View Full Version : Disturbing....
2003-02-02, 07:57 PM
Read this, Post your opinions....
2003-02-02, 08:03 PM
How stupid can these people be?! I pretended to attempt suicide a few days ago, and even Bighoss got worried! This makes you wonder what kind of people these assholes must be!
2003-02-02, 08:03 PM
Natural Selection.
2003-02-02, 08:07 PM
Chatlogs are poppin up all over, heres the actual one.
Sad stuff
2003-02-02, 08:10 PM
[05:02] <Oea> If ripper dies
[05:02] <Oea> i got tabs
[05:02] <Oea> on hsi drugs
[05:03] <Smoke2k> hes makin vpn
[05:03] <Oea> if there's any lef
[05:03] <Oea> t
These people are fucking stupid
2003-02-02, 08:11 PM
When I was 13, I couldn't be pressured into doing something this stupid, and this moron was 21. The people that were egging him on are sad, but the fact that he was willing to do something this stupid for people he didn't know and would probably never meet is disgusting. What a sad miserable existence his life must have been.
Call me an ass, but I don't feel sorry for this guy. If he didn't have more sense than that, he probably wouldn't have lasted much longer anyway.
2003-02-02, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Natural Selection.
he's better off dead.
2003-02-02, 08:16 PM
[04:49] <ripper> I told u I was hardcore
[04:49] <grphish> GO CALL RTHE UCKING
[04:49] <grphish> POISON CONTROL CENTER
[04:49] <grphish> ripper: we knew that already
[04:49] <ripper> fuck u
[04:49] <ripper> pusys
[04:49] <ripper> u are so fucking stupid
[04:50] <grphish> we're not the ones about to fucking die
2003-02-02, 08:18 PM
LOL what an idiot good thing he died before he could reproduce and spread his genes... god wouldn't that be scary:scared:
2003-02-02, 08:19 PM
he will probably win the darwin award (award for idiots who remove themselves from the gene pool in the dumbest way possible)
2003-02-02, 08:20 PM
god I love those:D
2003-02-02, 08:21 PM
I hate to say it but its sad, The kid obviously had emotional problems, Have some sympathy. I'll leave it at that
2003-02-02, 08:22 PM
I can't feel bad for people like that:D
2003-02-02, 08:24 PM
I like the one where 6 people died trying to rescue a chicken.... the chicken lived....
2003-02-02, 08:27 PM
I remeber that one I think it was in the book in egypt or something and the chicken was in the well:)
2003-02-02, 08:27 PM
... Thats disturbing. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
2003-02-02, 08:29 PM
Wow that's depressing. :( There really are some scary people out there in some of those IRC servers... geez
2003-02-02, 08:32 PM
2003-02-02, 09:01 PM
Can i have a like to that chicken one?
2003-02-02, 09:02 PM
i dont know why.. i feel bad for the guy and i would be the last person to do so.
2003-02-02, 09:52 PM
This guy deffinately deisserves a darwin-award.
You know what, caring about people dieing just gets old after a while. I have one thing to say about this guy...
:clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl:
I'm glad you didn't have kids you stupid f***! :D
2003-02-02, 10:11 PM
Many things could have brought him to this.
He was showing off, not trying to kill himself, and being that intoxicated, went too far. He may have been a book smart kid, had a good social life, etc... Just went too far... It's sad.
Or he could be a Darwin award person.
2003-02-02, 10:22 PM
I'd like to thank those of you who have proven that there are people here just as fucked up as those pathetic souls who egged a man on until he killed himself. What the fuck is wrong with you people??
2003-02-02, 10:42 PM
you know what's really sad, is the conservatives are gonna try to take advantage of this story and somehow use it against gamers.
stupid pricks
2003-02-02, 11:11 PM
Hm, I think its been more of the liberals that have tried to go against gameing, even though some uber-conservatives have as well.
Just ask anyone from Bohica, conservatives love gameing.:p
2003-02-02, 11:13 PM
no, the liberals are always for the freedom of speech and all, im pretty sure its the conservatives whove been trying to limit games and trash the industry
2003-02-02, 11:16 PM
Yeah, right:rolleyes: liberals are so for freedom. Thats why they try to pass gun-control and Hate-crime bills(a crime based on what you are thinking), not to mention that it's the liberals that made up political correctness. I think we have different deffinitions of conservative and liberal...
