View Full Version : mIRC Kick Spam

2004-05-26, 02:07 AM
* Now talking in #ps-universe
<xmodum> Buttsechs anyone?
<PSU-Strygun> so strygun doesn't leave his cam up on the shelf, which makes strygun less likely to put the cam up on the shelf every time
<PSU-Strygun> so strygun doesn't leave it up there
* Ivan notices that Strygun like to talk in the third person.
<PSU-Strygun> and strygun kicks xmodum
* You were kicked by PSU-Strygun (no)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
<xmodum> O_o
* Ivan laughs at Strygun
<Eine> pwned
<PSU-Strygun> strygun laughs at ivan laughing at strygun
<PSU-martyr> haha
<xmodum> I laugh at you both
* PSU-martyr laughs in general
* Ivan laughs at at strygun kicking xmodum's ass.
* PSU-martyr gets up to re-aim the webcam
<PSU-Strygun> strygun laughs
<xmodum> Kicking xmodum* <--Fixed
* You were kicked by PSU-Strygun (no)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
* Ivan throws popcorn in strygun's mouth as he laughs
<PSU-Strygun> strygun chokes
<xmodum> Fsck yo- I mean, Hey there
* Ivan gives strygun mouth to mouth
* xmodum laughs
<PSU-Strygun> strygun.. uh.. yeah
<Ivan> �_�
* Ivan watches as a tumble weed, ummm, tumbles by.
<PSU-Strygun> uggh
<PSU-Strygun> strygun is tired
* Ivan puts strygun to bed and reads him a bed time story
<PSU-Strygun> that would rock
<PSU-Strygun> ... says strygun
<xmodum> lol
<Ivan> hehe
<xmodum> Lay off the weed
<xmodum> .
<PSU-Strygun> strygun doesn't smoke
<PSU-Strygun> strygun laughs because triggar quit
<Fragmatic> can someone tell me what my quit message says?
<xmodum> Then stop drinking
* Fragmatic has quit IRC (Quit: [18:34:57] [xmodum]: Fuck you, your british fuck : [18:35:04] [Fragmatic]: what you gonna do? : [18:35:20] [xmodum]: Fuck you)
<xmodum> >.<
* Fragmatic has joined #ps-universe
<xmodum> Fucking fucker, im gonna fucking fuck him up
<PSU-Strygun> [00:48:30] * Fragmatic ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: I am such a loser.)
<xmodum> Opps
<Ivan> frag it says, [18:34:57] [xmodum]: Fuck you, your british fuck : [18:35:04] [Fragmatic]: what you gonna do? : [18:35:20] [xmodum]: Fuck you)
<Ivan> doh
<Fragmatic> lol :P
<PSU-Strygun> die ivan
<PSU-Strygun> you suck
* Ivan dies
<PSU-Strygun> thanks
<PSU-Strygun> strygun gives ivan mouth to mouth
<Fragmatic> ty :)
* Ivan slips strygun some toung
* Fragmatic thinks PSU-Strygun needs to learn /me
<xmodum> Fucking fucker, im gonna fucking fuck him up<- As I said before
<PSU-Strygun> I am so looking forward to getting in bed.. because.. ya know.. when you're really tired, getting in bed is just.. so nice
<PSU-Strygun> err
<PSU-Strygun> strygun is so looking forward..
<xmodum> lol
<xmodum> Owned
<Ivan> Strygun you suck
* You were kicked by PSU-Strygun (owend)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
<xmodum> lol
* You were kicked by PSU-Strygun (crap, spelled it wrong. owned.)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
<xmodum> Abus
<xmodum> e
<Ivan> :)
<PSU-Strygun> A bus? where?1
<xmodum> Im telling Hamma!
<xmodum> Abuse of teh powers!
* You were kicked by Ivan (OMG A BUS!)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
<PSU-Strygun> rofl
<xmodum> GAR
You were kicked by PSU-Strygun (A BUS! E!)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
<xmodum> Fuck you alll
* xmodum cries
<PSU-Strygun> aww
* You were kicked by PSU-Strygun (don't cry)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
<xmodum> FASDASDFasdjflkjasdhf
<xmodum> 23
<xmodum> 5124
* You were kicked by PSU-Strygun (SPAM!)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
* You were kicked by Ivan (pushes Xmodum out of the way of the speeding bus)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
* You were kicked by PSU-Strygun (OH NO! A BUS!)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
<xmodum> ;_;
<Ivan> lol

Okokok, I know it long, but read it, fucking kick spammed up teh arse.

