View Full Version : ITS COMING!!! FINALY!!! (And its about fucking time.)
2004-05-28, 12:37 AM
If you asked me what my idea of the best possible hypothetical game would be before I heard of Planetside, I would of said an MMO space shooter with real time combat. When I saw Planetside I thought that would be close enough... It was fun for a while, but It diddn't last. Now I just read an artical in PC gamer about SWG: Jump To Light Speed. It is like the devs read my mind and made a game. Real time space combat. Customizable ships. Large multi-person cap ships. The list goes on and on. I can't wait.
edit: If anyone is interested in scans of the article tell me.
edit 2: here are the scans.
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2004-05-28, 12:40 AM
One thing that'd make it amazingly awesome, would be clan carriers.
One giant ship that can house your entire clan + items + personal spacecraft + other shit like that.
Then have clan vs clan matches with the carriers. Squadrons of personal craft each other, and carrier vs carrier.
That'd just be awesome.
Plus an ability for pirate ships to create gravity wells and pull ships out of hyperspace.
2004-05-28, 12:43 AM
2004-05-28, 12:44 AM
Hehe, I thought of this a LOT when Earth and Beyond was just coming out.
2004-05-28, 12:47 AM
What about Freelancer?
2004-05-28, 12:47 AM
Yeah but E&B sucked. I knew as soon as I heard it wasen't real time combat that I wouldn't like it. I am an old school space shooter fan at heart. Damn developers keep neglecting people like me. Finaly someone decided to come out with a good (knock on wood) space shooter that just happens to be an MMO. Its a dream come true for me.
What about Freelancer?
That was a good game. Its main problems in my mind were lack of Joystick support and it not being an MMO. I would probably still be paying my montly if they made that game an MMO.
2004-05-28, 12:50 AM
The big ships will probably cost ya up the ass for maitenance, power, etc. ingame.
2004-05-28, 12:53 AM
Better not be SOE ^_^
2004-05-28, 12:57 AM
Star Wars Galaxies.
It's the Xpack that adds ships to SWG.
2004-05-28, 12:58 AM
The big ships will probably cost ya up the ass for maitenance, power, etc. ingame.
If this game is half what I hope it will be I will be playing it enough to pay for that.
Better not be SOE ^_^
It is. I still have high hopes though.
Star Wars Galaxies.
It's the Xpack that adds ships to SWG.
Yeah, I know.
2004-05-28, 01:02 AM
SOE has actually done fairly well on SWG, but likely because of Lucasart's participation.
Of corse it'll cost a lot for maintance, which will keep it so that only the bigggest/best/richest clans can afford one.
Makes sense right?
Hopefully they can also implement that If you dont own a personal ship (you hitch a ride or take a xport up to the carrier) you can man a turret or some position upon the
2004-05-28, 01:06 AM
Star Wars Galaxies.
It's the Xpack that adds ships to SWG.
Bah. Forget that.
2004-05-28, 01:06 AM
Acording to the article I read, there will be gunner positions on the cap ships.
2004-05-28, 01:07 AM
so wait-- there WILL be capital ships?
I was just throwing out a hope!
/me goes digging for his PC gamer.
2004-05-28, 01:08 AM
Well, later on in the game, you start getting SHITLOADS of money (15 mil+), so you can pay off maitenance for a year at a time.
I stopped reading after the SWG part
2004-05-28, 01:09 AM
Don't bother digging. I am scanning the article in right now. I will edit my orignal post with them in about 2 min.
2004-05-28, 01:10 AM
2004-05-28, 01:10 AM
Sweet thanks.
yeah a friend of mine has over 6 mill.
He bought me a landspeeder when i used my trial :p
2004-05-28, 01:10 AM
I used to host a 24/7 Freelance server.
And SWG:X is gonna suck.
I've analed everyone, and everything. There is nothing and no one left to anal. My analing has peaked, and I'm retireing :)
2004-05-28, 01:13 AM
I used to host a 24/7 Freelance server.
And SWG:X is gonna suck.
You think everything is gunna suck.
