View Full Version : New, Official Poll For PSU Meet-Up
2004-05-23, 06:32 PM
**Disclaimer: Do not vote in the poll unless you can commit to the dates and the location of the proposed meet-up!**
What: PSU Meet-Up
When: Friday, September 24th through Sunday, September 26th, 2004
Where: Orlando, Florida
If we can get 20+ people to commit to this, Hamma-Time will approve it, and maybe even con some Dev's into showing up and giving us free stuff!
Again, please do not vote until after you have checked with your parents, girlfriend, spouse, dog, bank, and little brother. We need to get an accurate count of how many people will be there.
2004-05-23, 06:32 PM
and again, if it goes through, i'll be there doin' custom tangouniforms and other fun stuff.
2004-05-23, 06:36 PM
I really want to come. I am currently discussing it with the parrents. Ill get back to you when i have a definate answer.
2004-05-23, 06:40 PM
I really want to come. I am currently trying to find a way to get a shitload of money to get there
Fixed for me :)
2004-05-23, 06:46 PM
Can't come most likely. I don't have money to get there, I doubt I'd be allowed to drive a car to the states, at least that far.
2004-05-23, 07:01 PM
I'll give you a "maybe" on that one.
2004-05-23, 07:18 PM
not 100% but confirm my registration anyway.
2004-05-23, 07:29 PM
As a 100% yes/no thingy, ill ask meh mom, seeing as I have no income ^_^
Havent voted yet, but 99% sure I can go.
Oh, and, I shant be staying over night. Id rather just drive home and drive back the next day, Its only an hour away.
2004-05-23, 07:51 PM
no here , already been off a week for the cdl rally , work wont let me off and also the a big thing no money
2004-05-23, 07:53 PM
I must abstain from voting for now... atleast until I talk to my mom... i'd say i have a 75% chance of going tho... will vote when I have more info...
2004-05-23, 07:57 PM
If developers show up, I may go.
2004-05-23, 08:12 PM
It's too late in the year.
2004-05-23, 09:00 PM
Fuck no. I'm not even going to ask my parents.
2004-05-23, 09:02 PM
yea..if it was closer to sd id go....but not orlando...
2004-05-23, 09:04 PM
It doesn't matter if it was in the next fvking town, my parents would probably shoot me for asking.
2004-05-23, 09:15 PM
It doesn't matter if it was in the next fvking town, my parents would probably shoot me for asking.
aztec, are you an amish?
2004-05-23, 09:17 PM
No, hes becoming bankrupted or something remember?
2004-05-23, 09:18 PM
aztec, are you an amish?
Might I remind you he's on an Internet forum, whoch can only be acessed via computer?
2004-05-23, 09:19 PM
The poll needs a tenatively confirmed option.
I should be able to go if there are other CDLer staying over the week, and i may be able to stay over there even if theres not, but I'm not positive.
2004-05-23, 09:23 PM
The poll needs a tenatively confirmed option.
If thats means the same as maybe...then yes... we need one...
2004-05-23, 09:29 PM
Might I remind you he's on an Internet forum, whoch can only be acessed via computer?
well, hes very conservative.
Can't make it :( College starts in August and I'll be in Virginia for College. If it were anywhere from now until august I'd be able to go since I live in South Florida.
2004-05-23, 09:56 PM
Im sure more people would go if it was in august/july.
I'd get shot upon entry. X_X
2004-05-23, 10:09 PM
I'd get shot upon entry. X_X
2004-05-24, 12:08 AM
I'd get shot upon entry. X_X
No you won't, Doopdie Doop. You've got an armed bodyguard, maybe even two :cool:
2004-05-24, 01:49 AM
w00t road trip! I am so there if this goes down. and if you want to change dates around go ahead but keep it on a weekend.
I want to come but, I'm very sure that my parents will say no :(.
2004-05-24, 09:05 AM
no here , already been off a week for the cdl rally , work wont let me off and also the a big thing no money
:rawr: Can't wait for the cdl rally i get to meet alot of amazing people :P like Tb ..but sounds like it might be fun but maybe not possible this year
2004-05-24, 09:52 AM
Well since I live in Florida, Its gonna be easy for me to get there. But it would be cool if yopu moved it to Miami or Boca Raton. Boca is very nice.
2004-05-24, 10:17 AM
Of course, but on the condition that I get a Disney-Font adorned invitation... as is the standard for your gatherings.
2004-05-24, 10:22 AM
:rawr: Can't wait for the cdl rally i get to meet alot of amazing people :P like Tb ..but sounds like it might be fun but maybe not possible this year
If we have a psu meet, there might be a chance to meet me :eek:
2004-05-24, 11:43 AM
I'll ask.
2004-05-24, 12:24 PM
Hey guys! We need nine more people to vote yes! Come on everyone, beg your parents!!
2004-05-24, 01:26 PM
Hey guys! We need nine more people to vote yes! Come on everyone, beg your parents!!
Heh... expect mine later... my mom is actually considering it and she didn't have to talk to you... I might have her anyway... just because shes like: And how do you know this "girl" isn't really a "guy"...
2004-05-24, 01:29 PM
Haha, put her on the phone, I will seriously talk to her and give her all of my credentials. But I think it's awesome that she's considering it!
2004-05-24, 01:35 PM
by the way, triggar is offering a parent-phone-call service - just in case your parents aren't the type that think internet people are real.
2004-05-24, 01:41 PM
Haha, put her on the phone, I will seriously talk to her and give her all of my credentials. But I think it's awesome that she's considering it!
I do too... I think shes finally realising that I'm not 5 anymore...
2004-05-24, 01:42 PM
by the way, triggar is offering a parent-phone-call service - just in case your parents aren't the type that think internet people are real.
by the way, triggar is offering a parent-phone-call service - just in case your parents aren't the type that think internet people are real.
Careful Martyr, she's one step from phone sex call. ;) :D
2004-05-24, 02:17 PM
Hmmm, I would love to attend this. Wonder if my mom will let me?
Seriously though, I might show up for this. Friday through Saturday is good for me as well. Triggar, pencil me as tentative to confirmed, as I need to clear this through my financial adviser, the all powerful Mrs. Mani. :D I will nail it down in a few days for you.
2004-05-24, 02:18 PM
public service announcement:
if your parents are going to phone-sex my girlfriend:
2004-05-24, 02:22 PM
Woo, Mani :D
public service announcement:
if your parents are going to phone-sex my girlfriend:
2004-05-24, 02:42 PM
I want my Disney-font invitation, dammit. And my mother wants a phone call. Oh yeah, and I also require the liberation of at least 68 chopsticks... as we are going to Orlando.
2004-05-24, 02:57 PM
I want my Disney-font invitation, dammit. And my mother wants a phone call. Oh yeah, and I also require the liberation of at least 68 chopsticks... as we are going to Orlando.
There's still a ton in the drawer here, wtf do you need 68 chopsticks for?
