View Full Version : DEA Agent Shoots Himself During Gun Safety Presentation

2004-05-02, 01:53 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


ORLANDO, Fla. ? A federal drug agent shot himself in the leg during a gun safety presentation to children in what police describe as an accident. His bosses, however, are still investigating the incident.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (search) agent, whose name was not released, was speaking April 9 to about 50 adults and students organized by the Orlando Minority Youth Golf Association, witnesses and police said.

He drew his .40-caliber duty weapon and removed the magazine, according to the police report. He then pulled back the slide and asked an audience member to look inside the gun and confirm it wasn't loaded.

Witnesses said when the agent released the slide, one shot fired into the top of his left thigh. The gun was pointed at the floor

The agent was treated at Orlando Regional Medical Center and returned to work, a DEA official said.

2004-05-02, 01:55 AM
omg gun noob.

EDIT: shouldve checked it himself as well. the audience member apparently didnt see the bullet in the chamber.

2004-05-02, 01:57 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2004-05-02, 02:15 AM
wouldn't that of been funny of the audience dude who checked the gun got shot?

i r m0rbid.

Neon Apocalypse
2004-05-02, 12:02 PM
what an idiot :rofl:

squeeky you are teh funnay

2004-05-02, 12:08 PM

2004-05-02, 12:58 PM
:lol: :lol:

What a fuxxing retard.

2004-05-02, 05:01 PM
reminds me of a darwin award winner, but he was some redneck, not a DEA agent :)

2004-05-02, 08:51 PM
Least it didnt hit his private area

2004-05-03, 03:52 PM
...must have been all coked-up.

DEA = Keystone Cops

2004-05-03, 04:05 PM
:rofl: :rofl: The irony of it all

2004-05-03, 04:55 PM
yeah. i heard about this one. i believe i was eating Easy Mac in my room when i found out because i spat it across the floor i laughed so hard. What a dumbass.

2004-05-04, 01:24 AM
Witnesses said when the agent released the slide, one shot fired into the top of his left thigh. The gun was pointed at the floor

this is a safe procedure, and i'd say this accident was a fluke. he was doing the right thing to have it aimed away from the audience and his vitals. good for him.

although he should have been able to see a chambered round himself, no weapon should fire a round by simply racking it... if it did, it would be a fully-automatic handgun, no?

2004-05-04, 09:47 AM
What a moron! He sould of know that there was a bullet in the chamber! You should always know where yor damn bullets are!

2004-05-04, 10:45 AM