View Full Version : So - It's been a year this month
2004-05-02, 06:49 PM
So this month is a year of PlanetSide. How do you feel about the game now? How do you feel about where it's going and where it's been? Are you new to the game, or have you been around since the beginning?
Additionally, how do you feel about PlanetSide Universe? Do you like what we have been doing? What would you like to see? A lot has changed at this site in a year, and we'd love to hear your input! :)
2004-05-02, 06:53 PM
2004-05-02, 06:56 PM
Id would probably still be playing if a non-buggy version of CC wasing coming out now, instead of when it did.
That said, I do come back for a month every once in a while, the massive battles just cant be beat by any current FPS. I will always have a soft spot for this game.
2004-05-02, 07:02 PM
I've always been wanting a squad-based FPS like this. All I have to say is: I wish I could play more :D
2004-05-02, 07:04 PM
this game is great. i think it's one of the better games ive played. Maybe if i can scrounge up enough money ill get a gamecard and then reinstall and play some.
I Hate Pants
2004-05-02, 07:11 PM
Planetside is great! Only problem is it lacks getting its name out there. Im sure there are alot more people who would love this game. But alot of people still don't know about it.
2004-05-02, 07:15 PM
13 months for me, actually, and it keeps getting better. PSU gives the community that extra touch with the devs, and a 'second opinion' (where the OF is the first).
As for what I'd like to see? More polls. Polls = feedback. Feedback = good!
2004-05-02, 07:26 PM
What I don't get is how I have been jackhammering people for a year and am still not bored of it...
2004-05-02, 07:29 PM
Yep, wish I could play more.
I just want more depth. More realism (as realistic as possible under the storyline). Customizable backpacks. Engineer constructable fortifications. Outfit Base Ownership. Outfit Flagships. Beyond Battle Rank 20.
What I DON'T want to see is the brutally obvious suit tinkering that's been going on. I mean, seriously. Competitive play has it's place in MMOs, but I would venture to guess more then 80% of the player population would rather see better and more involved gameplay mechanics that effect the war, or deeper character development. I share Marsman's sentiment that Core Combat was not something the devs wanted to do, at least, not at that stage in the game or the expansion concept's development. They just wanted something on the shelves for the big market times. More shelf space and publicity is a good thing, but I stand by my opinion that better gameplay will bring people when coupled with good marketting campaign, not more products to buy.
And that's another thing. Marketting. It's time for SOE to show that they think that Everquest isn't the only profitable premium game they provide. We need marketing. We need more players. Is it not just I who sees the irony? More marketing means a larger income for SOE. A larger income means more money to put back into the game, improving it. More improvements means better word of mouth reputation, which once again means more players and MORE PROFIT. You make more. The game gets better. The community realizes you care. I fail to see how *anyone* loses there.
Basically.. More content, more depth, more marketting.
2004-05-02, 07:33 PM
I cant believe its been a year. it seems like only yesterday I was lagging my ass off in beta with a 2-year old dell.
2004-05-02, 08:17 PM
When I first played Planetside there are two things I remember most.
The first was people broadcasting their certs in the sanctuary as people formed squads based on each individual's limited certs. The sound of gals roaring about as people got together to go out onto the continents of Auraxis and fight the war for their empire.
I also remember then dropping onto base to see no-one while capping it, fly to another base and see the base you just wasted 15 minutes of your life capping being rehacked. Of course this was before lattace links :)
I think the hard part is behind the dev team, the bug list is getting shorter and shorter and the imbalances between the empires are slowly but surely being worked out. It's hard to think that at one point, probably during beta, that you'd CTD just because you had heard someone dying.
I'm not saying it's going to be plain sailing from here on out, but I think these new vehicle variants are the tip of a content iceberg. I've heard people say that even EverQuest took a year or so to get into stride, and look at what it has become. A new concept such as Planetside may not be so different (although to be honest I don't think Planetside will ever reach as many subscribers as EQ, but we don't need that many players anyway :)).
