View Full Version : Speedhackers Monitored

2004-05-05, 06:41 PM

2004-05-05, 07:04 PM
well done SoE! hehe

speedhackers= bad

2004-05-05, 07:08 PM
Ohhh Noes, Better Quit Sg Then.

2004-05-05, 07:22 PM

2004-05-05, 07:34 PM
Ah crap! *turns off h4x*

2004-05-05, 07:40 PM
whoever doesn't read that is gona get owned by the devs.

2004-05-05, 08:29 PM
lol. if u dont hack then u have nothing worry about.

Diddy Mao
2004-05-05, 09:42 PM
*Hangs up hacking equipment*

2004-05-05, 10:00 PM

2004-05-05, 10:09 PM
Good news for legitimate players :p

2004-05-05, 11:01 PM

but i do have a tiny problem, my Character moves faster than all the others, automaticaly i have no idea why, its barely noticable but over long distances i outrun every body in my outfit. I think this could get me in trouble. I've tried to stop it, like by setting my clockspeeds back to normal but i still do it. I don't hack period.

2004-05-05, 11:35 PM
Um, that usually happens because your in lighter armor.

2004-05-05, 11:56 PM
The problem is that Sony has no way to prevent banned players from creating new accounts and continuing to play. I find it very distasteful that swift and prophet are allowed to create new accounts after being banned for teh hax.

2004-05-06, 12:29 AM
OH CRUD they see me!!

2004-05-06, 01:08 AM

but i do have a tiny problem, my Character moves faster than all the others, automaticaly i have no idea why, its barely noticable but over long distances i outrun every body in my outfit. I think this could get me in trouble. I've tried to stop it, like by setting my clockspeeds back to normal but i still do it. I don't hack period.

that would just be a slight packetloss problem, I think. Same thing that happens if you're gunning in a vehicle, and experience lag, the vehicle will stop for a second then zoom forward. Just on a smaller scale.

2004-05-06, 01:21 AM
that would just be a slight packetloss problem, I think. Same thing that happens if you're gunning in a vehicle, and experience lag, the vehicle will stop for a second then zoom forward. Just on a smaller scale.
Lol that happened to me once. Just instead i slowed down, went backwards, then flew forward, then the driver ran over a mine and killed us.

Diddy Mao
2004-05-06, 08:31 AM
The speed hack detection was the Surge nerf -_-, since nobody can run uber fast with weapon out It'll be easy to pick off the warpers. I've already seen a few cases but have kept to myself

2004-05-06, 10:00 AM
I've already seen a few cases but have kept to myself
You got to report them Diddy!

Diddy Mao
2004-05-06, 10:20 AM
I've seen odd things but i don't think they are hacking then i see things that are blatent hacking. Most of these people I've known fought along side but then they switched empires

2004-05-06, 11:32 AM
If I've read it right the detection involves monitoring special procedures or code that would allow a hacker to speedhack. Lag isn't going to get you banned, but get caught tampering with that code and say goodbye account.

Yes you can get a new account but you're gonna need a different credit/debit card and a new copy of the game. At least in theory.

2004-05-06, 12:42 PM
thank god, almost every weekend I play I ran across one or two of these idiots, they really ruin the game experiance when there is no way to beat them, I really hope the new system works, I would be more than happy to point out a few folks to aim their radar at

2004-05-06, 01:20 PM
The problem is that Sony has no way to prevent banned players from creating new accounts and continuing to play. I find it very distasteful that swift and prophet are allowed to create new accounts after being banned for teh hax.

I agree those two need to be perm banned. But, having to start all over at BR1 CR0 is going to be an ego hit for a BR20 CR5 "leader board hero" with 71,000+ bogus kills.

And you can be sure he will have to play legit now... time for some PAYBACK. ;)

2004-05-06, 01:21 PM
Contrary to popular opinion, better players will still kick your butts. This is not CS where every server has 50% of it made up of 12-year-olds running aimbots, I have yet to see anything in PS to even come close to making me think that someone is hacking. I have seen one person kill a whole host of people in a row, however they die just like all others. If you see one person doing well, let it inspire you to do better and imitate them rather than cry omg h4x.

