View Full Version : Question about Bighoss & ABRAXAAS
2003-02-04, 11:00 AM
What is your opinion on these two posters?
2003-02-04, 11:10 AM
Definition of Bighoss & ABRAXAAS:
A troll is a person who posts messages that create controversy or an angry response without adding content to the discussion, often intentionally. Though technically different from flaming which is an unmistakable direct personal attack, trolls often resort to innuendo or misdirection in the pursuit of their objective, which is to create controversy for its own sake, discredit those with whom they disagree, or sabotage discussion by creating an intimidating atmosphere.
2003-02-04, 11:41 AM
But they can not atain the status that the all powerful and fearful MENSA Troll can.
2003-02-04, 12:28 PM
Yea, the MENSA troll is in a class all by itself
2003-02-04, 01:05 PM
well if I'm hated that makes me a minority which makes u all racist HAHA:lol:
is that trolling I can't tell. Maybe thats why everyone hates me. I still lub me:love: and thats all that matters:hug:
2003-02-04, 02:04 PM
the MENSA troll?? say huh??
2003-02-04, 02:06 PM
its more super forum vocab thats stupid:D
2003-02-04, 02:28 PM
Its always nice to wake up to this kinda thing it means ,people think of me :D But seriously my mom always told me im a shit disturber. And I will tone it down a little :D
2003-02-04, 02:40 PM
What kind of person votes against spoons?
2003-02-04, 02:43 PM
ooooo 6 peopele want me to be abducted by aliens,Thats sweet ive always wanted that to happen ,maybee if we all think about it long enough it will happen :D lets try to leave out the probing though :love:
2003-02-04, 02:49 PM
extra anal probing for me plz;)
2003-02-04, 03:04 PM
Ok you can have my share :D woohoo were goin into space:D
Originally posted by Airlift
What kind of person votes against spoons?
Who throws a shoe? Honestly.
2003-02-04, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
Ok you can have my share :D woohoo were goin into space:D
YAY then we can ask why those bastard aliens blew up the columbia !:mad:
Then comes the anal probing:D
you know me business before pleasure:brow:
2003-02-04, 04:01 PM
Yeah it wasnt verey nice of them ,when they asked me where it was they said they wanted to take some pictures,for there vacation photo album , if you cant trust aliens who can you trust :confused:
2003-02-04, 04:04 PM
I remeber last time I dealt with an alien and boy did he piss me off. asked for a kilo of crack and he handed me some flour pppfff can't trust an alien:mad:
2003-02-04, 04:09 PM
yeah well an alien rapped my sister ,and ive been searching for him eversince :mad:
2003-02-04, 04:24 PM
that was no alien... IT WAS U
2003-02-04, 04:25 PM
:ugh: so you were the guy in the window :rofl:
2003-02-04, 04:27 PM
that was one of the guys from the camera crew I was directing:D
2003-02-04, 04:31 PM
I never did get payed for that :(
2003-02-04, 04:33 PM
thats because you were drunk when you signed the contract which made u a sex slave for 3 months without pay:D
2003-02-04, 04:35 PM
3 months :eek: I only remeber 2 days .......hmm there was the albino blackaneese midget ,and the 600pound bearded lady ...thats all I remeber. well anything for art :D
2003-02-04, 04:39 PM
we kept u drugged and sedated most of the time. U didn't work with one specific gender. We needed to cut back on spending so figured out a way to kill two birds with one stone a hermaphrodite:D
2003-02-04, 04:44 PM
and I always just assumed it was an udder :D
2003-02-04, 04:50 PM
the movie was a hit ! we've decided to ensla... hire you for a another one
2003-02-04, 04:52 PM
my agent says no more "pro boner work" ....I mean "Pro Bono"
I 2 oompa lumpas ive been saving for a rainy day ,I could rent em to yah :D
2003-02-04, 04:56 PM
we'll take them but we can only afford to pay you with a cookie
2003-02-04, 05:03 PM
make it 2 chocolate chip and you got yourself a deal mister:D
2003-02-04, 06:02 PM
you drive a hard bargain man but its a deal
2003-02-04, 07:03 PM
well Ill box these badboys up and have em sent out tomorrow ,now I want a cut of the proffits :D
2003-02-04, 07:08 PM
we don't really sell the movie though. We just put one fram clips of them in family movies:D
2003-02-04, 08:08 PM
Runeing someones vacation is by far more of a reward than money MUHUAHAHAHA:D
2003-02-04, 08:12 PM
Yay Spoons! :doh:
2003-02-04, 08:20 PM
if theres anything better than a spoon we all know its sporks
2003-02-04, 08:22 PM
sporkifes are the best :D
2003-02-04, 08:23 PM
how does that work. Don't u need the fork for grip and the knife for tear?:confused:
2003-02-04, 08:24 PM
no its a spoon ,with fork sikes at the side and a blade on the opposite side :D
2003-02-04, 08:26 PM
whoa gotta go me one of these babies:D
2003-02-04, 08:37 PM
Im actually in the market of illegally importing them ,there made by peruvian, albino children,there extremely well crafted and for every 2 sporkifes made 3.8 peruvian albino children die ,making these Highly sought after . If your interested I could arrange to get you one ,for 3 easy payments of $2455,US .and be assured some of that money goes back to the peruvian peopel to assure the continuation of this crafted race:D
2003-02-04, 08:42 PM
damn is this shit legal?:eek:
2003-02-04, 08:50 PM
Not exactly, its taken alot of after hours work to get clearance for this ,lets just say, for a while they I was buying knee pads from caselot sales :D
2003-02-04, 09:13 PM
Well, it seems as many people hate the two of you togeather as love spoons, and black leather still is behind, a relief, I still hate you both. More people also seem to hate bighoss then the other, and lotsa pointless spam there. Like this whole post. You two seem to be soul mates, you should go to virginia and get hitched.