My hat goes off to SmokeJumper and Sporkfire. I still remember being huddled in the launchpad chatroom during beta and listening to SmokeJumper explaining why he calls himself SmokeJumper and explaining bug fixes and balance issues. While Sporkfire has done a great job at informing people of the dev team's intentions and I assume doing a good job at sorting through the flood of good and bad ideas on the forums and presenting them to the dev team. I also hear he helps Coca Cola's profit from Diet Coke, but I'm unable to confirm this ;)
I'm new to PSU so I can't say how it's improved, but when I first visited PSU (to get my hands on Ask the Devs 5 I think) I have to say I was very impressed by the variety of services it offered and the quality of the graphics and design of the website. My thanks to you Hamma, Marsman and the members of the PSU staff who make PSU what it is (and of course to the rest of you guys for not telling me to shove off back to the official forums :D).
While other games have come close, whether through the addition of vehicles, game types, support roles, communication, advanced AI or atmosphere, Planetside is still the only game that makes you feel like you are in the middle of a war as opposed to skirmishing inside an enclosed box. :thumbsup:
2004-05-02, 08:29 PM
Players and command seems to be growing too, I remember when NC could start hacking forseral during primetime and get all the way to caer before TR would show up in any number. Now its more like you can put a hack on any base or drop any gen and expect a response in no time flat.
On emerald at least, each empire's cr5's seem to be stepping it up. There are more tactical moves that are based off the global lattice and many times the game is more than an fps, its trying to lure the other two empires zergs into a stalemate while you backhack/ reclaim lost territory.
During most of primetime I can go to any nc home cont, or at least those in the A.S.S. group and find 25+ nc watching for lone hacks and the like.
2004-05-02, 09:27 PM
yea, unless there is a massive battle somewhere else (pop locked, with people waiting to get in) the opposing empire will respond after 1 1/2 base caps. before you can almost lock a continent before getting 25+ defenders.
2004-05-02, 10:49 PM
it was the best game i ever played, but something happened and it got very repedative. It was hader to kill people the reaver never responded to how i wanted to fly pissed me off. I played in beta and... it is ok.
2004-05-02, 11:20 PM
PSU is absolutely bad ass. One of the best places on the net. However, Planetside is the biggest letdown in recent gaming history. A shitty few people made a shitty set of decisions, and the game hasn't ever recovered. Planetside is as horrible as ever, but I'm definately waiting for Planetside 2 (The Dave G free version).
He asked for opinions, so if you don't like mine, shove it up your ass.
2004-05-02, 11:21 PM
This should have a poll.
PS is good.
2004-05-02, 11:22 PM
Man it seems as iff barley any time has passed, i remember when i won PSU beta contest and was like OMFG HOLY SHIT I FUCKING WON. But i had 56k ad had the worst lag evar, but i still loved it
2004-05-02, 11:51 PM
I still remember my first kills...I had just certed in Mosquito (back in September 03) and headed to Ceryshen, Sedna. There were four TR trying to cap it and I was one of the three people there. I met three of them half-way from the tower by a log and a tree, two were in agile and one in an AA MAX...I killed them all with my suppressor! Alas I have since quit (As of last month due to the massive amounts of lag and Rexo buff, and I'm on High speed DSL!) I still feel that its a good game and the comunity is awsome! But, its just not to my taste (I'm more of a MiliSim guy). As for PSU, you guys are the bomb!
2004-05-02, 11:52 PM
O lord in heaven, what hath happened to the post bubbles?! :eek:
On topic, I love Planetside, now and forever, amen.
2004-05-03, 12:42 AM
I started playing in open beta, and if I hadn't played in that I never would have gotten into Planetside in the first place. I debated with myself whether it was worth it to get this game, and thus started on the 29th instead of the 20th. Still, I'm glad I got it because now, 11 months later I'm still playing. The only game I played longer was Warcraft II, which I played as a kid. I played that game for a whole year. I tend to just drop a game and move on to another. I keep signing on to Planetside though. Not every day, but enough to justify the cost.
