View Full Version : Petition to see Squeeky returned
2004-05-04, 11:34 PM
I know some of you are glad to see him gone. However, I hope that most of realize the role he played in the shaping of PSU. A have may of you, i have had my problems with him. Sure he can be an ass hole at times, but many of his comments and posts were hilarious. I think PSU would be better off with him. I hope you agree with me.
2004-05-04, 11:35 PM
He won't be back. Hamma's tired of his shit.
2004-05-04, 11:35 PM
I'll sign if they unlock political debate so I can go back and stop clogging this forum with one of the last remaining shreds of intelligence.
Open Poly-Debate, and I say yes.
2004-05-04, 11:40 PM
Squeeky was an ass, he was sometimes funny but He said alot of mean things to Electro about his family and Im personally glad to see him gone, just go to etensity if you miss his "humor".
Totally missed something, someone give linkage to the thread that prompted great bannination?
2004-05-04, 11:42 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing him back, but only if he comes on new terms. IMO he was a valuable member of the community. As long as he doesnt start anymore shit with strygun.
And why am I the only person to have signed it so far? :o
2004-05-04, 11:42 PM
jsut send in the 10 bucks or whatever it is firefly. so you can leave us idiots to our mind numbing stupid fun. while you can roll around in your reality all day long. :p
2004-05-04, 11:53 PM
jsut send in the 10 bucks or whatever it is firefly. so you can leave us idiots to our mind numbing stupid fun. while you can roll around in your reality all day long. :p
I have this thing about paying for stuff. I'm in "acquisitions", shall we say...
2004-05-04, 11:53 PM
This won't do anything.
2004-05-04, 11:55 PM
five finger discounts and the whatnot? i see... well you could just blackjack some old lady at the ATM and steal (err borrow) 10 bucks from her and send it to hamma. they way she's paying for it, not you.
2004-05-04, 11:58 PM
Totally missed something, someone give linkage to the thread that prompted great bannination?
2004-05-04, 11:58 PM
five finger discounts and the whatnot? i see... well you could just blackjack some old lady at the ATM and steal (err borrow) 10 bucks from her and send it to hamma. they way she's paying for it, not you.
Get it right...the correct sentence is, "Borrow without the intent of returning". :rolleyes:
Squeeky was banned? What? When? Why?
2004-05-05, 12:28 AM
Who cares hes gone get the fuck over it
and firefly its $10 dollars and its still fun in there you know you wanna come back in.
2004-05-05, 12:34 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing Squeeky back, but I'm not signing the petition. He was a big part of PSU and may have indeed received some ill treatment, but that doesn't make up for his crappy attitude and behavior.
2004-05-05, 12:36 AM
Squeeky was banned? What? When? Why?
Who cares hes gone get the fuck over it
and firefly its $10 dollars and its still fun in there you know you wanna come back in
Um, its squeeky dude. not just like some captain or something.
2004-05-05, 12:38 AM
Squeeky has always been a ass to me and everyone that i know and with that said i wont be signing this pentition
2004-05-05, 12:39 AM
First off, squeeky didn't have shit to do with shaping this community. People like hamma, unregistered, marsman, powdahound, emagyn, and so on did. Squeeky had a lot to do with driving the quality of it down. Many of you don't remember the pre-squeeky days when he was just a nobody, trust me, this place was much more enjoyable.
First off, squeeky didn't have shit to do with shaping this community. People like hamma, unregistered, marsman, powdahound, emagyn, and so on did.
I haven't got an opinion as far as the banning of Squeeky goes, but Navarone is right. Squeeky did a lot of things, but he doesn't deserve a place among the people, mentioned above, that actually did shape the community.
2004-05-05, 01:13 AM
I wouldn't want him back. Just cuz you've been around a long time or donated doesn't give you a right to be mean.
I think there are other people that are quite acerbic on the forums, but not enough to get banned.
2004-05-05, 01:19 AM
I couldnt believe the day hamma had made him a staff member. glad to see his hangover from that tequilla is finally gone :D
yea remember the days when you didn't have to go to a seperate forum to get anally raped by nav and denali? those were the days....
2004-05-05, 01:20 AM
What was I thinking? After further though, I would have to agree that PSU is better off without Squeeky. You guys are right, he was an asshole. Memories of some the mean things he said to me are comming back to me. Now I am wondering if two years is long enough. :p
I feel like John Kerry.
2004-05-05, 01:56 AM
while jaged has changed his mind, ill post my own opinion for thoes of you whom haven't.
Squeeky changed over the last few months. He was no longer the semi-mature, almost certainly gay, always in a good mood guy he once was. He changed due to real-life circumstances that he just couldn't deal with on a day-to-day basis. Lost his GF, lost UV, other shit we dont know about, spent time in juvie, etc.
He dealt with this by taking it out on our community. Strygun was nearly always his main target. I commend Stry for never stooping to Squeeky's level and always continuing to be a respected member of this community.
I for one will not miss squeeky. Im sorry that things could not have gone differantly, but dont regret backing up Hamma in his decision.
2004-05-05, 02:06 AM
I will miss squeeky's presence, however he backed Hamma in a corner where Hamma's only option was to ban him. Squeeky made his bed, now he has to lie in it.
Ok but, could someone tell me why he was banned? He was just banned and I have no clue why :rolleyes:.
2004-05-05, 02:12 AM
Check the EQ2 Beta thread.
2004-05-05, 02:37 AM
No. Stupid people get to dance on a flaming oil rig while being shot out of a cannon drenched in liquid nitrogen.
Half the people who no longer post here stopped doing so because of Squeeky. I say we send out an email to every registered account informing people of the fact.
2004-05-05, 03:03 AM
I've signed it, don't know why. At least he was never mean to me.
I will miss squeeky's presence, however he backed Hamma in a corner where Hamma's only option was to ban him. Squeeky made his bed, now he has to lie in it.
Thats the way I saw it.
It's unfortunate that Squeeky, for whatever reason, felt the need to take it that far. Apparently he didn't know when to quit.
Now, with that being said, who would like to touch my wien0r? :brow:
2004-05-05, 05:27 AM
First the bubbles and now Squeeky?
What the hell is going on around here?
BTW, yes, Squeeky was one of the main draws to this website. You'll notice the Lounge is usually more populated than Game Discussion, and Squeeky's links and antics were a big part of that.
Maybe he was too charismatic? Character assassination is pretty low.
I'm still hoping this is a hoax.
2004-05-05, 05:32 AM
I've signed it, don't know why. At least he was never mean to me.
:lol: You REALLY dont remeber him making fun of you?
2004-05-05, 05:34 AM
Now, with that being said, who would like to touch my wien0r? :brow:
2004-05-05, 07:53 AM
I Hate Pants
2004-05-05, 07:57 AM
WTF? Someone tell me what exactly happened. When and why was Squeeky banned?????
He was just on the boards yesterday right?
2004-05-05, 08:07 AM
He made a total ass of himself, as usual, but this time insulted Hamma and PSU in general
Check the EQ2 beta thread
I Hate Pants
2004-05-05, 08:10 AM
hmmmmm... i see
Well maybe there will be less Canada bashing now that he's gone.
2004-05-05, 08:28 AM
First the bubbles and now Squeeky?
What the hell is going on around here?
