View Full Version : Thinking of taking up Lib

2004-05-07, 10:21 AM
2800 armor, 105 damage with .20 rof from the 35mm giving it a much better ttk then even the MBTs. Just wondering if it requires a tech planet to purchase or can it be picked up anywhere.

2004-05-07, 10:37 AM
Bad thing is it takes a tech planet and is slow as hell.

2004-05-07, 12:12 PM
Bad thing is it takes a tech planet and is slow as hell.


be sure to go straight during the bombing run because its cant drop bombs when tilted.

2004-05-07, 12:16 PM
Used as a ground attack support fighter it is wicked. Reminds me of the A-10 Warthog with a lot less maneuverability.

2004-05-07, 12:23 PM
Its also a great vehicle for a 2 man tower drop team. Helpful for getting all those towers that suddenly turn blue or purple.

2004-05-07, 01:34 PM
I just like the firepower, Ive been using it today and love it. Its like a flying tank. It can toe to toe a skyguard and easily win *only takes 10 direct hits from the 35mm to kill an unshielded skyguard and it has a refire rate of 0.20 so it chews it up pretty fast*. It can chew through a magriders 3600 armor in 7 - 8 seconds if i can keep a constant beat on it *not missing any but the rof allows for mistakes* and the mag takes 14 seconds of constand *no misses* shooting at me to take me down if i dont have shields. Its only weakness is against aircraft, best start taking a tail gunner with me.

2004-05-07, 02:35 PM
just dont fly low near a vanguard, i promise you if its me you will be shot down quickly.

2004-05-07, 02:54 PM
Lib is my only vehicle. The no-tech can be a problem, but with a little preparations can be delt with.

After usin lib for a while, I would guess that the 35mm DPS is roughly the same as the 75mm DPS. I play NC so I can't speak for vanguards, but one 35mm can take out a couple prowlers easilly, magriders I usually wait for half hp, and anything else is dead.

Dogfighting is not that hard, just takes a lot of strafing and elevators. You have enough hp that you can take on a skeedo or a reaver 1v1 without too much difficulty, the trouble is more than one of the little shits.

Also, lib is not slow! 90kph is faster than a wraith! its slow compared to a skeedo sure, but its the 3rd fastest vehicle in the game!

All I need is overflight radar and afterburners installed in my lib and it would not even be fair dogfighting with it.

2004-05-07, 06:06 PM
lib is good for dropping multiple persons on towers. and it is fun to bomb enemy cy's that are very busy. but it is really slow, no AB, and has to be level to bomb.

2004-05-07, 06:52 PM
Dogfighting is not that hard

care to test that theory? :groovy:

low altitude bombing = 450+ kills in 3 hours in the zerg.

find the zergiest base possible, fly in low parallel(sp?) to the busiest battlement(usually the one facing the tower) and let em fly, you're so low they have no time to move away and the busy battlement usually has around 20 people if not more.

2004-05-07, 09:20 PM
Used as a ground attack support fighter it is wicked. Reminds me of the A-10 Warthog with a lot less maneuverability.

Yea its an almost perfect mix of short range air support craft.

2004-05-07, 10:50 PM
care to test that theory? :groovy:

low altitude bombing = 450+ kills in 3 hours in the zerg.

find the zergiest base possible, fly in low parallel(sp?) to the busiest battlement(usually the one facing the tower) and let em fly, you're so low they have no time to move away and the busy battlement usually has around 20 people if not more.

:D dogfighting in a lib really is not that bad, the key is finding aircav's who either don't know how to fly, or think they own at flying. Both of these will try to simply hover over the lib and outgun you while you shead them.

and also, low lvl bombing 4 teh win! Nothing kills a massive enemy force quickly + repeatedly like decent low alt bombing.

2004-05-07, 11:23 PM
IMO Reavers should get that 35mm to replace the craptastic 20mm.

2004-05-08, 12:42 AM
they wuold be way too powerful but that wuold kick ass. dual 35mm :drools:

2004-05-08, 01:11 AM
I am always slinging praise on the Lib. A decent Reaver or Skeeter pilot WILL shoot you down. Other than that, if you're smart you can solo anything else in the game. Just don't let vehicles get underneath you, the maximum downwards angle of a Lib is smaller than the upwards angle of most vehicle weapons, including MBTs.

The 35mm is a great weapon, most effective long range weapon in the game as it doesn't have such aggressive damage degredation like the 20mm and 12mm, is direct fire and has a reasonably fast shot travel speed (though slower than the 20mm and 12mm). You do significant damage out to the maximum range of 300m.

2004-05-08, 12:32 PM
sometimes a single liberator can turn the tide of the battle. just last night we were rushing a tower packed with TR, I was in a liberator and we bombed the crap out of the roof and surrounding area, allowing our troops to advance. We also took out all their vehicle terminals, which also helped alot.

2004-05-08, 02:39 PM
Hehe had to be TR didn't it :)

2004-05-08, 04:01 PM
heheh. I was doubtful about dogfighting Reavers & Mosquitoes so i had go.

I loaded up a Lib and went flying, i encountered roughly 5 reavers and 3 mosquitoes.