2004-05-24, 03:25 PM
well, it depends now, my mum said that if i raised the money shed consider letting me go, im dropping off 3 more job apps today and picking up another two. but see, if its during school year, which i belive this to be, (september) then i cant go, well, mabey since it is on a weekend after all, i could take a plane early friday morning.
2004-05-24, 03:25 PM
Uhm, 2 major problems with this get-together.
a) Its after summer vacation is over. Some of us College students would appreciate the get-together being during a holiday break or (preferably) summer vacation.
b) Its in fucking FLORDIA. C'mon, couldn't we put it somewhere in the mid-east coast? That way us New Yorkers don't have to take an expensive flight? Hell if it was in Virginia or something it would be nice, a short flight and a less-hefty plane ticket. Better yet, have the get-together in New York! I'd love that :D
So basically, I prolly won't be able to come due to point a) and point b). Bad time, and too far.
Maybe I'll propose a north-east get-together or something... but it sure as hell ain't gonna be at MY house...
2004-05-24, 03:38 PM
a) I don't know what college you go to, but taking a long weekend is usually not that big of a deal.
b) It's a $200 plane ticket... almost as cheap as they get.
2004-05-24, 03:45 PM
Well, its kinda like RIGHT after classes start for me, so I'm kinda reluctant to miss any classes (first impressions ya know?). Also, if it was closer I'd drive... I'd be willing to drive up to 8 hours anywhere. AND if I was making more money it would seriously help... right now the cost of a plane ticket is 2 weeks pay for me... :(
We'll see I guess... if you guys had some Devs come I might be a little more inclined to save up for the flight and "be unable to attend class due to sickness" on that Friday.
edit- If I manage to net a decent job this summer there's a good chance I'll come.
2004-05-24, 05:07 PM
First of all:
Hmmm, I would love to attend this. Wonder if my mom will let me?
I lolled :p
I need to clear this through my financial adviser, the all powerful Mrs. Mani.
I have faith in her awesomeness... bring her along!
2004-05-24, 05:11 PM
If we have a psu meet, there might be a chance to meet me :eek:
Take me with you :D
/me runs
Actually, I might go, if the devs do come.
2004-05-24, 06:04 PM
That'd be great if you could!
2004-05-24, 07:28 PM
Seven people to go! Come on guys, we're so close!
We could move it to the end of the summer (August 20-22) if the CDL guys can come to that... I like having it in September because then CDL can hang around if they want to and join us :love:
2004-05-24, 07:32 PM
I tossed in ym vote... theres a 90% chance of me going... even higher if it does get moved to august...
2004-05-24, 08:31 PM
Take me with you :D
/me runs
I might be able to get some flight discounts, and if that fails, I'm going to my mums (stupid bitch I ran away from) and stealing all her air miles :D
I think the brits here (3 musketeers :p) might be able to organise something :)
2004-05-24, 09:39 PM
I've been planning and plotting for the better part of the evening, I just got off the phone with a LAN center in Orlando, and this thing could turn out to be so completely awesomes.
2004-05-24, 09:51 PM
one problem with letting the devs go: everyone in the PS community will want in on this. that could be a big problem. Im sure some people would go just to yell in smokejumper's face saying : "YOU SCREWED UP ON THE THUNDERER!!! ILL KILL YOU!!!"
2004-05-24, 10:08 PM
one problem with letting the devs go: everyone in the PS community will want in on this. that could be a big problem. Im sure some people would go just to yell in smokejumper's face saying : "YOU SCREWED UP ON THE THUNDERER!!! ILL KILL YOU!!!"
I personally think a limit should be slapped on... like a must post on PSU by "XX" 2004 or a certain number of people only... you have to remember this is a PSU meet not a PS in general meet...
2004-05-24, 10:45 PM
Uhm, 2 major problems with this get-together.
a) Its after summer vacation is over. Some of us College students would appreciate the get-together being during a holiday break or (preferably) summer vacation.
b) Its in fucking FLORDIA. C'mon, couldn't we put it somewhere in the mid-east coast? That way us New Yorkers don't have to take an expensive flight? Hell if it was in Virginia or something it would be nice, a short flight and a less-hefty plane ticket. Better yet, have the get-together in New York! I'd love that :D
A) very true, Augest would have made my day since i'm heading out there then.
b) about the west coast?
I Hate Pants
2004-05-24, 10:47 PM
Be best if it was held during summer break.
*EDIT* nevermind. i'll be done highschool after this year. :doh:
2004-05-24, 10:47 PM
West coast would seemingly be out of the question, unless Hamma Himself decides to have it there :p
Also, absolutely nothing has been planned yet, and if Hamma thinks we should do it, then I suppose we could do it in August as well! I just wonder if CDL would be able to make an appearance at the PSU event, which would mean they'd have to make two trips to Florida...
Anyway, we need six more votes of "yes" and then we'll have lift-off!
EDIT: How about everyone who'd definitely be able to make it during the summer post a big, red "YES" in this thread, and we'll see what the majority says!
I Hate Pants
2004-05-24, 10:49 PM
Well, by september i should have the money no doubt. The only thing is how active will I be on these forums by that date?
I'm contemplating it.
2004-05-24, 10:50 PM
Active on the forums or not - it's going to be a bunch of the people from PSU having a giant LAN party, eating pizza, hanging out around the hotel pool, and maybe harassing kids in DisneyWorld or anywhere else you guys want to go :)
I Hate Pants
2004-05-24, 10:53 PM
i'll have a more definite answer tommorow
2004-05-24, 10:55 PM
harassing kids
2004-05-24, 10:57 PM
No, hes becoming bankrupted or something remember?
No, it's not the mystery problem. It's the sheer tonnage of ownage my parents would drop on me if I even dared to ask to, during school, go to Orlando to spend the weekend with a bunch of people they've never met, alone, and to bring my computer along as well.
The ownage would look something like this:
Can't see that little person at Ground Zero? That's me.
2004-05-24, 11:02 PM
that sucks dude. you konw how on rollercoasters it takes a picture of you at some point in the ride? I want one with the whole PSU crew in it. awesomeness to the max.
2004-05-25, 02:42 AM
Jet, that would own.
If the Dev's come, we could rent out a space in Disney World and they'll host us, which would also own, imo.
2004-05-25, 02:53 AM
We can't ask the Dev's to come until we get 20 people signed on. This could also include parent chaperones! So commence the begging!
Customized TangoUniform comics, specialty t-shirts, more Papa Johns than you could stomach in a lifetime, a great hotel with awesome rooms and pools, an entire weekend to bask in geek culture, LAN parties*, and a Disney/Universal PSU Day. Complete and utter ownage is promised if 20 people sign up!
*You don't need to bring your computer. Most hotels only offer dial-up, and I've found a LAN gaming center that would completely cater to us, and seems excited about the possibility!
