View Full Version : Help Me Out
2004-05-14, 05:08 PM
Everyone here knows both me and my boyfriend, Martyr.
What everyone might NOT know is that my birthday is fast approaching (June 16th), and I want a miniature dachshund:
Everyone send Martyr PM's and populate this forum with support and let's get me a puppy!
2004-05-14, 05:09 PM
puppies are stupid because they cost so much.
i'll buy you ... um...
a new holster.
2004-05-14, 05:11 PM
I smell a breakup :p
2004-05-14, 05:12 PM
Haha, no break-up imminent.
If he doesn't buy me a puppy, I'll buy it myself.
And name it Declan.
2004-05-14, 05:12 PM
Seriously, mart, if it's okay with her family, that's be a good gift.
2004-05-14, 05:13 PM
Oh yeah, my family doesn't factor in to this decision - I don't live with them anymore.
I live with Teh Fat One (aka Martyr).
2004-05-14, 05:13 PM
Puppies are cute.
I'd never pay for a dog. I always get muts and not pure breeds. Pure breeds are usually inbred retarded dogs and you have to pay for them. Go to the humane society or pound or what ever and pick up a mix breed pup.
2004-05-14, 05:15 PM
Lol. All dogs are 1337, only dumbasses worry about whether a dog is purebreed or not.
2004-05-14, 05:16 PM
i say we just borrow my dog for a while.
anyway, she's proposing that i buy her a $400 purebred toy dachshund, and that i then proceed to live with both of them whilst she trains it and i pay for all the surgeries, innoculations, vet bills, etc, and all the stuff it tears apart with those sharp little teeth.
i motion that we stick to the aquarium and the great black fish of awesomeness.
Lol. All dogs are 1337, only dumbasses worry about whether a dog is purebreed or not.
I love you too. :tear:
2004-05-14, 05:16 PM
No no no, I motion that the dog is the present, and the maintenence is my responsibility
No no no, I motion that the dog is the present, and the maintenence is my responsibility
The maintainace on a mini-Dach can be expensive. Most pure breds are expensive. They have bred-in problems with ears and eyes. My advice is to get a cute mutt. :love:
2004-05-14, 05:21 PM
Start with something lower maintenance, like a parakeet. Easiest pets to ever take care of. Clean cage twice a day, fresh food and water twice a day, and talk to him/her once a bit. Or get him/her a mirror or mate.
2004-05-14, 05:22 PM
Not for $400 dollars. You could get a robot for that much. And robots are much cooler.
2004-05-14, 05:22 PM
triggar says: "noooo ... noo"
no birds. we already have an awesome fish for a pet.
robots, though ... you might be onto something.
2004-05-14, 05:25 PM
get a KITTY!
2004-05-14, 05:26 PM
Not for $400 dollars. You could get a robot for that much. And robots are much cooler.
Parakeets are $20... or are you talking about the puppy?
But what about starting with a robotic puppy? Those exist now....
triggar says: "noooo ... noo"
Having a fiance myself, I know whats going on, and how this works.:
Triggar is getting a mini-Dach. She decided way before she posted. She decided before she asked Martyr.
Martyr (I'm guessing) knows this as well.
What are you going to name the wien0r?
2004-05-14, 05:26 PM
Enslave a porn actress, that's fun for the whole family!
2004-05-14, 05:27 PM
Parakeets are $20... or are you talking about the puppy?
But what about starting with a robotic puppy? Those exist now....
was talking about the puppy,
Get a Sony Aibo, it craps microchips.
2004-05-14, 05:31 PM
SDM knows women far, far too well.
I will have my dachshund puppy one way or another, whether it takes me a month, a year, or ten.
I want to name it something weird and British/Scottish/Irish like Declan, fuck the poor thing up nice and early. Liam would be sweet too, but totally lame.
Give me ideas for names while I check out breeders and pet insurance stuff.
2004-05-14, 05:33 PM
name it...............................Triggar?
2004-05-14, 05:33 PM
Mergatroid. Or if it's a girl, Mergatroidia.