2004-05-28, 01:14 AM
I've analed everyone, and everything. There is nothing and no one left to anal. My analing has peaked, and I'm retireing :)
:scared: Bullshit. That can't be true. :tear: IT'S NOT TRUE, IT'S NOT TRUE!
:scared: Bullshit. That can't be true. :tear: IT'S NOT TRUE, IT'S NOT TRUE!
Ok, I'm not retireing, but I'm downgrading from "career" to "hobby". Let the StarWars fanbois have thier thread back;)
2004-05-28, 01:27 AM
Ok, they are scanned.
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Ok, I'm not retireing, but I'm downgrading from "career" to "hobby". Let the StarWars fanbois have thier thread back;)
me!=Star Wars fanboy
me=space shooter fanboy
2004-05-28, 01:29 AM
You think everything is gunna suck.
I can't remember the last good MMO.
EDIT: except EQOA Beta, that shit ROCKED!
2004-05-28, 01:31 AM
I can't remember the last good MMO.
EDIT: except EQOA Beta, that shit ROCKED!
Eventually someone has to get it right.
2004-05-28, 01:34 AM
I can't remember the last good MMO.
EDIT: except EQOA Beta, that shit ROCKED!
Heh, and you wouldn't have been in that if it wern't for me :p
PS wasnt good?
every game gets old eventually. but just because your tired of it now, dosent make it a bad game.
2004-05-28, 01:42 AM
Just read the article, and this does indeed look great.
2004-05-28, 01:44 AM
Yeah, and by the time it comes
2004-05-28, 01:46 AM
I waited that long for Planetside.
2004-05-28, 01:47 AM
I've lost all respect for anything SWG.
2004-05-28, 01:48 AM
Heh, and you wouldn't have been in that if it wern't for me :p
PS wasnt good?
every game gets old eventually. but just because your tired of it now, dosent make it a bad game.
Once PS came out, it started sucking. The WHOLE beta was AWESOME.
2004-05-28, 01:49 AM
I am curious, which ships will be featured in this expansion. There better be a skipray blastboat or I'm gonna be pissed. Thats all I really want. If it had one. I would be signing up for SW:G like that.
2004-05-28, 02:06 AM
On a differant note, JTLS sigs coming soon.
2004-05-28, 02:10 AM
On a differant note, JTLS sigs coming soon.
2004-05-28, 02:11 AM
Jump to Light Speed... The game this thread is about.
2004-05-28, 02:13 AM
I knew that.....
2004-05-28, 02:14 AM
2004-05-28, 02:15 AM
Corr is so clueless :p
2004-05-28, 02:29 AM
Agreed that if there are clan cap ships it'll be awesome.
I'm so friggin leary of even going close to SWG, but the Xpack might make me jump over. I'm like Jaged; I long for the days of getting in my T/I and flat out space serving people. I wonder if the same power to energy ratio will be in place?
I would use the :drool: emote on this one, but I'll have to wait.
2004-05-28, 02:31 AM
Hey they promised cap ships in the article. How could they not be in retail?
2004-05-28, 02:36 AM
Anyone know where a list of JTLS ships can be found?
2004-05-28, 02:38 AM
Damn, this thread has grown 3 pages in 2 hours.
About the list of ships. I donno. But :google: might.
2004-05-28, 02:46 AM
If the Death Star is in this game, I'm all over it.
2004-05-28, 02:48 AM
Read the article Sentrosi. They said there were no plans for a death star on release, but they allured to the likelihood of one being added later on.
/me is so gonna pilot a death star if I ever am able to.
2004-05-28, 03:06 AM
nah, what itll be is a dev created special event, and i hear there will be missions where there will be large space battles and frigates and Star Destroyers and what not, but i belive that there will only be small cap ships, like Corvetts, avilible to players, mabey a modified corvett, i think those can hold a few fighters.
i hope i get in the beta, that and im worried about the fact that ill have to get in the game first, then grind, then get to fly my ship. Awing all the way baby!
oh, and theres no upkeep costs like a house, the only costs are the costs to have your ships parts repaired when they get damaged by enemies.