2004-05-25, 07:39 AM
Maybe if the poll was announced more people would vote yes, because they accually know about it? :p
2004-05-25, 09:24 AM
OOO LAN parties... Would you lift off if I said I would bring a bunch of Miami babes with me? I'm known in south Florida.O yea, harassing children will get you bit by on of the little brats in Disney. Every time I go (which is atleat 3 to 4 time a year) the little kids are always bitching. Damn ungreatful little people...
2004-05-25, 09:32 AM
No, it's not the mystery problem. It's the sheer tonnage of ownage my parents would drop on me if I even dared to ask to, during school, go to Orlando to spend the weekend with a bunch of people they've never met, alone, and to bring my computer along as well.
I'll show up at your house and take you into "custody" for hacking and we have to bring your computer with you. Its fool-proof.
2004-05-25, 09:32 AM
I'd be there if i didn't live in England and have A-Levels to do. It sounds awesome, and on behalf of all those not going, there better be a load of digital camera's present.
2004-05-25, 09:35 AM
Don't worry, I ALWAYS have a camera.
2004-05-25, 10:25 AM
ill end up going, ill have to take my older brother along (hopefully i can get out of that) and ill be sure to take my moms digi camera.
2004-05-25, 10:43 AM
I'll speak to my aunt about it next time she's online, gonna be damn awkward though...
"You know I was meant to go visit you in Malaysia but my passport never came?"
"Well reckon I can goto America instead?"
"To meet random people from the internet, goto disneyworld and piss off little children"
2004-05-25, 11:08 AM
behalf of all those not going, there better be a load of digital camera's present.
Hehe. I gotcha. Ill bring 20000 batteries too :p
2004-05-25, 11:50 AM
Count me in, ill be in NC and its like a 8ish hr drive down so it wont be a problem.
2004-05-25, 12:02 PM
I will need firm dates before I can commit. Do we have those dates yet? :D
Do it in Canada it's cheaper :) and it smells fresher.
2004-05-25, 12:23 PM
Then everyone needs a passport lol :p
2004-05-25, 12:59 PM
I think the official dates should be set by Hamma-Time :)
I'm just a lowly, overenthusiastic poster!
2004-05-25, 01:41 PM
(then vote!)
I Hate Pants
2004-05-25, 01:48 PM
I can come, theres just one issue. I don't have the money for it right now. But no doubt by then I will surely have the money.
Another thing is I don't have a credit card. But hopefully that won't be to mcuh of a problem.My parent's will do all the booking for me and i'll pay them back.
I guess I need to bring my computer too, huh?
2004-05-25, 02:06 PM
a definite maybe on that, school will have started by then so I don't really know what the schedule would look like, but anything on the east coast is a possibility for me. :groovy:
2004-05-25, 02:13 PM
I am not absolutley sure, alot of people start school in September, id like it to be later or possibly during Spring Break 2005.
2004-05-25, 02:20 PM
I guess I need to bring my computer too, huh?
I just got off the phone with a LAN center in Orlando
2004-05-25, 02:28 PM
If i were ollder i would go even thoug hli live almost next to it (Gainesville Here) but im still to young because ill be turning 12 in a few days
2004-05-25, 02:37 PM
If i were ollder i would go even thoug hli live almost next to it (Gainesville Here) but im still to young because ill be turning 12 in a few days
get your ma or pa or bro or sis to take you, but make sure your sis is hot and my age first (17)
If i were ollder i would go even thoug hli live almost next to it (Gainesville Here) but im still to young because ill be turning 12 in a few days
Yeah get someone to take you.
2004-05-25, 03:00 PM
Yeah, get someone to take you.
2004-05-25, 03:18 PM
Thanks for the news item Hamma :)
2004-05-25, 05:21 PM
I could go in 2005 when I head off to college down there for sure but it's near the begining of the school year and I may have trouble convincing my mom of letting me go I already got shot down about the CDL rally when my mom saw somebody {cough} sentrosi {cough} talking about how strippers he met probably wouldn't be invited and that stoped her right there he even said that the weren't invited but she's all like he sounds irresponsible but then I was all like you obviously haven't met any of my friends and she was all like *smack* and I was down for the count
yeah thats all no more rambling for me
2004-05-25, 05:29 PM
Do it in Canada it's cheaper :) and it smells fresher.
miir posts!
anyway, I can now officially confirm my registration for the trip. unless theres some kind of mega disaster, Im good to go. also, I noticed the announcement said LAN parties. how exactly could we go about bringing our PCs? could we ship them somehow or what? my PC is a giant and would be a hassle to lug down there. Ill find an alternate machine.
2004-05-25, 05:31 PM
miir posts!
anyway, I can now officially confirm my registration for the trip. unless theres some kind of mega disaster, Im good to go. also, I noticed the announcement said LAN parties. how exactly could we go about bringing our PCs? could we ship them somehow or what? my PC is a giant and would be a hassle to lug down there. Ill find an alternate machine.
2004-05-25, 05:51 PM
:huh: uh..ok.
2004-05-25, 05:53 PM
:huh: uh..ok.
sry... your like the 5th person to ask...
2004-05-25, 05:54 PM
Three more to go!
Come on, all you official forums people, come on all you CR5's, come on PSU kids, get your parents to chaperone! Three more people, and we're golden!
And once again, you do NOT need to bring your computer!! In fact, if you brought it, you wouldn't be able to do anything with it because no one but LAN centers have broadband!
2004-05-25, 05:59 PM
post number 100 and only seventeen votes? oi
2004-05-25, 07:02 PM
I could go in 2005 when I head off to college down there for sure but it's near the begining of the school year and I may have trouble convincing my mom of letting me go I already got shot down about the CDL rally when my mom saw somebody {cough} sentrosi {cough} talking about how strippers he met probably wouldn't be invited and that stoped her right there he even said that the weren't invited but she's all like he sounds irresponsible but then I was all like you obviously haven't met any of my friends and she was all like *smack* and I was down for the count
yeah thats all no more rambling for me
That was one long son-of-a-bitch sentence orange :p
2004-05-25, 07:06 PM
Awesom! Orlando! Im close to their! I'll c if i can go. So will it cost money? What other things are you guys thinking about doing? And also is their a minimum age req.? Only prob-During school year.
no way i would be able to go. :( im already 683$ in debt with my father, as i'm going to japan july 20 to august 3rd
:( i wanna see everyone IRL. Most of these people are pretty fucking l33t.
2004-05-25, 07:17 PM
'nuff said.
2004-05-25, 07:36 PM
'nuff said.
2004-05-25, 07:36 PM
'nuff said.
Uh. What.
2004-05-25, 07:46 PM
Doh, missed by a week! Otherwise I'd go, since I already live in Orlando (Oviedo, to be precise). I looked at the calender and I'm spending time with family that weekend.
If anything changes between now and end of summer, I'll let you know.
2004-05-25, 07:56 PM
Smiley777 is just a 12 year old spoiled troll, dont mind him
2004-05-25, 07:57 PM
sry... your like the 5th person to ask...
sorry I missed the past couple pages. :p
yea I still dont know why smiley is banned yet.