2003-02-02, 11:19 PM
heh, maybe.
so let's just call em the politicians and game-haters.
theyll take advantage of this tragedy and use it to their advantage trying to trash games and ruin the industry they think is "corrupting america's youth"
2003-02-02, 11:22 PM
HAHAHAHAH! fuckin tard ,one less dumbass on the web :rofl:
2003-02-02, 11:30 PM
I'll agree with you on that one Doobz. I swear I'll pwnzor those game-haters boxxors with 1337 H4x0rz
2003-02-02, 11:34 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :groovy:
2003-02-02, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by SandTrout
Hm, I think its been more of the liberals that have tried to go against gameing, even though some uber-conservatives have as well.
Just ask anyone from Bohica, conservatives love gameing.:p Yep, we love gaming. ;)
2003-02-03, 12:03 AM
what exactly does BOHICA stand for anyway?
2003-02-03, 12:04 AM
Some people make me sick, Have some god damn sympathy!
2003-02-03, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Doobz
what exactly does BOHICA stand for anyway? Military anachronism standing for: Bend Over Here It Comes Again
2003-02-03, 12:07 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The kid obviously had some problems but the people that egged him on are fucking idiots. I hope they find a way to track them all down and convict them for murder. :flamemad:
Must have been horrible for the parents to find out how it happened. :(
And Hamma lock this thread out of respect please. Some of the less intelligent PSU members are just turning this into another spam thread, glad kids today have respect for the dead... :rolleyes:
2003-02-03, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Dio
The kid obviously had some problems but the people that egged him on are fucking idiots. I hope they find a way to track them all down and convict them for murder. :flamemad:
Must have been horrible for the parents to find out how it happened. :(
And Hamma lock this thread out of respect please. Some of the less intelligent PSU members are just turning this into another spam thread, glad kids today have respect for the dead... :rolleyes:
Well said dio. A discussion to reflect on a tragedy is turned into a fucking flamefest
2003-02-03, 04:52 AM
Heh, I think Hamma's right. The kid was so stupid if he didn't kill himslef with the pills he'd have drowned himself in a bucket jsut because Nav told him to stick his head in it. He was probabbly trying to commit suicide anyway.
i've said it before and i'll say it again, anyone who would commit suicide, should. the world is better off with them no breeding (a la natural selection)
i have no sympathy for him.
2003-02-03, 05:04 AM
I agree totally. Let them kill themselves. If they're willing to do it they must have a good reason and if they aren't really willing to do it they'd "chicken out"
Originally posted by Sputty
I agree totally. Let them kill themselves. If they're willing to do it they must have a good reason and if they aren't really willing to do it they'd "chicken out"
thats not what i'm trying to say.
suicide is fucking retarded.
anyone stupid enough to do it, should. its better off we dont have to deal with him and his would-be offspring
2003-02-03, 06:04 AM
The people who urged him on in IRC is what scares me most. People don't think that IRC is real or something, and lots of people hide behind this big tough-guy personality online when they really aren't.
Why isn't this locked yet?
2003-02-03, 08:25 AM
I'm not seeing why it should be locked. :p
2003-02-03, 10:20 AM
The guy was proscribed drugs for depression, and was not quite right. It is sad that he died, and with the right help he might not have. At least some of the people there told him to get help, but he did not, probably because he thought he had something to prove. This proves two things: One, that drugs are bad, no matter what, and two, that allot of you are assholes, like Bighoss, but I knew that already. We are not talking about some words or something, we are talking about a Human Life you ass.
HAHAHAHAH! fuckin tard ,one less dumbass on the web
Gee, a depressed kid kills himself trying to prove that he was "all that" to the people who he thought were his friends. There is a good chance that he believed at first, and as he became high, that he could take all those drugs, and its one less Human life, a person who had hopes and dreams, just like you, that is now gone forever, a great loss for his friends and family. There is a point in everyone�s life where we do stupid shit, he did something that was truly stupid, but he lost his life for it. And now you, a come here and make fun of him, ass. Well I'm glad at least some of you, and the staff here at least have sympathy for what happened to this poor kid.
Ass # 2: bighoss
LOL what an idiot good thing he died before he could reproduce and spread his genes... god wouldn't that be scary
What scares me is a completely insensitive asshole like you reproducing Bighoss.
Ass # 3: SandTrout (and your usually not an ass like the other 2)
Originally posted by SandTrout
This guy deffinately deisserves a darwin-award.
You know what, caring about people dieing just gets old after a while. I have one thing to say about this guy...
:clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl: :clap: :rofl:
I'm glad you didn't have kids you stupid f***! :D
I don�t know if you have ever known someone who was really depressed or what not, who thought about, attempted, or went though with suicide, but maybe, if you ever do, you will have some empathy with them, and then you might realize what this kid was going though, and see that he was not doing this to prove he was a macho, though he might have thought he was, he was doing this because he desperately needed acceptance. He was drunk and with the anti-depressants and the high alcohol level, it killed him, it�s a tragedy, not something to make fun of.
And think of this: How many good decisions would you make hoped up on drugs and drunk to boot?
and one last thing:
i've said it before and i'll say it again, anyone who would commit suicide, should. the world is better off with them no breeding (a la natural selection)
i have no sympathy for him.
Ever known someone who ended up commiting sucide? I dont think so, or you would not have said what you just said. Sucide is stupid, and with the exception of the terminaly ill who are going to die a month or two down the road and just want the pain to end, No one should commitsucide, but in states of depression, exspecially when you add being young and en-experianced with drugs and booze, these people are often not in there right mind.
2003-02-03, 01:54 PM
Wow, I don't know where to start. Those of you who think this is funny are obviously disturbed. Tobias summed it up very, very well. You guys have fun in your little world, there's a little thing out there called karma. It's not picky.
"Originally posted by SandTrout
Hm, I think its been more of the liberals that have tried to go against gameing"
Liberal Senator Joseph Lieberman, and 2004 presidential candidate has sponsered every single anti gaming/game regulation bill yet.
Those "friends" of his, are on the receiving end of a jail house love fest right now. Those rocket scientist apparently don't understand internet logs and IP addresses. They'll get what they deserve. I'm just sad to see that PSUs same few morons are still around to think it's so funny.
Originally posted by Hamma
I'm not seeing why it should be locked. :p
Wow...i just lost a lot of respect for some people around here...
Glad it wasn't your brother or cousin Hamma, then how would you feel ?
2003-02-03, 03:11 PM
YOU GUYS ARE SICK! Anyone who commites suicide has lost the will to live. Its disgusting that you call him stupid, he obviously had emotional problems. I've known people who were VERY! smart and commited suicide. I had a friend who drove down to lake san marcos, somehow pluged his tailpipe, and killed himselves. Wanna know why? Because he had a debilitating condition where his knee, would hurt him, day in and day out. He lost the will to live, he's not stupid, you guys need to re-think your reasons for calling someone stupid. :(
2003-02-03, 03:20 PM
But this guy was trying to impress people! It's like another guy who won the Darwin awards when he was trying to prove how strong he was.... he chainsawed his head off.
2003-02-03, 04:18 PM
I'm personally more disturbed by the people that were encouraging him to OD. He was depressed, on drugs, and drunk at the time, so I can see how the whole thing could have happened. I don't blame the people watching for his death, but I do blame them for being absolutely despicable examples of humanity.
2003-02-03, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Wow, I don't know where to start. Those of you who think this is funny are obviously disturbed. Tobias summed it up very, very well. You guys have fun in your little world, there's a little thing out there called karma. It's not picky.
"Originally posted by SandTrout
Hm, I think its been more of the liberals that have tried to go against gameing"
Liberal Senator Joseph Lieberman, and 2004 presidential candidate has sponsered every single anti gaming/game regulation bill yet.
Those "friends" of his, are on the receiving end of a jail house love fest right now. Those rocket scientist apparently don't understand internet logs and IP addresses. They'll get what they deserve. I'm just sad to see that PSUs same few morons are still around to think it's so funny.
First off I can give you liberal senators that have been against anti gaming bills and I can produce republicans that support anti gaming bills. Please don't turn this into a political thread.
Where did you hear that those kids are going to jail? It seemed to me that the news article was trying to be as contravercial as possible. I read the transcript and everyone in it was telling the kid to stop. The way the news was reported was what sickened me the most.
I read the IRC log that was posted and everyone in the chat room was telling him to quit, go to a doctor, call 911, call poison controll, get his mom. There was only one ass thet was egging him on. I think many people confused a bot with a real person.
The chat room was not bieng sick, they were not disgusting. This is a tragedy that had little to do with the chatroom.
This problem stemmed from someone who must have had sever depression and possibly some severe illness (maybe terminal) to have been prescribed all of those drugs. He was trying to show off and "prove himself to a crowd that was beggin him to stop.