2004-05-28, 03:27 AM
Wasn't there allready a game like this? I remember I had a game called X-wing VS Tie fighter, back when I was like 10. Although I was a noob and couldn't figure out what to do or how to get it online, I'm pretty sure there was online capability.
2004-05-28, 03:32 AM
There have been quite a few online space shooters. There have been no online real time MMO space shooters. (Atleast not that I am aware of, If someone knows of one that is currently available please tell me so I can indulge myself.)
2004-05-28, 03:34 AM
Ah, I didn't read the MMO part. This one had individual servers with up to I think 32 people. It was quite a cool game now that I recall.
2004-05-28, 07:34 AM
If it was Star Trek I'd be googling it ten times already, but this seems cool anyways.
2004-05-28, 09:51 AM
Corr is so clueless :p
Does owning SWG make me clueless?
2004-05-28, 09:55 AM
*cough* Stolen *cough*
2004-05-28, 09:58 AM
*cough* Stolen *cough*
2004-05-28, 09:59 AM
I really liked Descent: Freespace... I'd like to see something to that effect go MMO. (With more custom options for ships, of course)
If this is anything what it claims to be, shit, I might have another monthly fee. But I'm going to be very very cautious about this. It might, in fact, be shit.
I'd rather see a game 100% dedicated to space fighting with squadrens and outfits with massive capitol ships. I would buy that game so goddamn fast. If I do play this, I'm not looking forward to having to "level up" my character or whatever before I can get into the ship combat.
2004-05-28, 09:59 AM
So, when is this game due out. 20 years?
2004-05-28, 10:01 AM
Planetside Article on the Last Page of the Magazine, scan it.
Also, Real Time Space Combat wont save the trainwreck that is SWG and it will probably be awhile before you get your own starship.
2004-05-28, 10:41 AM
Sweet. This sounds like what Jumpgate aspired to be, only in the Star Wars universe.
2004-05-28, 11:36 AM
Going can't judge a game just by looking and screens, little block blotches of ink on thin paper, or how good its predecessors were. Thats what some people do to anime, and it pisses me off.
I don't know if the game will be good or not, I can only hope.
2004-05-28, 11:54 AM
Does anyone see a trend here? SWG had a huge hipe about it a long time before it came out. Then, it came out, it was THE game for about 2 months, then it flopped like a fish out of water.
They have ruined SWG, and they will ruin this game from the start.
Don't believe your eyes.... :)
2004-05-28, 12:08 PM
Well, if any of you do get this, play on the Ahazi server, and by the time it's out, I should be really rich ingame, and I'll try and buy you all a ship
2004-05-28, 12:20 PM
Well, if any of you do get this, play on the Ahazi server, and by the time it's out, I should be really rich ingame, and I'll try and buy you all a ship
PnsNdabut Intercepter
2004-05-28, 12:30 PM
*looks at his watch* Yep. It's about fucking time. BEND OVER BIATCH!
2004-05-28, 12:41 PM
When they make a Mechwarrior variant of Planetside, then I will die happy. Everything else can suck me sideways.
2004-05-28, 12:46 PM
Jaged, I have been waiting to pilot a Death star for probably longer than you've been alive, therefore, I get to drive it first.
Or we can settle this the old fashioned way; T/I's at 20 paces.
2004-05-28, 12:56 PM
When they make a Mechwarrior variant of Planetside, then I will die happy. Everything else can suck me sideways.
Should this ^ ever occur, and it's done correctly. You will never see me again.
I will get a delivery hole in my wall for food. Will get my work emailed to me. And will do nothing but play this game 24/7. It would basically end my life. And I'd love every minute of it.
Yeah, I guess I like Mechwarrior a bit.
P.S. to the people making the movie: Don't screw up! I can find where you live.
2004-05-28, 03:02 PM
Should this ^ ever occur, and it's done correctly. You will never see me again.
I will get a delivery hole in my wall for food. Will get my work emailed to me. And will do nothing but play this game 24/7. It would basically end my life. And I'd love every minute of it.
