View Full Version : Omg Swg Jtls Me= Fanboy!
2004-06-15, 01:31 AM
ok two things, the first of which, im not certain, however do thing am right. someone mentioned how theyd only play SWG if they could fly a Skipray Blastboat. im pretty sure that in this picture there is one.
look just to the left of the Tie Interceptor
Image to compare to the above image
look at the vids.
2004-06-15, 01:38 AM
Deathstar. Deathstar.
2004-06-15, 01:38 AM
SWG = b7
ok two things, the first of which, im not certain, however do thing am right. someone mentioned how theyd only play SWG if they could fly a Skipray Blastboat. im pretty sure that in this picture there is one.
look just to the left of the Tie Interceptor
Image to compare to the above image
look at the vids.
Dork :lol:
2004-06-15, 01:59 AM
THat was me talking about the Skipray thing :P However, I decided to buy SW:G anyways. Great fun. Working on bio engineer right now, but am running out of cash, so I will tumble for tips in the naboo med center. I have seen that pic before, I just hope with all my heart that it will be pilotable :D
2004-06-15, 03:35 AM
im not a dork SDM, im just a person that has no life...err very Smart in all subject including....wait, you post on a internet fourm talking about anal, your the fucked up one.
2004-06-15, 04:21 AM
Im looking forward to the expansion, but the original game is boring to me now.
im not a dork SDM, im just a person that has no life...err very Smart in all subject including....wait, you post on a internet fourm talking about anal, your the fucked up one.ev, learn an instrument or some kind of art. now.
2004-06-15, 07:24 AM
SWG is over. Hologrinding and excessive balancing (aka over nerfing) has ruined whatever potential the game had.
2004-06-15, 10:26 AM
ev, learn an instrument or some kind of art. now.
TROMBONE! and IMO its the best instrament EVAR, its just other people need to realise that.
2004-06-15, 10:59 AM
TROMBONE! and IMO its the best instrament EVAR, its just other people need to realise that.
Percussion is better.
but back from hijacking, why do all the ships appear to be either imperial or rebel, and nothing else? Not even a naboo ship or that ship Boba Fett flew?
2004-06-15, 11:12 AM
Deathstar. Deathstar.
amen. Id play the game for months just to save up for a deathstar and wipe out entire fleets.
2004-06-15, 11:15 AM
2004-06-15, 11:19 AM
jtls is twitch.
2004-06-15, 11:21 AM
Percussion is better.
but back from hijacking, why do all the ships appear to be either imperial or rebel, and nothing else? Not even a naboo ship or that ship Boba Fett flew?
There will be neutral ships
The YT-1300(the sameship as the Millenium Falcon), the Z-95 headhunter(looks sort of like an X-wing) and I think there will be Hutt fighters
2004-06-15, 11:35 AM
Are you talking about the ship moving to the upper right near the TI? That doesn't look like it. The wings on the Blastboat go in a vertical manner looking at the charts, but in this one there are horiziontal wings near the rear, when they should be near the front.
2004-06-15, 11:48 AM
Percussion is better.
but back from hijacking, why do all the ships appear to be either imperial or rebel, and nothing else? Not even a naboo ship or that ship Boba Fett flew?
I remember hearing somewhere that he's the only person with that ship, it's a prototype that he stole, and he destroyed all the blueprints/schematics, so it's a one of a kind.
So I don't think anyone else gets one.
2004-06-15, 12:08 PM
I remember hearing somewhere that he's the only person with that ship, it's a prototype that he stole, and he destroyed all the blueprints/schematics, so it's a one of a kind.
So I don't think anyone else gets one.
Jango Fett stole the salver ship from an asteroid prison compound and fitted it with more advanced weapons... its the third-ish mission in the Bounty Hunter game...
2004-06-15, 12:12 PM
Aztec, the majority of your posts lately have been no longer than 3 or 4 words, usually including the word "ban." Please, don't spam the forums with your useless crap insisting other people get banned to look cool.
Thank you.
2004-06-15, 01:10 PM
Aztec, the majority of your posts lately have been no longer than 3 or 4 words, usually including the word "ban." Please, don't spam the forums with your useless crap insisting other people get banned to look cool.
Quit yer bitching.
2004-06-15, 01:15 PM
I remember hearing somewhere that he's the only person with that ship, it's a prototype that he stole, and he destroyed all the blueprints/schematics, so it's a one of a kind.
So I don't think anyone else gets one.
It's actually a heavily modified patrol ship. Not that uncommon. Heavily modified to make it better though, as the original ship isn't all that good.
2004-06-15, 01:48 PM
Aztec, the majority of your posts lately have been no longer than 3 or 4 words, usually including the word "ban." Please, don't spam the forums with your useless crap insisting other people get banned to look cool.
Thank you.
2004-06-15, 02:12 PM
SWG has been fun. Armorsmithing is really money and time consuming until you can make better armor. :) SWG is fun, Tek your opinion is awesome, i just dont wanna hear anyone complain or pointlessly bitch.