The day I found a good outfit ([shameless plug] The Vindicators [/shameless plug]) was the day I hit my stride. They were the best thing that happened to me and have really helped to take my game to the next level. If you're not in a good outfit, find one. They make this game better. If you often find yourself wondering whether it's a good idea to sign on, you probably should start looking around for something better. Find one with a good leadership structure, and a teamspeak server.
When I first started out I had no skills. I used a rocklet gun because it was easy to use. I stuck with it though, and now I'm an awesome player. Now I own instead of getting owned. My skills with the Pulsar are excellent, and I'm mean accurate with a Lancer. I'm not the best by any means, but I can still dish out the ownage.
I've never been a part of something from the beginning, but Planetside, is the sort of thing you can be proud to say "I was there from the start. I knew that game when it was just starting out." Planetside is something special, and it'll only get better with time. For all those who stopped playing, all I have to say is give Planetside another chance. It's much improved from the early days. I remember the crashes, and the bugs, and not wanting to play. Still, I stayed, and now that this game is awesome, I'm glad I'm still playing it. I can't wait to see what they have in store for year two.
2004-05-03, 12:43 AM
i played diablo2 for about 6 months found out about ps then left d2 then found out that my comp wasnt fast enough for ps.i went back to d2 and found out that nothing had changed.....all u do in that game is trade trade trade trade trade to see who can get the best stuff to be better in i feel that if ps get a tourney mode most outfits will kind of detour the original idea of ps and go straight to tourney mode....only to prove whos better.whats the point?this is PS not CS.
lemme noe what u guys think
I don't know. Planetside is a good game, there are just so many things wrong with it that my head hurts. I just wonder why the PS devs don't look to other dev companies like Blizzard, not for help from them, but to get examples on how to fix things. So many balance issues... sigh. PS has so much potential, alas I don't think sony will ever realize them. I will still play though, just because I want to max my exp out and start a character on TR.
P.S. Tssha, Ive been playing the Warcraft series for 5 years, that game never gets old. Also, overall I'd have to say WC is better than PS.
2004-05-03, 12:56 AM
I started on May 22, which is my birthday (I think that might have been release day, or atleast it was very close to it)... It's grown up so much! (for lack of a better term...)
2004-05-03, 04:46 AM
To be honest, if I don't restrain my self about cheering Planetside, I would write all day.
From the launch we've come far, and it is not just bugfixes. Its new different content, additions, changes, etc for the better.
Planetside grows and change every day. The PS "universe" is so big with variations that players can do, and does. This game is the best! What other game do you see only players and no AI(monsters, npc, etc) that provides you with most intense action and variation?
I played Funcoms Anarchy Online for more than a year. To tell you the truth... I said to my self... never never ever again a MMO... then I saw Planetside. :eek:
I liked it from the first day and it grew to love. Since I started playing PS, I've asked myself:"Why the hell did I even play a MMORPG?". MMOFPS rules and SOE have shown it and the way.
MMORPGs are rediculous compared to the Planetside concept(now alot of people gets offend, but I don't care). Sitting in caverns, camping monsters and awaiting for 4 hours for them to spawn(OR MORE!), just to see some uber level player pass you with the blink of an eye, kill it and loot everything you dreamed of.
PS is based on skills! Pure player skills. Your skills gets rewarded. From time to time you have to make tactical desicions, you don't get that much in a RPG.
Yeah, the launch of CC was a disaster. The "try to fix it" have been a disaster, untill the cavernlock benifits. Now it is ok, gives a point of getting "down under". But still needs fixing.
There is still some dissapointments with CC from my side:
Closed cavern cyclus, why the hell? Close Annwn cavern(the worst joke of stoned dev), open the others.
3 AT vehicles, to 3 vehicle certs. Why not 1 AT vehicle to every vehicle cert?
3 AT weapons to 3 weaponcerts. *sigh*
If they put more concept and additions into CC, they will come up with more playing and purchasing CC.
But all in all, PS gets my 10 out of 10 stars, its brand new, unique and great!
CC though gets my 6-7 out of 10, needs improvement.