Yeah, I guess I like Mechwarrior a bit.
P.S. to the people making the movie: Don't screw up! I can find where you live.
yea an MW MMO-type thing would own so hard if done right. I'd probably do the same as Bliz in the event that it happened.
2004-05-28, 03:16 PM
I can't wait for it to be released... I also can't wait for my mom to give me her credit card so I can start a new SWG account... alas, it was not to be this week...
2004-05-28, 03:27 PM
Everyone worried about having to level up a lot will be glad to hear that acording to the article you should be able to get a ship early on. Not from the start, but soon. I am willing to do a little power lvling to get my ship.
And Strygun. One shitty game dosen't set a trend. I am sure they understand that SWG sucks and are trying their hardest not to make the same mistake again. If they do then fuck them. They are dumb asses and dont deserve my money.
2004-05-28, 03:39 PM
some ships in the game:
i think i saw somewhere a-wings will be in there....or i hope i want one of those hehe.
y wing
tie fighter
tie x1 thats the wierd looking one that goes fast..
the yt 1300 or w/e its called..... but basically its the milenium falcon look alike...and they said its the only multiperson ship atm but they plan on having a couple more before retail release.
the "tricking out your ship" i can guarentee will be basically the mech lab of mechwarrior series..... you customize different parts to make your ship "better" example installing a nice engine making you go faster or something...... i heard theres going to be space stations....i hope those have guns people can man and the stations are able to beblown that way you can have fun raids and such...i cant find anything on capital ships but i know that people cannot fly them.....but you might be able to man the turrets or at least i hope........but devs did mention that this expansion was emphasizing on dogfights.
anyone who plays.... GO AHAZI!!!!! lol....i think im the only person who still plays this game......
2004-05-28, 03:51 PM
Yeah, Ahazi, I play on that too. Anyways, I'm gonna get a big freighter, paint it pink if I can, and call it the love boat.
2004-05-28, 03:56 PM
some ships in the game:
i think i saw somewhere a-wings will be in there....or i hope i want one of those hehe.
y wing
tie fighter
tie x1 thats the wierd looking one that goes fast..
the yt 1300 or w/e its called..... but basically its the milenium falcon look alike...and they said its the only multiperson ship atm but they plan on having a couple more before retail release.
the "tricking out your ship" i can guarentee will be basically the mech lab of mechwarrior series..... you customize different parts to make your ship "better" example installing a nice engine making you go faster or something...... i heard theres going to be space stations....i hope those have guns people can man and the stations are able to beblown that way you can have fun raids and such...i cant find anything on capital ships but i know that people cannot fly them.....but you might be able to man the turrets or at least i hope........but devs did mention that this expansion was emphasizing on dogfights.
anyone who plays.... GO AHAZI!!!!! lol....i think im the only person who still plays this game......
Tie X1? I have never heard of this model... Tie Fighter, Tie Bomber, Tie Interceptor, Tie Advanced, Tie Defender are the most common models... then theres the one that cloaks in that stupid Playstation game... and the combines from after the fall of the empire- the pirate tie wings... theres also the Imperial Assualt Gunboats and Missle Boats...
For rebel craft I would love a B-Wing assualt craft, or a T-wing bomber...
I'll probably get an A-Wing tho...
2004-05-28, 04:06 PM
Does owning SWG make me clueless?
Fraid so. Cause it sucks :p
2004-05-28, 04:08 PM
Should this ^ ever occur, and it's done correctly. You will never see me again.
I will get a delivery hole in my wall for food. Will get my work emailed to me. And will do nothing but play this game 24/7. It would basically end my life. And I'd love every minute of it.
Yeah, I guess I like Mechwarrior a bit.
P.S. to the people making the movie: Don't screw up! I can find where you live.
I would like a MMO starcraft fps. That would be teh pwnzorz.
2004-05-28, 04:09 PM
Then we can have a REAL zerg rush! KKEKEKEKEKEKKEKE ^_^
2004-05-28, 04:11 PM
You do realise SWG is an abomination in any form.