2003-02-04, 09:17 PM
Sorry im canadian ,and can you honestly say this thread wasnt entertaining ? I think not ,its both funny and light hearted ,and if you see it any other way to bad for you ,and beside people dont hate me they Hate ABRAXAAS and thats not me cause this is fake internet land ,its not real :D
2003-02-04, 09:21 PM
You offened my alien friend, who derives no pleasure from probing pricks, and was in no way shape or form involved in the distruction of the Clumbia.
2003-02-04, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Tobias
You offened my alien friend, who derives no pleasure from probing pricks, and was in no way shape or form involved in the distruction of the Clumbia.
appologize to your mexican friend for me ,i didnt mean to insult his sexuality ,I was indeed refering to space aliens ,not illegal aliens ;)
PS: :rofl:
2003-02-04, 09:33 PM
Illegal space aliens :brow:
2003-02-04, 10:17 PM
no one here hates me or ABRAXAAS. Would you rather have me gone or a spoon?
I see we are back on the sp00ns huh. :rofl:
2003-02-04, 11:01 PM
for anyone voted I hate us this is just for you
Hope u like it:D
EDIT: Honestly if u like me do not click that link DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT
2003-02-05, 12:39 AM
i think you are both flaming fucking retards. can i say fucking here?
2003-02-05, 12:40 AM
What's up with the spoon nonsense??
2003-02-05, 12:41 AM
no bitch
2003-02-05, 12:43 AM
This thread makes me want to hand out special olympic medals. I'm not sure whether to recommend help or get some myself.....
2003-02-05, 12:43 AM
cool sig chief, but common you werent a little amused ?:D
2003-02-05, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
Illegal space aliens :brow: There's something just plain wrong about that smiley.
2003-02-05, 01:06 AM
"cool sig chief"
NEVERFUCKINGMIND. I though you had reformed, but obviously you're still a bigot. Chief is racist and I know what you're trying to pull. "that's not what I meant''. Don't gimme that bs, that's the second anti indian post I've seen from you. You'll never learn, and end up banned just like the rest. Fine by me.
2003-02-05, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
"cool sig chief"
NEVERFUCKINGMIND. I though you had reformed, but obviously you're still a bigot. Chief is racist and I know what you're trying to pull. "that's not what I meant''. Don't gimme that bs, that's the second anti indian post I've seen from you. You'll never learn, and end up banned just like the rest. Fine by me.
WHAT fuck you ,that was no way inteanded to be racist ,now that I look back it was a little in apropriate ,But racism is something I take seriously ,and I want proof that i have made anouther comment to that line ,that is complete bullshit. I hate racist's and the fact that you dare group me in with those people is fuckin disgusting. PS I have family that are Native ,and they dont take that shit seriously . So fuck you for calling me racist
2003-02-05, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by Yogi
Who throws a shoe? Honestly.
-"Okay who throws a cupcake? Honestly....."
Lol! I love that part, da'haha!
2003-02-05, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
WHAT fuck you ,that was no way inteanded to be racist ,now that I look back it was a little in apropriate ,But racism is something I take seriously ,and I want proof that i have made anouther comment to that line ,that is complete bullshit. I hate racist's and the fact that you dare group me in with those people is fuckin disgusting. PS I have family that are Native ,and they dont take that shit seriously . So fuck you for calling me racist
Your not allowed to make the slighest joke or coment about a race. Even joke about a predjuduce or how ever its spelled. He got mad at me because I disagreed with the creation of Israel but I started off to angry and sounded bad. I cleared up what I was saying and presented the facts that made me feel that way. He never responded
2003-02-05, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}mistled
What's up with the spoon nonsense??