2004-06-15, 03:37 PM
mush, i hate to point this out to you, but Star Wars has never been too consistant, things change from game to game. see, they get what it looks like, and then the artist draws up concept art, and then the guy that creates it ingame makes it look like something else even. and the skipray Blastboat has been in Several games, and i have personaly blown up quite a few.
2004-06-15, 03:53 PM
Are you talking about the ship moving to the upper right near the TI? That doesn't look like it. The wings on the Blastboat go in a vertical manner looking at the charts, but in this one there are horiziontal wings near the rear, when they should be near the front.
Actually, the rear wing on the skipray can change from horizontal to vertical. I'm pretty sure that is a blastboat.
2004-06-15, 03:59 PM
Im looking forward to the expansion, but the original game is boring to me now.
quoted for truth...
2004-06-15, 04:08 PM
Actually, the rear wing on the skipray can change from horizontal to vertical. I'm pretty sure that is a blastboat.
2004-06-15, 04:54 PM
Hmmm... I still want my Assault Gunboat or Tie Defender... rebel craft seem too, ragtag, for me... besides the Tie Defender makes a good all-in-one craft.
2004-06-15, 06:25 PM
Except the TIE defender didn't exist at the time SW:G takes place (After the destruction of the deathstar), it was developed after the battle of Endor. TIE interceptors were a new thing at the time of SW:G.
2004-06-15, 06:33 PM
Except the TIE defender didn't exist at the time SW:G takes place (After the destruction of the deathstar), it was developed after the battle of Endor. TIE interceptors were a new thing at the time of SW:G.
Not True... Star Wars: TIE Fighter has you flying a TIE defender under Thrawn during the pre-endor battles of Sullest... of course that isn't the best source... I can still take the assualt gunboat, that doesn't have the crappy TIE design but still comes with Ion Cannons and Concussion Missles.
2004-06-15, 06:40 PM
EDITED, sorry
2004-06-15, 06:41 PM
Thrawn was post endor. Dont even try to argue with me about this stuff. I have my Star Wars technical manual right here on my lap.
And to reinforce Sputty's statement:
Boba Fett's Slave 1 is just a modified Kuat systems engineering firespray-class patrol and attack ship, just heavily modified. Not some secret ship.
Random SW Fact:
There are 3 models of the Skipray blastboat, the 12h, 12i, and 12j. The 12h was developed before the destruction of the first death star.
2004-06-15, 07:19 PM
That's it! Firespray. I lost my technical book about Star Wars vehicle a while ago. I wish I still had it
And for Derfud:
2004-06-15, 07:23 PM
2004-06-15, 07:23 PM
SWG sucks
2004-06-15, 07:29 PM
SHIT! you know what this means right? if the tie Defender was made after Endor, wouldnt the same be true about the Tie Advanced? not to forget the Missile boat as well, fuxxors, oh well, im going rebel anyways AWING! especialy now that there is no Tie Advanced for me, even though there is still the X-1
2004-06-15, 09:30 PM
Thrawn was post endor. Dont even try to argue with me about this stuff. I have my Star Wars technical manual right here on my lap.
And to reinforce Sputty's statement:
Boba Fett's Slave 1 is just a modified Kuat systems engineering firespray-class patrol and attack ship, just heavily modified. Not some secret ship.
Random SW Fact:
There are 3 models of the Skipray blastboat, the 12h, 12i, and 12j. The 12h was developed before the destruction of the first death star.
o wow.
you realize that star wars isnt real, right? ;)
2004-06-15, 10:01 PM
o wow.
you realize that star wars isnt real, right? ;)
it's not...
/me goes and hangs himself
2004-06-15, 10:07 PM
i like star wars.whats that furry big bear called? And how bout those lil furry bears? star wars is cool :thumbsup:
I have a small tribe of Ewoks living in my pants.
2004-06-15, 10:36 PM
We didnt have to know that.
2004-06-15, 10:50 PM
What are you, Star Trek fans? It doesn't matter who made Boba Fett's Slave.
We didnt have to know that.
You make the cuddly-wuddly Ewoks sad :(
I have a small tribe of Ewoks living in my pants.
No I'm sorry to tell you this SDM but that's crabs.
2004-06-15, 11:09 PM
You make the cuddly-wuddly Ewoks sad :(
Just give them some catnip. They'll be fine.
No I'm sorry to tell you this SDM but that's crabs.
Whatever they are, they're cute, but don't let that fool ya. They're a roudy, spear wielding lot of little heathens. They keep challenging my balls to fight for the position of "Chief".
2004-06-15, 11:10 PM
The tie interceptor fucking owns you. :P
2004-06-16, 09:39 AM
Whatever they are, they're cute, but don't let that fool ya. They're a roudy, spear wielding lot of little heathens. They keep challenging my balls to fight for the position of "Chief".
