanna know if its any good... simple yes or no or some info on how the game plays i would be greatful
2004-05-01, 10:17 PM
Hell Motherfucking Yes.
2004-05-01, 10:19 PM
Hell Motherfucking Yes.
2004-05-01, 10:22 PM
Hell Motherfucking Yes.
2004-05-01, 10:23 PM
:rolleyes:so what makes it better than normal mmofps like counter-strike and ut2004 ?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
2004-05-01, 11:09 PM
The reason that Planetside is better than any run-of-the-mill First Person shooter is simple: How many Unreal maps allow 600 people to be fighting for a single base using dozens of aircraft, tanks, and standard infantrymen? None.
2004-05-01, 11:16 PM
do any roles get any grief? ie snipers? ( i like to sniper, not that i dont have skill.)
2004-05-01, 11:39 PM
u get greef no matter what u decide to do.
2004-05-01, 11:42 PM
i see... well not sure thats a good thing :S so is there an rpg eliment to this game??
2004-05-02, 02:24 AM
The BR and CR ranks...kinda like XP grinds. Shoot a friendly=Grief Points!
2004-05-02, 02:50 AM
Dont worry about grief points. They are part of the game.
2004-05-02, 02:57 AM
I usually have under 50 grief, if you get over 300, you're either being an ass, or you aren't paying attention. Snipers usually get no grief, since you see your target and identify them way before you attack, and if you accidentally snipe a friendly, you fucking suck.
2004-05-02, 05:34 AM
I enjoy this game on many levels. Comin from Tribes2,I see some similarities and also many differences. The main things this game has to offer are variaties in roles(sniper,tank driver,pilot,hacker,infiltrator,medic,etc) and HUGE battles. Lets not ferget this is a 24/7 Global War where territory changes every 10mins or so.It shall take something better/bigger in the FPS game market to get me to leave.
To the person who negatively commented on suckin if ya snipe a friendly:it happens alot to friendly infils as after a certain distance,ya cannot distinguish them from friend/foe(even with Adv Targeting).Also,if yer supportin friendlies and ya accidently snipe them while they are engaged in combat(and losing) with yer chosen target,then its best to appologize. Grunts always thank me fer snipin some guy they are havin trouble with and we all werk together to get the job done,not worryin about kill stealin ;)
PS. How can I enable a text filter in here? *points to the language* ^^^
2004-05-02, 07:28 AM
I usually have under 50 grief, if you get over 300, you're either being an ass, or you aren't paying attention. Snipers usually get no grief, since you see your target and identify them way before you attack, and if you accidentally snipe a friendly, you fucking suck.
Unless it is some stupid ass cloaker that decided to run in front of you. I've sniped several friendly cloakers (and enemies for that matter) a couple times.
2004-05-02, 07:34 AM
:rolleyes:so what makes it better than normal mmofps like counter-strike and ut2004 ?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
neither counter-strike nor UT2004 are MMOFPS. neither of those games support massive amounts of people at the same time. the servers are all smaller then 128 people. PS is a true MMO because it supports thousands of people simultaneously. neither UT2004 nor counter strike can support battles of 300+ people all in the same area PS can.
2004-05-02, 09:50 AM
PS. How can I enable a text filter in here? *points to the language* ^^^
erm...whats a "Text Filter" ? :doh:
2004-05-02, 11:57 AM
Think she means a swear filter :)
2004-05-02, 12:14 PM
we have none
Cauldron Borne
2004-05-02, 02:49 PM
Any one here heard of Soldjner? That is supposed to be pretty kick ass. Course it will prolly have even more of a mem drain on a comp than PS...
The thing about PS is you can play it two ways:
Mindless Shooter (good for early morning when you just wanna take yer HA wep to a persons head), and
Tactical, in-depth, FPS: you can play a support role to help yer friends (engi, hacker, medic), and use a voice system to play a more organized game with yer friends.
And THAT, my friend, is what truly separates PS from the likes of UT2K4.
2004-05-02, 03:42 PM
Soldner sucks ass. Really. It fucking blows.
And what good would a swear filter do, you still know what word we're saying, no point in changing to another.
You know, call a rose by any other name and whatnot.
2004-05-02, 04:22 PM
Soldner isn't that good, at least not yet.
:rolleyes:so what makes it better than normal mmofps like counter-strike and ut2004 ?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
For one thing, UT2004 is basically seizure fighting: extremely fast-paced combat with extremely powerful weapons. Of course, that's not bad, but PS very much emphasizes tactics, careful planning, and good use of cautious yet aggresive fighting. Plus, PS is an actual war, not just a single battle.
Dont worry about grief points. They are part of the game.