And Planetside Universe gets my 9 out of 10. I love your dedication to PS and the playerbase. Dev talk, IGN, movies, forum, downloads and cool empire recruitment commercials that makes me laugh alot.(the TR Texans rules, "get'em Bubba")
Ok, done, I'm off to play... yes Planetside. :groovy:
2004-05-03, 05:50 AM
Well, I love the game. But I'm not sure that i still would be playing if did not join the DRUCKWELLE. (maby you heard about it - german speaking online Clan - nr. 1 on Werner)
It is just great to play a game with 40 or 60 firends in Platoons (ouwwiee if i remember when we had to organise our attacks without Platoons hahaha)
The games gets better, and the players and commanders get better too. atm PS has real good conndition I think - As long as Druckwelle will be in PS I'll be in PS.
And to PSU - I learned alot of things while reading all the information on your page, keept it going ;D thx 2 U :groovy:
2004-05-03, 06:37 AM
PSU for teh win!! :groovy:
2004-05-03, 08:47 AM
I have been playing for a year now. One of the best things about PS is the community and web sites like PSU. PSU has been very informative. I download all the "Ask the Devs" and listen to them during work (taking notes to pass on to my GameNight crew). Yeah, everyone at work thinks I am a major geek.
As far as PS goes, I agree with some of the previous posts. Sony has to get PS on the shelves and market this game. It is a great game and it can grow if people new about it. I have never played a game for a year straight, maybe a few months but never even close to year AND COUNTING.
My one problem with PS is the "addiction factor". I can't NOT play this game. I am here now on a forum about this game. When I lay down to sleep and close my eyes I see the game. I run scenearios through my head, what cert combos should I try next, how can I take over a facility with just 4 guys, what cert combos should they have, etc.
Thanks Sony for monopolizing all my free time.
2004-05-03, 10:30 AM
Planetside + PSU > Any other game or site I have been with. ;)
2004-05-03, 11:13 AM
yeah been playing about 14 months here...whenever it was 1 week until open beta started, like april 23 2003,
I think it has changed for both the better and worse
being a TR loyalist for most of those 14 months I think you can understand why I feel this way
I miss the pounder when 2 of them could single handedly hold a tower for 45 minutes
I miss seeing most of our infantry carry cyclers over MCGs
I miss my old striker :(
I do not miss feeling helpless against the NC indoors
I do not miss feeling sorry for the vanu
I do NOT miss the old surge ( :love: devs)
I've had more fun with this game than almost any other I have played, I was more blown away by it my first day than any other game before or since, I've never hated any game as much as planetside, Ive never loved any game as much as planetside
1 year later the only thing I can really say is...why the fuck are people still hitting the deploy ams button instead of the equipment terminal :doh:
2004-05-03, 11:34 AM
PSU rox so much it beats pr0n
PS needs some work done, especially to balance some of the glaring problems
2004-05-03, 12:12 PM
You know, I may just start playing again...I don't know though...We'll see.
2004-05-03, 12:40 PM
oh nice sig
I love mechwarrior 4 :D
2004-05-03, 02:21 PM
Thank you, everybody. The rest of the team definately needs to see this to brighten up their day.
And we'll do everything we possibly can to make year two live up to year one.
2004-05-03, 02:36 PM
Year one was good, don't get me wrong, but I'd prefer a better year two. First, I'd like to see more marketing to make sure we have a year two. Overall, these little additions and tweaks are nice, but there's so much more you can do.
2004-05-03, 02:40 PM
If you don't get the little tweaks sorted before you stick the big tweaks on top then you'll have an even larger mess to deal with when stuff goes wrong :)
Core combat I feel proved that, new content rushed out the door before the rest of the game had been ready for it. As I think has been said by some other people, if Core Combat had been released now, things could have been a whole lot different :D
But that's the past, we hope for a brighter future, one filled with content and much more fun :groovy:
2004-05-03, 03:36 PM
I think the best way to get more people to play is to optimize the game engine.
I have worked at EB Games for 2 years. I think everyone that shops at a gaming store knows that one sales associate that just LOVES Xbox, or PS2, or Gamecube, or whatever.