2004-05-26, 02:12 AM
just noticed the sig -

<Weasel> Dharkbayne if u dont shutup i will come rob u


2004-05-26, 02:16 AM
I fixed most of the stuff it didnt need, like the join topics and teh stupid boxes whilke being FUCKING kicked, so there ya go, easier to read
EDIT: DAMNIT, Ivan did it again, >.<

<xmodum> Cyber sechs Ivan?
* You were kicked by Ivan (No.)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #ps-universe
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
<Ivan> hehe
<xmodum> >.<
<xmodum> I hate you

2004-05-26, 02:28 AM
* Ivan huggles xmodum
<PSU-Strygun> I won't be huggling you
* PSU-Strygun turns on the huggle shield
* xmodum humps PSU-Strygun
<PSU-Strygun> crap
* Ivan puts on his shirt ninja outfit and sneaks behind PSU-Strygun
* Ivan then ninja rapes PSU-Strygun before PSU-Strygun even knew what happened.
* PSU-martyr is now known as PSU-martyr|sleep
* xmodum huggles Ivan
<PSU-Strygun> i'm headed to bed
<PSU-Strygun> yay!
<Ivan> night
<PSU-Strygun> g'nite all
<xmodum> Strygun is headed to bed*
<Ivan> don't make him kick you one more time
<xmodum> I wish he would, id kick his as- I mean, ok
<Ivan> I too should hit the old sack
* Ivan hits Hamma
<Ivan> :D
<Fragmatic> BUGGER
<Fragmatic> he's back :(
<Fragmatic> his friend got stabbed :O
<Ivan> ouch
<xmodum> HAHA
<Fragmatic> what's so funny, fucknut?
<Fragmatic> you'd laugh if I stabbed you?
<xmodum> You, fuckfuck..
<xmodum> ..
<xmodum> I mean
<xmodum> Fucknut*
<Fragmatic> you lose
* xmodum was kicked by Ivan (Ah A bus with a knife!)
* xmodum ([email protected]) has joined #ps-universe

2004-05-26, 02:35 AM

2004-05-26, 02:36 AM
I hate mIRC

2004-05-26, 02:37 AM
I hate mIRC

mIRC isn't the only IRC client, why not use a different one?

2004-05-26, 02:38 AM
I only belong in this one :D

2004-05-26, 06:00 AM
* Ivan huggles xmodum
<PSU-Strygun> I won't be huggling you
* PSU-Strygun turns on the huggle shield
* xmodum humps PSU-Strygun
<PSU-Strygun> crap


2004-05-26, 10:11 AM
Classic :lol:

2004-05-26, 10:39 AM
haha, i'm glad i left before it got bad

2004-05-26, 11:06 AM
haha, i'm glad i left before it got bad
Why? you could of thrown in a few of your own kicks. :D

2004-05-26, 11:10 AM
well, yeah, i guess i coulda.

but i probably had just as much fun watching rotk with triggar

2004-05-26, 12:48 PM
[17:47:30] [BigFreak]: indeed
[17:47:34] [@PSU-Gryphon]: indubitably
[17:47:37] [%Ivan]: unquestionably
[17:47:38] [Hezzy]: irrevocably
[17:47:39] [BigFreak]: assuredly
[17:47:42] [Fragmatic]: wtf?!

2004-05-27, 02:45 AM

2004-05-27, 03:58 AM
[08:55:00] [xmodum]: I WANT COK
[08:55:05] [xmodum]: I WANT COCK
[08:55:07] [xmodum]: I WANT COCK
[08:55:07] [xmodum]: I WANT COCK
[08:55:07] [xmodum]: I WANT COCK

2004-05-27, 05:32 AM
God damnit, I didnt think anyone was there and I wanted to get spam-kicked for no reason then leave, so I thought of what Dharkbayne would say.

2004-05-27, 06:30 AM
And now you've gone and ignored me and can't undo it... now i'll have to be sunrefnI or Xmodum's_butt_buddy for the rest of my life...

2004-05-27, 09:01 AM
Classic :lol:

2004-05-27, 10:17 AM
And now you've gone and ignored me and can't undo it... now i'll have to be sunrefnI or Xmodum's_butt_buddy for the rest of my life...
:rofl: Just be Infernus1080, duh

2004-05-27, 12:44 PM
:rofl: Just remove him from your ignore list, duh