View Full Version : Cert expansion!

2004-06-15, 05:54 PM
I still think the idea of making more vehicle certs is a good idea. They should change the group certs so that they all have individual certs also like was suggested to get more varried vehicle capabilites from people and to give more vehicle choices to people, specifically because my idea would have alot more inexpensive certs that could help with the now, constant, situation of poeple asking for someone to go get a cert for transport or whatevers needed in the feild now, which was the point of the cert rearangement, because you cant find or organize still based on peoples certs because no one will be that cooperative in the game as of now.

I propose a change in some of the single certs to make room for a full set of individual certs based on the new group certs. This could possibly change the problem with the above situation because noone can get certs they want because they never have 3 or 4 certs because of peoples normal character designing. With some cheaper certs like these it would make it more likely people would have the extra certs and be able to get the cert and stop the current hinderence in battle because of this not to mention a more varried combination of vehicle capabilities people would have besides the now known and tiring situation of everyone having every ground cert and always haveing all air certs or air transport etc. I still dont think the few none group certs were enough to make any real variation in capabilities or give any leway in peoples ability to cope and provide what is needed in a given situation to the games general changing need for specific certs in which the new hiderence is cert cost. Specifically that if there were less cheaper certs people would be able to get them easier when they are needed and possibly have the lesser ones more providing more varied cert costs in there hands and possibly allow them enough money for the 3 cert vehicle or enough to get a lesser vehicel more easily and give even more help to the general lack of varied vehicles in the at one time. This is all because i beleive the problem is no longer that people dont have the vehicle availble to them but that they dont ahve the ability to get htem when they need them. This whole idea is also more conductive to the game because the current cert design is mroe designed around bigger vehicles which is not currently making it likely people will get things like lightnings to hold over the battle feild untill someone gets a tech plant etc and is even the cause of poeple just going for tech plants and not even having the use of anything but mags or any heavier vehicle in the current constant battle plan.

The certs changing im suggesting are these:

Change Mosq cert to 2 certs
Reaver 3 certs
Air cavalry 4 certs

Not sure of these: might be interesting change:
Galaxy 3 certs
Lodestar 2 certs
Liberator 2 or 3 certs: Im going with 2 since it has the set back of needing 2 or 3 people and has low defencive ablities.
New cert called air assault or air convoy 5 certs that consists off all 3
Air support changed to 4 certs and now consits of only galaxy and lodestar

I think this should specifically be to allow more varried air combinations and i believe it is teh cert design now what they allow in the feild that determines what will be out there and is what is needed to be designed the closest to what you want and not the fact that they ahve the vehicle because its in a cert as is shown in the fact taht people do now heal other people when the have medic etc because the nature of the game is that the players will take the easiest peronal ruote to get exp or similar to much of the time and is not currently, in the what seems to be most players eyes, based on strategy. And besides taht the game should always be designed to stop this in case the game ever changes from being strategy oriented and more personal desire at any point since it is always more fun when there is a varried player interest than when they are more likely to be doing the same things like all pulling mags or all getting into a situation when everyone is just going on foot, which is partly because of the lack of people having lighnings and other vehicle that can be used in initial continent assault and in when the enemy cuts off your tech plants so your not just left with foot soldiers like mostly are now. Got a little off my main point here but basicaly the air needs just as much variation as the ground for the game to continue to be interesting and for make the game more interesting to more types of players.

The rest of these im not as sure about but they could use a little tweak also.

skygaurd 2 certs
empire specific buggy 3 certs: This should not be underestimated because of the ability to hack the other versions of this vehicle which is more of a benefit that most people seem to put to it. Which ive seen personaly since i always have advanced hack.
harraser 1 cert
Buggy 4 certs: harraser skygaurd and all 3 specific buggies.

Deliverers 3 certs: Now consisting off varients and regular. 3 certs besides the hacking benefit. This is the new grouped cert.
Sunderer 2 certs :since it is now no longer the big transport as it was before the varients since they can out attack vehicle now.
Varient Deliverer 2 certs
Deliverer 1 cert
Ground transporter 4 certs: now consisting of all 3 vehicles

Varient 3 certs: new cert with access to all 3 deliverer varients and the fury.