Goes back to the early days of PSU :D
2003-02-05, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
"WHAT fuck you ,that was no way inteanded to be racist ,now that I look back it was a little in apropriate ,But racism is something I take seriously ,and I want proof that i have made anouther comment to that line ,that is complete bullshit. I hate racist's and the fact that you dare group me in with those people is fuckin disgusting. PS I have family that are Native ,and they dont take that shit seriously . So fuck you for calling me racist
AJAX - I Apologize, while I feel there may be other examples of racism in your threads, this was not what I was thinking of.
"the fact that you dare group me in with those people is fuckin disgusting"
Have you ever heard of guilt by association? You made a comment very similar to Bighoss's previous racist indian post. He seems to be your little butt buddy, so yes, I do group you together.
"Ypur not allowed to make the slighest joke or coment about a race. Even joke about a predjuduce or how ever its spelled. "
- Bighoss
Originally posted by The_Denali
"**** are crazy" wow...if there ever were a homepage for racial slurs, this is turning into it. Hey, I'm part Cherokee, why don't you come up with something for me!
A real alive American ***** !!!
That sound familiar Bighoss? It ought to, you said it. I wonder why I think you're a racist. Hmmm.
2003-02-05, 09:20 PM
okay how about you get your definitions straight asshole because in no way is that racist
Function: noun
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
I did not commit any of those so I think you need to take your head out of your ass:D
2003-02-05, 09:30 PM
He's just so grumpy he like to jump on everyone ,its ok navvy I still love you :love: :D
2003-02-05, 09:32 PM
I love nav too he is so special to me:love: somtimes though he is a little :nono:
2003-02-05, 09:36 PM
maybee even a little :domotwak: but then a big hug after ,cause he's like a puppy thats pee'd on the carpet ,you gotta smak em but you cant help but feel bad and give em a big snuggle:love: :D
2003-02-05, 09:37 PM
A person who makes a racial slur can be considered to be racist, you may not be in real life, however, all you present us to jugde you by is your comments, slurs and all.
"A real alive American ***** !!! " = slur
Just keep doing what you're doing, it's workin out well. Times a tickin.....
Originally posted by Bighoss
Even joke about a predjuduce or how ever its spelled.
Camping Carl
2003-02-05, 09:58 PM
I should warn you guys, Nav's just trying to provoke you so hamma will ban you. :D
2003-02-05, 10:02 PM
IM not getting provoked ,im actually being really nice :D but thanks for the heads up ,not that he was verey secretive about it :D
2003-02-05, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
A person who makes a racial slur can be considered to be racist, you may not be in real life, however, all you present us to jugde you by is your comments, slurs and all.
"A real alive American ***** !!! " = slur
Just keep doing what you're doing, it's workin out well. Times a tickin.....
Using racial slurs isn't racist, its also a type of humor. South Park uses it all the time and its funny as hell, same with comedians. It could be thought to be funny by some people but I don't aim to please everyone with my jokes. You can laugh, not laugh, or get offended but really I don't care:D
and Nav I know your trying to get that troll out of me to get me banned. I knew it was you and it broke my heart:love:. Its what I love about u so persistant about pathetic things:D
2003-02-05, 11:49 PM
abrax, its like you have your own gimpy little universe here filled with gimpy people. get your ass home, cylo needs a rubdown.
2003-02-05, 11:51 PM
u have entered the world of gimpyness... no return.. no return
2003-02-06, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by Sketchball
abrax, its like you have your own gimpy little universe here filled with gimpy people. get your ass home, cylo needs a rubdown.
sup sketch sorry im commin tell cylo to keep his panties on no better yet off :D
2003-02-06, 11:30 AM
ABRAXAAS, bighoss, we only hate you because your a bunch of racist biggits who should be rolled down a hill of powdered glass. I fell sorry for your mothers, the shame of your births must be hard to bare. We may only hope that your eyes are gouged out by foons and your heads blugened with big rocks.
2003-02-06, 02:10 PM
oooh isnt that sweet, :love:
2003-02-06, 03:37 PM
I never say anything racist but the occasional slur that is become common humor but this is a song I found for you nav:love:
You are so beautiful, to me
you are so beautiful, to me
can't you see
you're everything I hope for
you're everything I need, baby
you are so beautiful to me.
you are so wonderful, to me yea
you are so wonderful to me
can't you see
you're everything I hope for
you're everything I need yea
you are so wonderful baby, baby to me.
If only you could see, what your love really does to me
you'll open up your hearts desires
and we make love to the midnight hour
cause you are
Eres tan bella si, para m??
eres tan bella, para m??
can't you see
you're everything I hope for
you're everything I need
you are so beautiful, to me.