2003-02-03, 04:35 PM
Ok first off I dont like being called an idiot for what I belive ,and second ,if someone kills themselfs ,they are fucking retatrded and weak I hate weak people I have no respect for them. I dont find this a tragedy ,or sad ,if it was one of my family members (there not that stupid) that did this I would feel the same way. Alll you people love to worry abut crap that doesnt concerne you get a life ,The only people that should care are the parents ,cause they are directly affected and deffinatley played a role in his death as did the familys of the kids who egged him on . so to sum up
Dont dis people for what the beleive and second mind your own fuckin buisness.
PS: chill out and spred dah luv:love:
2003-02-03, 04:36 PM
It's sad in every sense of the word.
2003-02-03, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Dio
Wow...i just lost a lot of respect for some people around here...
Glad it wasn't your brother or cousin Hamma, then how would you feel ?
im not sure what you base respect on ,I base mine on peoples actions not there beleifs,If I based respect on everyones beleifs,I would hate everyreligious person ,every person from a different country ,etc etc ,but I dont , Peoples Actions are what define someone.
So you best check yourself before dissin the guy that runs this place:D
2003-02-03, 04:59 PM
"Dont dis people for what the beleive"
Take your own damn advice.
o don't forget your best line
"second mind your own fuckin buisness"
Hows your medicine taste?
2003-02-03, 05:06 PM
this is darwin award matieral trust me. Just because its not your opinion doesn't mean its wrong or cruel. Don't give me any of that moral stuff either cuz I live in America and those died a couple of years ago:D
heres a song for everyone here who hates and it shows how much I care about what u say about me:D
Heh heh heh, oh-ho boy! Oh man, I never laughed so hard, until I cried! And I laughed some more! And I laughed, a lot! Oh man, I'm laughin' so much! I can't stop laughin'!
All you ever do is bring me down,
Turn my happy smile into a frown,
You keep on tellin' me that you'll be - I'm slobberin' on myself -
Well, don't let the front door hit you on your stupid - ah ha ha ha! Oh, man! Oh, somebody, somebody call a doctor, my gut hurts, 'cause I'm laughing so much! And I don't know how to stop it! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! I guess I better take another drink of my pop. Yessirree, that's it, what'cha gotta know, ev'rybody.
-The wise words of Brak he has something for everyone:D
2003-02-03, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
"Dont dis people for what the beleive"
Take your own damn advice.
o don't forget your best line
"second mind your own fuckin buisness"
Hows your medicine taste?
How true but ,when I did it it was for my own amusement and didnt mean a word of what I had posted :D
There I was being serious :D
But its nice to hear you think of me :love: LOL:rofl:
2003-02-03, 05:16 PM
I am not locking a thread because people are giving their opinons Dio. If I locked all the threads people wanted me to lock around here there would be nowhere to discuss. If you feel insulted by a thread you do not have to read it.. Tis why I created this forum, just about anything goes. Within reason.
2003-02-03, 05:18 PM
HURRAY GO HAMMA:clap: :clap: :clap:
2003-02-03, 05:26 PM
Flaming and stuff like that wont be tolerated of course - threads will be locked and the people involved will be asked to take it to a PM.
In game discussion - the rules are far more strict in my eyes. Things will be moved/locked/deleted if they do not relate to PS or are pointless flame threads
2003-02-03, 05:28 PM
What about flagrant swearing, libel, and racism?
2003-02-03, 05:29 PM
It would probably get locked.
dunno what you mean by libel tho?!!?
2003-02-03, 05:37 PM
Libel is when you write something about a person that is not true, or use a quote that they didn't say. It's happened before, in the little quote things. All of those things have happened by our newest little group of trolls, that I'm sad to see come along.
Sorry hamma, I'm just venting, it seems that the few are dedicated to being stubburn, rude, intentionally argumentative, and just dedicated to ruining our little community here. Not that I don't like a little hate, but I prefer to play by the rules, and I only play ball with people who are subject to those rules. Some of these guys seem to have a get out of jail free card.
2003-02-03, 05:40 PM
There isn't a person here who cares what you think. There isn't a person here who cares whether or not you are serious about anything you say.
There are people here, however, who are simply here for their own entertainment and the camaraderie of others who share a like interest (that of course, being PlanetSide). I think I speak for many of the people on this forum when I ask you to either keep your comments to yourself or take it elsewhere. Why should anyone be expected to put up with a person who constantly states an opinion that is intended to inflame others and then says that it was just a joke??