BTW, yes, Squeeky was one of the main draws to this website. You'll notice the Lounge is usually more populated than Game Discussion, and Squeeky's links and antics were a big part of that.
Maybe he was too charismatic? Character assassination is pretty low.
I'm still hoping this is a hoax.
You people must not hang out in IRC much, or actually read his posts, other than the links he posts, or just have a general short term memory? :huh:
He was NOT charismatic, he was an immature spaz with a need for attention. What was the draw to him for so many of you? His flamboyant nature? His apparently uncaring nature for the welfare of others? Whatever it was, by making him your idol for being an asshat, it can only lead me to assume that you too, are an asshat.
As to why there is a bigger draw to the Lounge, well, it's probably due to the fact many of the older, and some of the newer, PSU member have since stopped playing Planetside, but still keeps in touch with the community, and the most effective way to do so, would be posting in the Lounge. :confused:
He was Dishonorably Discharged from CDL, he was kicked out of staff(note: He was in charge of a PSU newsletter that I've only seen once or twice sent to my email when he held the office), and now he is gone from PSU. Sign a petition? I'll pass.
2004-05-05, 09:10 AM
Squeeky seems nice a nice guy be some maturity is clearly needed. He would often spam (I hate spam - every rant of mine ever was about it); he would post O F N for every link that he didn't put up; he would often hi-jack threads (especially when UV while was still around); he would insult people who disagreed with him and he was a gigantic attention whore. I thought for the longest time that I was the only one who felt this way, but apparently not.
On the other side, he was an interesting person who did have some of the funniest links and some of the funnier comments that I've seen in a long time. I hope that he gets some perspective and realizes that the computer world is not the be all and end all of everything and grows up a little. Once he does that I think he would once again be a valuable asset to the community.
2004-05-05, 09:11 AM
I am only posting in here to defend PSU and its staff. I will not go into personal opinion in this post.
Please be aware that squeeky was not banned for insulting hamma. After being a moderator on these forums for the length of time I have, you come to learn that Hamma really a very lenient guy. We do not censor posts here at PSU (even though I have made a few bad decisisons in my anger towards squeeky sometimes). That means, people can speak as freely as they wish and say whatever they want (without taking it too far) and the staff will let it be.
The ban yesterday was affected in little part by the post squeeky made in the EQ2 beta thread. This ban was a long time coming, and squeeky just pushed Hamma past the line. In no way did he (hamma) ever censor squeeky or revoke his 'free speech' like he (squeeky) said he (hamma) did. It was me that edited some of squeeky's posts (the ones where he claimed my brother had Downs Syndrome (which he doesn't)). I was reprimanded for it. Don't let squeeky convince you that he is the victim here. That's what he always tries to do when he gets in trouble.
I've probably already said more than I should've.
2004-05-05, 09:16 AM
The freedom fo speech has its limits. A person can easily be sued for libel and slander when they make comments that are known to be untrue, done so with malice, and when the community will not know they are untrue. That is the general definition I remember from law school off of the top of my head.
With that in mind Squeeky's comments about Strygun's brother would NOT fall under the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is NOT absolute - especially on private forums. There is no need to worry about Squeeky's freedoms and how they were infringed on by Strygun.
2004-05-05, 09:25 AM
The freedom fo speech has its limits. A person can easily be sued for libel and slander when they make comments that are known to be untrue, done so with malice, and when the community will not know they are untrue. That is the general definition I remember from law school off of the top of my head.
With that in mind Squeeky's comments about Strygun's brother would NOT fall under the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is NOT absolute - especially on private forums. There is no need to worry about Squeeky's freedoms and how they were infringed on by Strygun.
what about defamation of character?
2004-05-05, 09:38 AM
what about defamation of character?
Defamation is a part of both libel and slander. Defamation is the product from libel and slander. To defame someone is, in a nutshell, to insult someone with malicious intent. How do you insult someone? That is done through the spoken word or the written word. If it is done through the spoken word that is slander. If it is done through the written word that is libel
2004-05-05, 09:38 AM
I have no problem with Squeeky but I will not sigh the petition. Hamma had his reasons and i stand behind him in them...Squeeky yes was a part of the community but there is a limit to how far anyone can push . Hamma's made his disision and I respect that.
2004-05-05, 09:56 AM
Squeeky can be an ass, but I dont think what he did earned a ban, much less a 2yr Ban at that. I also dont know if what he said was true, but Im going to go out on a limb here and assume everyone told the truth.
He edits my posts, he fucks with my channels, he posts my full name, address, and apartment complex in public domain, and he bans me from IRC for no reason. I could give a flying fuck what you're "sick of", because quite frankly i'm sick of Strygun being a complete fucking prick, and watching him throw his weight around unfairly.
If that is true, then I think Hamma is wrong to have banned Squeeky on the basis of defending himself. Someone posts my address and I'll have their ass, but Squeek settled for subtle pokes here and there.
And all Squeeky did was call a somewhat clever "BS Flag" on Stry on his post. Granted their was a general insult wrapped in there, but nothing that shouldnt have been handled via PMs and maybe a week long ban, if a ban at all. Hell I have made worse comments towards other people before, for much less than this.
Squeeky is an interesting part of this community, perhaps not a vital part, and not always a good part, but still a part that I feel deep down the general community will miss. And no one can argue, that if someone like me disappears for a month or so, no one really notices (save a few), but someone like Squeeky is gone for good, the community has yet to know if this is good or bad.
I also do not use the IRC chat, so mine is a limited viewpoint.
2004-05-05, 10:06 AM
Squeeky can be an ass, but I dont think what he did earned a ban, much less a 2yr Ban at that. I also dont know if what he said was true, but Im going to go out on a limb here and assume everyone told the truth.
If that is true, then I think Hamma is wrong to have banned Squeeky on the basis of defending himself. Someone posts my address and I'll have their ass, but Squeek settled for subtle pokes here and there.
And all Squeeky did was call a somewhat clever "BS Flag" on Stry on his post.
The ban yesterday was affected in little part by the post squeeky made in the EQ2 beta thread. This ban was a long time coming, and squeeky just pushed Hamma past the line.
As for the posting of the address and stuff: I found that via a simple google search. It is his responsibility not to post his address in public places like forums.
Squeeky has succeeded in making you think he was the victim in all this. It's what he does...
2004-05-05, 10:08 AM
I've said this before, I'll say it again.
The problem with Squeeky is that he is an insensitive, attention-hungry and immature person. He loves being the center of attention and achieves this by offending people (such as in my case, I would love to post the logs of some of the pages and pages of insults he sent me regarding my deceased mother) and he also achieves this by doing things that are shocking, and immature. Stuff that makes people go "omg wtf?!".
He didn't care whether the attention he got was positive or negative. And negative attention is much easier to accomplish. He was worthless to the community other than for the occasional laugh. Otherwise he was being a complete fucktard, and the community doesn't need that.
I for one am very happy he is gone. I hate the little bastards guts (as many of you IRC regulars well know). PSU will remain much the same now that he is gone (you know, all that PNSNDABUT stuff in IRC :p ) but without all of the offensive and annoying shit Squeeky contributed. He simply got what was coming to him.
So, basically, fuck the petition, GOOD JOB HAMMA!
2004-05-05, 10:12 AM
Okay, let me reword and sum up my last post so that you people who apparently don't realize what a blessing this ban was, can get a better sense of the grand picture.