2004-05-25, 08:17 PM
So will it cost money? What other things are you guys thinking about doing? And also is their a minimum age req.?
Yes, you will have to pay for your own airfare, hotels, food and activities, but if it happens, we can get a group rate and the hotel room would be split, so I don't anticipate the actual costs (once you get yourself to Florida) to be that high.
I've made a list of things we could possibly do, right now the list is:
-LAN party
-Universal Studios
-Walt Disney World
-Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum
-Kennedy Space Center
-Sea World
-Downtown Disney
Along with assorted other retarded things like a luau or a Medieval Times dinner, just for the hilarity of it.
Also, no minimum age requirement, all we'd need is for you and your parents to sign a rather detailed consent form to us way ahead of time.
2004-05-25, 08:31 PM
-LAN party
-Universal Studios
-Walt Disney World
-Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum
-Kennedy Space Center
-Sea World
-Downtown Disney
Sounds good.
*shakes fist* Just remember who's idea it originally was :D
2004-05-25, 08:45 PM
Yes, you will have to pay for your own airfare, hotels, food and activities, but if it happens, we can get a group rate and the hotel room would be split, so I don't anticipate the actual costs (once you get yourself to Florida) to be that high.
I've made a list of things we could possibly do, right now the list is:
-LAN party
-Universal Studios
-Walt Disney World
-Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum
-Kennedy Space Center
-Sea World
-Downtown Disney
Along with assorted other retarded things like a luau or a Medieval Times dinner, just for the hilarity of it.
Also, no minimum age requirement, all we'd need is for you and your parents to sign a rather detailed consent form to us way ahead of time.
wow...all in 3 days...lets do it!
o man I remember downtown disney that place is awesome...I need to find my fake ID so I can go clubbing with you guys. :cool:
2004-05-25, 09:02 PM
wow...all in 3 days...lets do it!
o man I remember downtown disney that place is awesome...I need to find my fake ID so I can go clubbing with you guys. :cool:
Indeed... donwtown disney was cool... when I went I couldn't do that much... I did loot the lego store tho...
2004-05-25, 09:04 PM
Yes, you will have to pay for your own airfare, hotels, food and activities, but if it happens, we can get a group rate and the hotel room would be split, so I don't anticipate the actual costs (once you get yourself to Florida) to be that high.
I've made a list of things we could possibly do, right now the list is:
-LAN party [Cool]
-Universal Studios [Cool]
-Walt Disney World [Hmm.. a bit o_O]
-Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum [Cool]
-Kennedy Space Center [Cool]
-Sea World [No, bro. Not cool. This place rots little childrens minds]
-Downtown Disney [I have no idea what this is, so I'll go with o.O]
Along with assorted other retarded things like a luau or a Medieval Times dinner, just for the hilarity of it.
Also, no minimum age requirement, all we'd need is for you and your parents to sign a rather detailed consent form to us way ahead of time.
....Interesting. If I can get a few things set up, I might be able to go. I frikkin' live in Florida, should be easy enough...
If it's in the summer, I have a.... 92.5% chance of going.
If it's past summer, my chances will be around 80%. Can't miss some important days.
2004-05-25, 09:06 PM
Disneyworld owns, dont disrespect. some of it is stupid, but theres alot of great stuff there.
2004-05-25, 09:28 PM
Disney world's nice. Make sure you go on the Big Thunder Railway roller coaster... and see if you can make the guy inside the Mickey Mouse costume to swear.
2004-05-25, 09:31 PM
Disney world's nice. Make sure you go on the Big Thunder Railway roller coaster... and see if you can make the guy inside the Mickey Mouse costume to swear.
my cousin (5 years old) tried to kick one in the balls. he said he thinks they wear cups now. :rolleyes:
2004-05-25, 10:46 PM
Fuck. Every time I see the damn thread, I want to go more. Fuck you all, I'm going to ban myself or something.
2004-05-25, 11:22 PM
Medieval Times OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. :queue Star Trek Battle Music:
da da da da da da da da da da da daaaa da You will not defeat me Kirk!
2004-05-25, 11:28 PM
Not happening ppl. No way will either work, my wallet or Mrs. Sentrosi allow me to stay down in Orlando Florida for more than a week.
2004-05-26, 12:10 AM
So stay for one week exactly - leave Friday night! :)
2004-05-26, 12:25 AM
NM, scratch me off, i talked it over with my father, though he doesnt understand Triggar wont be getting any money, or that sony isnt setting this up, or anything else i told him, i think thats it, you all be sure to take pictures.
2004-05-26, 12:35 AM
sent this is your time chance to pimp orange out to new york to make a couple of bucks. You know you want to. Oh i wont be coming. Or to CDL rally. BUT I WANT PICTURES!!!! or else !!!!~shakes fist~
2004-05-26, 01:00 AM
dude, secondraven we should meet up and cruise down together. (makes that long ass trip soo much easier if your following someone)
2004-05-26, 01:07 AM
Greeeeat idea :)
2004-05-26, 04:01 AM
You know, you get your own Serving Wench at Medieval Times. :lol: Other than that, I refuse to endorse the place. lol.
2004-05-26, 07:24 AM
I've made a list of things we could possibly do, right now the list is:
-LAN party
-Universal Studios
-Walt Disney World
-Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum
-Kennedy Space Center
-Sea World
-Downtown Disney
Along with assorted other retarded things like a luau or a Medieval Times dinner, just for the hilarity of it.
Also, no minimum age requirement,
-avoid magic kingdom
-eh.....seen it before, not worth my money to see it again
-eh.....kraken is cool, and so are penguins, Ill see
-omgyes. We have to go to disneyquest. Its fucking required.
Never been to one of those themed dinners, should be a nice experiance.
Haha. Im only 16 (17 on July 4th ^_^) anyways.
2004-05-26, 09:09 AM
Come on everyone! We need 2 more votes then we can book the midgets!
2004-05-26, 09:21 AM
Hmmm, can I still bring my women? They will cover the last two votes.
2004-05-26, 09:27 AM
Accually, looks like 3. Everay is out.
2004-05-26, 10:00 AM
You know, you get your own Serving Wench at Medieval Times. :lol: Other than that, I refuse to endorse the place. lol.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2004-05-26, 10:50 AM
pyro: only if you're serious
2004-05-26, 11:33 AM
Okay I have an idea: How about, if you're under 18 and you voted yes, you talk to your parents and ask one of them to chaperone? We'll need chaperones anyway and bringing your parents means you won't have to pay for anything.
Two more votes, people!! Come on!!
2004-05-26, 11:37 AM
Okay I have an idea: How about, if you're under 18 and you voted yes, you talk to your parents and ask one of them to chaperone? We'll need chaperones anyway and bringing your parents means you won't have to pay for anything.
Two more votes, people!! Come on!!
