View Full Version : Emerald TR

2004-05-07, 09:42 AM
Just wanted to point out the ownage of Emerald TR since the Surge Nerf. I guess we know the reason for Emerald NC and VS before the patch. Suckazzz!!!

2004-05-07, 10:07 AM
TR didnt have much use for surgile HA because the mcg can be used effectively from farther range. MCG can cut down someone with a jack hammer or lasher before they can get into range and the guass and pulsar can duel the chaingun at close - medium range but without much success.

2004-05-07, 10:23 AM

2004-05-07, 10:29 AM
What about the week after the patch where the NC still owned the world?

2004-05-07, 10:35 AM
TR are still the underdogs tho we are hardly owning the world. If only I had my pwnder back.

2004-05-07, 10:40 AM
They have been doing better. When I left the TR, we still were losing and but holding our own ground for once. Once I switched, the NC became owned day after day, it's fun fighting for the one continent. The Surge nerf had NOTHING to do with the fact that the TR are doing better lately, you guys are getting smarter.

2004-05-07, 11:04 AM
What about the week after the patch where the NC still owned the world?
What about it?

I have stayed TR since I was admitted into beta. Not once have I ever joined the Fourth Empire. Not once have I ever played NC or VS on Emerald. I can safely say that I have somewhat of a good feel for the TR population in general. That said, there has been an increase in TR numbers (again, fourth empire or just ship-jumping powergaming kiddies). My own outfit has picked up at least a dozen members in a week, two weeks. Some of these are people who were NC or VS before... they're a bit upset that they have to delete their characters since my outfit doesn't tolerate it.

The widely-regarded opinion is, once the surgile was removed, a certain breed of gamers were unable to handle the trauma of having their surgile Heavy Assault rendered useless, and true to their nature, jumped ship again.

I'm not surprised that TR picked up and started moving. It's nothing conceited like "Oh we're better organized" or "We have skill and we've always had it" or any of that BS. Although those of us who have stayed exclusive TR will tell you that we play TR because we play the game on Hard Mode... The simple truth is, it happens. Every empire eventually has its day in the sun, for some unknown reason (probably the fourth-empire). NC had it for a long time, the Vanu had it for a long time, the TR had it for a long time... the cycle never ends, truly.

On a final note... one could say that the NC are losing now because they gained The Enclave and lost Serious Gamers and Liberty... if one wanted to be sarcastic and insulting. :D

2004-05-07, 11:09 AM
I think it had to do with SilverLord leaving. As soon as he left, we started winning and the team he left started losing! ;) :p

On a serious note. hehe! It was interesting to me to note that the population percentages were still fairly even during this time that the TR began a surge of victories. This indicates it wasn't simply a "zerg" type win but that we are becoming maybe more efficient. Pretty cool, though.

PS. SilverLord, just in case, please stay with the Congs a little longer, okay? Or if you have to switch, try the Barney suits next. :D

2004-05-07, 11:13 AM
FireFly, I could care less if the NC lost SG and Liberty, I'd rather they went away. I switched NC because I wanted to have fun, I always played Markov NC and ALWAYS had more fun that playing with my BR 20, CR 4 toon. You can go ahead and say I'm no die-hard TR because I switched and that I am just a member of the 4th empire, but thats complete BS. As I said, I switched to have fun and thats what I'm doing. I joined the Enclave, so what. I like how they do things so I joined them. I don't care what any of the TR think of my cause I want to have fun. If you just say I'm part of the fourth empire, go ahead, my outfit from TR still likes me and they understand that some people just want a change and to have fun doing it. I do whatever I have fun doing, and that was playing NC with the Enclave. So I did it, I switched.

2004-05-07, 11:20 AM
The Surge nerf had NOTHING to do with the fact that the TR are doing better lately you sure it had nothing to do with it? ;)

*Gunslanger begins to instigate a fight* :twisted:

2004-05-07, 11:24 AM
Ouch, Firefly! I understand your devotion to the TR, as the CDL has been TR since the start as well, but its a game that people pay to play and if they want to switch to a different empire after completing a good run in one empire, so be it. SilverLord has been TR from the start and he ran an excellent character in the TR. He has earned the right to try another empire. What you are talking about, and correct me if I am wrong, is the person with no allegiance but to winning at any cost.

I can understand the anger if it is directed at someone who had been TR for a few BRs and switched to get on the winning side, but I think we can rule that out with him.

