View Full Version : [pic] Owned by Minivan

2004-05-08, 03:00 AM
Kinda mag-riderish.

2004-05-08, 03:07 AM
thats why you cross the street when all the cars stop, and not when it turns red. but it sucks, bad, mabey old people should drive.

2004-05-08, 03:47 AM

2004-05-08, 07:33 AM
It's a Mercedes driver, they think they own the road.

(Although in their heads, its "I pay my road tax, I most certainly DO own the road!")

2004-05-08, 07:46 AM

2004-05-08, 08:31 AM
isnt that an old person driving? see the old shouldnt be able to drive when they cant tell the differance anymore.

Neon Apocalypse
2004-05-08, 09:17 AM
thats not a minivan its a mercedes station wagon

2004-05-08, 09:19 AM
She looks determined.

2004-05-08, 09:46 AM
thats not a minivan its a mercedes station wagon

"Station wagon" ? :lol:

Over here we call them "Estates"

Neon Apocalypse
2004-05-08, 10:13 AM
dude those things are nothing

we got SUVs, like ford Excursions, these things are fuckin huge compared to station wagons

2004-05-08, 10:33 AM
Odd no one thinks it could be fake here...I don't

2004-05-08, 10:33 AM
It's kinda sad, kinda twisted... but for some reason, funny. Bad karma I suppose, but I think it's negated by the fact that said dumbass shouldn't be waltzing about in traffic.

Oh... check out the car at the corner. The people look like they had collective heart attacks. And looks like grandma is driving. Go figure. No cellphone?

2004-05-08, 10:38 AM
dude those things are nothing

we got SUVs, like ford Excursions, these things are fuckin huge compared to station wagons

as in we you mean the entire united states right? Those cars are not just native to where ever you live. I don't even think people were talking about the size of the car either, just that it wasn't a minivan. Plus people in benz's think their better than everyone else.

2004-05-08, 11:08 AM
it looks fake to me.

2004-05-08, 11:09 AM

2004-05-08, 11:24 AM
The lady in ther looks fake but the rest of it seems ok.

On the same note thoguth letley i have almost been in 3 crashes all involving Old people. After a certian point they need to have a driving test , but not the crappy one the give you when your 16 but a 20mile aroundtown/highway test.

2004-05-08, 11:27 AM
Owned! :lol:

2004-05-08, 11:55 AM
Well it looks fake. First off there is no damage to the bumper. now if she had hit the guy and rolled off I could believe it. but he was hit and then flipped in mid air from the time she hit his leg then his head smashing into the windshield.Meaning she had to be going about 30-50 miph at least. The man looks like he is medium build so that anywhere from 150-180 pounds right? that would have cracked that bumper and put a good dent into the hood and grill. Plus there is just something about the guy he looks super imposed or something. The picture of him compared to the others it just looks a little to clear.

2004-05-08, 12:23 PM
"Station wagon" ? :lol:

Over here we call them "Estates"

yea, the reason why alot of people dont have them is because station wagon is so soccer-mom ish. I think thats an E 320

2004-05-08, 12:30 PM
Whats weird is the lady driving acts like nothing is happening , but all the people around are like OMG!!!

2004-05-08, 12:34 PM
Those vehicles are not from the United States. The license plates are distinctly European if anything. The vehicles appear to be mostly VW and Benz. The ones in the back on the left side look possibly like Pugeot emblems, possibly Citroen... can't tell because of the glare. That's not a minivan, either. If anything, it's a deluxe wagon.

The camera data is also foreign, in terms of its relation to US methods. They use commas instead of decimals, and the word "Foto" is also a tip-off. The parking mannerisms of the automobiles on the right side is also different from any place that I've ever seen in the US, and I've been in many many areas of the country (as a point of reference, not fact).

If it is fake, it's a damn good one. I'd speculate that the only non-original portions of that image are the man. I think the original photo *POSSIBLY* had the two pedestrians who may have nearly stepped out in front of the vehicle. I say this not with any certainty, but merely a guess as to what it could be if it were fake. Things that make me suspicious are the position of the guy and his briefcase, and most importantly that piece of trash under the wheel. It didn't seem there the first time, though I could be missing it.

2004-05-08, 12:35 PM
Well it looks fake. First off there is no damage to the bumper. now if she had hit the guy and rolled off I could believe it. but he was hit and then flipped in mid air from the time she hit his leg then his head smashing into the windshield.Meaning she had to be going about 30-50 miph at least. The man looks like he is medium build so that anywhere from 150-180 pounds right? that would have cracked that bumper and put a good dent into the hood and grill. Plus there is just something about the guy he looks super imposed or something. The picture of him compared to the others it just looks a little to clear.

I sincerely doubt she was going 30 miles per hour, and it's my opinion that you don't know enough of what you're talking about to conclusively determine this. The events depicted in the photograph are neither implausible nor uncommon. It's possible it's a fake, and I'm not saying it isn't, but your post is hardly decisive.

Edit: One last thing: if it was a fake, there probably wouldn't be a hi-res version available.

2004-05-08, 12:42 PM
Jeezusssss, Minivan/Wagon, Real/Fake. Who gives a fuck, I swear to God some of you people need to empty a can of RAID into your rectums to kill that giant bug that crawled up your ass. :lol:

2004-05-08, 12:46 PM
Jeezusssss, Minivan/Wagon, Real/Fake. Who gives a fuck, I swear to God some of you people need to empty a can of RAID into your rectums to kill that giant bug that crawled up your ass. :lol:


2004-05-08, 12:53 PM
not 30 mph, you can kill someone going 10-15. other than the woman looking unconcerned about anything, it looks real.

2004-05-08, 12:56 PM
Jeezusssss, Minivan/Wagon, Real/Fake. Who gives a fuck, I swear to God some of you people need to empty a can of RAID into your rectums to kill that giant bug that crawled up your ass. :lol:

C'mon SDM. This isn't super-harmonious third grade show and tell. This is a discussion forum. Let us have our fun.

2004-05-08, 01:01 PM
sorry, <debate on>

2004-05-08, 01:06 PM
Ok I Exsagerated (SP?) with the speed I had just gotten up when I looked at it. But I come from a family of automechanics also my father was a towtruck driver and thats now what I do. I've been looking at wrecked cars for the past 18 years of my life that I can remember (I'm 23 almost 24 now) I've seen the damage done to cars when they hit people like that. and from what I see there. unless that bumper is made of steel (which I doubt because its a car and not a truck) it should at least have a small crackor it should be bent. and from how that guy was thrown in the air and did a complete flip before being hit again(From the angle the camera is on it looks like his head smashes into it again) she had to be carrying some speed and IF his head did hit the windshield I'm sure it would be cracked if not shattered. It's my speculation but I have experience with car accidents and people getting hit by cars.

2004-05-08, 01:18 PM


2004-05-08, 01:23 PM


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Supa-ninja KICK!

2004-05-08, 02:13 PM
exellent, most exellent, indeed.