I personally find it amazing that you still act this way, considering your age. Even more amazing is that you have found a clan that will keep you. I congratulate you on that. I�d have kicked you out of any clan I had any authority in long ago.
2003-02-03, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Libel is when you write something about a person that is not true, or use a quote that they didn't say. It's happened before, in the little quote things.
ah, I havent seen this happen myself :eek:
I know we have some trolls around here, but the atmosphere around here is far better than many other gaming forums IMO - I cant ban everyone lol.
But there are some folks that are being watched. Nobody has a get out of jail free card.
2003-02-03, 05:54 PM
"ah, I havent seen this happen myself "
I have reported it and made my opinions about this member open and vocal. They have made several racist, bigotted remarks, and even made fun of everything from tragedies to the special olympics. I see no value in this person, and have done a thread search, and have see less than a total of 1/12 of his personal post amount to anything remotely constructive.
I certainly do not want anythread locked. What I would like is active policing. You do a great job as I have sad dozens of times, however, it does seem that some people who have no intention of reform or conformity to policy still get the whole nine yards of redemption. They have also personally offended me and many others on the forum, so I do harbor a serious grudge. I apologize for any grief this may have caused you.
2003-02-03, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
I am not locking a thread because people are giving their opinons Dio. If I locked all the threads people wanted me to lock around here there would be nowhere to discuss. If you feel insulted by a thread you do not have to read it.. Tis why I created this forum, just about anything goes. Within reason.
I agree. There will be differing opinions, But i think hamma has been extremely lenient with the content of threads.
Originally posted by Dio
Wow...i just lost a lot of respect for some people around here...
Glad it wasn't your brother or cousin Hamma, then how would you feel ?
i would still call my brother a fucking idiot if he committed suicide.
end of story.
2003-02-03, 06:02 PM
I can argue with people in my clan all day ,people there can say whatever they want and not worry about it ,because at the end of the day ,were all friends and all the persoanl opinions in the world wont change that .
2003-02-03, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
I can argue with people in my clan all day ,people there can say whatever they want and not worry about it ,because at the end of the day ,were all friends and all the persoanl opinions in the world wont change that . But when you come here you voice what you claim is your opinion and then when someone calls you on it, you say that you were joking. The other members of my clan can say anything they want to me, I know where they are coming from and can tell when they are serious and when they are screwing with me. When you go outside of your clan though, you are in a place where people do not know you and do not know when you are serious. When all you do is inflame people and then laugh at them while claiming that you were just kidding, you tend to lose people's respect for you and your clan. All I know about your clan is what I have seen of you on this forum, and I, for one, will avoid your clan when I come across them in game because of the way you have presented yourself on these boards.
2003-02-03, 06:20 PM
K everyone calm down please. ABRAXAAS I too have noticed sometimes your posts are out of line and have recieved complaints about you from various sources. Just calm down a bit and remember this is a public forum, not a bunch of friends you can say anything you want to. :)
2003-02-03, 07:02 PM
Fair enough Hamma, as far as my clan goes how does anyone even know my clan ,I dont use my clan tags when im in here,just fro that reason im not representing them in here ?
2003-02-03, 07:05 PM
Well, for one, it's in your sig. :)
And two, it's in your profile. :)
2003-02-03, 07:28 PM
Oh hell............Hey im sorry ive been being an ass:love: :D
This kid obviously had problems. I don't feel sorry for him for this reason. He is obviously in a different situation then my friend, i.e. Drugs for depression and such. But he knew he had problems and obviously didn't care enough to face them. I think another problem is, the parents. If this kid was on FOUR different prescription drugs for depression. I wouldn't A) leave them home alone. B) Stay locked in his room for a long amount of time.
Nuff said.
2003-02-03, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by Squeeky
YOU GUYS ARE SICK! Anyone who commites suicide has lost the will to live. Its disgusting that you call him stupid, he obviously had emotional problems. I've known people who were VERY! smart and commited suicide. I had a friend who drove down to lake san marcos, somehow pluged his tailpipe, and killed himselves. Wanna know why? Because he had a debilitating condition where his knee, would hurt him, day in and day out. He lost the will to live, he's not stupid, you guys need to re-think your reasons for calling someone stupid. :(
I agree. Should I be killed or castrated or because a member of my family has emotional and depression disorders that could lead to suicide? Those same genes could be in me.