I'd suggest getting a slightly less expensive dog though, purebred dogs have problems alot, and 400 dollars plus the 500+ dollars you might have to spend on vet visits isn't that nice.
2004-05-14, 05:33 PM
name it... Adolf Hitler! you wanna fuck it up nice and early, here is your chance
2004-05-14, 05:35 PM
Name it Scotty, Miles O'Brian, or some other character in Star Trek with British Isle blood.
Seriously, I think you should name it that one welsch town that has the longest name on record.
2004-05-14, 05:36 PM
I think we should have a contest to see who comes up with the best name for my future dog.
Specifications: Must be cool, and must be male.
Ready..... GO!
2004-05-14, 05:37 PM
i want to name it "short.h"
edit: or openGL
2004-05-14, 05:38 PM
Mr. Dog
2004-05-14, 05:38 PM
MERGATROID. Really, that name fucking owns.
I named my hamster "Penis", it was awesome
"Hi, wanna hold Penis?"
2004-05-14, 05:39 PM
i want to name it "short.h"
edit: or openGL
How about Mandrake?
2004-05-14, 05:40 PM
Okay another specification: Name must have nothing to do with coding unless we name it Linux (not because Linux is cool, but because the name "Linux" would sound cool as I'm screaming it to get the dog to stop attacking the neighbors).
2004-05-14, 05:41 PM
Dharkbayne, Squeeky, Spee, SDM, Aztecwarrior, Martyr, Mr. 1337duck, Hamma, Marsman, Ivan, Sporkfire, Shoey2u, MrVicchio, Fragmatic, Forsake, ViperGTS, Sputty, OfaLoaf, Kyone, Halifax, ChiaHamma, Jennyboo (name him it anyways), Firefly, JacenX, Mag, Mag-Mower, FircrackerNC, or Guest.
2004-05-14, 05:43 PM
How sweet would that person feel if, say, I named my dog "Marsman".
2004-05-14, 05:44 PM
How sweet would that person feel if, say, I named my dog "Marsman".
Depends, Marsman may like it or not.
I had a Miniature Schnauzer named Rommel. He's long gone, and I'd be honored if you used his name.
My Grandfather named him after the General when I first got the dog. When I fist got him, my granddad had the pleasure of babysitting the lil' escape artist. Gramps was a tank captain in WWII in africa.
2004-05-14, 05:54 PM
Okay another specification: Name must have nothing to do with coding unless we name it Linux (not because Linux is cool, but because the name "Linux" would sound cool as I'm screaming it to get the dog to stop attacking the neighbors).
Ah man I was going to suggest, Dog++ :(
Ugh...dogs. Shedding. Crapping. Barking. Why would anyone want one!
2004-05-14, 06:10 PM
I want this one!
Dharkbayne, Squeeky, Spee, SDM, Aztecwarrior, Martyr, Mr. 1337duck, Hamma, Marsman, Ivan, Sporkfire, Shoey2u, MrVicchio, Fragmatic, Forsake, ViperGTS, Sputty, OfaLoaf, Kyone, Halifax, ChiaHamma, Jennyboo (name him it anyways), Firefly, JacenX, Mag, Mag-Mower, FircrackerNC, or Guest.
Woo-Hoo, I'm famous!
2004-05-14, 06:36 PM
I think Mani would be a cute name, but Mini-Mani's already taken :(
2004-05-14, 06:37 PM
Name it Marcus Aurelias. Or Napoleon, or perhaps Patton.
2004-05-14, 06:39 PM
Name it Abrams, you know, like the tank. And get him really fat, then put armor on him.
2004-05-14, 06:44 PM
Sherman, Glastnost, Perestoika, Custer, Grant, Lee, Johnston, McCarthy, Nixon, Stalin, Lenin, Ringo, Commodore Perry, Vanderbuilt, Bill Gates, Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, Benjamin Sisko, Tom Paris, James Tiberius Kirk, Eisenhower, Turman, Theodore Rossevelt, Franklin Delenor Roosevelt, J. Edgar Hoover, Spiro Agnew
2004-05-14, 06:45 PM
But keep going with the suggestions, they're gold.