2004-05-07, 11:35 AM
Ouch, Firefly! I understand your devotion to the TR, as the CDL has been TR since the start as well, but its a game that people pay to play and if they want to switch to a different empire after completing a good run in one empire, so be it. SilverLord has been TR from the start and he ran an excellent character in the TR. He has earned the right to try another empire. What you are talking about, and correct me if I am wrong, is the person with no allegiance but to winning at any cost.

I can understand the anger if it is directed at someone who had been TR for a few BRs and switched to get on the winning side, but I think we can rule that out with him.
Thank you Mani. :love: to you my good man.

2004-05-07, 01:17 PM
The reason the TR have been winning this past week was that the NC and the VS were locked in a battle to the death for ASS. Now that the NC have emerged victorious, the TR won't own 7 continents for hours on end.

2004-05-07, 02:43 PM
The reason the TR have been winning this past week was that the NC and the VS were locked in a battle to the death for ASS. Now that the NC have emerged victorious, the TR won't own 7 continents for hours on end.

IMO it has less to do with TR getting a whole lot smarter than the VS getting a whole lot dumber. All last week was was VS backhacking NC while we tried to retake ASS and the tr took over the VS's HOE.

Now that operation "Grab ASS" was a success, VS are stuck on FIC.

I dunno whose idea "Grab ASS" was, I heard it first from diddy...

2004-05-07, 03:05 PM
Just got my TR restored after deleting him, been a blast so far, the TR are alot smarter since I last left them.

2004-05-07, 03:46 PM
The widely-regarded opinion is, once the surgile was removed, a certain breed of gamers were unable to handle the trauma of having their surgile Heavy Assault rendered useless, and true to their nature, jumped ship again.
I played NC sence release, before I even knew what empire was what. I never used JH surgile, I switched because I was tired of winning all the time because of the pop imbalance.

I'm not surprised that TR picked up and started moving. It's nothing conceited like "Oh we're better organized" or "We have skill and we've always had it" or any of that BS. Although those of us who have stayed exclusive TR will tell you that we play TR because we play the game on Hard Mode... The simple truth is, it happens. Every empire eventually has its day in the sun, for some unknown reason (probably the fourth-empire). NC had it for a long time, the Vanu had it for a long time, the TR had it for a long time... the cycle never ends, truly.
TR is soooo not hard mode, I have played all three and none of them are any easier than any other. This was made up by people to make themselves feel l33ter, like they are playing the weak team.

On a final note... one could say that the NC are losing now because they gained The Enclave and lost Serious Gamers and Liberty... if one wanted to be sarcastic and insulting. :D
They lost Serious Gamers a while back, they have been playing Vanu.

2004-05-07, 04:26 PM
TR is soooo not hard mode, I have played all three and none of them are any easier than any other. This was made up by people to make themselves feel l33ter, like they are playing the weak team.

Whatever you say chief...SO playing against a 40+ population of surgile isnt hard?

PS. I love making myself feel l33t

2004-05-07, 05:41 PM
Eldanesh, Diddy coined the term "operation grab-ass", but I was the one to set it in motion when I took amerish back for the NC the first time on wednesday. Breaking the vanu's hold on amerish was crucial for kicking them out of ASS.

2004-05-07, 06:08 PM
TR is soooo not hard mode, I have played all three and none of them are any easier than any other. This was made up by people to make themselves feel l33ter, like they are playing the weak team.

Hmm, I very much disagree with that statement. It is a matter of fact that the TR have both the worst MAXes and the worst tank, and I feel in addition to that the Marauder and MCG are not superb as well. If having wretched MAXes, a terrible tank, and OK buggies and Heavy Assault is not 'hard mode', then I don't know what is.

2004-05-07, 06:20 PM
TR didnt have much use for surgile HA because the mcg can be used effectively from farther range. MCG can cut down someone with a jack hammer or lasher before they can get into range and the guass and pulsar can duel the chaingun at close - medium range but without much success.

:lol: i can beat an MCG user with gauss at meduim range almost all the time. for close range i can win bit not always.

2004-05-07, 06:42 PM
I think it had to do with SilverLord leaving. As soon as he left, we started winning and the team he left started losing! ;) :p

On a serious note. hehe! It was interesting to me to note that the population percentages were still fairly even during this time that the TR began a surge of victories. This indicates it wasn't simply a "zerg" type win but that we are becoming maybe more efficient. Pretty cool, though.

