View Full Version : System Idle Processes

2004-05-21, 02:56 PM
Ok this little bastard it taking up 99% of my CPU and causeing PS to run at 8.7 frames and below. I have cleaned off my computer with spybot and PCCillin, both register no spyware/viruses. I tried a complete reboot and even did those xp tweeks that were posted here a couple of days ago.

So I ask all you guru's out there: What could possably be forcing System Idle Processes to be at 99% all the time?

EDIT: Forgot computer stats.

asus p4p800
geforce 4 ti 4600
1 gig of kingston hyperx 3200
80 gig HD

Edit 2:

Ok so I actually did my own research this time and found out what I already knew: That microsoft is quite lexicanally retarded. What a dumb way to signal the % of avail resources.

So the new question is that with specs like tihs and everything on low why the hell am i getting low frames? I trun my virus scan off along with just about every other program before I play anything.

2004-05-22, 07:23 AM
Hi mate,
When you bought your Kingston memeory modules,did you buy them at the same time ?
I have heard of a problem with different batches of the same Memory sticks causing this weird problem.

Also it could be a corrupt driver for some hardware you have installed causing it,
I would however recommend swapping your memory sticks around,ie just swap them over in the slots,see if that helps.

2004-05-22, 09:02 AM
Download all the drivers for everything you got. Burn them on a CD. Then re-install WinXP and load all the drivers.

Don't forget to include DirectX 9.0a, Ad-Aware, Quicktime, Winzip, Java, and whatever else you deem essential.

This fixes everything. I recomend it since, for some reason, you were running your system without an updeated virus checker. Who knows how deeply screwed you are.

[EDIT] Fixed DX9.1 mistake. Wasn't focusing while typing and 9.1 just came to my head.

2004-05-22, 09:55 AM
"system idle process" is definitely the biggest virus out there these days.

and yeah, let's have some more info for diagnosis

2004-05-22, 11:06 AM
Tek said somethinge that could realy help, although there is no DX9.1 just 9.0b, or if you get lucky and stumble across it 9.0c, some guy managed to rip it our of a beta XP SP2 release.

Make sure all your drivers are updated. It cold be that some transistors gave up the gost in your card for some reason too though that i think would result in crashes. Go into your driver settings and make sure AA&AF are all off too.

2004-05-22, 12:40 PM
It's perfectly normal for System Idle Process to be in the high numbers - it's the number of clock cycles that the computer is NOT using!

2004-05-24, 09:57 AM
Im gonna do a reformat in a couple of weeks anyhow. And I was always running a updated virus scanner. Odly enough the problem is fixed once I die and respawn in a base or tower, but not ams.