I've always named my dogs after kings or Rulity. Since I've been alive my family has had, Solomon, Ram, Solomon(yes an other one), Ivan, and Alex.
2004-05-14, 06:46 PM
Captain Crunch.
2004-05-14, 06:48 PM
Hannibal Hamlin, Calvin Coolidge, Tommy Vercetti, Ronald Regan, Rueben, Remnar, Ole, Sven, Erik, Torvald, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Hades, Moses, Abraham,
2004-05-14, 06:50 PM
I've always named my dogs after kings or Rulity. Since I've been alive my family has had, Solomon, Ram, Solomon(yes an other one), Ivan, and Alex.
I like that. We did that with our cats, George and Charles. I thought the name Philip would be cool for a dachshund. British royalty = wins.
2004-05-14, 07:11 PM
2004-05-14, 07:46 PM
Ohohohho I Got A Good Name!!! Micheal Jackson!
2004-05-14, 08:37 PM
a) I am not getting a pet rock (thanks for the thought though - it would be a lot cheaper to maintain)
b) I am not naming any animal of mine or anything EVER Michael Jackson!
2004-05-14, 08:43 PM
Puppies are ok but I like kittens more.
2004-05-14, 08:47 PM
Get a puppy from the humane society. Cheaper, and it's for a good cause
2004-05-14, 08:49 PM
Name it Stalin, comrade!
2004-05-14, 08:51 PM
Name it: Limey
or: Wanker
2004-05-14, 09:24 PM
Weebl, Bob, Wee Bull, Boy Explosureous Laser, Lord Laserous Explosion, Engels, Karl Marx, Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Trotsky, Hindenburg, Flem, Clem, Cleatus, Jeb, Jed, Red, Reb, Jefferson Davis, Orville, Wilbur, Oscar, Mayer, Sancho, Labbat, Rick James, Dave Chapelle, Larry, Curly, Moe, Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, T.E. Lawrence, Osama, Saddam, Akmed, Sheik, Grand Poo-bah, Attila, Ceasar, Julius, Nero, Nemo, Percilies, Colonel, Beneict Arnold, Guy, Garfeild, Rutherford
I'll come up with more names in the morning.
Edit: Ghengis, Kublai, Han, Ho Chi Minh, Qing, Ming, Shang, Yao, Zhou, Cho, Yen, Chao, Zheng He, Columbus, Francis Drake, Israel Hands, Cap'n Cook, Toucan Sam
2004-05-14, 09:26 PM
Earl. In memory of the Terran Republic's greatest soldier.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-05-14, 09:27 PM
name it fuckstick, no seriously name it alfred
2004-05-14, 09:34 PM
Name him Lancelot.
2004-05-14, 09:38 PM
Jesus, just to piss off really really religious people, :D
Be right back, need to go walk Jesus! Damn it Jesus, not on the floor!
2004-05-14, 09:52 PM
2004-05-14, 10:00 PM
These suggestions are awesome.
I just talked to a breeder in Orlando who's got a litter due at the end of June, so Martyr and I could pick him up in the middle of August. She said that if we give her $100, she'll reserve a puppy for us and that they usually sell before the pups are a week old!
Wish me luck as my quest for Pet Ownership continues...
(sidenote: I'm thinking about the name James?)
2004-05-14, 10:00 PM
I think it's better to give the dog a human name. But give it a name that isn't normally heard. I named my two dogs Clark and Broderick (Brody for short). Clark is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. (I wanted a collie my parents get me a corgi go figure. I still love him though). Brody was an Old English Mastiff. (Old is the breed name I'm not saying he is old) Brody recently passed away because of Kidney failure. (If you EVER notice enlarged hocks (The joints on the legs) or a type of sore that looks like a pimple it may be a early sign of a kidney infection that will lead to kidney failure. Go to the vet as soon as you can you may be able to prevent the kidney failure from happening) May have been genetic may not have been. (Thats the problem with purebreds they may have genetic defects) But anyway human names are best I think It seems to give the dog a little more personality.
2004-05-14, 10:04 PM
Give the women her puppy :P~ she;ll love you forever and in anyways you wish :brow:
2004-05-14, 10:04 PM
I agree, Jake - and I'm sorry to hear about Brody - that's a sweet name though (would you mind if I considered stealing it?)