Depression is a genetic disorder. Its like a baby born with HIV. The HIV virus can be suppressed but never cured, and eventually it will kill a victim. Similarly, depression and emotional disorders can be linked to genetics, and while there are medicines to fight depression it often times claims it victims.
People who are depressed dont want to die. They want the pain to end. Reading this thread has been upsetting, I dont know what to call some of your opinions.
2003-02-03, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Sol
I agree. Should I be killed or castrated or because a member of my family has emotional and depression disorders that could lead to suicide? Those same genes could be in me.
Depression is a genetic disorder. Its like a baby born with HIV. The HIV virus can be suppressed but never cured, and eventually it will kill a victim. Similarly, depression and emotional disorders can be linked to genetics, and while there are medicines to fight depression it often times claims it victims.
People who are depressed dont want to die. They want the pain to end. Reading this thread has been upsetting, I dont know what to call some of your opinions.
It is genetic. Your right. I have depression now, My dad had it along with my mom. Its kind of a bummer but life goes on
2003-02-03, 09:17 PM
ok, i have an idea.
lets agree to disagree, but lets agree on one thing.
the human race sucks :love:
2003-02-03, 09:22 PM
:mad: im just going to not say anything anymore,cause that doesnt start arguments :D
2003-02-03, 09:22 PM
the man speaks the truth
2003-02-03, 09:22 PM
oops:confused: why cant I delete this:confused: :confused:
2003-02-03, 09:24 PM
now you're just crossing the realm into spam-land..... :spam:
2003-02-03, 09:26 PM
No I went to edit my post but I hit quote ,so i tried to delete it but I cant ,sorry didnt mean to spam :confused:
2003-02-03, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
"ah, I havent seen this happen myself "
I have reported it and made my opinions about this member open and vocal. They have made several racist, bigotted remarks, and even made fun of everything from tragedies to the special olympics. I see no value in this person, and have done a thread search, and have see less than a total of 1/12 of his personal post amount to anything remotely constructive.
I certainly do not want anythread locked. What I would like is active policing. You do a great job as I have sad dozens of times, however, it does seem that some people who have no intention of reform or conformity to policy still get the whole nine yards of redemption. They have also personally offended me and many others on the forum, so I do harbor a serious grudge. I apologize for any grief this may have caused you.
my god that guy sounds like such an asshole. Somone should just shoot him I can't believe that this forum would attract people like this:(
2003-02-03, 09:41 PM
I would urge you to take that advice, but then I would be like those other assholes.
2003-02-03, 09:43 PM
hey just because I feel strongly against a subject doesn't make me racist... some of the wording was a bit strong and uncalled for I will agree. I do understand that subject ! Just because not all my posts are purposeful doesn't make me evil. Think of me as comic relief:D
2003-02-03, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Yuyi
If this kid was on FOUR different prescription drugs for depression.
They weren't for depression.
Methadone is pretty much strictly for recovering Heroin addicts.
Klonopin is to prevent seizures and panic attacks.
restoril is for insomnia.
inderal is for high blood pressure.
vicadin is a muscle relaxer.
And well all know what weed and liquor are for ;)
2003-02-03, 09:49 PM
band aids?
Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
They weren't for depression.
Methadone is pretty much strictly for recovering Heroin addicts.
Klonopin is to prevent seizures and panic attacks.
Thank you for proving my point ;)
2003-02-03, 10:27 PM
Also, he wasn't a kid, he was 21.
2003-02-03, 10:31 PM
Well he was Hardcore;)
2003-02-03, 10:34 PM
Yea, if you find people who kill themselves due to overdoses hardcore...what are you thinking abra? lol
2003-02-03, 10:36 PM
thats about as hardcore as it gets ,killin yourself to amuse your friends ,That ranks up there with the hardest of hardcore in my books;)
2003-02-03, 10:40 PM
I bet you've got really cool friends eh abra? Id bet you'd do the same thing to show how hardcore you are. Cause its cool right? pfft.
2003-02-03, 10:46 PM
Oh yeah for sure Ill proove it right now ,wacth how hardcore I am
1....2....3 aaaaagggggghhhhghh............ah.....umpf......... .................................................. ......................gurgle gurgle
2003-02-03, 10:55 PM
hardcore man... hardcore:D
2003-02-03, 10:58 PM
Thank you I try .....Oh wait im dead I mean.....
woooooooo im the ghost of ABRAXAAS wooooo
2003-02-03, 11:01 PM
ghost post !!!