PS. SilverLord, just in case, please stay with the Congs a little longer, okay? Or if you have to switch, try the Barney suits next. :D
No offense intended but, is there some reason that anytime I make a post, it's always followed-up and perceived as some sort of anger issue by you? I mean- this has to be the fifth or sixth consecutive post I have made in this forum (notice it dropped a lot, and for this reason) where I get a follow-up talking-to. And what's more, when anyone else says the same thing I see a bunch of "hear hear!" with it.

Let me clarify this, in case anyone seems to think I'm bashing some outfit or bashing SilverLord, who I have worked side-by-side with in game with great-times-had-by-all. The very last paragraph that I made was "levity". I was being facetious. Trying my humor on for size. I even included a :D emoticon in case someone doubted it... and I never use emoticons.

I think I'll just slink back into The Lounge now that yet another of my posts has been blown way out of context... Roger Out.


2004-05-07, 07:18 PM
I understand FireFly, we have had our cooperative times but I misunderstood your post and thought you were bashing me because I went NC.

Mani, the next time I switch (in a year probly) will be back to the TR, they are just so cool looking. :)

2004-05-07, 07:57 PM
Indeed, they look and feel very cool. It's awesome when you charge retardedly into a mob of enemy grunts with your MCG, barrel blazing, and manage to take down several before being blown to shreds. Besides, throughout the fight, you're maintaining your sense of style with your awesome ski-mask-like helmet and cool armor. Good times.

2004-05-07, 08:26 PM
N00b, don't forget the goggles.

2004-05-07, 11:46 PM
I love the Rexo CR 5 TR toons, it's great. If I keep thinking about it I will have to switch backk1!11!1

2004-05-08, 12:22 AM
Now I know how NC and VS rexo users find TR infiltrators without darklight... your helmet visors have it built-in! And our goggles are just to keep the sand out when we drive the Marauder.

2004-05-09, 03:53 AM
Now I know how NC and VS rexo users find TR infiltrators without darklight... your helmet visors have it built-in! This is a problem for all cloakers since the last patch.

As for the other statements- The prowler's main gun is the best AI weapon in the game, and chews through vehicles like nothing else. The marauder is gimped, but noone uses heavy buggies other than the skygaurd much anyways. Stiker is the best infantry AA weapon in the game, MCG beats the other HA in vercitility b/c of it's range.

TR started to win and are still holding their ground because of a few things.
1) They've learned to counter the Vangaurd Collums with massive(and I do mean MASSIVE) amounts of air power, as the VS have, and rolling their own collums.
2) the populations finaly evened out. There is no denying this was a factor in many NC victories.
3) They have begun adopting the NC "Homeland deffence" strategy.
4) I haven't played my TR alt lately, so you guys may have to confirm this for me, but I suspect the TR CR5s pulled their heads out of their asses.

2004-05-09, 09:46 AM
What is "Homeland Defence" strategy?

2004-05-09, 12:49 PM
The TR, like the NC, have adopted several continents as their 'home continents'. These continents were chosen for the same reasons that the NC chose ASS: They are easy to attack and defend from. The only difference between ASS and IFH is that IFH is a more defensible group, whereas ASS is harder to defend but has more attack-launching points.

2004-05-09, 01:23 PM

This is not my own drawing, it was done by Hedron, but imo it does a great job of illustrating intercontinental lattice.

THe value of ASS is that it has a low number of links in. It has a mirror, FIC, but its advantage is that a majority of the bases in are nontech and more importantly biolabs/amp stations and easy to crush.

2004-05-09, 01:53 PM
Eldanesh, you're missing onething: I believe that ASS was selected for you guys because its easy to attack from. Given that the NC are an excellent attacking Empire, with good indoor weapons, this is the right choice for you guys. Conversely, given that the TR are probably better at defense than offense, given their longer-ranged weapons, IFH is a good choice for us. FIC was originally our land, but it was too hard to defend from its more powerful mirror.

2004-05-09, 04:11 PM
A majority of the bases linked to warpgates on ASS are non-tech, and a majority are also connected to one of the geowarps for the continent. This cuts the number of possible links into a continent dramatically, and also gives any attacking force a weak foothold. The offensive links they give are alright, but far from the best. The importance of cutting the number of entrances down by one cannot be emphasized more, it is one of the keys to good defense. Defense is not about weapons, it is about a fast and brutal response.

