View Full Version : Most Underused Class?
2004-05-12, 02:29 PM
Hi, I haven't been to these boards for AGES, but i've finally got Broadband so I can play PS!
Anyway, in games like this (MM FPS) I like being the most underused and most challenging classes (Pyro in Team Fortress Classic and Set in Age of Mythology). So what sort of classes of players are desperately (or not so desperatey) needed in PS?
At the moment I'm a Air and Ground Transporter, using the Galaxy and Deliv/Sund. I don't see too many MAXs and I don't see ANYONE use the Quad Bike things. There are quite a few Medics and Hackers. There are LOADS of reavers and mosquitos...
What should I be?
2004-05-12, 02:36 PM
Anti-Air Max, Anti-Air vehicle like the Skyguard or An infantry with anti-Vehicle Certificate.
Never short of Targets, and guarantee to be a prized asset to any squad ;)
Red October
2004-05-12, 03:08 PM
Anti-Air Max, Anti-Air vehicle like the Skyguard or An infantry with anti-Vehicle Certificate.
Never short of Targets
I agree, Anti-Air...don't seem to be enough of them as of late...Anti-Vehicle in general would be good to. There have been so many vehicles as of late, that I'm actually considering creating another charachter specifically for that purpose alone. Lotsa BEP out there...
2004-05-12, 03:15 PM
definatley anti-vehicle grunts, most grunts are so concerned with killing each other they dont care about vehicles beyond complaining how unfair it is that they kill them....
what most grunts dont do is DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, as for the best av weapon at the moment that is debatable, it has more to do with your playstyle, but all of them are better in groups, solo however I would put my money on the pheonix, seeing as you can chase the vehciles down while remaining in relative saftey I would take 1, if you want some anti-air power I would pick up a striker, which is alright too
2004-05-12, 03:50 PM
I disagree that AV grunts are hard to find. As a Terran, I can readily expect that a my bases' defenders will have at least 30 Strikers among them. Personally, I find that I love people who do something as simp,le as have Medical and Engineering :love:
2004-05-12, 04:04 PM
If you go TR we are in short supply of Prowlers so picking up the cert to drive one would help. People are way more eager to get on the guns then drive the vehicle.
Advanced Medics. ANT drivers.
2004-05-12, 05:40 PM know what? I was COMPLETELY wrong, be an ant driver, those are definatley in short supply, and everyone hates doing it, but apparantly you like doing the thing that nobody else likes to do, well refueling bases for a living certainly fits that ticket, have fun, its REAL good BEP.... :doh:
I think all of the empires are pretty even.
2004-05-12, 06:28 PM
Does refueling get you BEP? I don't know, as I am a n00b...
I think I will get an AV Weapon License and Anti Air MAX. I still have enough Certs to keep my Air Support and Ground transport too. I think I'm gonna base myself on vehicles: Driving and Killing :D
2004-05-12, 07:14 PM
20xp per second or something for refuelling a base.
2004-05-12, 07:47 PM
yea everyone and there mom has AV cert. so pick up AV. decis own maxes and the striker and phoenix can really do damage to tanks when used in groups.
2004-05-12, 07:49 PM
I am tempted to say medics and engineers are the most underused class
then ant drivers came up
Ant drivers are going the way of the dodo.
enemy vehicles love hunting and eating ants and nobody bothers to protect the ants.
If ants had a 300mm direct fire cannon mounted on it's hood asan ornament i bet there would be more ant drivers.
2004-05-12, 08:47 PM
They wouldn't be using them for nanite runs either :E
2004-05-12, 09:49 PM
Yea, drive ants 24/7/365
2004-05-12, 09:57 PM
Id have to say...I have no idea. it seems pretty balanced. never seen a severe shortage of anything.
Cauldron Borne
2004-05-13, 12:41 AM
TR: Tanks, MAXs
NC: Snipers, GOOD cloakers (short supply), and Adv Meds
VS: Sum good basic infantry, Adv Meds and sum decent AV grunts
I like t run ANT jobs on occation. It's pretty easy to rack up a few thousand EXP just be refilling back bases/conts in a few hours. The chance to kill stuff it still presant because I usually catch several Spec Ops groups/ Cloakers being sloppy about there work. That adds a few thousand more exp.
2004-05-13, 11:28 AM
Play VS on Emerald and be an AMS driver. We need fucking AMSs. I am already adv med, I have done my unselfish bit.
2004-05-13, 12:23 PM
Need tankie drivers for prowlers. No one seems to want to drive the boring things. I dont blame them, you need three people for a full crew and if you go with just two you are pure air bait. At least magrider drivers get a front firing gun and a great vehicle to mow with. Lets no mention the complete domination in bridge battles.