I'm probably the only EB salesperson that holds that towards PlanetSide. I tell a lot of people about it, and the most surprising response was, "Yeah I saw it, but it runs so slow, even on my friend's "(insert 2.0ghz, 512mb ram, 128mb video card computer.)"
That is what I hear more than anything else about PS. Most FPS junkies have already played it, and aren't gonna go back until it's fixed.
Until the engine is optimized for people with lower system requirements instead of just the hardcore computer junkies, the game will have a limited population. :(
2004-05-03, 03:39 PM
I was not refering to bug fixes. I was refering to (relatively) small changes like BWGs and the LLU when most would have prefered more in-depth character development or OBO or the like.
I mean, c'mon. Who can really say they would have rather had Core Combat over Outfit Base Ownership or getting Elite abilities early?
2004-05-03, 04:26 PM
I agree with Navaron. Some of the decisions they have made are just ass. I wont be back unless the devs get thier shit together about Infiltrators and put in new bases and/or urban areas. I might re-up for a month after post BR 20 skills go in to see if they suck or not
Red October
2004-05-03, 06:05 PM
I got addicted when a friend of mine let me play for a little while. That day foward I decided to get a good computer...and I did. Now the only thing that stops me from playing is 1) Work 2) Wife 3) Yard/House Work.
I think Planetside has huge potential that hasn't been tapped into yet. Some serious marketing, a way for Playstation console's to get in (open up a whole new market and stab x-box a little). I agree core combat felt rushed, but with the addition of new vehicle variants for free, it may wipe the bad taste everyone got. Should another expansion occur (space, water, whatever), it should be well thought out. But of course the priority should be improving whats already there. And I think the Dev's are doing a good job thus far.
2004-05-03, 06:08 PM
Planetside + PSU > Any other game or site I have been with. ;)
2004-05-03, 06:12 PM
a way for Playstation console's to get in (open up a whole new market and stab x-box a little)
I don't think the xbox is good enough to run Planetside, although I may be wrong if they can optimise it in such a way that it does run pretty well.
However, can you imagine playing Planetside with a controller? I suppose some people have keyboards and mice for their consoles but it'd still be a massive feat to pull off for those who don't have those accessories.
2004-05-03, 06:13 PM
I mis the old look of PSU :(
2004-05-03, 06:15 PM
I mis the old look of PSU :(
Agreed :p
But, I do not agree that PS is a let down... I've had so much fun playing the game. It just got old, but as said, the massive battles can't be beat.
I doubt I will play it again, but it is a special game to me.
Red October
2004-05-03, 06:16 PM
However, can you imagine playing Planetside with a joypad? I suppose some people have keyboards and mice for their consoles but it'd still be a massive feat to pull off for those who don't have those accessories.
More fodder for the cannon :lol:
But Sony could do something similar as they did to Final Fantasy (game + hard drive). It would be Game + Keyboard + Mouse
2004-05-03, 06:24 PM
That could work :)
2004-05-03, 06:46 PM
The thing about Planetside is that, for something that's never been tried before, it's downright amazing. The graphics are pretty good, the communication excellent, but it's the amazingly innovative and ingenious gameplay is what stands out. Sure there were bombs, like Core Combat: But what about the things like the capitals, the cavern locks and the BWGs. To keep innovating and constantly adding new ideas for a whole year shows nothing short of brilliance by the Dev team.
I am God
Worships ;)
2004-05-03, 07:32 PM
Well lets just say I play it with aol and a 56k modem.
May 25th, I remember that day. It's my little bro's birthday. We went to the mall that day in search for my kid's present. Obviously we went into Gamestop cause half the deal for cleaning the house (The whole damn thing) I would get Planetside and wouldn't have to pay the monthly fee. Got home, got my moms credit card, then waited for the first two patches to d/l on my crappy 56k aol connection.
6AM the next day it finished. I woke real early and got myself jacked on coffee. I launched the game and heard the opening music. My heart jumped, my very first time playing PS since i never made it into beta. No longer do I have to follow My Planetside on the main site anymore, I'm finally in it. I choosed my primary world (Markov) and made my character (me). Once I got out of the spawn tube and out into the sancuary, i was in total shock. Wow with a capital W. As most do, I went to VR and tryed everything to be tried and picked reaver out of all. Only 4 certs (this was before you were able to get first experience bep), might as well waist them on something I love.