1. Squeeky is, or was I should say, a whinny, self absorbed, attention seeking asshat.
2. You are defending an asshat.
3. This makes you personally seem like an asshat.
4. Saying that spamming, and insulting people is a vital part of the community makes you seem like an idiot.
5. To sum it all up, you seem, or are, an idiot, defending an asshat, while making yourself look like one as well.
2004-05-05, 10:20 AM
As for the posting of the address and stuff: I found that via a simple google search. It is his responsibility not to post his address in public places like forums.
:rofl: I just found it too.
2004-05-05, 10:26 AM
Reguardless of how you found it, posting it yourself (as I assume what happened) is wrong. Im sure you could do the same to me it you were motivated to do so.
Squeeky may have brought the ban upon himself by attacking Hamma, but I feel that his post about you wasnt warrented to provoke a warning of that intensity.
I use alot of forums, and I see the "I know a developer" post alot. He called a BS Flag, as would I had I been motivated enough. Hamma warned him and accused him of starting shit, which:
A) Even though these are Hamma's boards, should have been resolved threw PMs.
B) Wasnt really starting shit, cause even without his post, I dont believe you have an "old friend with da hookup". It was a funny BS Flag. One I'm fairly certain was warrented threw truth.
And I dont think Squeeky was a victim, he got himeself banned. But Hamma's measures against his "innocent enough" post were extreme. It would have cause the same reaction in just about anyone.
I have no probelms with anyone here at this community. But posting someone's personal information, even if it was as easy as you say, was wrong. Editing his posts, and fscking with his IRC channels? A No-no. Hamma wasted server space defending someone who does things like that, and my previously high level of respect for you abolished. That may not mean anything to you, but it's really sad for me.
But I will go threw his last few posts to see if I can make a believer out of myself yet.
2004-05-05, 10:27 AM
Ouroboros is correct. If you haven't been in IRC regularly, you really don't know Squeeky. Before I ever made a habit of going into IRC, I never had a problem with Squeeky, and actually found the links he posted occasionally to be interesting. However, once I started going on IRC I realized what an immature attention-loving prick he is. This became a hundred times worse once he found out that my mother died of cancer. I mentioned this in IRC because he had been insulting my parents and I, in my misguided way, mentioned this fact in the hope that he would realize it was a sensitive subject for me and back off. I obviously didn't know Squeeky very well at this point.
Instead of backing off, he made a point of spamming me with insults regarding my mother until I became furious and struck back at him verbally. He loved it, and just kept pushing my buttons. I was too angry to realize it at the time, but he was doing it all just to provoke a response. Eventually I learned not to grace his insults with the kind of response he wanted (though they still angered me). He did this all because he felt like he was toying with me, and used it to boost his ego, which was drowning in low self-esteem.
We don't need that crap here at PSU. I love this website because I can talk PlanetSide (which is currently my favorite game) or I can talk about just about any other FPS or computer game with you guys, and its a lot of fun. The IRC channel is always entertaining as well, and also has its intellectual moments (mainly when Dharkbayne isnt in the channel, no offense DB :p ) We've talked about religion, politics, programming, military, you name it. There have really been some amazing and informative conversations in IRC, mixed in with the hilarity that some of the guys provide (if you regular PSU IRC, you know the people I'm talking about :lol: ) Squeeky did nothing to contribute to any of the intelligent conversations, and his "funny" comments usually stepped over a line. I'll say it again, I think Hamma made a great decision in banning Squeeky.
2004-05-05, 10:44 AM
I retract almost everything I said (the posting of personal information is ALWAYS a no-no, and I hope a board rule evolved from that.)
I just noticed the name of that picture, and a few of his recent posts. GG Hamma.
2004-05-05, 10:55 AM
Ok, you've all expressed your opinions in my banning. But i know Hamma pretty well, and these plea's will fall on deaf ears. As they should. I brought the ban on myself. I backed Hamma into a corner, and i basically said "Ban me, or you will be contradicting yourself". Dont go after Hamma for banning me, go after me for banning myself. I wouldnt have said what i said if i didnt want to be banned. But i need to take some time off PSU. Some of you knew the Squeeky from 9-12 months ago. Well, alot has changed in 1 year. I started getting mixed up with alchohol, i started having sex with 20 year olds, i was thrown in juvenille hall twice, i got dumped by 2 different girls who i cared about alot. My real life is hell right now. I'm on probation, i'm severely depressed (as hard as it is for some of you to believe, it's true) and i'm just a huge mess. That's why i changed. Making a petition wont bring me back, the only thing that will bring me back (As my old self, the nice guy) will be a good 6 months (or as Hamma saw fit, 2 years). So, if PSU is still running in 2 years (i have every faith that with the support of this community, it will be), then you will see me back. I wont however come back if i havent cleaned up my real life. Because thats when i'm an asshole.
As for Strygun, well, Strygun is someone who is easily trolled. And i played off that. There were some minor conflicts when we we're staff, but Hamma told us to quit being immature little pricks and suck it up. I was retired from the staff (Note: not fired, Hamma made that very clear) and i left AGN shortly after. As for {BOHICA} + -CDL-. Meh, i have nothing against them. But they have everything against me, and rightfuly so. I was a fucking jackass to BOHICA, and burned my bridges with CDL. BTW, Whether or not my address can be easily found via google, doesnt give you the right to post it. I tryed a bunch of different search strings for my address, and couldnt find it. I did not post my address, i merely posted an image of a package i received with the address blurred out. Strygun thought it would be nice to post my address. Well, it wasnt cool. Whatever, i'm not trying to make myself out to be the fucking pope here. I was an ass, and i'm still an ass. The time off from PSU will do me some good. And it will probably do PSU some good.
I'm the victim of my own actions. I brought the ban on myself, and it seems to me some of you dont realize that. I got some things off my chest that we're eating away at me for a long time. Whatever, now i'm rambling. I will leave by saying that i love you all, and that if you hate my guts and wish you could sodomize me with a red hot fire porker, that i understand.
Also, alot of people seem to be playing both sides of the field. Some saying "Squeeky was kind of annoying, i didnt really like him". And then posting on another forum "I hated that little prick, i wanna gouge his eyeballs out and eat them". Grow a pair of balls and quit trying to play both sides of the field, you hate me, admit it.
My webcam is up, and i dont know if Hamma will keep it on the PSU page. Regardless, i will continue to update it for you guys. See you guys in 2 years.
If you wanna chit chat, hit me up on AIM. PSU Squeeky
My latest webcam image :)
Ps. This is my second account. It will be banned too. I just used this account so i could put out one last final word before i left for 2 years. To Hamma: I know you probably wanna sodomize me with that firepoker, and purge this post, but all i'm asking is that you dont delete this post.
2004-05-05, 11:07 AM
2004-05-05, 11:10 AM
Fuck that shit Squeeky. I've had a lot of bad shit happen too, and you don't see me being a complete cock. Your excuses mean nothing. I pity you not.
I wonder when you will ever learn that you are getting banned and kicked and hated because you ARE bringing all this shit upon yourself. Are you too stupid to realize that being an asshole generally results in this happening? Or do you just not care? Either way, don't play the victim, you DID bring all this shit on yourself because of your behavior, and now your reap the consequences. Stop your crying about it and DEAL with it. Goodbye Squeeky, and GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE.
