View Full Version : goldeneye 2

2004-05-07, 12:11 PM
link (http://xbox.ign.com/objects/662/662966.html?ui=gamefinder)

unfortunatley its made by EA not Rare

2004-05-07, 12:16 PM
Great, another shitty EA Bond game... this will not end well.

2004-05-07, 01:35 PM
Great, another shitty EA Bond game... this will not end well.

2004-05-07, 01:37 PM
Great, another shitty EA Bond game... this will not end well.

2004-05-07, 02:04 PM
bah...damn you EA!! :evil: :nazi:

2004-05-07, 02:12 PM
I really liked the first Goldeneye and I think that it was the best and only good James Bond game but I probably won't get it since I'm not a big console guy anymore.

2004-05-07, 02:55 PM
Great, another shitty EA Bond game... this will not end well.

2004-05-07, 03:00 PM
Great, another shitty EA Bond game... this will not end well.

2004-05-07, 04:44 PM
Everything or Nothing was pretty good. EA is only a bad publisher because of the rights they have to the franchises and are notorious for being nazis as you undoubtably know. EA isnt as bad as you say it is, sure all the EA games went to PS2 online but EA almost always sticks to their game release dates.

2004-05-07, 04:58 PM
Even if EA assigns one of their semi-competent developer teams to it, it will never surpass the original. Why? Because the original was... original. It was the first mainstream full-3d shooter on the market. Everybody loved it simply because you couldn't get that anywhere else.