2004-05-06, 01:39 PM
Contrary to popular opinion, better players will still kick your butts. This is not CS where every server has 50% of it made up of 12-year-olds running aimbots, I have yet to see anything in PS to even come close to making me think that someone is hacking. I have seen one person kill a whole host of people in a row, however they die just like all others. If you see one person doing well, let it inspire you to do better and imitate them rather than cry omg h4x.

True, but my experience with PS is that some players just have the "knack" for warping all over my screen. Fighting an opponent you can't reliably target because where you see him or see his blur is NOT his actual location is pretty lame in my book.

Now finding out that several of my nemesis �warp master� opponents got banned because SOE caught them and proved cheating or exploiting is very satisfying to me. All I have ever asked for is a relatively even playing field where a semblance of skill is the determining factor attaining victory or defeat.

A few facts about online playing:

Some players will cry �cheater� whenever they get owned � this whining is inevitable
Some players own others because of a skill mismatch � they are simply better
Some players own others because they ARE ACTUALLY cheating � this abuse is inevitable

It seems here that SOE deleted accounts or characters of players who WERE ACTUALLY cheating or exploiting. Good.

2004-05-06, 02:38 PM
Ausome! Great job Sony. I hate nothing more than a cheater.

Chalk one up for reasons to re-subscribe

2004-05-06, 02:40 PM
Sweet !

Red October
2004-05-06, 03:23 PM
I am very happy that the dev's are implementing this and plan to nail the spoiled little brats. But with that said, why wasn't something like this done sooner? Or for that matter, had something already in place when they started the game?

2004-05-06, 05:22 PM
I am very happy that the dev's are implementing this and plan to nail the spoiled little brats. But with that said, why wasn't something like this done sooner? Or for that matter, had something already in place when they started the game?

I guess it was a case of getting the right code in place. Couple of patches ago (could have been 2.6 actually) I remember that they improved netcode to include log a lot more information. Since then I guess they've been seeing how effective it is at catching hackers and clearing innocent people.

Cauldron Borne
2004-05-06, 08:50 PM
Meh, with this in place we shall see if SG is as good as their reputation. If they are I will laugh at all the whiners who got them banned because they were better than them. If they are not then I will laugh at myself for believing that there could actually be a person so well adept to a game.

As for me: I get kills on warpers all the time. My friends call me in as reserve to hunt them, apparently my comp is so crappy that I can see the warper clear as day and wipe the floor with 'em. Nuttin' betta than waxin' a cheata.

On that note: I havn't seen what can be called cheating in this game for well over two months, and before that is was a slight occurance, maybe once or twice a month.

2004-05-06, 08:59 PM
The problem is that Sony has no way to prevent banned players from creating new accounts and continuing to play. I find it very distasteful that swift and prophet are allowed to create new accounts after being banned for teh hax.

lol, i guess I have to uninstall my little red button then, you know, the one labeled "h4x"

you know, because SG were the only ones who ever warped in this game right?

2004-05-06, 09:49 PM
lol, i guess I have to uninstall my little red button then, you know, the one labeled "h4x"

you know, because SG were the only ones who ever warped in this game right?

It doesn't matter if they hacked or not. I will never know. What matters is that someone sony banned from planetside is allowed to play without having the ban lifted. That is the real issue. Bans should be final. If they were unjustly banned, then I'm sure that eventually their appeals would be heard and their accounts reactivated.

2004-05-06, 11:57 PM
I am very happy that the dev's are implementing this and plan to nail the spoiled little brats. But with that said, why wasn't something like this done sooner? Or for that matter, had something already in place when they started the game?

Lets say the deveopers worked for years and years on the PERFECT game. It'd be the obsolete game by the time it came out. Next question?

2004-05-07, 09:21 PM
Now what about the health hackers? :p And seriously, its just WRONG to cheat on a MP game. To be honest, I cheat SP games to H311