Why is it that dogs that are pure bred are bred with these defects? You'd think they'd, you know, breed that trait out.
EDIT: Jennyboo speaks great truth :love:
2004-05-14, 10:05 PM
Purebred = inbred.
Name it Jesus. You must.
Or Jebus.
2004-05-14, 10:07 PM
Get a kitten.
2004-05-14, 10:08 PM
Get a kitten.
2004-05-14, 10:10 PM
Ok. They make miniature dachshunds? WTF!? Aren't they small enough already? Does the miniature kind actually fit in a foot long bun?
Seriously, if you're going to get a dog get a real dog, not a stretched out rat.
2004-05-14, 10:15 PM
I agree, Jake - and I'm sorry to hear about Brody - that's a sweet name though (would you mind if I considered stealing it?)
Why is it that dogs that are pure bred are bred with these defects? You'd think they'd, you know, breed that trait out.
Well it's something I looked into. Brody's father and mother and all his other ancestors had no trace of kidney failure (I went back 5 generations figured if it was genetic I'd see it within that amount of time) so it could have been something he ate that was bad or he could have caught it from a illness.
Anyway no I wouldn't mind if you took the name. Brody was a good dog and a good bud. (Dog went just about everywhere with me besides work. Despite his size) I'd post a picture of him but I don't have anywhere to host it.
2004-05-14, 10:19 PM
Everyone here knows both me and my boyfriend, Martyr.
What everyone might NOT know is that my birthday is fast approaching (June 16th), and I want a miniature dachshund:
Everyone send Martyr PM's and populate this forum with support and let's get me a puppy!
its so cute... make him buy it for you or kill him...
2004-05-14, 11:05 PM
That dog has the look of one-thousand horses stampeding through a town full of mud after a heavy rain when all the earth worms are filing up to the top and one hundred chickens come to have their mid-afternoon snack while being fed into a giant wood chipper along with PETA members.
OK, thats funnay.
How about Maolinler, a combination of Mao Ze' dong, Stalin and Hitler!
2004-05-15, 09:42 AM
James is too common and boring. Name him Jeshua Ben Joseph.
2004-05-15, 10:49 AM
Give the women whats she wants :P~ give her that puppy :D
2004-05-15, 11:07 AM
Next up: The Famous Politician Names set-
Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, Jesse Ventura, Ahnold, George Bush, Bill Clinton, DeClerk, Nelson Mandela, Herbert Hoover, Woodrow Wilson, Grant, Chester Aurthur, Rudolph Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, Henry VIII, Brutus, Vicente Fox, Charles DeGalle, Harry Truman, RICHARD NIXON, Henry Kissinger, Gerald Ford, Joseph Macarthy, Fidel Castro, Confusius, JFK, RFK, Ted Kennedy, JFK Jr., Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Hillary Clinton (wait--male names only, oops), Kaiser Wilhelm, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Gorbachev, McKinley, James Polk, John Adams, Thomas Paine, Big Brother, Al Sharton, John Kerry, Wesly Clark, Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, Michael Dukakis, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Madison, Monroe, Michael Moore, Tiberius, Romulus, Remulus, Socrates, Caesar Augustus, Constantine, Justinian, Alric, Charlemagne, Charles Martel, Clovis, Fredrick Barbarossa, Hapsburg, Prine Henry the Navigator.....
Do you need any more names?
2004-05-15, 12:14 PM
Name it Lint.
2004-05-15, 12:23 PM
Mart, don't give in. It's just gonna shit all over the place.
Plus it's more on your rent.
And I'll just end up shooting it with the paintball gun.
2004-05-15, 12:30 PM
give her the puppy
2004-05-15, 12:51 PM
Ok, english name: Phineas. French name: Francois.
2004-05-15, 02:00 PM
Just call it Dog.
2004-05-15, 02:22 PM
I agree, Jake - and I'm sorry to hear about Brody - that's a sweet name though (would you mind if I considered stealing it?)