Slight problem... Legal drinking age over there is 21 :( I can pass over here in most places... Damn your evil alcahol laws.
2004-05-26, 11:50 AM
Pshht!! There'll be too much other stuff to do, you won't even notice you're not drinking!
2004-05-26, 11:52 AM
This could be a lot of fun ;)
Let me talk it over with the little lady.
2004-05-26, 11:54 AM
You will get drunk... on fun
2004-05-26, 11:57 AM
You will get drunk... on fun
:rofl: damn you, I can't stop giggling
2004-05-26, 11:59 AM
This could be a lot of fun ;)
Let me talk it over with the little lady.
Bring her along, it will be a blast!
The more that can come the better rates Triggar will be able to get.
2004-05-26, 12:09 PM
oh shit!! the flynt might be going.... Ima gonna sex0rz him!!!!
2004-05-26, 12:14 PM
I'd use my latest invention to remove your sig making skills from your mind.
2004-05-26, 01:16 PM
One more "yes" vote, people!! One more!!
Hey, does Squeeky's RSVP count?
If so, IT'S ON!
2004-05-26, 01:18 PM
Hahahah. If squeeky shows up, Hamma is gonna kick his ass, along with the rest of the PSU staff.
2004-05-26, 01:20 PM
No they won't.
2004-05-26, 02:24 PM
i gots not beef with squeeky - i was'nt around for his banning.
and as for flynt & mrs. flynt - they'd be AWESOME to have there.
i've invited some of my outfit guys, and only one of them has said they won't be too drunk/busy to join us.
he'll be to drunk too do anything once he gets there, imo.
rahl is my hero.
2004-05-26, 02:27 PM
(13:53:41): Trigg, make a post in the thread that im going and chalk up a vote for me. If it happens, i'll beg borrow deal and suck and fuck my way across america to be there
party: There's 20 people!! We did it!! party:
Hamma-Time, let's talk business... :)
2004-05-26, 03:59 PM
just... can't...
can't afford it.
too far away.
hate flying.
Sounds cool though GL!
2004-05-26, 04:09 PM
Haha. Even when banned, squeeky still is funny, in his own way.
2004-05-26, 05:04 PM
party: There's 20 people!! We did it!! party:
Hamma-Time, let's talk business... :)
woot! party:
2004-05-26, 07:24 PM
Wow, that sounds really awesome, I wish I could go!
2004-05-26, 07:28 PM
hate flying.
fail. and someone already has that avatar, you should get a new one so i don't get confused. then again, maybe it was milbob and he got a new one.
2004-05-26, 08:03 PM
I live in FL my Dad doesnt really approve of me playing comp games to much but I still get around to it if the meet is definate I will attend a somewhat 1-2 hour drive for me if the Devs and prizes will be there im in.
Host it in Tampa or Boca Grande :rolleyes:
Orlando?! This is too good to be true! Thats my home town and I only live 4 hours away as it is now!!!
I would seriously consider going if i could get enough of my crew to come also.
2004-05-27, 12:20 AM
Host it in Tampa
Yeah, as much as I am for boosting my citys economy by || much, orlando is just better.
/edit/ talked to my mom today, 100% I can go. Shes gonna give me some money (I choose to stay home when they go out to sea world/universal/disney (holy shit you cant blame me, my family is awful in public)), but since things like the midevil dinner are so damn expensive, ima half to raise some money on my own.
2004-05-27, 03:26 PM
I live in orlando, florida and work at Universal. Where in Orlando do you want to do this?
2004-05-27, 03:50 PM
Well, nothing is set yet, not even whether the thing's actually going to happen or not.
But I had tentatively thought that we could host the official event at either Disney or Universal and hopefully tempt the Devs to join us there!
2004-05-27, 04:24 PM
Yes. Get smoke to come so we can chant "BLAH BLAH BLAH FILL IN DAVE" when he's around.
2004-05-27, 06:01 PM
I'm sure he'd love that, Hezzy!
2004-05-27, 06:02 PM
Indeed he would.
2004-05-27, 06:31 PM
I still havent made a final decision. I mean in order to get some kind of dev involvent we will need more than a small croud. When 21 people say they can go in reality that means about 10-15 will show up on the day.
I dont think tahts enough to justify two trips to orlando for me this year :(
2004-05-27, 06:47 PM
should I bring my girlfriend and promise a lapdance for the devs if they come? if so I want a contributor tag.
2004-05-27, 06:49 PM
I really think that once everything is in place and everyone's all hyped up about the plans we've made, more people are going to want to sign on, if for no other reason than they'll be afraid to be excluded from Teh Awesome!
2004-05-28, 02:10 AM
Create your own adventures in this one-of-a-kind indoor interactive Theme Park bursting with games that give "state-of-the-art" new meaning. Discover five floors exploding with cutting-edge technology, virtual reality and 3-D experiences � all fueled by Disney innovation and imagination. The entry portal, Ventureport, leads to four different zones: the Explore Zone, a virtual Adventureland; the Score Zone, for superhero quests; the Create Zone, for artistic endeavors; and the Replay Zone for nostalgic fun. Anyway you cut it, you're in the Zone at DisneyQuest!
CyberSpace Mountain � Design your own roller coaster on a computer, with special assistance from Bill Nye the Science Guy. Make it as scary as you want. When you're done, jump in a simulator and ride your creation in full 360� motion� if you dare!
Pirates of the Caribbean - Battle for Buccaneer Gold � Put on your headpiece to inhabit a world booming with swashbuckling action. Steer your ship, fire cannons at marauding buccaneers and race for the gold!
Virtual Jungle Cruise � Hop on a raft with other team members, plunge down a prehistoric river in the Dinosaur Age and hang on for dear life as you try desperately to avoid "deadly" obstacles in the running rapids. You may even get splashed!
Aladdin's Magic Carpet Ride �Enter the immersive, magical world of Agrabah as you put on a virtual-reality helmet and go on a whole new adventure. Take a magic carpet ride with beloved Characters from Disney's "Aladdin." It's a trip you'll never forget!
Invasion! An ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter � Launch into the cosmos aboard your own virtual-reality spaceship. Rescue humans kidnapped by aliens to become the hero in this breathtaking outer space adventure.
Buzz Lightyear's Astroblasters � Pilot your own futuristic bumper car in a battle where you're always under attack. Fight back by scooping up "cannonballs," loading them into your blaster, and firing away at the other cars. It's an asteroid-blasting game unlike any other!
Animation Academy � Be a Disney animator! An instructor takes you through the process of drawing a Disney Character. You won't believe what you are capable of creating!
Ride the Comix � Don your virtual-reality helmet and become a superhero, engaging in a cyber battle with comic book villains. Swing your laser sword in a fight to the finish!
Mighty Ducks Pinball Slam:Become a life-size pinball as you bounce off bumpers and flippers to score points and compete to become the Mightiest Duck of all!
DisneyQuest � It's virtual magic!