:rofl: :rofl:
2004-06-16, 11:23 AM
If you need Concussion missiles and Ion cannons to defeat your foes, then I am sorry, you do not belong flying MY Imperial ships. You can just hop over to the Rebel scum and use their "shields" and "Hyperdrive" systems on their ships.
Me? While I concur the DeathStar is the ultimate objective for me, I will GLADLY take up my T/I against anyone here.
BTW, I believe the A-wing wasn't fully developed until just before the Battle of Endor. Also, the T/A was only a prototype for Darth Vader, and therefore not in production until Endor. Derfud, correct me if I am wrong. No one else is allowed to correct me. He is the only one besides myself fully versed in the Star Wars universe, at least from the post replies I have seen here.
2004-06-16, 12:06 PM
I don't know but I am surely as hell making a imperial pilot to blast people with a T/I. God I love the agility of that ship! *drools*
2004-06-16, 01:12 PM
Thrawn was post endor. Dont even try to argue with me about this stuff. I have my Star Wars technical manual right here on my lap.
And to reinforce Sputty's statement:
Boba Fett's Slave 1 is just a modified Kuat systems engineering firespray-class patrol and attack ship, just heavily modified. Not some secret ship.
Random SW Fact:
There are 3 models of the Skipray blastboat, the 12h, 12i, and 12j. The 12h was developed before the destruction of the first death star.
Thrawn was promoted to Grand Admiral BEFORE the battle at Endor, he oversaw construction of the Missle Boat and the TIE Defender before the battle of Endor as a way to fight Zarrin's technological capabilities...
And about needing Ion Cannons and Concussion missles... you try taking on a capitol ship with lasers, sure thats what the TIE Bomber is meant for, but the Defender is an assault craft, its supposed to be able to stand up to the bigger targets...
2004-06-16, 04:07 PM
Sentrosi:The A-Wing was developed shortly after Yavin(more like around Empire)
The TIE Defender was developed around Endor, but didn't enter construction until after.
BTW, as much as I dislike this Tie Fighters currently are planned to have hyperdrives(:() for balance and logistics reasons
BTW, it was the 12h version of the Skipray that was developed shortly before the Battle of Yavin.
2004-06-16, 04:12 PM
Sentrosi:The A-Wing was developed shortly after Yavin(more like around Empire)
The TIE Defender was developed around Endor, but didn't enter construction until after.
BTW, as much as I dislike this Tie Fighters currently are planned to have hyperdrives(:() for balance and logistics reasons
BTW, it was the 12h version of the Skipray that was developed shortly before the Battle of Yavin.
Vader's X2 supposedly had hyperdrive cpability... as did the TIE Advanced but that is not developed until TESB time...
2004-06-16, 04:15 PM
Vader's X2 supposedly had hyperdrive cpability... as did the TIE Advanced but that is not developed until TESB time...
2004-06-16, 04:29 PM
and therefore... they botched it up... it should just be that a TIE pilot has to either A) dock at a star destroyer in system (at which point he would be prompted to select a warp destination... or B) you have to use a shuttle and your TIE just appears at the destination... I like the first option tho...
I still say an assualt gunboat would be nice... hyper-capable, minimal sheild, high speed... a very nice assault craft...
2004-06-16, 05:01 PM
hyperdrives on Tie Fighters?
This game just lost me.
2004-06-16, 06:48 PM
well, you do forget that at one point in Tie Fighter they do get hyperdrives on Tie Fighters, late into the game that ism, 7th Campain i think. or so.
2004-06-16, 07:27 PM
I just remembered you can be a mon calamari. I'm making "Admiiral Acckbar" and I'm going to fly around screaming "IT'S A TRAP! IT'S A TRAP! IT'S A TRAP! IT'S A TRAP! IT'S A TRAP! IT'S A TRAP! IT'S A TRAP! IT'S A TRAP!"
2004-06-16, 07:42 PM
I see nothing wrong with TIE fighters having hyper drives. Since the game is about customization. However, to be completely satisfied, I want to see full, complete customization. Like so:
PS: That image took way to long to make.
2004-06-16, 07:49 PM
How about NOS stickers for your windshield :lol:!
2004-06-16, 07:52 PM
well, you do forget that at one point in Tie Fighter they do get hyperdrives on Tie Fighters, late into the game that ism, 7th Campain i think. or so.
Yes... but only on the later models... (Advanced, Defender, Missle Boat) the only low model TIE type ship to use hypderdrive is the Assault Gunboat... and that doesn't count as TIE since it uses normal propulsion not solar power or the Twin Ion Engines...
2004-06-16, 08:42 PM
OMG NO awing in JTLS ;)
2004-06-16, 08:44 PM
2004-06-16, 08:52 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2004-06-16, 09:07 PM
2004-06-16, 09:10 PM
The Corellian Corvette in the one pic looks nice...
2004-06-17, 12:57 AM
Man, if someone I knew started talking like that I would slap em immediatly.
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