2004-05-28, 04:12 PM
That would be the idea behind it. Blizz seems to be doing a great job with WoW, so what about Starcraft: Global War or something to that effect.
And also, I apollogize for the ^^^ double post.
2004-05-28, 04:14 PM
Meh, I'd rather see Starcraft 2 made.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-05-28, 04:29 PM
Is this game gonna actually take skill and shooting or is it an rpg in space? Will there be joystick support?
If not I already have EVE Online. This game is like an rpg in space and you can customize your ship and fight. There are even alliances which bring in the aspects of PS except with fleet battles. This game is kinda long and to actually do something you have to spend atleast an hour, because flight in game is kind of slow. I like it. Its a game you have to let grow on you, because theres not much excitement in the beginnning. I like it now and I've been playing for a month.
Meh, I'd rather see Starcraft 2 made.
2004-05-28, 04:59 PM
Is this game gonna actually take skill and shooting or is it an rpg in space? Will there be joystick support?
If not I already have EVE Online. This game is like an rpg in space and you can customize your ship and fight. There are even alliances which bring in the aspects of PS except with fleet battles. This game is kinda long and to actually do something you have to spend atleast an hour, because flight in game is kind of slow. I like it. Its a game you have to let grow on you, because theres not much excitement in the beginnning. I like it now and I've been playing for a month.
EvE was good for me for 5 months... then I got out of it... its not that I didn't like the very helpful corp (they got me a megathron) but eh it got old...
2004-05-28, 05:15 PM
you mean like Everquest: In space?
ya muh probably suck the same but i would play if it was successful.
2004-05-28, 05:25 PM
No, it's skill based. Not like EnB.
2004-05-28, 06:07 PM
Tie X1? I have never heard of this model... Tie Fighter, Tie Bomber, Tie Interceptor, Tie Advanced, Tie Defender are the most common models... then theres the one that cloaks in that stupid Playstation game... and the combines from after the fall of the empire- the pirate tie wings... theres also the Imperial Assualt Gunboats and Missle Boats...
For rebel craft I would love a B-Wing assualt craft, or a T-wing bomber...
I'll probably get an A-Wing tho...
He probably meant Interceptor.
Y-Wing is what I want though, painted Red, white, and yellow.... I don't know why. :doh:
Maybe there'll also be an old Republic Gunship, or a Jedi fighter, or that ship that Count Duku or whoever had at the end of Episode 2... maybe a Naboo starfighter... or that one Naboo ship from the beginning of Episode two. I liked that one.
2004-05-28, 06:37 PM
Vader's Tie was the X1, imo. But my hardcore starwars geekness has weakened, so I may be incorrect.
If they made a Starcraft MMOFPS in a Alien vs. Predator kind of sense, so you could play all 3 races.
/me shudders
... what happens if too many good games are out at the same time? I think my brain would explode.
2004-05-28, 06:47 PM
everyone and their mother will fly a death star if they put it in.
2004-05-28, 07:12 PM
Vader's Tie was the X1, imo. But my hardcore starwars geekness has weakened, so I may be incorrect.
If they made a Starcraft MMOFPS in a Alien vs. Predator kind of sense, so you could play all 3 races.
/me shudders
... what happens if too many good games are out at the same time? I think my brain would explode.
you are correct, X1 is the prototype to the Tie Advanced, this prototype was first flown by Vader in An All New Hope, AKA Episode IV, AKA Episode 4
2004-05-28, 07:30 PM
...and the project was changed to include sheilds and concussion missle ports... ok I get it now... And, IMHO, the TIE advanced sucks compared to other craft... its slower then the interceptor, not as dexterous as the normal fighter, not as good of a missle carrier as the bomber, and not as generally strong as the defender... I'd still take an assualt gunboat over a TIE any day...
2004-05-28, 07:52 PM
Nerds! ALL OF YOU!
2004-05-28, 07:55 PM
Nerds! ALL OF YOU!
So shall we rant more Star Wars canon?