2003-02-03, 11:01 PM
Yes, I am an ass. I'm the way I am because I'm geting sick and tired of people mourning over people they don't know. I'm realy just trying to balance the scale.
I don't see why someone would find that article and post it in these forums. The man's death is his fammily's problem, and his suiside was his own choice.
You don't know the guy, you just found his obituary on the net and gave us a link. I don't take pleasure in hearing about the deaths of people, but mourning for someone who you didn't know and commited suiside just pisses me off.
My school has had some kids who commited suiside, and it pissed the hell out of me that girls who never met him were crying their eyes out in the hall. His real friends just got lost in the croud of "fad-mourners", people who just grieve because it's what they think they are supposed to do.
Leave the people who are realy hurting alone, otherwise you just make them look less signifigant.
2003-02-03, 11:02 PM
couldn't have said it any better !!! :clap: :clap:
Originally posted by SandTrout
Yes, I am an ass. I'm the way I am because I'm geting sick and tired of people mourning over people they don't know. I'm realy just trying to balance the scale.
I don't see why someone would find that article and post it in these forums. The man's death is his fammily's problem, and his suiside was his own choice.
You don't know the guy, you just found his obituary on the net and gave us a link. I don't take pleasure in hearing about the deaths of people, but mourning for someone who you didn't know and commited suiside just pisses me off.
My school has had some kids who commited suiside, and it pissed the hell out of me that girls who never met him were crying their eyes out in the hall. His real friends just got lost in the croud of "fad-mourners", people who just grieve because it's what they think they are supposed to do.
Leave the people who are realy hurting alone, otherwise you just make them look less signifigant.
2003-02-03, 11:13 PM
why is that stupid. He's right! enough fad mourning people die all the time this one happened to be crazy
2003-02-03, 11:16 PM
the :stupid: smilie is just a way of saying that you agree, while adding a bit of satire to the equasion.
2003-02-03, 11:44 PM
oh sorry then :doh: :domotwak:
2003-02-04, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by SandTrout
Leave the people who are realy hurting alone, otherwise you just make them look less signifigant.
Actually, I totally agree with you on this point. Take for example the shuttle. Those families were being badgered the every day their family members died. I agree that we should let the grieving grieve in peace.
But, as far as the topic of this thread goes, no one is bothering the family. As was so well pointed out, none of us even know them. Our talking about the event in no way hurts them or lessens their grieving process.
Don't automatically assume that everyone who grieves for people they don't know to be fad-mourners. I don't know about the rest of you, but everyone I know grieved for the people who died in the World Trade Centers. Even people I know in other countries contacted my family to show their support. Most of the people I know didn't know a soul who died in the Towers or in the plane that crashed in that field. But that didn't matter. There is something in the death of others that moves people. Perhaps if you understood how precious life is, you would understand that also.
2003-02-04, 07:36 AM
well the WTC was a real tragedy 3000 deaths at the hands of another. It was also he a huge wound in a pride. That effected people probauly almost as much as the death count
2003-02-04, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by SandTrout
Yes, I am an ass. I'm the way I am because I'm geting sick and tired of people mourning over people they don't know. I'm realy just trying to balance the scale.
I don't see why someone would find that article and post it in these forums. The man's death is his fammily's problem, and his suiside was his own choice.
You don't know the guy, you just found his obituary on the net and gave us a link. I don't take pleasure in hearing about the deaths of people, but mourning for someone who you didn't know and commited suiside just pisses me off.
My school has had some kids who commited suiside, and it pissed the hell out of me that girls who never met him were crying their eyes out in the hall. His real friends just got lost in the croud of "fad-mourners", people who just grieve because it's what they think they are supposed to do.
Leave the people who are realy hurting alone, otherwise you just make them look less signifigant.
Lord knows that the world could use more apathy. [/sarcasm]
2003-02-04, 04:05 PM
The WTC was not just one suiside. It was 3000 homocides by terrorists that were more intent on attacking America than just killing 3000 people. That was an unprecidented act in American history. Thit is a compleatly different.
My points is that you don't know the person, you've never seen or met him, yet you choose to mourn for his family.why don't you mourn for people that die in your cities that you may have seen while shoping or just driveing around.
His suiside has nothing to do with you, and I don't understand why you need to have something to do with him other than you think it's what you're supposed to do.
2003-02-04, 04:08 PM
not to mention it was kinda of funny the way he died
2003-02-04, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Bighoss
not to mention it was kinda of funny the way he died
So if you were in that chat room you would have been egging him on?