I managed to shoot down 3 reavers and no mosquitoes.
Just like someone said, it only works if they just hover there.
As for mosquitoes they were hard to pinpoint, because they don't show up on radar.
So i guess it's possible given alittle bit more practice.
and on a side note its fantastic against vehicles, just swoop down and chew them up. :p
Best highlight of the day?
Falling upon a fully packed Galaxy that was sitting on a road.
I fired upon it, and the pilot immediately took off, it circled abit and i kept chewing at it until surprisingly only the pilot bailed and it went boom cargo and all! :lol:
I died by a tailing reaver, but it was worth it, too bad i didn't have a tail gunner.

2004-05-08, 05:38 PM
What I used to do in my old outfit was fly a Lib as a Gunship and stick really tight with our armor collum. I cant even count the number of vehicles I blew up that were succesfully retreating from our collum

2004-05-08, 07:14 PM
libs are easy to kill, 2 mossies on teamspeak, just stay above them and behind, kill them every time.

2004-05-08, 07:20 PM
O and you cnat be shot down by TR pretty much at max alt. So just keep moving over the base and you will fly till another aircraft gets you

2004-05-09, 01:02 AM
mmmm....yes it was hard dogfighting against mosq. because the minute you turn round to shoot them they more around you, or above you. Although when you do hit them, it takes a big chunk out of them, it ultimately comes down to the more faster firing mosq. weapon and faster strating/circling and getting the most shots on target as the lib's 35mm really lags behind the retina.
I dunno how you people who say they can fight mosq in lib's must of been against some very laggy/stationary mosq. :rolleyes:
But yes, the Lib is like a A-10 Anti-Tank plane.

2004-05-09, 12:47 PM
Oni, just get a tailgunner. If you can't get the Mosq into your 35mm sights, just let it tail you and try to match its 12mm cannon aganst your 25mm tailgun:).

2004-05-09, 08:25 PM
O and you cnat be shot down by TR pretty much at max alt. So just keep moving over the base and you will fly till another aircraft gets you
True, some of my funnest (if a little cheap) times have been on my NC char in a lib flying over the TR. You can bomb until you run out, as long as you have other air cover to keep the mossies/reavers away. I even went as far as loading only bombs and still would run dry. I don't cert lib anymore as NC, no challange against the TR (VS is another story).

2004-05-09, 09:23 PM
As a pro liberator pilot I can say that TR anti air not working at ceiling is complete bullshit.

Me and Arclyte used to get owned by bursters all the time.

2004-05-09, 09:45 PM
My lib owns you vick. :D
Though what I think is funny is watching autoreload fuck over stafires from the flight ceiling. They go through 8 shots then they all lose lock.

2004-05-09, 10:25 PM
Get a tailgunner for your Gunship and Reavers/Mosquitos dont stand a snowball's chance in hell. In fact at that point only Skyguards and Magriders are a threat

2004-05-09, 11:15 PM
If your getting owned by bursters at altitude, then you need to quit flying. I play TR most of the time, and spent many, many hours in a burster. You fly low and slow, your dead. You fly at alt, I may hit you, but you ain't dying unless your not paying attention or you decide to stop for a while.

2004-05-10, 08:10 AM
I wonder if the dev is planing to do different loadouts for the Lib?
I mean it has a great protential to be a heavy gunship.

I mean for TR they could put a dual 25mm on the tail, change the 35mm for something that spits out more, and faster. or maybe just make it a dual 35mm!
Replace the Bomber seat to fire say...a triple 12mm with a 360 Degrees movement from the bottom of the Aircraft.

As for Vanu they could put a quasar for the bomber seat,
Tail gunner will have a dual Pulsar
And the front 35mm replace with a PPP from the Magrider driver gun.

As for NC well something like TR but have Gauss weaponary as well, but can't shoot out as many bullets? Not so sure about this one, don't really give much thought for them.

Of course this probably sounds like over kill, but it will still be the same speed, same armour, same movability.
Plus if you put the certifcation points to fly this t...say... 6-8 points.
Then I doubt you will see many of them around, making those who fly it dedicated pilots and that when one is field you won't be expecting to see a squad of them.
Good idea or bad? :( / :)

2004-05-10, 09:27 AM
The skyguard and mag cant kill the lib faster then the lib can kill them with the 35mm one on one. The 35mm has a better ttk against ground targets then the flak cannon has against air targets. Plus the lib hs about 1800 more armor then the skyguard not to mention shields. The thing is nice because it CAN be used solo effectively but it also can be used with a team. You can't go solo in a tank but in the lib if you cant find people to come with you then your not totally screwed you can still fight effectively. Multiple fully crewed libs = carpet bomb the zerg to death as well as have them consentrate 35mm fire on vehicles, as long as you got air calvary support to keep enimey aircraft off ya.

2004-05-10, 10:31 AM
I mean it has a great protential to be a heavy gunship.

I think they'll stick with the galaxy gunship, more ammo, more armour etc.