I flew around, killed some more newbies like myself. Got the 5 extra certs, went and waisted them on infultration suit and advance hacking when you could hack terminals without getting the 5 cert package.
After I learned how to broadcast much less talk without sending /tells, I said every players very favorit words. "LFS" One squad leader, not much advanced as myself but somehow already past CR1 accepted my newbish self and invited me. WOOO MY FIRST SQUAD!! Since a bug however blows me up whenever i go through a warpgate, I stepped inside his galaxy and he took off after we got a full squad. We were heading to Solsar already engadged down by the NC's gate. 0edge.jpg
I got that pic too, since I was the first out i was to look for mines and jam the shit outa them. I waved clear and they all dropped. We got that base within the 15 minutes, we had alot of fire after that and it all got very laggy. Hell I cared, I'M PLAYING PS!!!!
Days went by, PS grew, lost bugs, got upgrades. I played with different empires on the other servers for a little bit, then would run back to my main character and play him all day.
Now you ask what PS is like. You can say its down, I liked the beginning. The beginning there wasn't really a point to 3 separate villas in the sanc, all villas wer as full as the 1 main one in beta. Now, there really isnt a point because no one is ever in the sanc. all they got to do is /o where we fighting? and then take a hart which has been given some wakeup juice and arrives every 3 minutes. Or your brand new, the patch took longer than the beta d/l for ps, and everyone spams global.
Then you can say you love it. Server merg, lots of people once again. New vehicles, places, stuff to do. every one is up to date.
Do I like it? Well as I said, I played since the beginning on aol with a 56k modem, you think I dont like it?
Now PSU. I have to say, its only my 4rth real community i've been with since I've only been an online gamer for 3 years and kept half my time making maps in Tribes 2. This is the best community I have ever been in. If I was a rich son of a gun, I'd contribute enough to make hamma buy back his truck. This site being up to date on everything, and having so many options just for PS is great. My advice: keep doing what your doing.
Without this site, I wouldn't be playing PS. Thanks.
[/end wanabe 1 hour speech]
PS is great and just keeps getting better (minus the surge nerf, SAVE SURGE). I've been playing since release. I think that the LLU addition and the skyguard, liberator, and loadstar were great new vehicles. I also think that the way the game works with outfit's (outfit panel, outift chat channel, etc.) and the global system is great. And the BR and CR system is great as well.
The only thing that I think has gone bad in Planetside is the fact that pick-up squads are just a bunch of people with a squad leader that wants CEP. He usally just tells his squad to go to a base and fight for it and then once they have it then he tells them to move to the next base and so on. I remember when I first got Planetside I was outside in my standard loadout looking at a gal landing thinking "wow that thing is huge" and then I get a squad invite and having no clue what would happen I clicked yes and I joined my first squad. Right when I joined I was asked my certs to which I replyed "I don't now". Now the squad leader was ok with that because he knew I was new and back then most of the people were new. So we load up in a gal and miss the drop becuase most of us didn't know how to drop. So we get out and guard the gal (gunners stayed in) while someone was repairing it. Then I made my first drop on a enemy base and well I died :lol:.
I never see squad members ask certs or use gals or anything like that anymore. But then again that is what you have outfit's for. Still I would like to see squad leaders doing that again.
PSU is also great and has always been great. The best PS community and best overall community. Keep up the good work staff.
I also really liked AGN. Acutally that is how I found out about PSU, I was on the official site and I saw a link to AGN on the main page and got to AGN site. After I looked around for a while and then I registered to the fourms. And for the first week I didn't know what PSU was I thought it was just an abbrivation for some text like "lol" and "rofl" are :lol:.
2004-05-03, 07:55 PM
I've been playing since the 22nd of September 2003, and PS is getting better and better with each month that goes by.
I hope that they release an expansion so amazing that it re-populates our humble servers and the war can continue the way it was meant to be fought :)
2004-05-04, 02:44 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if PS made it's way onto PS3, since it will probably have USB plug-ins for a keyboard and mouse like the PS2 does.