2004-05-28, 07:56 PM
Well, it's not quite as nerdy as Star Trek, so you may continue.
2004-05-28, 07:58 PM
There needs to be a crossover book or movie. I wanna see the Enterprise blow up one o' them big imperial destroyers.
2004-05-28, 08:04 PM
There will be no Death Star... not for a while atleast... since this game takes place shortly after the destruction of the first I believe... maybe we'll get an Eye of Palpatine or Force harvester...
2004-05-28, 09:05 PM
...and the project was changed to include sheilds and concussion missle ports... ok I get it now... And, IMHO, the TIE advanced sucks compared to other craft... its slower then the interceptor, not as dexterous as the normal fighter, not as good of a missle carrier as the bomber, and not as generally strong as the defender... I'd still take an assualt gunboat over a TIE any day...
Did you even ever play Tie Fighter? the Tie Advanced was a exelent air superiority fighter.
2004-05-28, 09:15 PM
2004-05-28, 11:21 PM
That was a good game. Its main problems in my mind were lack of Joystick support and it not being an MMO. I would probably still be paying my montly if they made that game an MMO.
It is good, and I wholeheartedly agree with you on not having joystick and not being MMO. I still play it, albeit the "Level 2" mod. Rumor has it that Freelancer 2 got canned.
2004-05-29, 07:12 PM
Damn, I was still hoping for freelancer 2. MMO freelancer=wet dream.
2004-05-29, 07:52 PM
The tie interceptor owns all of you!
2004-05-29, 09:16 PM
I also hear its REALLY expensive for a persenal ship and that you have to play regular SWG LOTS to afford one.Not worth my time playing a crap part of the game just to get a ship.Plus look how they ruined the first SWG part,chances are it will suck just as bad.SOE cant do anything right.They did Everquest right then got bigheaded and thought they were badass.Nothing from them after Everquest has been any good.
sorry for bashing it but really its the truth
2004-05-29, 09:27 PM
I also hear its REALLY expensive for a persenal ship and that you have to play regular SWG LOTS to afford one.Not worth my time playing a crap part of the game just to get a ship.Plus look how they ruined the first SWG part,chances are it will suck just as bad.SOE cant do anything right.They did Everquest right then got bigheaded and thought they were badass.Nothing from them after Everquest has been any good.
sorry for bashing it but really its the truth
So Planetside sucks?
2004-05-29, 09:27 PM
What have we become. A 7 page thread about SWG.
*wookie dance*
2004-05-29, 11:00 PM
I also hear its REALLY expensive for a persenal ship and that you have to play regular SWG LOTS to afford one.Not worth my time playing a crap part of the game just to get a ship.Plus look how they ruined the first SWG part,chances are it will suck just as bad.SOE cant do anything right.They did Everquest right then got bigheaded and thought they were badass.Nothing from them after Everquest has been any good.
sorry for bashing it but really its the truth
First of all Planetside was a great game. Shut your trap.
And acording to the article I scaned yu will be able to get a ship early on. Not at the begining, but soon after you start playing.
I don't know about anyone else, but it is worth it to me. If they do it right (wich they very well could) it will be so extrodinarly cool. I am aware that they could mess up, but I don't think they will.
What have we become. A 7 page thread about SWG.*wookie dance*
And I started it! WHAT HAVE I DONE!?
2004-05-29, 11:04 PM
SWG sucks.
thats what this thread is about right? sorry Ive been out of the loop lately.
2004-05-29, 11:05 PM
Well it is about an expansion pack that is comming for SWG that will have real time space combat.
2004-05-29, 11:06 PM
Well it is about an expansion pack that is comming for SWG that will have real time space combat.
o ok. yea that sucks too.
Since I don't own SW:G. I'll wait till it's out and has been played for a while till I think about buying it.
2004-05-29, 11:08 PM
o ok. yea that sucks too.
It could suck. But, for space sim jockies like myself, the thought of a MMO real time skill based space sim makes us cream our pants.
Edit: Sweet Dharkbayne (Jesus). This thread is now 8 pages. I belive this is the end of PSU as we know it.
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