Bursters in groups = liberator's nightmare. Burster on its own takes a while, assuming that you don't get shot or bombed to Hell :)

2004-05-10, 01:14 PM
I think they'll stick with the galaxy gunship, more ammo, more armour etc.

mmm...never seen a galaxy used as a gunship before. All i ever seen it used for is a flying bus.

Sure it has more armour, more ammo, but you can never seriously use it for an offensive attack.

Such as bringing it down on an enemy position and racking it with weapon fire.
You just don't see that....

2004-05-10, 01:18 PM
I guess you haven't heard SmokeJumper talking about the Galaxy Gunship variant :D

2004-05-10, 01:25 PM
I guess you haven't heard SmokeJumper talking about the Galaxy Gunship variant :D

:huh: :huh:

Are you joking?!! Don't be pulling my leg!! Or i'll claw your eyes out! :evil:

Oh oh oh!!! What will it have? Tell me tell me!! I will give you lots of nice things. :love: ;)

2004-05-10, 01:33 PM
My eyes are safe :D

Yes, he has mentioned it both on the official forums and I swear he's mentioned it in an Ask the Devs. Nothing about what weapons it will have but I assume large (number of) weapons with lots of ammo :)

Think AC-130 Spectre Gunship (http://globalspecops.com/ac130.html) :)

2004-05-10, 02:52 PM
oh wow!
That plane looks mean!
I do hope that some of the weapons can shoot forward if only in a limited angle, and i hope the weapons are on both sides on the galaxy!! I'll get dizzy if i have to circle to left all the time! :lol:

But oh oh oh! I can't wait to fly it! my hands are itching!! :love:

You know if the Dev brought these new vehicles eariler they could of stemmed the number of people leaving... :rolleyes:

Oh i can't wait! i hope this isn't just whistleblowing in the ear, or im seriously going to bite someone for getting me all excited. :evil:

2004-05-10, 03:20 PM
The skyguard and mag cant kill the lib faster then the lib can kill them with the 35mm one on one. The 35mm has a better ttk against ground targets then the flak cannon has against air targets. Plus the lib hs about 1800 more armor then the skyguard not to mention shields. The thing is nice because it CAN be used solo effectively but it also can be used with a team. You can't go solo in a tank but in the lib if you cant find people to come with you then your not totally screwed you can still fight effectively. Multiple fully crewed libs = carpet bomb the zerg to death as well as have them consentrate 35mm fire on vehicles, as long as you got air calvary support to keep enimey aircraft off ya.

Liberators can destroy Skyguards but if the Skyguard crew gets the drop on the Lib, the Lib will have to retreat, especially if the Skyguard driver knows what he is doing. If the Lib gets the drop on the skyguard, you usually have a dead Skyguard.

Now the Magrider is a different story. Never and I mean never can you take a magrider out one on one unless the gunner is a ridiculous newbie. Often times you can blow up retreating Magriders, but you cannot take out a fresh one so dont even bother trying.

This is actually why the Liberator in Gunship stands out so well in an armor collum. Your going to get mixed results if you Gunship a Liberator totally solo. For example, only the best Reaver and Mossy pilots can shoot you down and most of the time they still cant. When you have a tailgunner you are basically immune to everything short of getting ganged up on. When you have a tailgunner and move in a formation, your basically indestructable, especialy if your own armor collum has skyguards. Your tailgunner can focus on taking out air and grunts and you can 35mm any enemy vehicles. It is a great way to play the game differently yet very effectivly

2004-05-10, 08:01 PM
I mean for TR they could put a dual 25mm on the tail, change the 35mm for something that spits out more, and faster. or maybe just make it a dual 35mm!
Replace the Bomber seat to fire say...a triple 12mm with a 360 Degrees movement from the bottom of the Aircraft.

Well, if you follow the way the devs do it, this lib would have to seat at least 5 TR to man all the guns (1 pilot, 1 tail gunner, 3 guys to man those 12 mms).

2004-05-10, 08:15 PM
Well, if you follow the way the devs do it, this lib would have to seat at least 5 TR to man all the guns (1 pilot, 1 tail gunner, 3 guys to man those 12 mms).

What makes you think they would do that?


2004-05-11, 01:58 AM
Uhh, prowler, maurader, TR battle wagon..... for some reason, it seems the devs have locked into the concept of do less with more for a TR theme. We do less damage with more bullets, less effcient with more people, etc. Just remember in your designs, if your planning any variation of vehicles by empire, you must account for utilizing more people to do the same job if it's designed for TR.

2004-05-11, 03:12 AM
uh...you have a point there.... :sick:

2004-05-11, 07:01 AM
Uhh, prowler, maurader, TR battle wagon..... for some reason, it seems the devs have locked into the concept of do less with more for a TR theme. We do less damage with more bullets, less effcient with more people, etc. Just remember in your designs, if your planning any variation of vehicles by empire, you must account for utilizing more people to do the same job if it's designed for TR.

I suppose that's the negative side to having vehicles that have multiple gunners (or more gunners than everyone else.) The positive side however is that you can engage multiple targets at the same time or focus your firepower against a singe target. Failing that, you can just get more people into the vehicles for a ride :D