That would make a whole awful lot of n00bs running around on release day. ;)
2004-05-04, 08:47 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if PS made it's way onto PS3, since it will probably have USB plug-ins for a keyboard and mouse like the PS2 does.
That would make a whole awful lot of n00bs running around on release day. ;)
Can you say bugs?
Would the PS3 be fast enough to hold a very tight continent that could make even the fastest computer lag?
It would be kool though, to play PS with top dollar graphics. I mean I know some people got really good vid cards and stuff, but een thoughs can't stand PS at full potental.
2004-05-04, 10:36 PM
Yeah te new systems are fucking super computers, the Ps# could handel it easily but it woudl need a hard driver to stor the game on
2004-05-05, 02:20 PM
hrm... seems to me like it has come a long way since it was released, and even beta
but its still not the game it could be, or that i hoped it would be, but it can still get there.
2004-05-05, 09:29 PM
Core Combat and a few other bad decisions dug Planetside a hole too deep to get out of.
I think Planetside will always be remembered for its potential and not for what it became.
PSU has done a fine job of supporting a lacking game.
Tho, I must admit, if I had the opportunity I may still be playing Planetside.
2004-05-06, 09:04 PM
PS is a great game and is one of the few games since the old Doom/Quake/Quake 2 period that kept me playing it for a longer period. It offers some things that other games don't, such as a persistant world and larger scale.
However, that is also where the problems with PS lie - I really feel like that SOE has let me down in my expectations for the game. I truely expected a lot more new content after the retail launch. I guess a lot of plans might've gotten derailed early on due to Core Combat and the change of dev team members in their positions, but I also feel that since Core Combat's release, things have just slowed down on the SOE side, just at a moment where they should've picked it up.
Since I started playing this game during open beta, I've played with a lot of people, but over time, I've seen a lot of people I played regularly with leave the game or play a lot less. My first outfit (which was based on a group of gamers who I've played games with since the Quake period) fell apart as a lot of them got bored with the game. Then I did join Renegade Legion, and it was great, but even that outfit lost many active players because they got bored.
Unfortunately, I am starting to get bored with PS as well, no matter how good its gameplay is. I play a lot less than I used to, and I do enjoy it a lot less as I feel as if I've done nearly everything in the game already. And I do not think that any of the currently announced patch notes will keep me very interested in the game for very long as none of them will have a huge impact on gameplay, doesn't increase the immersion or adds a new dimension.
Things I would've loved to see in the game would've been more fiction related things. (not just stories, but in-game as well) More empire diversity (I know, balance issues). More gameplay types (sites such as the Idea Lab have excellent suggestions). More permanent feeling world (it sucks that if you spend 4 hours to cap a cont, you lose it not long after you leave it usually...I've seen plenty of people react with apathy when an empire goes down to 0 bases). I guess I could go on for a while. However, i feel it might be a bit too late for PS as PS has disappeared from the shelves in the stores, so no influx of new players, which is a shame.
I do hope the devs got something big planned for the anniversary. Not just an event, but actually new things that will last in the game.
But to end with a positive note - Planetside is a great game, and no game that has come out during the period that PS has been available has matched its gameplay. The devs do spend quite some time responding to the players through the forums and in interviews, and that does mean quite a bit to a lot of players as it makes them feel involved and that the devs care. Also, the effort done by the people who maintain fansites are also greatly appreciated by the community.
My thanks go out to the devs and the rest of the community to make this a great gaming experience.
2004-05-07, 06:11 AM
Considering PS's potential, there has been little development in relation to it.
PSU rox so much it beats pr0n
PS needs some work done, especially to balance some of the glaring problems
agree 100%
2004-05-08, 02:10 AM
In all honesty, I guess the game is heading for better. I'm jaded by remembering good old times back last year, as well as a lag free time as well. If I ever upgrade my computer, I will be sure to give PS another spin. It's probably my favorite game to date.
PSU is doing fine, bout the same really (minus and plus new members/old members)
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