Category: Other
Location: Westside
Price Range: $26.00-$32.00***9674;
Additional Information
Children under the age of ten must be accompanied by a responsible person 16 years of age or older.
Guests wishing to re-enter DisneyQuest� on the same day will receive a hand stamp as they enter. The DisneyQuest ticket and DisneyQuest handstamp are required for re-entry.
And my review of things in said order:
cool, even though its disney themed (you are a monkey ffs ^_^)
pwn. Buzz lightyear Cannons are pwn. I foresee several rounds of PSU bumpercars.
My attention span is too low to sit thoug
Pretty sweet. You have a lightsaber ^_^
gay. very gay.
And then of course there are all the arcade games set up for free. Thats always a plus.
2004-05-28, 09:00 AM
Ive been there before, twice, there are only a few things that you want to play twice or three times. Like the Pirates of the Caribean Ride, thats pretty fun, itll test your roping pullins skillz if thers such thing as rope pulling skillz. They have some good regular arcade games too, but since its disney, no fps ones :( . It is a very interactive place and you'll get a day out of it. There was one game, dunno wat it was called, but it is like live a comic book, that I didn't like the first time, dont remember why, but I avoided the second. Just a heads up, although you can try it, youll no which one b/c youll c a bunch of people swinging a lightsaber, with no light commin out, around wildly (man do they look stupid). Have fun there tho, I am still talkin about it with my parents :)
2004-05-28, 09:23 AM
Ive been to Disney over 50 times. And I still love it. The rides may not be the most extreme, but its just fun. Especially b/c everyone who works there has to act happy, so u can try your hardest to piss them off. Its funny when one snaps and tries to kill you. Thats when they go to disney jail...Watch out, Mickey works in the Disney jail.
The best ride in Disney is either the Rockin Rollercoaster or the Tower of Terror, which are both located in MGM studios.
If anyone has any questions about Disney, just ask.
2004-05-28, 03:53 PM
Here are some links for you guys, so that you get a visualization of some things to do during the weekend of the Mobilization:
**Disney (
**Universal Studios ( ersal_orlando.CIRCLE)
**SeaWorld (
**Ripley's Orlando (
**Kennedy Space Center (
**King Henry's Feast (for a medieval food-fight) (
Click around and get excited... and start recruiting other people to sign on!
Also, this ( is the hotel that I was looking at for us to stay in. Each villa sleeps 8 people and look at the pictures and the amenities - it looks sweet!
2004-05-28, 03:56 PM
Universal owns disney in terms of rides.
still pending whether or not i can go.
2004-05-28, 04:00 PM
Here are some links for you guys, so that you get a visualization of some things to do during the weekend of the Mobilization:
**Disney (
**Universal Studios ( ersal_orlando.CIRCLE)
**SeaWorld (
**Ripley's Orlando (
**Kennedy Space Center (
**King Henry's Feast (for a medieval food-fight) (
Click around and get excited... and start recruiting other people to sign on!
Also, this ( is the hotel that I was looking at for us to stay in. Each villa sleeps 8 people and look at the pictures and the amenities - it looks sweet!
Sweet... the hotel looks nice, maybe if my dad see's pictures he'll come too... when are you goign to be sending out those permission forms? My mom would like to see one prolly...
2004-05-28, 04:01 PM
Universal's rides are cooler than Disney's, for an older crowd, but my friend and I went to Magic Kingdom over Spring Break and laughed our asses off.
Going to Disney when you're 5 - "Wow! Look, everything glows! It's magic! COOL!"
Going to Disney when you're 21 - "BLACK LIGHT! Awesome!"
Infernus, I will only send anything out if and when Hamma approves the idea! :fro:
2004-05-28, 04:02 PM
I concur. Dunno if ill shell out all the cash to go to disney. Seeing as im planning on attending the cdl rally, maybe ill just pick up a year pass to uni.
2004-05-28, 04:03 PM
Infernus, I will only send anything out if and when Hamma approves the idea! :fro:
oh right that all Hamma is in charge thing...
2004-05-29, 12:08 AM
I would but there is 1 problem
I live too far away(i have a phobia of planes )
2004-05-29, 12:19 AM
Phobia of planes??? What are you afraid of? Tell me and I will explain away your fear.
You do know that your chances of being in a plane crash are significantly lower than being in a car accident, right?
And seriously, what are you afraid of? I go to Aeronautical University, studying to be a commercial airline pilot. What you don't know will scare you, so what I can tell you will ease your fears.
2004-05-29, 12:56 AM
I get nervous on planes when there is turbulance. Its gay.
And also trigg, statisticly speaking yeah. But look the number of planes vs cars on the road.
Some special on travel channel or something explained it, but I forgot what it said exactly -_-
2004-05-29, 01:00 AM
and you could die taking a shower by slipping on the soap.. whats your point? take a chance and fly. if you crash and die I'll give you 5 bucks.
2004-05-29, 01:01 AM
Never said that. I would take a plane over driving anyday (as long as its commerical)
Just making some comments.
2004-05-29, 01:09 AM
All turbulence is when you fly into a moving pocket of air. No big deal, and when you think about the fact that the person flying the commercial jet you're on has logged upwards of 10,000 flight hours (need a mininum of 1500 flight hours JUST to get the license to fly commercial jets), he/she has thorough training and experience and knows that turbulence really most of the time isn't a big deal.
And yeah, there are a lot less planes in the sky than there are cars on the road, but you can get your driver's license after farting around in Dad's Buick for a few hours. To be a pilot, you need extensive ground and flight training and need to be proficient in every aspect of aviation - i.e. weather, Federal Aviation laws, aircraft systems, basic procedures, and emergency procedures. Every pilot up there is familiar with them, and have prepared for almost every emergency imaginable.
2004-05-29, 02:06 AM
You do know that your chances of being in a plane crash are significantly lower than being in a car accident, right?
Exactly, it's just EVERY plane crash is reported by the media...there are HUNDREDS of car accidents a day.
I just spoke to my aunt and uncle and they said I might be able to go! :D
2004-05-29, 02:12 AM
Never said x was safer then x. Its just that to the human pyche, well, mine at least, driving "feels" safer. Also, if you are gonna crash in a car, you accually have a chance of surviving. Not so for a plane. 100000 feet + terminal velocity + ground - parachute = death
I hate how the wings wobble.
i also wobble at 400+ mph
2004-05-29, 02:21 AM
if you are gonna crash in a car, you accually have a chance of surviving. Not so for a plane. 100000 feet + terminal velocity + ground - parachute = death
Well, if you have an engine out at (let's say a more realistic altitude) of 45,000 feet, then you've got 45,000 feet of time to try and restart the engines and glide down to a safe emergency landing, maybe even on a runway.
If you've got a cabin fire at 45,000 feet, again, you've got 45,000 feet of time to deal with the in-flight emergency.
What you have to remember is that pilots are trained so extensively to handle all of these emergency situations. They have practiced the procedures so many times that they are second-nature. Everything is backed up with a checklist and ATC can be contacted via radios or transponder codes.
