View Full Version : Heterochromia iridium

2004-06-03, 02:04 AM
I recently obtained my driver's liscense, but before everything was finalized there was some confusion due to the colour of my eyes (One green, one brown). They ended up having to look through defenitions and eventually put in "Dichromatic". Does anyone have this condition, if so, what colours?

Also, out of curiosity, I looked it up, to see why it happens, and what it is really called. Take a gander.

According to the experts at Scientific American.com, it was once believed that eye color was controlled by a single gene and inherited in a straightforward fashion (remember Mendel from high-school biology?). These days it's not quite that simple. We now believe that eye color is a polygenic trait.

Eye color is determined by the amount of melanin, a dark brown pigment, present in your irises. Blue eyes are due to a lack of melanin, while brown eyes indicate melanin-rich irises. Thus, people with darker hair and skin have higher levels of melanin and tend to have brown eyes, while people with lighter hair and skin have lower levels of melanin and usually have lighter colored eyes. This is also why many babies are born with blue eyes. Their eyes change color later as they begin to produce more melanin.

When an individual has different amounts of melanin in each of their irises, their eyes are different colors. Heterochromia iridium (the scientific name for two different color eyes in the same individual) is relatively rare in humans but common in some animals, such as horses, cats, and certain species of dogs. A variation on the condition is heterochromia iridis, in which an individual has a variety of colors within one iris.

Heterochromia iridium is thought to result from an alteration to one of the genes that controls eye color. This can be an inherited trait, although trauma and certain medications may result in increased or decreased pigmentation in one of the irises. Certain medical syndromes, such as Waardenburg syndrome, may also cause someone to have two different colored eyes.

Some people with this condition wear colored contact lenses so their irises match, while others take pride in their striking appearance.

Source: http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20020724.html

2004-06-03, 02:08 AM

2004-06-03, 02:08 AM
makes sense to me. "A lack of melanin in the skin resulting in blue eyes" describes me in a nutshell. I'm an extremely white guy with bright blue eyes.

2004-06-03, 02:11 AM
My eyes are extremely dark brown. You can hardly distinguish my pupil from the iris. My skin is pale only because monitor glow doesn't work like the sun:)

2004-06-03, 02:19 AM
Derfud, I have the same thing.

My right eye is the exact same color as my mom's (dark, dark brown), and the left eye is the exact same color as my dad's (light brown, almost green).

I think it pwns. My sisters are jealous.

2004-06-03, 02:26 AM
On a related note; black women with light eyes make me hawt :thumbsup:

2004-06-03, 02:29 AM
Everything makes you hawt, SDM...

2004-06-03, 02:35 AM
Everything makes you hawt, SDM...
Deodorant clumps in your grandma's armpit hair doesn't make me hawt. O_

2004-06-03, 02:39 AM
Deodorant clumps in your grandma's armpit hair doesn't make me hawt. O_

Bah, you're just in denial.

2004-06-03, 03:23 AM
/me has Dark brown hair... normal white skin (not super pale) and brown eyes.

Yeah, it makes sense I guess... my dad is blonde and he has blue eyes... my mother had brown eyes and brown hair. I got the dominant genes apparently.

2004-06-03, 05:04 AM
All depends on your genetics.

75% italian, 25% indian here. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, and long ;)

2004-06-03, 09:05 AM
Me, I'm mostly German, American, and a little bit of Cherokee. Medium-short, brown hair, super dark eyes. My right eye is actually darker than my left one, though. Not by much but if you looked at 'em a little you'd notice that.

2004-06-03, 10:38 AM
Brown hair (with some gray now :mad: ) and green eyes.

2004-06-03, 10:38 AM
All depends on your genetics.

75% italian, 25% indian here. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, and long ;)

Yeah, thats what usually happens when you dont cut it... Damn hippie.

2004-06-03, 11:02 AM
My eyes are extremely dark brown. You can hardly distinguish my pupil from the iris. My skin is pale only because monitor glow doesn't work like the sun:)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2004-06-03, 11:53 AM
makes sense to me. "A lack of melanin in the skin resulting in blue eyes" describes me in a nutshell. I'm an extremely white guy with bright blue eyes.

2004-06-03, 12:16 PM
I have dark hair and blue eyes... but multi-colored eyes? Thats freaking awesome.

2004-06-03, 12:24 PM
In my opinion, that is really cool to have 2 different colored eyes. Reminds me of Yuna from FFX.

2004-06-03, 01:32 PM
I used to get called "Marilyn Manson" in high school... by my friends.

2004-06-03, 01:32 PM

2004-06-03, 01:33 PM

I lolled.

2004-06-03, 05:11 PM
I am real tan with dark green eyes.

2004-06-03, 05:56 PM

2004-06-03, 06:32 PM
Brown hair (with some gray now :mad: ) and green eyes.

If you'd stop making faces like that :mad: you wouldn't have as much.

2004-06-03, 06:36 PM
I have black hair and gray eyes, and very pale asian skin, almost white.
I'm not sure how i got the eyes, considering my Dad has brown eyes and black hair like most asians, and my mother has blue eyes and brown hair.
I suppose i got it from my mother side...

2004-06-03, 06:49 PM
Brown hair (with some gray now :mad: ) and green eyes.

mani is getting old...

Brown hair... brown eyes... they used to be blue tho.

2004-06-03, 07:03 PM
my wood shop teacher has a blue eye and brown eye, he also has little man syndrome

id like to punch him in the face

2004-06-03, 07:11 PM
blonde hair blue eyes...sometimes I get different colored contacts and freak out everyone at school. especcially the time I had checkered ones.

2004-06-03, 07:46 PM
Here is a pic of my eyes.


And WTF is little man syndrome Postal?

2004-06-03, 07:50 PM
Brown hair (with some gray now :mad: ) and green eyes.

youre lucky mani. me and my older brother are 18 and 16 and my dad already has alot of grey hair. he kinda brags that he has hair at all nowadays... :rolleyes:

2004-06-03, 07:54 PM
Dirty blonde hair, vibrant gray (almost silver) eyes, massive head.

2004-06-03, 09:51 PM
... brown eyes... they used to be blue tho.

blue eyes then went brown?? :confused:

Is that possible?

2004-06-03, 09:54 PM
A friend of mine has Yellow eyes. No joke.

2004-06-03, 09:56 PM
someone said i had red eyes once....but i was really pissed (was in ass kicking mode) but they are normaly blue-green (whatever that color is)

2004-06-03, 09:58 PM
Mine tend to shift between full-on green and hazel-brown. I haven't figured out what causes the change other than random chance. Oh well.

It's probably because I'm mostly Irish. Rock on Ireland!!!! :rock:

:rock: :rock: Damn I love that smiley dude.

2004-06-04, 02:38 AM
blue eyes then went brown?? :confused:

Is that possible?

If you read the article it mentions that babies have blue eyes due to a lack melanin. Hell, when I was a baby I had blue eyes and blonde hair.

2004-06-04, 03:30 AM
Forgot what the Optometrist called it. Both eyes were Orange until turned Brown.

2004-06-04, 09:04 AM
I had a teacher with one brown eye and one blue eye ..:lol:

2004-06-04, 11:37 AM
i was born with blonde hair blue eyes, at around 10 it started changing to more brown hair, my mothing called the color dirty blond, i think as a joke. my eyes are blue to green, no not the 2 mixed my eyes are transversed(have no clue what it means i just made it up) some times i have green eyes some times blue, right now i have... /me runs to mirror.. blue exterior rim that changes into green right next to the pupil. People say i have interesting eyes... lol ok i shut the fuck up now :-D