2004-05-05, 11:12 AM
Ok, I'm not going to respond directly about what led me to this banning, 90% of it took place out of view of the public. I'm also not going to remove the post he made after evading his ban. It took allot of strength to make a post like that and I respect him for it.
I will say however that Strygun does have a "hookup" and he wasn't bs'ing in his post. I have taken action against both parties on numerous occasions, and I still respect both parties. I hope that Squeeky does come back as his normal self the Squeeky I knew when this community started was a much better more respectful man than the current Squeeky. Many of the posters in this thread did not know him back then so you can't see where I am coming from :p I know for a fact he will return and I will welcome him when he does. Just because the ban is set at 2 years doesent mean it will stay at 2 years.
2004-05-05, 11:14 AM
Least he realized it.. Who knows maybe Squeeky will grow up and get his life back together in 2 years
2004-05-05, 11:17 AM
And for the record this personally was one of the hardest bans I have ever made. I did not want it to come down to this believe me.
2004-05-05, 11:18 AM
I retract almost everything I said (the posting of personal information is ALWAYS a no-no, and I hope a board rule evolved from that.)
I just noticed the name of that picture, and a few of his recent posts. GG Hamma.
I agree Hamma, I'm not a regular on IRC (maybe I will become that ;)) but from what I'm seeing here, Hamma is not in the wrong.
2004-05-05, 11:19 AM
Hey, I would have no problem with Squeeky coming back if he cleaned up his act and behaved in a mature, sensitive, and responsible manner. I just highly doubt that is going to happen.
2004-05-05, 11:20 AM
Blaming the actions of your sheer stupidity and lack of common sense on your personal life is utter cowardice, lack of responsibility and maturity, and flat-out bullshit.
If all these things are true, then you should be seeking professional psychological help. Getting involved with alcohol and sex with adult women (though how adult I cannot say, robbing the cradle) is purely pathetic- you need real help. See a psychiatrist. But don't blame your shitbaggery on your issues (or in your case, subscriptions). You're a punk kid and that's that. Your mommy needs to bitch-slap you a few times and spank your spoiled little ass nightly. She also needs to revoke every priviledge you think you're entitled to, such as computer time, driving her Saturn to Big Lots or Best Buy, etc. You probably should be sent to one of those Teenage Boot Camps that we see on Maury and Rikki Lake.
I revoke my intent to sign.
2004-05-05, 11:33 AM
Strength is sometimes defined as doing the right thing even when it is the most unpopular and toughest choice to make.
Hamma made a tough choice based on lots more info and history than most, if not all, of you know. Once the choice is made, it is still a very hard thing to do - but that, my friends is integrity. Standing up for what you feel to be right, no matter the cost.
As for Squeeky, I knew him as a young pup when he first joined the CDL. We loved having him and he served with honor and distinction up until the point we had to let him go, which just happens to coincide with the time he started what I considered to be his turn for the worse. If he is able to pull himself out of this destructive nose dive, I respect that and applaud it. I am not pitying him by any means. I am challenging him to make something of himself by making the right choices and walking the narrow path back to a point where he first respects himself, that he may begin to respect others.
I would recommend that after his post, whether you consider it genuine or not, respect the man's decision to even post and leave it at that.
2004-05-05, 12:00 PM
Fuck that shit Squeeky. I've had a lot of bad shit happen too, and you don't see me being a complete cock. Your excuses mean nothing. I pity you not.
I wonder when you will ever learn that you are getting banned and kicked and hated because you ARE bringing all this shit upon yourself. Are you too stupid to realize that being an asshole generally results in this happening? Or do you just not care? Either way, don't play the victim, you DID bring all this shit on yourself because of your behavior, and now your reap the consequences. Stop your crying about it and DEAL with it. Goodbye Squeeky, and GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE.
thats kinda shallow man, he completely admitted that he brought this upon himself. He isnt crying about, just saying his real life is fucked up, and its affecting him here which still makes him an ass, but he admited he fucked up. If your just so happy about jumping on the "Bash Squeeky" bandwagon, let me point out the ignorance of your post.
I wont however come back if i havent cleaned up my real life. Because thats when i'm an asshole.
Whatever, i'm not trying to make myself out to be the fucking pope here. I was an ass, and i'm still an ass
I'm the victim of my own actions. I brought the ban on myself
He admits that he is an asshole, that he brought this upon himself, and that he is seeking help. Despite your personal feeling for him, it took alot of stregth to admit that, and to admit he needs help and is seeking it. Then you completely ignore 99% of his post and hop back on the "Anti-Squeeky" Bandwagon.
And anyone who says your real life shouldnt/wouldnt affect the way you act on a forum is just plain fucking ignorant. That or you dont have a RL, so therefore it cant be affected.
Im not defending anything he did or said, or agreeing he is a victim of anything but his own actions. But ignorant malicious posts like that are unwanted here and I think that whether you hate him with all your fury, have a minor disposition towards him, or actually kinda like him, you have to respect that last post.
2004-05-05, 12:01 PM
Im not defending anything he did or said, or agreeing he is a victim of anything but his own actions. But ignorant malicious posts like that are unwanted here and I think that whether you hate him with all your fury, have a minor disposition towards him, or actually kinda like him, you have to respect that last post.
Red October
2004-05-05, 12:05 PM
And for the record this personally was one of the hardest bans I have ever made. I did not want it to come down to this believe me.
The decision to ban is never an easy one, thus i sympathize with Hamma. I Co-Admin a forum on religion and that can get pretty hairy (2 years this June). I've had to ban two people (both whom I knew personally, or so I thought I knew) AND reprimand both the other Admin and a member (who goes to the same church as I do). We run a pretty tight ship (won't bore you with details). Usually I try to let everyone resolve issues they have with others by themselves. But on occasion, you have to intervene and break up the "children". When it comes to banning, well both individuals left me with no choice. They knew the rules and the circumstances for those rules, yet they totally ignored them. In essence, they banned themselves, but I was still disgusted that I had to do it. Plus it was an unfortunate way to find out two people I thought could be trusted were not people of thier word. Banning people, particularly those you thought you knew, always leaves a really bad taste in your mouth.
2004-05-05, 12:06 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing Squeeky back, but I'm not signing the petition. He was a big part of PSU and may have indeed received some ill treatment, but that doesn't make up for his crappy attitude and behavior.I concur. He was a valuble part of the community, but he could bitch and whine incessantly.
2004-05-05, 12:06 PM
Strength is sometimes defined as doing the right thing even when it is the most unpopular and toughest choice to make.
Hamma made a tough choice based on lots more info and history than most, if not all, of you know. Once the choice is made, it is still a very hard thing to do - but that, my friends is integrity. Standing up for what you feel to be right, no matter the cost.
As for Squeeky, I knew him as a young pup when he first joined the CDL. We loved having him and he served with honor and distinction up until the point we had to let him go, which just happens to coincide with the time he started what I considered to be his turn for the worse. If he is able to pull himself out of this destructive nose dive, I respect that and applaud it. I am not pitying him by any means. I am challenging him to make something of himself by making the right choices and walking the narrow path back to a point where he first respects himself, that he may begin to respect others.
I would recommend that after his post, whether you consider it genuine or not, respect the man's decision to even post and leave it at that.