Diddy Mao
2004-05-09, 05:41 PM
yes Operation: "Grab A.S.S" was my idea, But the Plan was mine and Bish's on where to go and whatnot :groovy:. And the NC had a dry spell for two days where we could get nothing done but we are back to winning again.

*Crys to Devs for Worthy opponents*

2004-05-09, 06:09 PM
given that the TR are probably better at defense than offense, given their longer-ranged weapons
Last night five Vanguards went against five Prowlers on public test server under a variety of conditions. The Vanguards smashed the Prowlers time and again. Several instances it was very close, but the Vanguard's greater speed allowed it to pull ahead where its thicker armor and longer-range heavy hitter could tear the remaining tank apart.

Of course, that's biased at the moment because it's one scenario. We plan to run it again and switch teams, to see if the teams just sucked/owned. I highly doubt it, but we shall see.

2004-05-09, 06:30 PM
Vanguards are better than prowler in every possible way, imo

2004-05-09, 06:33 PM
Exactly. It hits hard and cycles slow as per the NC "theme", but it also has the best qualities all around- the only thing it doesn't do is go over water.

Prowlers should at least have speed and/or armor. Damage over time is all well and good, but if your opponent hits harder and has more protection, it's moot. Time is the one thing you don't have. And the developers wonder why people complain...

2004-05-09, 08:16 PM
I love the prowler. It is by far the best anti-infantry tank, and is reasonably good at AV work. The TR have the best AV right now, so if practice using combined arms, you should be fine.

2004-05-09, 08:21 PM
I completely agree. When I look at a Prowler, I think of a King Tiger tank. It should have a top speed of 15 mph, but have twice the armor it has now. I'm NC and I can own a Prowler with a Lightning, that's just sad. (All you have to do is get right next to them and the main gun can't aim far enough down.)

2004-05-09, 08:30 PM
I think they should give an option to fire both guns at once, at 1/2 ROF, and give it 7500 armor, but change nothing else.

2004-05-09, 08:40 PM
Vanguards are better than prowler in every possible way, imo
Indeed. BWC's tank battles more or less proved that. We had the jump on them, we had a better position, we were hitting more often, we forced them to run but all the time they were fighting back, our gunners were doing far better. We had the advantage in every way, and it still came down to the Prowlers getting destroyed.

2004-05-09, 09:14 PM
Plus the dual mounted guns dont help anything for accuracy

2004-05-09, 09:15 PM
Plus the dual mounted guns dont help anything for accuracy
Bah, no point in manning those. Better to get a mossie to fly overhead.

Diddy Mao
2004-05-10, 01:54 AM
We had the jump on them, we had a better position, we were hitting more often, we forced them to run but all the time they were fighting back, our gunners were doing far better. We had the advantage in every way, and it still came down to the Prowlers getting destroyed.

Sounds like a skills issue to me :doh:

2004-05-10, 04:38 AM
Sounds like a skills issue to me :doh:
I doubt it. Unless you can convince me that five entire tank crews just flat-out sucked ass when three of those crews had extensive practice time working as a unit, and that two of those crews were among the outfit's people most comfortable with tanks.

Riiiiight... because we all know that the Vanguard is a piece of shit and its weapon doesn't do shit.

2004-05-10, 10:33 AM
All the prowler really needs IMHO is that its projectile trajectory be brought on par with the vanguards. I mean you cant really say its because NC pack in more gunpowder because the 75mm on the lightning has an even better trajectory then the 150mm and the 100mm should at least be on par with the 150mm with its trajectory. Also did those prowlers have 12mm gunners in the battle? 12mm may not be much but 5 of them CAN damage a tank decently and may give them the edge they need to win.

2004-05-10, 11:23 AM
I think the Vangaurd is the best tank overall but the Prowler can't be beat against infantry. Know when to deploy your Prowlers and Vanguards. Half the battle a tank has is finding a driver who will drive the dang thing.

Diddy Mao
2004-05-10, 12:18 PM
I prefer the Prowler cuz once it go the 1 shot like the vanguard, It was able to go through twice as much infantry. The Prowler has more chances to hit a vanguard then the other way around. A good Prolwer Gunner will always beat a Vanguard gunner! Don't believe me My Tr on Markov I gun for a fellow outfitmembers Prowler and We always end up beating a Vanguard 1 on 1 dunno if they sucked (The Vanguard Driver/Gunner).

