View Full Version : Whats your favorite vehicle?

2004-05-14, 12:44 PM
I know a lot of people love their reavers and their mossies but I find very little interest in them. I like raw firepower but I don't like to be a driver without a gun. Just bored at work and wondering what vehicle everyone prefers weither it be driving or gunning. My two personal favorites are the Lightning and the Lib. People dont realize the Lightnings potential. If you know the true stats behind it people would prolly try it more. Fact: the lighting has more armor and firepower then any buggy except the murader but im TR so I dont have to worry about that too much heh. enforcer = 1200 armor, 200 dmg, 1.0 ROF. Lightning = 1250 armor, 225 damage, 0.75 ROF. In a one on one fight close up I can tear a buggy of any kind apart. I've gotten really good at arcing shells and the 75mm has the best arcing of any and I rarely miss. Its also great for running down damaged tanks that try to flee from the slower prowlers. I ususally use it when theirs no tech plant but if their is I use my lib. 35mm ownage, devour all ground targets in seconds weither it be a tank, infantry, or what ever and most enimey reavers and mossies are stupid and try to take me head to head. Thick armor, It may not have AB but prolly because if it did it would be pure domination, and best part I can use it by myself for good effect or invite two other people to join in for more carnage. I also gun for prowlers and buggys sometimes. *got stats from grefalcon's very reliable spread sheet* I find vehicular combat outside a lot more fun then fighting the zerg or with a zerg indoors.

2004-05-14, 02:35 PM

2004-05-14, 03:03 PM
I'll be the only one to say this, but Basilisk. It's the only vehicle which fit's my needs. Weaponry, ReXO, and a gun the driver can fire. (I'm a big solo-er)

2004-05-14, 03:30 PM
the flying shoebox

2004-05-14, 03:32 PM
I am a Magrider driver for life.

I think lightnings are neither over nor underrated. They're a niche weapon, because two people in a full sized tank, especially a magrider (because of its ability to track small and fast targets), can chew two lightnings up and spit them out. The Lancer is another nasty weapon to use against lightnings. Unlike full size tanks, if you drop a lancer clip into a lightning, they're on their last legs, and doing so takes only a couple seconds and good aim.

They have some nice AI capabilities. You don't need a techplant. I've long suspected that they're better than the buggies as a combat vehicle, but they can't transport two rexo soldiers either so I'm not sure that's a definitive win.

2004-05-14, 08:08 PM
Liberator for the win.

Owns almost all tanks, owns lightnings. Kills skyguards and AA maxs at close range. Good AI. Can dogfight, but takes some practice. Has booming "HUMILIATION" that is played when liberator shoots down any Aircav in a fair fight.


It can be a team vehicle, a transport, a mass killspam machine, and a great tower supression tool.

For its 3 certs you also get Galaxy and Lodestar. Thats a bargin if I have ever seen one.

2004-05-14, 09:50 PM
The lightning is my favorite vehicle by far.

2004-05-14, 10:02 PM
love the lib , and gunning for mani when he has a Prowler :)

2004-05-14, 10:15 PM
The Vanguard. Seeing that tank in TR colours is just a beautiful sight (and a joy to drive and gun in).

Vis Armata
2004-05-14, 11:09 PM
The Deliverer.

It's got good speed, it needs no bridge, the 20mm cannons are great on aircraft and ground vehicles alike, it needs no technology plant...I could go on. For essentially one cert point, it's a good vehicle.

2004-05-15, 12:01 AM
vanguard, and liberator. current record for lightning kills is 3 lightnings at once me and my dedicated driver took them all out. i took a lightning out in my scattermax it was at full health and so was i.

lightnings are good vehicles in the right situations, but unless there are 3 or more i wouldnt fear them in my vanguard.

2004-05-15, 12:15 AM



2004-05-15, 01:15 AM

2004-05-15, 08:24 AM
Enforcer and Skyguard. I like buggies, but don't have the Certs for the marauder :(

2004-05-15, 09:10 AM

2004-05-15, 09:44 AM
Skyguard and the basilisk

2004-05-15, 01:00 PM
I like the Reaver, Lightning and Marauder/Enforcer

2004-05-15, 10:11 PM
Skyguard for teh win. Right situation, right gunner, you can rack up kills like it's going out of fashion.

I Hate Pants
2004-05-15, 10:35 PM
Sunderer and Marauder. I also enjoy using the skyguard when everyone else is flying reavers and mosquitoes.

2004-05-15, 10:41 PM
Marauder/Prowler for TR

Thresher/Magrider for Vanu

And finally Liberator :p

2004-05-16, 12:45 AM
solo vehicle: definately the reaver.
2+ person vehicle: I've been driving tanks ALOT on/off since beta, my favorite is easily the Vanguard (thresher = close 2nd, thing is so damn fast!)

2004-05-16, 03:03 AM
dude i'm telling you, the flying shoebox is a beast! try mowing a busy bridge battle with it :D or bail over the top of a sniper nest :)

2004-05-16, 10:08 AM
Mossie, with practice it is the best Fighter Plane and with more practice is amazing for picking off troops.

2004-05-16, 11:33 AM



i agree with him hehe i love flying!

2004-05-17, 12:29 PM
Damn a scatmax killing a lightning? He must have been real dumb. Its easy to stay out of a scatmax's range and pumble it with shells. 3rd choke just scratches its paint. Takes 4 shells to kill a max and prolly take 4 more if the nc max has shields. Its shells have a much more stream line arc then other shells so its enough to pluck vs maxes out of the air with. Im TR so I dont have to fight TR maxes but im assuming they have the worst chance against any vehicle. Yeah I refuse to use the lightning against magriders alone, its speed and agility is good enough to dodge vanguard shells but not pin point accuracy of the rail beam. I use hit and run tactics vs a vanguard. Come up to it from behind and empty about 4 shells (3 seconds of firing) into it = 1000 damage, then run away and come back at it from another angle. One time I was in a group of 4 lightnings encluding me and we did a wild west kind of tactic with a vanguard, all four of us constantly moving in a circle around it emptying shells into it. I can only imagine how easy it would be to put a hurt on a prowler with a lightning if used right. Its slower, less armor, big target, and its shell arc is a lot less accurate then a vanguards.

2004-05-17, 12:47 PM
All air vehicles.

2004-05-17, 02:46 PM
Damn a scatmax killing a lightning? He must have been real dumb. Its easy to stay out of a scatmax's range and pumble it with shells. .

i was running to the back door of the enemy base, and he spotted me i saw him on radar but he thought i didnt see him. I headed towards some trees near me and he closed in on me thats when i disengaged my run and through up my shields. i went around the tree using it for cover while shooting it. finally he came around the tree and i got right next to him so he couldnt shoot me. the trees were to far to use the splash damage. as he tried to circle to put distance i would get in his way and kept walking into him. he finally got hung up on a down slope and i finished his lightning off. then an enemy MOS came by and killed me.