I would have to agree with Mani ...Respect what he has said in his last post and leave it at that . Squeeky bashing isent needed ...whats done is done lets leave it at that :love:
2004-05-05, 12:07 PM
I've said this before, I'll say it again.
The problem with Squeeky is that he is an insensitive, attention-hungry and immature person. He loves being the center of attention and achieves this by offending people (such as in my case, I would love to post the logs of some of the pages and pages of insults he sent me regarding my deceased mother) and he also achieves this by doing things that are shocking, and immature. Stuff that makes people go "omg wtf?!".
He didn't care whether the attention he got was positive or negative. And negative attention is much easier to accomplish. He was worthless to the community other than for the occasional laugh. Otherwise he was being a complete fucktard, and the community doesn't need that.
I for one am very happy he is gone. I hate the little bastards guts (as many of you IRC regulars well know). PSU will remain much the same now that he is gone (you know, all that PNSNDABUT stuff in IRC :p ) but without all of the offensive and annoying shit Squeeky contributed. He simply got what was coming to him.
So, basically, fuck the petition, GOOD JOB HAMMA!
could of not said it better myself
2004-05-05, 12:08 PM
I would have to agree with Mani ...Respect what he has said in his last post and leave it at that . Squeeky bashing isent need ...whats done is done lets leave it at that :love:
omg words of wisdom pwn
2004-05-05, 12:16 PM
To be honest, I don't think he would come back if he could.
2004-05-05, 12:24 PM
It's too bad that Squeeky's real-life issues affected how he was on the forums, since I would think that this forum is a great way to escape such issues.
But what's happened has happened, and I fully accept and approve of his ban. I also fully accept and approve of his last post, and I hope things improve for him.
As a sidenote: may I ask why UV left? I never found out why...
2004-05-05, 12:24 PM
Earlydawn :He said he would. :doh:
Anyways, I'm not saying he was a **respected** part of the community, although I have some respect for that last post, I'm just saying he is/was a BIG part of it, I mean, if you can get banned and get 2 threads here and another one on the BOHICA forums talking about it, you're a pretty damn big part of the community, you have to admit that.
I mean, I got banned 4 times, noone made a thread about me. :tear:
2004-05-05, 12:28 PM
I'd imagine the hardest ban ever would be jenny... ne pensez-vous pas?
While I respect squeeks for owning up to what he's done and posting as such. This isn't the first time something like this has happened, where squeeky has promised to calm down or reform, whatever word you want to use. As far as im concerned this is just histroy repeating itself.
that being said. If he actually does manage to get his act together, then I see no problem in welcomeing him back to the community.
that also being said, Stryguns accent fucking rocks!
2004-05-05, 12:44 PM
And anyone who says your real life shouldnt/wouldnt affect the way you act on a forum is just plain fucking ignorant. That or you dont have a RL, so therefore it cant be affected.
I must not have a real life, then. I have battled alcoholism myself. I've battled insomnia brought on by post traumatic stress disorder as a result of certain things within my former job field. I've battled going through a vicious divorce that includes such topics of disease like: cycles of abuse, rampant infidelity, drug addiction that nearly cost me my military career to name a few. And through it all, my conduct remains the same. Some people might consider me an ass. Sure- I admit it myself. I'm abrasive, blunt, and occasionally rude. I do not suffer fools. By the way, I'm not trolling for sympathy in case someone wants to display the fiddle emoticon. Do so at your own leisure, it won't bother me.
Personal demons are personal. You are in control at all times of what comes over the internet. It takes a willful act to type and hit "Send". If you are weak-minded and you let these problems interfere with how you interact with society, then you have no business being in society. Life is bad enough without one more loose cannon freaking out and adding to the mix.
2004-05-05, 12:47 PM
I think i'm going to cry myself to sleep now
Actually, no I won't, the new squeeky sucked. Squeeky used to be a decent guy, he isn't anymore.
2004-05-05, 01:02 PM
You took that a little too litterally. I mean that the things in your life can and will affect the way you process the things in your life. Your attitude at the moment will have an effect on the way you say something.
Having a bad day? Most people's posts/words whether they mean to or not, will reflect that. You're likely to be more agitated and/or easily angered.
We are not always in control of ourselves. Their are desires and emotions that sometimes work againist us, and some people give in to them. Not excusing the results of such an event, but just because you type and hit send, doesnt mean you are void of your own emotions.
Despite what you think, the subconscious is more powerful than what we would like it to be. This is the way we form habits, routies, etc. Sometimes they are positive. Sometimes destructive.
In Squeeky's case they were destructive. And attacking him or his problems is not adding in a positive answer to the situation.
2004-05-05, 01:38 PM
And attacking him or his problems is not adding in a positive answer to the situation.
I'm not attacking him. I said he needs to seek help, and his mommy needs to cut his behind every once in a while. Those aren't attacks, they are sobering references to reality. I believe that seeking professional help is positive, and I also believe that parents getting directly involved in their kids lives and administering punishment for said kid being a dumbass is a positive thing.
Of course, not everyone subscribes to the conservative view that parents need to punish their kids.
2004-05-05, 01:51 PM
Free Squeeky
Hamma/Squeeky '08 - Banned wagon politics for a stronger America
2004-05-05, 01:59 PM
You all know my stance on squeeky being here but how can hamma really ban the person called "squeeky" all he has to do is unplug his cable modem and then plug it back in and the DNS server will give him a new IP addy. So in that sence he can come back under a new name. If does come back under a different name we wont notice for the first few days then his true self will break out and we will know that it is him. Mabye I'm being paranoid but who knows.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-05-05, 02:01 PM
i wouldnt mind seeing him back
but even if he was un banned i dont think he'd come back, he would be mad at the rest of the staff forever
I Hate Pants
2004-05-05, 02:02 PM
Meh I thught squeeky was a pretty cool guy. The only thing that turned me off about him was his ignorance towards anything non-american, or foriegn (did I speel that right?).
He pretty much was the guy who started most of the Canada vs. America threads and his idea of "if your from the middle east and wear a turbine on your head, your instantly a terrorist."
That kinda stuff pisses me off.
Although aside from that I myself had no issues with him and I hope things get better. I have a friend who's gone down hill too. Kinda sucks because he's not the same person anymore that I knew when I met him. So I can somewhat see where Squeeky is coming from.
2004-05-05, 02:29 PM
I liked squeeky and thought he was hilarious. I must have been under a rock or something because I was unaware of all these past warnings and contraversy surrounding him
2004-05-05, 03:00 PM
I'll sign if they unlock political debate so I can go back and stop clogging this forum with one of the last remaining shreds of intelligence.
Open Poly-Debate, and I say yes.
Wait a second... they closed Political Debate... maybe I might just send Hamma that money then...
2004-05-05, 03:04 PM
how exactly does one wear a turbine on his head?
I'd imagine wearing any of various machines in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted to mechanical power by the impulse or reaction of the fluid with a series of buckets, paddles, or blades arrayed about the circumference of a wheel or cylinder on your head would suck ass.
2004-05-05, 03:04 PM
PolDeb is contribs only.
I Hate Pants
2004-05-05, 03:21 PM
how exactly does one wear a turbine on his head?
I'd imagine wearing any of various machines in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted to mechanical power by the impulse or reaction of the fluid with a series of buckets, paddles, or blades arrayed about the circumference of a wheel or cylinder on your head would suck ass.