ATV 2 certs: now lacking switchblade

ATV2 3 certs: old cert

Switchblade 2 certs: this is because im also proposing CC specific certs.

CC Specialty 3 certs: all 3 CC vehicles. must have CC installed?

Armoured assault 3 or 4 certs: now containing lightning.
Lightning 1 cert
Empire specific tank 2 cert
Flail 2 cert

Not all of the certs seem right based on right for getting all of the certs but are more around specialists. This might need tweaking because it allows for too many vehicle certs. Probably rasing all of the armour assault oriented certs.

Could possibly add:

LIghting and regular tank for 3 cert with Armoured assault with all 3 at 4 or remove flail from that category and add it into another CC cert or just leave what i said above.

Think that covered everthing. Just an idea. But i think its needed in some form like this.

2004-06-15, 06:29 PM
If I'm not mistaken, the cert system used to be similar to that, but was twinked to the way it is now. They do seem like good ideas tho.

2004-06-15, 07:24 PM
Yeah, It used to be based on a tree, now the only tree cert is MA.

Which kind of sucks, because there is absolutely no specialization.

2004-06-15, 07:38 PM
Yeah, It used to be based on a tree, now the only tree cert is MA.

I only remember 4 treed certs, medium assault and the 3 support certs. Which is what it is now.

2004-06-15, 09:49 PM
They weren't really trees like the support certs, but very similar to Ait'al's idea. Which I like better BTW. I would like to see the option of getting one veh out of a group for 1 - 2 less cert points that could be used on something else.

2004-06-15, 10:40 PM
i like ideas about the mossy and reaver. Also, the grouping of the lightning with the vangaurd.

2004-06-15, 11:04 PM
Change Mosq cert to 2 certs
Reaver 3 certs
Air cavalry 4 certs

Not sure of these: might be interesting change:
Galaxy 3 certs
Lodestar 2 certs
Liberator 2 or 3 certs: Im going with 2 since it has the set back of needing 2 or 3 people and has low defencive ablities.
New cert called air assault or air convoy 5 certs that consists off all 3
Air support changed to 4 certs and now consits of only galaxy and lodestar

Are you nuts? 2 certs for the most powerful, bep/killwhoring-est cert in the game? Best single transport ever!

There is a reason skeedo is 3 certs and the reaver is 1. 2 certs for that monster and a 3- cert reaver would be one of the most gameplay-destructive things out there. :mad:

Also, 4 certs for gal and lode only? wth.

2004-06-15, 11:25 PM
Whats scaring this shit out of me is that people are agreeing with Ait'al's ideas. Even if they were originally in PS.

2004-06-16, 03:32 AM
Whats scaring this shit out of me is that people are agreeing with Ait'al's ideas. Even if they were originally in PS.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2004-06-16, 04:16 AM
yea i proposed this stuff similar to this before they changed it remember. And ealier than that when i "wasnt playing". The lodestar and galaxy are more expenive because i made so many cheaper ones and it would be for a transport specilist like me! 8) i wouldnt mind the one extra cert for both in that case. Which is how i designed it in that case. Its a kinda, im proud to pay the 4 cert because im specialty tranpsort, kinda thing.

And its an expanded tree. As in expanded concept from where it was originally. Which is what i thought should have happened in the first place.

Also the cert costs are somewhat based on availability. The less available ones are in general more expensive because they are more useful, like the galaxy. I thought that was a better incentive in the game than player greed and ease of play, this is also kind or the game design, or was. It would give you more pride to have it and hopefully give you more incentive to use it. The same for the grouped certs. And the grouped certs have less in them to stop things from getting out of hand.

2004-06-16, 12:53 PM
JESUS CHRIST!!! Aita'l is actually right :huh: :scared: ! I agree, treeing is an essential part of any certification/skill/spell RPG-style system, and the Devs were wrong not to implement it.

2004-06-17, 04:55 AM
Ive been playing rpgs my whole life. What did you expect! :)

2004-06-17, 07:02 AM
I agree with this.