VS: Sum good basic infantry, Adv Meds and sum decent AV grunts
Oddly enough, I have a character ( designed from the ground up for these purposes. Don't play him much.
2004-05-13, 05:25 PM
Need more ANTs, and unless you're VS, AA MAXes as well. (I definatly see a lot more starfires than bursters or sparrows)
AMS drivers and Adv. Medics are always desired as well.
Diddy Mao
2004-05-13, 05:39 PM
Before The Ammo patch it was very rare to see any Lancers, Phoenix's, Strikers(After the n3rf) but everything is used pretty evenly
Cauldron Borne
2004-05-15, 12:49 PM
I have recently fallen in love with the striker. I go running around with 50 rounds of that stuff in agile, with one box of amp ammo, a rek, and a amp. I OWN shit with that thing. MAX's, tanks, Reavers, you name it's dead.
2004-05-16, 10:11 AM
I have recently fallen in love with the striker. I go running around with 50 rounds of that stuff in agile, with one box of amp ammo, a rek, and a amp. I OWN shit with that thing. MAX's, tanks, Reavers, you name it's dead.
Most underused class??? :confused:
I was mistaken. Actually, since this game isn't really classed based, it is playstyles that are underused.
What you need to be is part of your empire's rapid-reaction defense. It consists of hopping in a mosquito and quelling the normally less than 20 players of other empires that are trying to break your continent lock. Or capping empty enemy towers on your continent.
After you're done, you also have to wait until someone else tries to break into your continent. This type of player is rare, highly necessary, and must normally very versatile, skilled, and above all patient. Most people can do it for a couple rounds, but they start getting bored in the interims and want to go on the offensive. Don't.
2004-05-18, 09:51 AM
Medics are not the most underused but advanced medics are. Even when you are one you ahve to kil the damn people and find where they live and beat them to death in real live just so you can revive them. People are looking for them and complain for them, including me, consitantly. It only takes one guy to refuel and entire continent with an ant. Il will be doing another simpel thread about a med idea. need some replies from people who like the med as a character and actually think about things that help them.
2004-05-18, 02:39 PM
I think its engineers for the NC on emerald. i could assualt a base full of TR kill them all and guard the CC and still no one will repair me no matter how many VVR VNR i shout. i've come down to going "if you like not being shot down by reavers repair the MAXes" or some such.
2004-05-18, 03:42 PM
Driving ANTs can be fun. When I was with 7th Legion, I was designated ANT driver. Anything we did that an ANT was required I was the one they all depended on. I made some pretty crazy runs. One of the funnest times even was when my outfit was in the middle of a zerg fight and our base was at like 20 percent. I was in a galaxy with my ant and it was shot down. i hotdropped and drove into some trees, avoiding reavers and skeeters. I got some people to come help me and arrived with a badly damaged ANT just b4 the base went neutral. You can be a real unspoken, or if ur a CR 5, not so unspoken hero by being an ANT driver. It does take skill contrary to some peoples' beliefs, and it gives good BEP if that's what you are after.
2004-05-18, 04:30 PM
The most underused class is probably Adv. Medics because of the mammoth incentives for a player to release. Medics need new abilities, incentives, and reasons that their patients would want to stick around. There's been numerous suggestions on this topic, like a "wolfenstein" style camera that jumps to the nearest adv medic, and a way to page a nearby medic. I'm hoping we'll see some of the gameflow changes in this area soon, and the new abilities (like stimpacks and regen patches as promised) for Elite Abilities. If we don't, I'm gonna be megapissed.
2004-05-18, 06:29 PM
I would say that the TR (at least on Emerald) need more Adv. Medics and Prowler/Flail drivers. Never seems to be a shortage of SA/HA/CE.
Legonnaire, Black Widow Company
2004-05-18, 08:01 PM
Yeah rushing into a zerg to fill a base on low NTUs can be very rewarding, although unless a CR5 happened to notice and globalled your efforts you won't get much praise for your efforts.
2004-05-18, 11:12 PM
or if u urself are a CR 5 ;). then u can mask ur accomplishment/bragging in the form of a tactical message. IE: I'm bringing an ANT into the base so we don't lose it.
2004-05-19, 05:48 AM
Well yeah they do do that :)
Unfortunatly the CR5s I've seen tend to ask other people to do it :(
2004-05-19, 09:30 AM
Hehe yeah most have a superiority complex. I did them when I wanted to or when we needed it, myself. Sure there were times when I asked others to do it because I was busy, but I didn't make it a habitual thing.
2004-05-20, 02:10 PM
Anti-Air. Anti-Vehicle. Is the best bet. Keep a light vehicle for travels, and keep those big weapons on yer back.
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