HA HA smartass! You know what I mean't. A turbin.
2004-05-05, 03:22 PM
Turban. You lose.
EDIT: Meant.
I Hate Pants
2004-05-05, 03:24 PM
Shoot me!
2004-05-05, 03:26 PM
:lol: ok that was my spelling ownage for the day. :)
2004-05-05, 03:29 PM
I have figured out why I made this petition in the first place. I wanted the old Squeeky back. He was a cool guy back in the day. Un-banning him wouldn't make that happen. I over looked this obvious fact at the time.
2004-05-05, 03:32 PM
Everyting was great in the old days, I miss Dio, eMa, Tobias, etc
2004-05-05, 03:33 PM
Hopefully with Dio's return, PSU will be what it once was.
2004-05-05, 03:35 PM
I get stuck at a track meet until 10 PM and miss Squeeky getting banned? I won't sign the petition, I honestly think we're all better off without him. I honestly rarely found him funny.
2004-05-05, 03:50 PM
This is like a communist revolution. Bubbles gone, conspirators/capitalists out of the way. Dio has returned from exilement and a new age is born.
omg that was gay
Someone hit me, hard.
2004-05-05, 03:52 PM
This is like a communist revolution. Bubbles gone, conspirators/capitalists out of the way. Dio has returned from exilement and a new age is born.
omg that was gay
Someone hit me, hard.
2004-05-05, 03:55 PM
Youve made my day
2004-05-05, 04:07 PM
2004-05-05, 04:17 PM
I'll sign.
2004-05-05, 05:01 PM
You REALLY dont remeber him making fun of you?
Well maybe once or twice, but then we became good friends.
2004-05-05, 05:14 PM
What the fuck is going on.
Personally, I don't think any of those reasons (juvie, drugs, alcohol, etc.) excuse a person from anything. You make your own choices about what to do, and if your life is "fucked" it's all about the choices YOU make.
Before Squeeky got banned, who here would have said ANY of this shit to Squeeky, except for maybe 2 people? You all were just joking around with him, being his friend and all, and now you're making fun of him behind his back. I don't know if you all just want to kiss Hamma's ass, too pussy to say this to his face, or if you're all just following the crowd.
Signed. Not that it'll do anything.
2004-05-05, 05:22 PM
Actually it mightn't have been his choice, you know these things can be caused by peer pressure.
2004-05-05, 05:39 PM
Before Squeeky got banned, who here would have said ANY of this shit to Squeeky, except for maybe 2 people?
Which two? I have no compunctions about it.
You all were just joking around with him, being his friend and all, and now you're making fun of him behind his back.
Nowhere in my post did I say "HAHA RETARD! YOU GOT BANNED!" Nowhere did I allude to this being a funny matter. I was drop-dead serious when I said that he should seek psychiatric help.
I don't know if you all just want to kiss Hamma's ass, too pussy to say this to his face, or if you're all just following the crowd.
I don't need to kiss Hamma's ass. If that were the case I wouldn't have "argued" against several matters of forum policy. Too pussy to say it to whose face? Squeeky's? Hell- I've gone toe to toe with people more important than Squeeky. I don't even really know the guy aside from what I see.
What I do know is, I have a healthy disrespect for anyone who uses their fucked-up life as an excuse or motivation for being an ass.
2004-05-05, 05:43 PM
uh you do know this is the internet right? no one can really say it to his face. also you did see the post above by him right? he can read all of this... so on that note its not really behind his back. Maybe everyones just saying now because hey here's the thread for it, its all out in the open in one convienent spot. but think what you must...
2004-05-05, 05:46 PM
Before Squeeky got banned, who here would have said ANY of this shit to Squeeky, except for maybe 2 people?
I did all the time, ask him, he know's I hated him.
2004-05-05, 05:53 PM
Strygun is right, Hamma is a good guy he does not censor you, he did never censor me. I did get a few kicks from IRC but those were deserved and I have appologized. Squeeky deserved his ban. PSU is Hamma's Playground and rightly so, its not a democrazy but Hamma does give us ALOT of freedoms for which we should be thankful for. Squeeky was the one being unreasonable and from the example Squeeky set on IRC its apparent.
2004-05-05, 06:08 PM
Before Squeeky got banned, who here would have said ANY of this shit to Squeeky, except for maybe 2 people?
I tell him that he's an asshole on IRC all the time. :lol:
2004-05-05, 06:17 PM
I'm pissed that he's gone. Dont know if I want him back, i mean i want him back, but I dont know if it would feel right....
2004-05-05, 06:53 PM
Ok, you've all expressed your opinions in my banning. But i know Hamma pretty well, and these plea's will fall on deaf ears. As they should. I brought the ban on myself. I backed Hamma into a corner, and i basically said "Ban me, or you will be contradicting yourself". Dont go after Hamma for banning me, go after me for banning myself. I wouldnt have said what i said if i didnt want to be banned. But i need to take some time off PSU. Some of you knew the Squeeky from 9-12 months ago. Well, alot has changed in 1 year. I started getting mixed up with alchohol, i started having sex with 20 year olds, i was thrown in juvenille hall twice, i got dumped by 2 different girls who i cared about alot. My real life is hell right now. I'm on probation, i'm severely depressed (as hard as it is for some of you to believe, it's true) and i'm just a huge mess. That's why i changed. Making a petition wont bring me back, the only thing that will bring me back (As my old self, the nice guy) will be a good 6 months (or as Hamma saw fit, 2 years). So, if PSU is still running in 2 years (i have every faith that with the support of this community, it will be), then you will see me back. I wont however come back if i havent cleaned up my real life. Because thats when i'm an asshole.
As for Strygun, well, Strygun is someone who is easily trolled. And i played off that. There were some minor conflicts when we we're staff, but Hamma told us to quit being immature little pricks and suck it up. I was retired from the staff (Note: not fired, Hamma made that very clear) and i left AGN shortly after. As for {BOHICA} + -CDL-. Meh, i have nothing against them. But they have everything against me, and rightfuly so. I was a fucking jackass to BOHICA, and burned my bridges with CDL. BTW, Whether or not my address can be easily found via google, doesnt give you the right to post it. I tryed a bunch of different search strings for my address, and couldnt find it. I did not post my address, i merely posted an image of a package i received with the address blurred out. Strygun thought it would be nice to post my address. Well, it wasnt cool. Whatever, i'm not trying to make myself out to be the fucking pope here. I was an ass, and i'm still an ass. The time off from PSU will do me some good. And it will probably do PSU some good.
I'm the victim of my own actions. I brought the ban on myself, and it seems to me some of you dont realize that. I got some things off my chest that we're eating away at me for a long time. Whatever, now i'm rambling. I will leave by saying that i love you all, and that if you hate my guts and wish you could sodomize me with a red hot fire porker, that i understand.
Also, alot of people seem to be playing both sides of the field. Some saying "Squeeky was kind of annoying, i didnt really like him". And then posting on another forum "I hated that little prick, i wanna gouge his eyeballs out and eat them". Grow a pair of balls and quit trying to play both sides of the field, you hate me, admit it.
My webcam is up, and i dont know if Hamma will keep it on the PSU page. Regardless, i will continue to update it for you guys. See you guys in 2 years.