:D :D :D ;) ;) ;)
EDIT: if you hate me too this song is for u;)
2003-02-06, 03:40 PM
I think im gonna cry :tear:
2003-02-06, 03:44 PM
This is hilarious! Nav is yelling at you two while you two piss him off by praising him! HILARIOUS!! I swear I will remember this thread FOREVER!!!
2003-02-06, 04:11 PM
I got nav all figured out. He acts like he hates on the outside but really he's just a big ol softy on the inside:love:
he just kinda has a love/hate thing going on
2003-02-06, 04:25 PM
Bighoss, I actually didn't have much of a problem with you until this thread. I don't think I've ever seen people go on and on about themselves just to boost their post counts the way you and your buddy do. Go spam the official forums, they already suck.
2003-02-06, 04:29 PM
Actualy in my defence it was not to boost post count because I dont care about it ,it was purely for entertainment purposes ,and can you honestly tell me you were not entertained atleast a little
either way I dont want to argue ,because im a good little troll now :D
2003-02-06, 04:45 PM
damnit I can't respond without adding another post
post count is no big deal to me just a forum:D
EDIT: damnit I didn't know a conversation by two people is evil:confused:
2003-02-06, 04:58 PM
Who said it was evil? My point is that if two people want to talk back and forth, use pm's. You don't have to start a thread about it.
2003-02-06, 05:03 PM
we didn't start the thread tobias did and with our two names in it how can we not resist posting here
2003-02-06, 05:04 PM
yeah the whole post was made to dis us ,you cant expect us to leave it alone ,but in all honesty it should have been closed along time ago ;)
2003-02-06, 05:06 PM
I think people just hate us cuz their supposed to
2003-02-06, 05:07 PM
2003-02-06, 05:10 PM
Hamma would need to shut down the forums:D
2003-02-06, 05:14 PM
No there are lots of nice people here just a couple grumpy bum's:D
2003-02-06, 05:15 PM
Its called spam, using a thread as a damn chatroom or PM between 2 people isnt cool. My patience is wearing thin.
2003-02-06, 05:20 PM
:sniper: :sick:
tick tock tick tock
2003-02-06, 05:24 PM
oh nav your so scary and intimidating... its almost a turn on:love:
2003-02-07, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Its called spam, using a thread as a damn chatroom or PM between 2 people isnt cool. My patience is wearing thin.
With that post, I could have some fun with, but I won't because I really want that Senior Editor Job, and I'm trying to be more mature, and leave the jokes to my Peadialyte stuff...
Thats all I have to say..
2003-02-07, 05:40 PM
worst thread ever?
2003-02-07, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by RabidPlatypus
worst thread ever?
your asking like its a question ,I think its pretty obvious:D
2003-02-07, 06:19 PM
Well, this was a pretty good thread to begin with. Unfortunatally nav came along and started flaming (sorry, im trying to be objective) onl thing wrong with this forum, is that it went on way too long. hamma might as well shut it down, or we could let the hilarity ensue (sp?) and ignore it.
Your choice people.
Make the right one.
Camping Carl
2003-02-07, 07:52 PM
2003-02-07, 07:55 PM
BAN me? :scared:
2003-02-07, 08:00 PM
I like em ,he's got spunk :D
Camping Carl
2003-02-07, 08:01 PM
I just felt like using the ":banplz:" smiley. :p
2003-02-07, 08:09 PM
2003-02-07, 08:11 PM
"Unfortunatally nav came along and started flaming "
Actually it's a thread about why they are morons, so I posted reasons, when it's facts, it's not flaming. Tip: When ABRAX likes you and takes up for you, you've gone wrong somewhere.:p
2003-02-07, 08:29 PM
Only in your eye's navy boy, not that its bad, you can get lost in those big beautiful eyes....ahhhh hes so dreamy :love:
2003-02-07, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
Only in your eye's navy boy, not that its bad, you can get lost in those big beautiful eyes....ahhhh hes so dreamy :love:
is that really so bad?
and yes, you're right it was not flaming. curse my eyes for reading that wrong, and my brain for translating it the wrong way.
My apologies.
2003-02-07, 08:35 PM
Thats better.
2003-02-07, 08:58 PM
Oh how cute,he's gettin along with the other children.....*sniff..sniff* hes all grown up :tear:
2003-02-07, 10:08 PM
I think that this is spam, but they are really just defending themselves. Do you think THEY started this thread simply to spam on it? The name of the thread is begging for it! This was bound to happen, and if anyone DIDN'T see this coming, I have to question the inteligence of everyone here. Those are my honest thoughts on this thread. Hamma, :banplz:
2003-02-07, 10:24 PM
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