How can I enable a text filter in here? *points to the language* ^^^
As Rbst said, we have none. That's because a swear filter would filter out at least half (if not more) of the content in the average PSU post. :p
2004-05-02, 04:23 PM
ps=best game ever. Everquest can go to hell
2004-05-02, 04:57 PM
PS has no RPG elements to it.
PS has more players on it per single serve than any other mmofps.
Grief is a system to prevent idiots from on purpose killing friendlies. Grief is bad.
PS has some good sniping spots.
The PS world is a pain in the ass to walk around on foot. Get a vehicle.
2004-05-02, 05:33 PM
Hey soldners isn't that bad, it's a bit unstable now and getting a good server is hard, and the Heli's are hard as hell to fly but it is gona be a good game.
Still PS is better even a 128 player soldner game can't equal PS
And ps does have RPS elements ala BR and CR and certs
2004-05-03, 08:07 AM
Well Im just lookin fer ways to NOT have to read it is all. I dont swear much and dont wish to read it all the time. Is there anyway for one to be created? We are all different and was just wishin to have one.
2004-05-03, 08:21 AM
By greif I think he meant people yelling at him for choosing a specific role not the "greif system" when you get greif points for shooting, running over, killing friendlys. Sniping takes a lot more skill in PS then other games but on occasion you might get the "fight close up like a man and not far way" tells but thats what the ignore command is for anyway. Besides that their ususally coming from the enimey factions which I'm more then happy to piss off then ignore. If your gonna snipe then I sudjest getting an ATV or the harasser as you can drive them with reinforced exosuit with your bolt-driver. Way I take sniping is to watch how your target is moving then point your gun a good ways ahead of him to give it time to tighten then when he runs into your sights, fire, repeat (2 shot kill). Though I find myself too impatience at times to keep the sniping cert for long. This is the best FPS IMO hands down.
2004-05-03, 09:19 AM
Well Im just lookin fer ways to NOT have to read it is all. I dont swear much and dont wish to read it all the time. Is there anyway for one to be created? We are all different and was just wishin to have one.
mmmm...well you can't blame them, they just have limited vocabulary to express themselves. It happens.... :rolleyes:
As for anyway for one to be created. There is already one in place, selected words such as *** <- O - F - N = Old F*cking News has been censor because it was abused constantly. Yes. Swear words are abused regulary but thats was what they were designed for.
Since this forum is predominately male territory, any attempt to censor swear words go against their macho philosophy. Yes. Grrrr. Men.
*Grabs her Pulsar and runs off to hide in a bunker for the expected counter-attack :lol: *
I don't think there is anything you can do about it if you want to be a regular here. Except clench your teeth, roll with the posts, and try to resist adopting swearothon-easy-way-to-express-opinion style. :p
2004-05-03, 10:39 AM
Hell Motherfucking Yes.
2004-05-03, 11:04 AM
yes it is good, it will be the most amazing gaming experiance of your life...for about the first month, then you will realize what looks like organization, is just chaos headed in one general direction (ie zerg) but its all fun after that, you just feal more enlightend to human naure :D
and YES you will be called a fking moron camper newb if you snipe all the time and are good at it, if you think you can be the l33t sniper with 1 hit kill in the head like you can be in ut then you have another thing coming my man :cool:
but thats only if you are good at it, snipers don't actually contribute ANYTHING to the game at all, except killing random people outside, or on a wall, but generally they never kill the good players, who can avoid snipers 98% of the time, the same good people who are the ones who will make it inside and hack your base or your tower
but yeah its still fun to snipe, and if you dont care about helping your empire then its a good thing to do :D
and you will be hunted mercilessly by cloakers if you snipe on a hill, so even if you DO like to camp, you wont be doing it for very long
get the game, its worth every cent...
DONT get core combat unless you want to pay $30 for a shitty excuse for mobile artillery
2004-05-03, 07:06 PM
Ive played essentially every great game out there, and not one of them gives you the experience of a massive battle in planetside. you cant find this kind of gameplay anywhere else.
2004-05-04, 05:41 AM
Totally acceptable answer Onizuka.
*remembers to NOT stalk here when she is at work*
At least ingame I have a chat filter ;) . This game is so great on sooooooo many levels.
Yeah I snipe 70% of the time(am very talented too). But I do this because:1) I lag even on the intro screen 2) Grunt work is totally boring 3) I enjoy roles that have some style/finese'.
Dont get me wrong,we all have our roles and I mainly die to a smart grunt that shoots me out of Audio Amp range or to a vehicle/plane. Rarely I die to infils unless they are smart and have Sensor Shield (I like Silent Run better). All in all I dont get too riled up since I try to pull a knife on em but most of em use the Amp....
