View Full Version : Official "Newb Test Server Qustions"

2004-05-26, 02:13 PM
i have qusitons of how to get the test server working. i odnt know wtf a Planetisde directory is so any help would be nice and i might need more help later :lol: :rofl:

2004-05-26, 02:52 PM
The Planetside directory is where Planetside is installed. Default is C:\Program Files\Sony\Planetside.

2004-05-27, 10:17 AM
You find the Planetside directory as seen above in Warborns post. Once you find it make a copy of it and out it somewhere where you will be able to find it. Name it like Planetside Test or Copy of Planetside. When the copy is made, go into the directory and click on PlanetsideTest.exe and that will start up the game to allow you to join the test server.