If you wanna chit chat, hit me up on AIM. PSU Squeeky
My latest webcam image :)
Ps. This is my second account. It will be banned too. I just used this account so i could put out one last final word before i left for 2 years. To Hamma: I know you probably wanna sodomize me with that firepoker, and purge this post, but all i'm asking is that you dont delete this post.
From everything he has said there,
He is asking forgiveness for his actions, and an explanation of the way he act, in no way or form is he asking to be excuses for his crimes.
It takes courage to admit you are wrong, and to accept the punishment given to those who breach it, and a give heartfelt commitment to reform his behaviour so that he may one day return and contribute back to the community.
That is not someone that shouldn't be in society, but someone society should have the infastructure to accept, because all humans are falible and that all people should be given the chance to correct their mistakes and reward those who have given the effort and done so successfully.
I will stand behind what the Moderators deem fit, under the laws and regulations that all members must abide in order for this forum to function peacefully. But that doe not mean i have to like it, nor agree with the harsh punishment due to the accusations levelled at him. I do hope to see him post once again on this forum when he has completed his exile, knowing that he has reformed himself for the better.
2004-05-05, 06:56 PM
Squeeky has made a post like that 3 or 4 times.
2004-05-05, 06:59 PM
Then I guess i'am an Optimist. Always trying to look for the good things in people.
Someone needs to do it. It's the only one good thing that Pandora let loose from her Box.
2004-05-05, 07:04 PM
Then I guess i'am an Optimist. Always trying to look for the good things in people.
Someone needs to do it. It's the only one good thing that Pandora let loose from her Box.
Disease is pretty good IMO. And...didn't candy come out of that box too?
2004-05-05, 07:05 PM
Disease is pretty good IMO. And...didn't candy come out of that box too?
It did..but I ate it all soon after I came out.
Edit: Jeez, two onizukas. Nevermind, it wasn't the candy of optimism.
2004-05-05, 07:16 PM
Anyway, im the better Onizuka. And that's not just because i have two admirable puppies.
:lol: :lol:
2004-05-05, 07:23 PM
Before Squeeky got banned, who here would have said ANY of this shit to Squeeky, except for maybe 2 people? You all were just joking around with him, being his friend and all, and now you're making fun of him behind his back. I don't know if you all just want to kiss Hamma's ass, too pussy to say this to his face, or if you're all just following the crowd.
Signed. Not that it'll do anything.
Obviously you're speaking out of ignorance. I know I can speak for many of the "elder" members of this community when I say that we've spent hours, days, and weeks, trying to help squeeky conform and contain his personal issues and to become a productive member of this community. Squeeky holds, and has held in the past enormous potential to be a great person, unfortunately, his judgement is lacking sometimes. Many of us have tried to help him in that area. I've "known" squeeky for 2 years now, and I'm sorry it had to end like this. I'm not suprised it did, however. I tried to intervene in the Strygun/squeeky thing, and had no luck myself. Many of you know me, and know that I am probably the polar opposite of men like Hamma and Manitou. However, it is important to know that as difficult as it was, we all reached the same decision concerning the forums and clans we led. We all expressed the same desire and hope for squeeky, and for a while enjoyed his presence, but unfortunately he made his own bed against our efforts.
Squeeky is proof in point of what happens when parents do not regulate their children's access to the internet. His rapid change came about once he began to frequent and become ingrained with the tribal war community. I really truly hope that he can change his ways and live up to the potential so many of us saw in him, and return to this, and other, communities sometime down the road. However, perhaps it is for the best that he be removed from the internet in order to remedy the problems afflicting his life at this time. I harbor no ill will towards squeeky. I have a modicum of frustration that he refused to correct his course long ago, but I wish him the best of luck and a speedy return to PSU in 2 years. That being said, I want to point out again that I'm fully behind hamma's decision, and that he is in NO WAY a person to limit someone's free speech. Lord knows I've tested that theory. Hamma is a very, very laid back guy, and I'm sure that it weighed heavily on him to make that decision.
Here's to squeeky getting his life on track, and to hamma for sticking to his guns to help make a new and improved PSU.
2004-05-05, 07:24 PM
In response to mani's post, very well put.
I would like to thank those who did go all out in a flame fest about squeeky. He may have made posts like that in the past, but never was he banned. Now that he can't come back, he really needs to think about reshaping his life. I respect that if he can clean himself up. I know alot of people that have been in some really hard shit and have cleaned themselves up because they have motivation. Squeeky has more motivation now, and less of a distraction. I thought firefly's posts about how squeeky's mother should be more responsible were quite insensitive. Not every parent knows perfectly how to deal with their childern, and if they dont discover at an early age, they never will. Even then it's his own responsibility to clean himself up, not his parent's. He even stated that numerous times.
On a semi-related note, turns out I didn't actually sign the petition. Looks like the signature never went through.
2004-05-05, 08:00 PM
I never had a problem with swueeky, in fact i found him quite funnay. I can see maybe a month ban bt 2yrs? i dot think he will evenTHINK about comming back now. I dunno, maybe i missed a lot of shit but i usually looked at every sqeeuky pst when t was up.
I BARELY see a ban as valid. P.S. I was in juvie all last summer. p.s.s I signed thepetition, not that t wil do anything. p.s.s.s this really pisses me off
2004-05-05, 09:04 PM
well, ladies and gentlemen..
i have not been on PSU for nearly as long as many of you, but i must say that i have felt very fortunate to have stumbled across a community as intelligent, interesting, open-minded, understanding, and welcoming as this on is. I've been on two other forums avidly beyond just this one, and i must say, that those other two forums don't hold a candle to this one when it comes to how good the community is.
Having said that, i remember that Squeeky was one of the first people who acknowledged me when i came here and he and i got along rather well. Between the two of us, never an ill word was stated. But, that doesn't mean i didn't notice some of the mean shit he did say to others. Now, i'm not going to bash squeeky, I'm not even going to say anything bad about him or his actions because whether Firefly wants to believe it or not, the shit that goes on in your life can and will affect almost every other facet of your life. I know this, because Squeeky, it appears, is going through and has gone through much of the same shit I did my junior year in high school.
A friend of mine dragged me to parties and shit, he was a few years older, and would get me drunk and laid. Now, in my juvenile stupidity i'd try to start a minor relationship with the girls i'd been with, who were almost all college freshmen and sophomores, and I would find out quickly that that wasn't how it was going to be. Then, I grew a kind of reputation amongst my older friends and so on. This reputation went with me everywhere and I ended up getting used a lot. Now, being used for any reason by anyone is one of the easiest ways to fuck with someone's mind. You make them feel needed, loved even, and then you tell them that you never felt that way about the person in the first place. It hurts. And when you have girlfriends, like i did, who may or may not have been using you as well, you find it hard to trust them anyways and then they end up not liking how much you've changed if they do care about you and they leave you. Usually, alcohol and/or drugs tend to exist throughout these circumstances.
Now, I never ended up in Juvenile hall, but being an alcoholic at 17, and being used for sex and what not, is not something anyone that age should have to deal with. I'm going to be 20 soon, and when i look back on my junior year in high school it still hurts. A lot of fucked up shit happened.