Why is it that dogs that are pure bred are bred with these defects? You'd think they'd, you know, breed that trait out.
EDIT: Jennyboo speaks great truth :love:
The problem is a lot of inbreeding ends up happening in order to keep them purebred.
2004-05-15, 02:32 PM
Get a puppy from the humane society. Cheaper, and it's for a good causeYeah seriously. Don't support pet factory breeders. I hate that shit. :mad:
2004-05-15, 02:53 PM
i have a purebread shitzu, it is not fucked up, even though it has 10 nipples, i <3 my dog.
2004-05-15, 02:55 PM
Dogs are great, one of our dogs just had puppies.
Looks like one of those, they are about $750 Each.
2004-05-16, 05:07 PM
We're talking with a breeder now and deliberating what we're going to do.
Our monthly rent wouldn't go up, we'd just have to pay our leasing office $300 to have it. The breeder gave me information on insurance, et cetera, so I'll be looking more into this today.
Thanks for your help!
2004-05-16, 05:11 PM
We're talking with a breeder now and deliberating what we're going to do.
Our monthly rent wouldn't go up, we'd just have to pay our leasing office $300 to have it. The breeder gave me information on insurance, et cetera, so I'll be looking more into this today.
Thanks for your help!
So, you're naming it Phineas, right?
2004-05-16, 05:12 PM
Actually I think I might name it after British Royalty. Andrew's up there, 'cause I think it'd be cute to have a puppy named Andy. But who knows, nothing is decided yet (including whether we're going to get one in the first place!).
2004-05-16, 05:24 PM
Name it Prescott, or Kernel, or Ineedabun
How about Maolinler, a combination of Mao Ze' dong, Stalin and Hitler!
2004-05-16, 09:16 PM
Actually I think I might name it after British Royalty. Andrew's up there, 'cause I think it'd be cute to have a puppy named Andy. But who knows, nothing is decided yet (including whether we're going to get one in the first place!).
Henry the Fourth, or H.I.V. for short.
2004-05-16, 10:29 PM
Dont BUY a god! go adopt one! Do you have any idea how many dogs would LOVE to go home with you guys, for FREE!
Plenty of dogs at your local animal shelter than need a good home. Go adopt one, instead of buying.
2004-05-16, 10:35 PM
Go adopt one, instead of buying.
Sounds good to me.... now tell Martyr :)
2004-05-16, 10:37 PM
Marty, go adopt one. they're SOOO much cheaper.
Use that $400 to buy another moniter. You obviously need one. And when Trigger goes sterile from the radiation, her puppy will keep her company ;)
2004-05-16, 10:39 PM
Oi you! Don't encourage the acquisition of another CRT!
But keep up the good work with the persuasive effort!
2004-05-16, 10:40 PM
Marty, go adopt one. they're SOOO much cheaper.
Use that $400 to buy another moniter. You obviously need one. And when Trigger goes sterile from the radiation, her puppy will keep her company ;)
I already said that, but you still pay the humane society, although far less.
We got a dog for 70 dollars or so that would've cost like 400 dollars anywhere else. And she rox
2004-05-16, 10:42 PM
I want one so hard.
I'm starting to get worried that having a dog would be a lot like having a baby - can't travel, can't sleep at night, have to put in a lot of time and effort to train it - so we're still evaluating whether to put forth the effort or no.
Since we're college students and all.
2004-05-16, 10:43 PM
Well its good practice.
My dog does nothing but sleep.
Just dont get a puppy ( get a dog at least 3 years old) and it'll be much calmer.
So you want a small dog? get a welsh Corgi! (Like Ein!)
2004-05-17, 08:51 AM
So tell me is Triggar getting her puppy ?:P
2004-05-17, 09:33 AM
hey, it would be my puppy too - and no, we aren't getting one. honestly, i'd love to have one too, but we have too many other things to worry about these days
If you get her a puppy the next thing she'll want is a baby. ;)
j/k :D
2004-05-17, 01:41 PM
Give the women her puppy :P~ she;ll love you forever and in anyways you wish :brow:
Use that $400 to buy another moniter. You obviously need one. And when Trigger goes sterile from the radiation, her puppy will keep her company
That is so evil, yet so funny. :lol:
Just get a dog, (Better investment then a ungrateful furball producing cat) or she'll threaten to do what Ivan said. I know i would.