2004-05-10, 08:07 PM
The prowler can beat a van, if you get point blank on him. That way, none of your shots will miss. If you have any distance, you will miss shots, thus giving the edge to the vanguard (it's easier to hit a prowler because of the huge profile). If you have driven a vanguard, you know to keep your distance and let the big gun do the work!

Biggest problem on the balance of the two is speed. I can understand the heavier armor and more powerful guns on the van. But why is the thing faster than the prowler? If the prowler were quicker, then it would be better balanced!

2004-05-10, 08:29 PM
The prowler can beat a van, if you get point blank on him. That way, none of your shots will miss. If you have any distance, you will miss shots, thus giving the edge to the vanguard (it's easier to hit a prowler because of the huge profile). If you have driven a vanguard, you know to keep your distance and let the big gun do the work!

Biggest problem on the balance of the two is speed. I can understand the heavier armor and more powerful guns on the van. But why is the thing faster than the prowler? If the prowler were quicker, then it would be better balanced!

Not given the Prowler's damage output. Also think abotu the clip size. The Prowler can miss 5 shots and still make a kill on the vanguard. The Vanguard can only miss once on the Prowler. This is important.

If the Vanguard had less Armor, the Prowler would easily kill the Vanguard. Right now they are a pretty even match. Same with the Magrider.

For every arguement you can give me on a Prowler vs Vanguard arguement, I can give you on a Vanguard vs Magrider arguement. With the exception of looks. But as a whole, it comes down to drivers, more then jsut tanks. The Prowler needs to be close because of it's speed and the Vanguard can't be that close because it will do a lot of damage to it's self as well as the badguy.

The tanks are balanced. Mroe or less. I would like to see a better MCG or the gunner with the ability to switch if there wasn't a third gunner.

2004-05-11, 02:10 AM
Not given the Prowler's damage output. Also think abotu the clip size. The Prowler can miss 5 shots and still make a kill on the vanguard. The Vanguard can only miss once on the Prowler.
Don't forget to take into consideration the splash damage sucks on the prowler. And since both barrels are not sited to the same point in space, you will miss, unless your a very good gunner and you move your aim point with every shot (very difficult while moving over broken terrain). Given the innacuracy, terrible splash damage, larger profile, lower armor AND lower speed, the vanguard will eat a prowler for lunch at distance.

That said, I can kill vans really easily, IF I'm at point blank range and maintain it. However, given that a prowler is slower than the van, if your facing a competent driver, they will always try to keep their distance.

No, they aren't balanced really well, unless you give the prowler a speed advantage to enable it to close the distance to a point where it is most effective (dam, this sounds like a Jackhammer/surge debating point).

2004-05-11, 08:27 PM
lol look at the world map almost total TR domination never seen that much before

but I'm not TR

NC Emerald Army Of One all the way - w00t

2004-05-12, 09:08 AM
The best way to take a vanguard from a prowler is to make the vanguard chase you...The ROF of the prowler main gun is about twice as fast as the vanguard gun. Get the vanguard to go in a straight line and you will win.

2004-05-12, 04:08 PM
lol look at the world map almost total TR domination never seen that much before

but I'm not TR

NC Emerald Army Of One all the way - w00t

Getting nine continents yesterday was flat-out amazing. We were 6 bases away from taking the world:).

2004-05-12, 04:11 PM
Getting nine continents yesterday was flat-out amazing. We were 6 bases away from taking the world:).
Damn I missed it. I haven't gotten to play in a while now. I need to. I feel PS calling me.

2004-05-12, 04:21 PM
Getting nine continents yesterday was flat-out amazing. We were 6 bases away from taking the world:).
And we had zero today when I logged in, so we decided to make the VS and NC fight each other by having ANT derbies and Marauder ramming matches for about two hours.

Strangely the NC and VS didn't want to fight...

2004-05-12, 06:01 PM
Strangely the NC and VS didn't want to fight...

How strange... :confused:

Oh wait :rolleyes: ;)

2004-05-12, 09:53 PM
How strange... :confused:

Oh wait :rolleyes: ;)
I hated that when I was TR but I have come to know to fight the VS much more than the TR.

2004-05-13, 12:21 PM
TR pwnzors