How many drivers do you know that would react instinctively to an engine failure on the highway, or a blown out tire? Or an alternator failure? I can only name three off the top of my head. THREE.
I hate how the wings wobble.
Also, to put your mind at rest, Boeing and other aircraft manufacturers actually do tests to see how much weight the wings can withstand in each direction before they break off. I don't remember the actual numbers, but I do remember an engineer saying that it's like twice the weight that would ever be applied to them. I'm talking about weight from both above the aircraft and below. So yeah, a little bit of wingtip vortices will not make the wings of the plane break off and send you to your death.
2004-05-29, 02:26 AM
Something about not being connected to anything just scares the shit outta me.
Well, not really.
I wouldnt care if
a. Turbulance wasnt there
b. The god damn wings didnt flap
2004-05-29, 02:31 AM
well, look at it this way:
they're supposed to flex.
if they didn't, they'd break off.
a 74's wings are built to flex in normal flight around 8', and up to 20' if they need to.
they do this for both safety and physics: as the wings are drained of fuel, they change their geometry; similarly, when flaps and ailerons are deployed, the flex keeps the change in forces from giving you whiplash.
they're effectively the shock absorbers, and take a lot of the turbulence out of the ride for you.
2004-05-29, 03:14 AM
I wouldnt care if:
The god damn wings didnt flap
Also, I don't know if Martyr mentioned it (mainly because it's 0310 and I'm lazy), but the wing flaps NEED to be deployed in order to increase drag on the plane and slow the flow of air over the wings, thereby slowing the plane down. We put the flaps down on final approach to land, for example.
I found this ( for you, if you want to play around a little bit with it to understand things a bit better.
2004-05-29, 10:19 AM
I figured they needed to flex, its just not cool to look out the window and seeing the only thing keeping you up flapping up and down like a duck
2004-05-29, 10:24 AM
The statistics from dying in a plane crash are lower than being killed by a donkey.
2004-05-29, 12:40 PM
I like watching the wings move when I fly :brow:
2004-05-29, 02:57 PM
Who doesn't? Well, besides Gohan.
2004-05-29, 03:32 PM
I like pissing off the Stewardesses to no end with the old "There's something on the wing!" thing, :D
2004-05-29, 04:03 PM
:rofl: :rofl:
2004-05-29, 04:34 PM
"i just heard a bark!"
2004-05-29, 06:39 PM
Did anyone ever see the MadTV where Miss Swan crawled under the seat and bit the leg of the guy in front of her?
Anyway.... PSU meet... still up in the air :)
2004-05-30, 02:29 AM
man we should just meet up anyways and spend the weekend in orlando regardless....
2004-05-30, 04:51 AM
damnit, noone called about a job yet, fuck fuck fuck. i want to go, i can go prolly, my bro wants to bring his GF along too, so he and she might go, but hes a lazy bastard, so who knows.
2004-05-30, 12:32 PM
man we should just meet up anyways and spend the weekend in orlando regardless :brow:
Just kidding, it won't be fun without Hamma-Time and Jenny and the rest of the gang.
2004-05-30, 12:45 PM
Just kidding, it won't be fun without Hamma-Time and Jenny and the rest of the gang.
yea, its like having a royal banquet and the king and queen dont show up.
2004-05-30, 03:38 PM
Without them, there isn't the possibility of drawing on their faces in their sleep, or silly-stringing them into married life :)
2004-05-30, 03:56 PM
No it would probauly be a horrible traumatizing expierence to see any of you in real life.
2004-05-30, 04:05 PM
You'd love it.
2004-05-30, 07:34 PM
You'd love it.
That's it. I'm going to kill myself.
2004-05-30, 09:03 PM
Just kidding, it won't be fun without Hamma-Time and Jenny and the rest of the gang.
so true... +hamma and jenny makes it so much more..uh.. :brow: interesting..
2004-05-31, 11:32 AM
Especially with the new Bling they be sportin'
2004-05-31, 11:48 AM
2004-05-31, 11:49 AM
word, yo.
2004-05-31, 11:58 AM
2004-05-31, 11:59 AM
wow this thread just took a nosedive.
2004-05-31, 12:07 PM
wow this thread just took a nosediveizzle, yo dogg g-unit
2004-05-31, 12:16 PM
Then let me get it back on track, eh?
Still no word on the official go-ahead decision, but I'm still looking into hotel availibility and I'm still planning an agenda for a meet that would, I think, happen sometime in August.
So write to your Senator kids, and tell him you want a PSU Meet :)
2004-05-31, 12:59 PM
How many drivers do you know that would react instinctively to an engine failure on the highway, or a blown out tire? Or an alternator failure? I can only name three off the top of my head. THREE.
Make it four. I attended a D0D aggressive driver course, the one they teach to bodyguards, drivers, and other assorted 'special people'. It comes in quite handy when you drive in the MD-NoVa-DC beltway.
2004-05-31, 01:20 PM
other assorted 'special people'.
Why is it that I thought of this:
when you said that? :)
2004-05-31, 01:42 PM
Okay. I talked with my mom and she said we could discuss it more so I think I'm actually pretty likely to be able to go if I can bring my mom and possibly dad.
Okay. I talked with my mom and she said we could discuss it more so I think I'm actually pretty likely to be able to go if I can bring my mom and possibly dad.
You should bring them. I bet they'd have fun too. And you can mooch money off of them while they're there too. hehe
2004-05-31, 02:02 PM
well, while we are there i want 2 things, first, Midevil dinner, and a lan party, everything else i dont care.
2004-05-31, 02:05 PM
You should bring them. I bet they'd have fun too. And you can mooch money off of them while they're there too. hehe
medieval dinner? wtfs?
2004-05-31, 02:06 PM
:star trek battle theme:
2004-05-31, 03:51 PM
Medieval dinner with the PSU gang would be such ownage.
Let's think about this for a second:
Medieval dinner with your family = embarassing and lame
Medieval dinner with PSU = hilarity ensuing madness
2004-05-31, 04:25 PM
Medieval dinner with the PSU gang would be such ownage.
Let's think about this for a second:
Medieval dinner with your family = embarassing and lame
Medieval dinner with PSU = hilarity ensuing madness
:cool: o yea...thatll be awesome.
2004-05-31, 05:16 PM
Medieval dinner with the PSU gang would be such ownage.
Let's think about this for a second:
Medieval dinner with your family = embarassing and lame
Medieval dinner with PSU = hilarity ensuing madness
Damn right!
I could just Imagine it now -
"I DEMAND more food, WENCH!!"
"Must... drink... more mead.... more ale.... drrriiiiiinnnnk!"
Oh god, I'm giggling :p
2004-05-31, 07:19 PM
Am i the only one who watches the damn movie on the plane?
2004-05-31, 08:33 PM
Sorryyyy, some of us are busy FLYING the plane.