2003-02-04, 04:23 PM
I wouldn't be in that chat room but if their were no consquences against my actions I would be laughing my ass off calling him a retarded loser and should keep on chugging:D
2003-02-04, 04:23 PM
personaly I wouldnt egg him on ,that is wrong and sick ,but in retrspect it was damn funny ,its like the old lady I saw fall out of the back of a motor home ,It was damn hillarious ,but i would never have pushed her ,you cant compare the 2
2003-02-04, 04:24 PM
very true:)
2003-02-04, 04:27 PM
You all need to shut the fuck up. It's clear the kid had no clue what he was doing. Let's see any one of you fuck tards take an acidental over dose and see how you feel about it.
Better yet how about have your friends kick the shit out of you and rob your house while your choking on your own vomit waiting to die.
Shit happens and people do dumb shit. Not everyone needs to die for it. Except maybe the two of you.
2003-02-04, 04:33 PM
ooh your so sweet :love: theres no such thing as an accidental overdose ,you either follow the instructions or you dont .:D
2003-02-04, 04:39 PM
So your telling me that when I over dosed on booze at 14 I did it on purpose? Thanks for enligtening me you stupid fuck.
2003-02-04, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
You all need to shut the fuck up. It's clear the kid had no clue what he was doing. Let's see any one of you fuck tards take an acidental over dose and see how you feel about it.
Better yet how about have your friends kick the shit out of you and rob your house while your choking on your own vomit waiting to die.
Shit happens and people do dumb shit. Not everyone needs to die for it. Except maybe the two of you.
is that a flame or a troll hamma or did I start it? I can't figure it out !
2003-02-04, 04:41 PM
He was 21, hardly a kid, and Abraxaas, even I don't laugh at stuff like that. You are one sick puppy.
2003-02-04, 04:41 PM
what were you doin drinkin booze at 14 ? and im talkin medication here mr grumpy :D
2003-02-04, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
So your telling me that when I over dosed on booze at 14 I did it on purpose? Thanks for enligtening me you stupid fuck.
I got drunk when I was 14 and I girl I knew really well had to many shots and had to get her stomach pumped so your not all that special.
2003-02-04, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by SandTrout
He was 21, hardly a kid, and Abraxaas, even I don't laugh at stuff like that. You are one sick puppy.
Bull shit you wouldnt laugh at an old lady falling out of a motor home , Have you ver watch Americas funniest home videos ?
thats all it is :D
2003-02-04, 04:45 PM
its America's funniest home video's "HARDCORE"
2003-02-04, 04:45 PM
Never said I was special moron. I said it was an accident that I almost killed myself.
No go crawl back in your little hole and fuck yourself.
2003-02-04, 04:46 PM
I thought she fell out and died, but no harm, no foul. sorry for the flame.
2003-02-04, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by SandTrout
I thought she fell out and died, but no harm, no foul. sorry for the flame.
even me in all my cruelty and evilness wouldnt laugh at that :D
2003-02-04, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
Never said I was special moron. I said it was an accident that I almost killed myself.
No go crawl back in your little hole and fuck yourself.
I still think your special :love:
you don't need to make so many negative comments about yourself its bad for your self esteem:D
2003-02-04, 04:49 PM
2003-02-04, 04:52 PM
Your story grows tiresome.
Please die.
2003-02-04, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
Your story grows tiresome.
Please die.
I dun get it:confused:
I just know your the 3rd person here who wants me dead !:bouncy:
2003-02-04, 05:01 PM
there are 2 types of people in this world ,those who take death seriously and those who dont ....I dont wich means I win ,cause while you are crying and worrying about it ,Im living my life to the fullest not worrying about my inevitable death ,and when someone dies I dont care you know why ,,,cause they dont care there dead. do you think there sitting somewhere going porr me I overdosed on drugs wahhhh . anyways to many people take shit to seriously.:love:
2003-02-04, 05:08 PM
I think you'll just ruin your life, that being said, I wouldn't care about my death, I may even welcome it but one things for sure, I'm sure you won't be "living life" any more than the other kind although grouping people like that is never applicable. BTW, no one will care when I die either. Again, they'll probably welcome it also.... BTW, I'm still trying to move out of this hellhole I live in....Anyone have any place I can stay in for free?:lol:
2003-02-04, 05:12 PM
How could I ruin my life ?
2003-02-04, 05:35 PM
I think this thread has run its course.
Carry on.
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