I guess what i'm trying to say is: I understand Squeeky. Do I pity him, yeah, yeah i do. Electro, you can bash me now if you want, but i honestly do feel bad for him. To be even more honest, i wish i'd known Squeeky before all this shit had happened because maybe i would have been able to talk to him about it. Does it give him the right to act like a prick? No, of course it doesn't. When i was having my problems i actually started doing more constructive things for others while being destructive to myself. Squeeky on the other hand appears to have tried to hurt others in order to try to keep from making himself feel worse. Is that shitty, yeah, yeah it is. But it was his way of dealing with some really fucked up shit. Is that cowardice, blaming his behavior on his problems in life? No. Everyone acts a certain way because of how their life is going. So don't say that it's cowardice because many of us respond in the forums how we do because of how our day went.
Electro, i have the utmost respect for you for the fact that you say that even when your mother died you didn't become a prick like Squeeky and act like an ass. You dealth with it in a much more mature manner, yes. But, the fact of the matter is, you can't set guidelines for how everyone should handle shit in their lives. Some people deal with things differently. You clearly dealed with it by keeping your own counsel and perhaps some other more constructive means. Squeeky dealt with his problems by being destructive. As did i when i was in that very much similar situation.
I understand why people hate him, i understand why people are bashing him and what not. But, to that same right, i understand Squeeky. *sigh* I know i'm going to get flamed and torn into like i can't even believe because of this post, but this is truly how i feel. I've learned from experience, folks.
So, yes, i feel bad for him. I agree with Hamma's ban, because Squeeky needs to get out of here and fix shit with himself before he deals with others. I think Hamma is fair and right in this instance. But, i don't feel that post after post of Squeeky bashing is necessary. Ganging up on someone is by far the least cool thing you can do. And, to anyone here who is just jumping on the "I HATE SQUEEKY" bandwagon for the hell of it: Grow some fucking testicles, you little bitch.
Anyways, do i think this forum is better without him? Until he gets his shit squared away, yes. I remember what i was like sometimes, especially when i was lacking sleep or if i was drunk. On those days, it would have just been better had i not been around at all. I just hope that he can change and comes back once he has.
you may commence flaming.
2004-05-05, 09:10 PM
Whooa...I've been gone a day or two, and he gets BANNED? Investigating.
EDIT: NM, found out why. Uber Hamma-Flame post. Looks like he had a hell of a bad day.
2004-05-05, 09:12 PM
yea, Im not very upset that he was banned, but I do miss his presence on the forums.
2004-05-05, 09:15 PM
I'll sign if they unlock political debate so I can go back and stop clogging this forum with one of the last remaining shreds of intelligence.
Open Poly-Debate, and I say yes.
Fuckberries, now Pol Debate's closed?
I am neutral on the whole Squeeky thing (this will likely change, I haven't seen it all) but dear God, why is Pol Debate now contributors-only?
Hamma, Strygun, or Marsman- DO NOT HOLD THIS SITE HOSTAGE TO DONATIONS! I can understand your dire need of funding, but if you begin to restrict access, nobody will stay.
Note to self: Never, never leave PSU for more than 24 hours. Bad shit starts goin' down.
2004-05-05, 09:18 PM
:lol: yea aztec you missed alot.
2004-05-06, 12:43 AM
i have two admirable puppies.
2004-05-06, 07:45 AM
2004-05-06, 01:45 PM
Why you...!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
You want puppies? I'll give you puppies!
2004-05-06, 02:21 PM
Black cats pwn
2004-05-06, 02:22 PM
2004-05-06, 02:31 PM
As a sidenote: may I ask why UV left? I never found out why...
I never intended to leave, and I'm still here somewhat. The problem I was having was receiving threats and having lies spread about me. That made it rather hard to visit regularly.
2004-05-06, 02:33 PM
I Hate Pants
2004-05-06, 02:35 PM
I never intended to leave, and I'm still here somewhat. The problem I was having was receiving threats and having lies spread about me. That made it rather hard to visit regularly.
threats!? No one from PSU. Right?
2004-05-06, 02:38 PM
Better not be or i take out my 133tness upon them
2004-05-06, 02:38 PM
threats!? No one from PSU. Right?
Of course not! ;)
Neon Apocalypse
2004-05-06, 03:03 PM
good to see uv back :love:
2004-05-06, 04:03 PM
now he is a board monkey on the OF
2004-05-06, 04:44 PM
I never intended to leave, and I'm still here somewhat. The problem I was having was receiving threats and having lies spread about me. That made it rather hard to visit regularly.
Yeah, I can see how that would be a problem ;)
2004-05-06, 05:40 PM
Anyway, im the better Onizuka. And that's not just because i have two admirable puppies.
:lol: :lol:
Indeed you are :D
I'm just going to reiterate what Lex said, that Squeeky brought it upon himself. It's his fault. I don't see where the conflict is. It seems crystal clear to me.
2004-05-06, 10:56 PM
This may not mean much to anyone else, but although I am not Jewish, my wife is. His latest comments show that his claim of rehabilitation was a farce and utter bullshit.
His words and conduct go beyond acceptable behavior. IF anybody said, in front of me, that they wish hitler would rise to send a *** to the gas chamber I would beat the ever living piss out of them.
If Squeeky is ever allowed into these forums again I for one will immediately leave. I will also lose all respect for those who let him back in. The threat may not mean anything to anybody since I am not the most active poster, but comments like he made are disgusting beyond words. He is a little, little boy who hides behind the anonymity of the internet. Let him make those comments in person and see what happens.
2004-05-06, 11:01 PM
This may not mean much to anyone else, but although I am not Jewish, my wife is. His latest comments show that his claim of rehabilitation was a farce and utter bullshit.
His words and conduct go beyond acceptable behavior. IF anybody said, in front of me, that they wish hitler would rise to send a *** to the gas chamber I would beat the ever living piss out of them.
If Squeeky is ever allowed into these forums again I for one will immediately leave. I will also lose all respect for those who let him back in. The threat may not mean anything to anybody since I am not the most active poster, but comments like he made are disgusting beyond words. He is a little, little boy who hides behind the anonymity of the internet. Let him make those comments in person and see what happens.
he won't be back
2004-05-06, 11:20 PM
Alright you guys, seriously. Stop comparing yourself to him - i.e. "Well I've been through shit before and you don't see me being an ass on the forums". GREAT! Good for you. The kid is fifteen years old and he's already got more shit on his plate than a lot of you guys will see in a lifetime. Give him a break. He got banned, he deserved it and he needed it, so let it go.
Be the bigger person and keep the bashing to yourself. It's easy to talk shit about people once they're gone, it's a lot harder and takes a lot more strength and composure to keep it to yourself and not taint the environment around you with your negativity.
On that note, I hope Squeeky's life gets better in the same way that I wish you all a happy, smooth life - even you people who I don't know, I really think that PSU is a great little community and I hope that we can take this whole thing and build a more positive site.
2004-05-06, 11:42 PM
For the love of all that's holy, lock this damn thread.
2004-05-06, 11:50 PM
This, just like the Jean Luc Picard thing, has become really, really overdone.
2004-05-06, 11:52 PM
Glaynor, you're a freak and a gimp. Shut the hell up about your betters.
2004-05-06, 11:57 PM
For the love of all that's holy, lock this damn thread.
Omfg Shut The Fuck Up And Lock This Damned Thread.
It Has Outlived Its Purpose.
2004-05-07, 09:28 AM
I just want to mention that those logs that were posted were most likley fake, just consider the source it came from.
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