2004-05-17, 02:05 PM
If you get her a puppy the next thing she'll want is a baby. ;)
j/k :D
2004-05-17, 02:27 PM
Dont get a dog, get a snake! Snakes are badass!
2004-05-17, 02:38 PM
I just want to throw in another plea, don't get a breeder dog, get a dog from the humane society. Breeder dogs are far more likely to have medical problems later on and humane society dogs will probably end up being just plain better dogs anyway. The fact that dogs from breeders don't need homes, humane society dogs do, simply seals the deal imho.
The dog I have right now i got from a dog shelter; she is the best dog ever imho.
2004-05-17, 02:46 PM
DO NOT get an animal. One just leads to another, just look at me. We have two horses, two dogs (Big, black ones I might add), a cat, a snake (Mine), and my MP5 A3 Airsoft gun.
2004-05-17, 10:00 PM
Haha, no worries on that front.
We have decided to postpone the acquisition of an animal for the time being; as Martyr said, we have to take into account the fact that we have a rather transient lifestyle at the moment, and we don't know where we'll be going and moving to within the next five or so years... unfortunately that means we won't have a dog to share our lives with just yet.
And in NO way will I want a baby anytime soon, I was a nanny for two kids a couple years ago and I learned my lesson that I don't want to have kids until I can afford a nanny of my own!
2004-05-17, 10:23 PM
Haha, no worries on that front.
We have decided to postpone the acquisition of an animal for the time being; as Martyr said, we have to take into account the fact that we have a rather transient lifestyle at the moment, and we don't know where we'll be going and moving to within the next five or so years... unfortunately that means we won't have a dog to share our lives with just yet.
And in NO way will I want a baby anytime soon, I was a nanny for two kids a couple years ago and I learned my lesson that I don't want to have kids until I can afford a nanny of my own!
2004-05-17, 10:25 PM
2004-05-17, 10:27 PM
It's from Pokey the Penguin.
2004-05-17, 10:38 PM
DO NOT get an animal. One just leads to another, just look at me. We have two horses, two dogs (Big, black ones I might add), a cat, a snake (Mine), and my MP5 A3 Airsoft gun.
I got 2 horses (I like april but the other one Gomer is a dick) 1 dog (was 2 about 3 weeks ago) 1 cat 1 turtle (I got him before they were illegal to own so I'm in the clear) and a African Grey. (the Grey is about 50 years old btw) and a .22 rifle
2004-05-17, 11:41 PM
And I wish I knew what that meant.
2004-05-18, 01:04 AM
My MP5 owninates your .22! Ahem, back to the topic...
2004-05-18, 03:23 AM
i am going to buy those glue pads they use to trap rats and put 4 of em outside you're doggie door
2004-05-18, 11:44 AM
Madcat's got an illegal mag and I still don't have a dog.
That kittens-being-glued-to-the-floor story made me want to at least visit the humane society, and volunteer or something.
2004-05-18, 11:48 AM
You can volunteer to clean my floors if you want Triggar
2004-05-18, 12:29 PM
Ain't enough bleach in the world for that, CB.
2004-05-18, 12:32 PM
Madcat's got an illegal mag
Its an Airsoft gun, we use it to shoot each other with BBs like paintball. Not a real gun. Hurts like hell though...
2004-05-18, 02:59 PM
Madcat's got an illegal mag
2004-05-18, 04:10 PM
You are a massive tool.
2004-05-18, 04:27 PM
What? Huh? I dont get it... Is this about me? Why am I stupid? Am I stupid? I'm so confused...
2004-05-18, 04:38 PM
We're thinking about getting this little guy from the humane society:
What do you think?
2004-05-18, 04:44 PM
oooo, dogy
2004-05-18, 05:09 PM
Name him Old Yeller.
2004-05-18, 06:02 PM
Aww he's cute! Get him! Get him or I'll come to your house and kill you in your sleep. Well maybe not that I guess that was a little too far.
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