Quite frankly, I am tired of practically every soldier having everything he needs to wage his own personal war. I would like it better if there where more specialized jobs then just generic grunts that can have anything ranging from HA to uni-max to reaver cert.

Most of my characters I designate jobs and do not differ from them. I loose a little versatility, but I love having a designated job instead of just being a catchall...

2004-06-17, 07:18 AM
sorry btu the variants for deli need to be 3 points..

except maybe TR.

thunderer and aurora can BOTH insta-gib if they hit directly... which frankly takes the biscuit...
whereas the raider needs 4 gunners to be effective, and they need to be accurate to hit the target multiple times.

2004-06-17, 07:27 PM
Mybe they can numb down the varients and give their fire a more interesting sidebonus. Like the varients could be the only vehicles that auto give xp to all because of some new systems. :rolleyes: or just better designated damage. no idea!

Edit: mybe the only vehicles to share xp isnt a bad idea. You could say your all pluged into a networked system inside. Like some freaky bio VR. Then it would be worth 3 of course. Then even if they lowered the damage to normal deliverer transport type lvs it would be damn worth having. And a cool design feature!

2004-06-19, 02:17 AM
3 certs for the Reaver is simply insane, you're obviously a reaver pilot.

Increasing the cost of certs to a certain extent would go a long way to improving vehicle balance. I play an infantry character and must say that about 70% of my deaths are due to Reavers. Considering there are only three (at best) reliable ways to kill a reaver, Skyguard (very weak, dies in one Reaver volley), AA-MAX, and last is other Reavers. Now, seeing how everything easily kills infantry, everything except infantry should have an elevated cost attached to it and an increased purchase timer.

All too often PS comes down to zerg tactics for infantry where how fast you respawn and start attacking the target again is more important than strategic plans. For a combat game based around infantry, that is a poor system to use.

So, combat vehicles like Reaver, Armour(tanks), Artillery(flail), should all have higher cert costs with combat support vehicles having a minor increase of around 1pt. Combat support being Deliverer(variants).

By making assault vehicles more costly with longer purchase timers, you'll improve the survivablity of infantry thus creating more strategic play with exciting firefights instead of the gib-fest that often goes on. Often I see no difference between PS and Unreal, this has to change.

2004-06-20, 04:42 AM
The games not based around the infantry, its fucked up because of it. This is to get people to use vehicles like they should and stop zerging, if thats possible.

And i dont know if youre being sarcastic about the "youre abviously a reaver pilot." comment or not, but i am a reaver pilot. And Reavers are easy to kill. I have skygaurd, which isnt easy to hit with a reaver when it can kill them so quickly(from the gunners side) and AA max, which i use alot take, them down easily also(which i use extensivly, once again.). At the worst, unless you dont get that you cant hit a plane directly with a skygaurd, you will loose about half life against a reaver before it dies. The only way you die from a reaver in a skygaurd is if its already on you and firing before you started.

Change Mosq cert to 2 certs
Reaver 3 certs
Air cavalry 4 certs

Not sure of these: might be interesting change:
Galaxy 3 certs
Lodestar 2 certs
Liberator 2 or 3 certs: Im going with 2 since it has the set back of needing 2 or 3 people and has low defencive ablities.
New cert called air assault or air convoy 5 certs that consists off all 3
Air support changed to 4 certs and now consits of only galaxy and lodestar

Are you nuts? 2 certs for the most powerful, bep/killwhoring-est cert in the game? Best single transport ever!

There is a reason skeedo is 3 certs and the reaver is 1. 2 certs for that monster and a 3- cert reaver would be one of the most gameplay-destructive things out there.

Also, 4 certs for gal and lode only? wth.

And eldanesh, if you read this again, you missed the line above. The 4 cert is for transport specialists. The line above is the big cert for 5. Kinda like unimax but with what should be a change back to a 20 minute timer and lots of air transportation. 8)

Mind you the emphasis is for transport specialists.

I kept the name because its more of a transport name. And gave the other one a name because its more near the assault emphasis of the other two if you spend the money to also have lib in there.

2004-06-22, 11:14 AM
Why the fuck should transport specialists ahve to pay more in certs to do less?