I find it funny to believe that I have yet to actually SEE a Core Combat box anywhere in any store in my area.....*isnt in a hurry to get it*
Real Mulambo
2004-05-04, 08:04 AM
YES the game is good
BUT don't believe the initial hype of battles with thousands of people.
Hundreds yes
2004-05-05, 06:43 AM
You will have ZERO skill when you first start off. It's a game where skill is determined by leadership ability, perception, knowledge of game mechanics, agility and tactical abilities.
Knowing how to kill someone in PS is about 10% of the game. Knowing how to stop an army with your own is the other 90%.
You will have much to learn.
2004-05-05, 06:52 AM
Also, don't use Special Assault at first unless you want to get weapon locked.
Cauldron Borne
2004-05-06, 09:00 PM
You will learn quickly, young padawan. :D
Sniping is cool, it gives me free kills as a cloaker. Been cloakin' since release and can boomer anything I can see. No-one is safe, not even my own Outfit mates :D
Vis Armata
2004-05-06, 10:02 PM
My advice: try the game by yourself for a short period of time, and then look for a good outfit. It will change your perception of Planetside - outfits (the gaming clans) are the key in the game.
As far as the game itself, the depth is really apparent once you've tried similar non-MMO shooters. I downloaded Tribes 2 the other day (loved that game), but I found it shallow.
2004-05-06, 11:54 PM
I find it funny to believe that I have yet to actually SEE a Core Combat box anywhere in any store in my area.....*isnt in a hurry to get it*
That's apparently because you have some distribution problems in America.
Funny enough I saw Core Combat for the first time on shelf at HMV a month ago. But the original Planetside wasn't anywhere to be seen.....
But besides that, Core Combat isn't worth the CD it's burned on.
So save your money for the subscription instead.
2004-05-07, 01:38 AM
Thanks fer the advice. Im just lookin fer new things to do,new challenges. Im startin to just fight in Standard now as Im just gettin bored. I mean no one cares about an Adv Medic/Infil and mostly people are Rexo/HA grunts /Reaver spammers or use MAXes/vehicles. Just need to find the right outfit fer my TR on Markov. One that actually sticks together/works together/listens/does not require TS (my comp lags hard and I choose sniper/infil to keep the lag down as I dont like huge fights) and one that appreciates my job role.
Nothin more satisfiyin than stalkin someone fer 15mins,watchin what they do,observin what type of implants they have,and then when they least suspect it...WHAMM! My all time,laugh till you cry ,fav thing to do is knife someone underwater. Its so funny to see them run from you while ya carve em up ;)
2004-05-07, 08:38 AM
Thanks fer the advice. Im just lookin fer new things to do,new challenges. Im startin to just fight in Standard now as Im just gettin bored. I mean no one cares about an Adv Medic/Infil and mostly people are Rexo/HA grunts /Reaver spammers or use MAXes/vehicles. Just need to find the right outfit fer my TR on Markov. One that actually sticks together/works together/listens/does not require TS (my comp lags hard and I choose sniper/infil to keep the lag down as I dont like huge fights) and one that appreciates my job role.
Nothin more satisfiyin than stalkin someone fer 15mins,watchin what they do,observin what type of implants they have,and then when they least suspect it...WHAMM! My all time,laugh till you cry ,fav thing to do is knife someone underwater. Its so funny to see them run from you while ya carve em up ;)
Wooah Tiger. :lol:
But that suprising, not many new people go for up-close and personal, they usually go for a Max first since its easy,you tend to survive 1-on-1 enounters and you can get alot of kills initially so you will level up faster.
I hate water! I don't understand how we can't swim... i mean i understand if your wearing an Rexo, at leased when your an Infli or in standard you should swim.
Mind you I personally hate snipers and infli.
I'm more or a Driver/Anti-Air-Vehicle trooper.
I like nothing better then happily transport my squad into battle, jump out and take out those pesky Reavers and Tanks, run and jump into a Magrider or Light Tank and then go and run someone down. :lol:
2004-05-07, 11:47 PM
See that is what is so exhilirating as an infil. Silent Run/Adv Target and Melee Boost along with a medic gun/rek and 3 boomers fer MAXes is totally fun. Now that I can move while some dumb mossie is hoverin above me,gives me more flexibility. Im the one knifin the Eng thats repin the vehicles,hack it,hop into gunner seat and blow people away. I did that once to a Vanny parked inside an AMS bubble. Knifed the guy,hacked it ,hopped into gunner seat and blew the AMS,many NC and myself away ;)
Overall,that is the ultimate challenge fer me along with snipin. I used to be the transport person too,but people would either not listen,grab their own transport or not even stick together. I have that Lightning tank now and I can say it is not easy to use. I get mixed up with movin my gun and the tank during fights, I sometimes end up in the water........
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