Not that I fly planes that offer movies to the passengers yet, but hey, I can dream.
And Frag, exactly. Imagine that sort of mayhem for an entire weekend, all over Orlando. I think we should do Medieval Times one of the first nights so we can call everyone "wench" for the weekend. Hilarity is promised.
2004-05-31, 08:37 PM
...HAH... that'll be the best... well only if I get to dress up as a knight and carry triggar into the room in my arms...
...sorry... it's always been a medieval fetish of mine...
2004-05-31, 08:42 PM
Medieval dinner with the PSU gang would be such ownage.
Let's think about this for a second:
Medieval dinner with your family = embarassing and lame
Medieval dinner with PSU = hilarity ensuing madness
Is that "King Henry's Feast" in Orlando? I've seen it passing through I-4 when my grandparents used to live there. I think it closed down or something.
2004-06-01, 12:14 AM
Aztec, I'll look into it tomorrow, but yeah, that's the one!
If it is closed, I'm sure we can find a suitable alternative. Even if that alternative is in Downtown Disney, we can still call our waiter/waitress "wench". And leave her no tip, explaining that in medieval times, there was no tipping.
And Infernus, sure dude, dress up as a knight. We can dress Dharkie up as me, and you can carry him into the room in your arms :)
2004-06-01, 12:16 AM
just as long as i get to dress up as the dude from Army of Darkness. THIS IS MY BOOM STICK!
2004-06-01, 12:32 AM
We can ALL dress up.
Let's get Hamma to buy us all Rexo suits :)
2004-06-01, 12:54 AM
Aztec, I'll look into it tomorrow, but yeah, that's the one!
If it is closed, I'm sure we can find a suitable alternative. Even if that alternative is in Downtown Disney, we can still call our waiter/waitress "wench". And leave her no tip, explaining that in medieval times, there was no tipping.
And Infernus, sure dude, dress up as a knight. We can dress Dharkie up as me, and you can carry him into the room in your arms :)
I wish I could go... :( :tear:
2004-06-01, 12:55 AM
Why can't you go?? Stupid excuses, we can find a way out of anything!
Dharkie, the PSU meet is like a big, giant cake. You are like the big, giant vat of frosting. We can't have a cake IF WE DON'T HAVE ANY FROSTING! Who the hell likes angel food cake, anyway?
2004-06-01, 01:17 AM
Hey, I can/want to go. I'll prolly be flying in from Washington, DC.
Will there be transportation included? (Ie, someone to pick me up at the airport and transportation around the city)
Also, what are the projected costs? Just want to look at things in the big picture and think of how long I need to save money ;)
2004-06-01, 01:45 AM
Medieval Times:
Click here for cheesy flash intro with dramatic music:
Conveniently located six miles east of Walt Disney World. Easy access from Orlando and Tampa.
Medieval Times
Bill of Fare
Garlic Bread
Vegetable Soup
Roasted Chicken
Spare Rib
Herb-Basted Potato
Pastry of the Castle
Theres the alternative.
Only reason I brought this up is because of the flash intro hahahahah
2004-06-01, 02:08 AM
"Who the hell likes angel food cake, anyway?"
I do :p
Hey if you guys do it in August I might go. Problem is... when I told my father that I was thinking about going... he sounded interested ("Hey, I've been lookin for a bit of a vacation too!") but I'm not so sure I want my father coming along... hes cool, a long-haired burned-out ex-hippie buddhist... but not the kind that understands LAN parties and paintball fights and all that other "Teenage Stuff".
Anyhow, it just comes down to me saving up some money before August and reserving plane tickets and the like. Sounds like it would be a lot of fun!
edit- yes, what other costs will there be too? I would need someone to pick me up from the airport (no fucking way I'm renting a car, and those Taxicabs rip you off), also I need to know how much lodging is going to cost (all I need is a cheap hotel with a TV and I'm happy, don't need a fuckin suite) also, if we are going to go anywhere special that costs money I would need to know about that as well. However, keep in mind that my chances of coming are significantly higher in proportion to how cheap the whole event is. My job doesnt pay the best. Anyhow... if you could post up some estimated expenses, it would rock.
2004-06-01, 02:12 AM
If its the difference between not going and going, take teh hippie!
Me, i get off easy. Since I live an hour away, my mom is just gonna give me a bunch of cash since I dont go to theme parks with my family. Hahah.
On an unrelated note, where the hell did I put my digital cam?
2004-06-01, 02:38 AM
yea triggar, whos drivin?
2004-06-01, 02:41 AM
"If its the difference between not going and going, take teh hippie!"
lol my dad rocks... but hes also 64 years old... so yeah... hes not a young fellow. I'll see if I can get him set up with a cruise or something :)
2004-06-01, 09:05 AM
hey corrosion dont forget to bring your mom! :brow:
2004-06-01, 09:06 AM
Bill of Fare
Garlic Bread
Vegetable Soup
Roasted Chicken
Spare Rib
Herb-Basted Potato
Pastry of the Castle
Mmmmmmmmm! Beverage!
2004-06-01, 09:56 AM
Well, I can give the goahead for Triggar to start arranging this. But in all likleyhood I will be unable to attend myself. I had already planned for the CDL event and with everything going on this year I cannot justify 2 trips or 2 weeks in Orlando. We just can't afford to do that right now.
Perhaps nextime if we know about it more in advance.
2004-06-01, 11:09 AM
Ready, set, PAYPAL!
2004-06-01, 11:14 AM
Someone needs to talk Hamma's boss into letting him take that week off so he can just stay down in Orlando in between events.
Edit: I doubt the airfare is really the problem.
2004-06-01, 11:20 AM
:love: :love:
2004-06-01, 11:26 AM
Someone needs to talk Hamma's boss into letting him take that week off so he can just stay down in Orlando in between events.
If you give Trigg the number, you know she'll do it.
2004-06-01, 12:52 PM
You know I will :)
I bet me and Jenny can combine our supa-powers and get him a raise, too.
2004-06-01, 12:55 PM
Have Marsman call and threaten that he'll eat them or something. :thumbsup:
2004-06-01, 01:02 PM
I think if Marsman called anyone to threaten them, they'd crap themselves just to hear a threat in that voice. I would, anyway!
He could be like, :mad: "Mow your lawn or I'll do it for you!!" :mad:
And I'd run away screaming.
2004-06-01, 01:03 PM
I say we have Mars call and offer to do the voice-overs for there commercials.
2004-06-01, 01:05 PM
I think we should get Mars to call everyone's parents :)
2004-06-01, 01:08 PM
I think we should get Mars to call everyone's parents :)
maybe, the only problem i have is that im already going to florida AGAIN in july. i dobt my parents would pay me a 3rd florida trip.
2004-06-01, 01:17 PM
Sure they would.
Offer to mow the lawn every day and babysit your little brother Jimmy. Make them dinner and get good grades.
Moral of the story: If you want something bad enough, GET IT!
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