View Full Version : Battle Islands
2004-06-15, 08:46 PM
Anyone notice how much better the graphics look in those shots?
2004-06-15, 09:50 PM
Yeah, I noticed that too...
They're using the Far Cry engine to render them! Hax! :lol:
But, yeah, those are awesome.
2004-06-15, 09:52 PM
Pretty cool looking :)
2004-06-15, 10:04 PM
I think the reason why they look better is because its not the same continents Ive seen dozens and dozens and dozens of times.
2004-06-15, 10:09 PM
extinction is gonna be a frame rate killer like hossin but it still looks really cool
2004-06-15, 10:12 PM
Extinction looks cool as a giant vehicular CTF with Aircraft. Ascention looks like a combined infantry / artillary map, and Extinction looks like APC / lighter vehicles.
2004-06-15, 11:40 PM
Now i have been out of the loop for a long time so if this question sounds retarded please excuss it.
Are these battle continents being added to the ones that are already in the game? :confused:
2004-06-15, 11:50 PM
man this looks so awesome.
2004-06-16, 12:04 AM
they doo look sweet.
They probably SSed them with Mzx settings, the game doesn't look half bad when teh settigns are all teh way up
2004-06-16, 12:04 AM
Now i have been out of the loop for a long time so if this question sounds retarded please excuss it.
Are these battle continents being added to the ones that are already in the game? :confused:
They're being added, but the Devs plan on retiring a few of the original ones. We don't know which.
2004-06-16, 12:15 AM
desolation will be the home of tank battles.
2004-06-16, 12:35 AM
I was wondering what "visit extinction", etc was in the training that I had never seen before.
2004-06-16, 02:14 AM
This is going to be fun to see which continents get tossed.
2004-06-16, 02:27 AM
That volcanic one looks pretty sweet, and same with the sandy one. Though i feel people will use more heavy vehicles in this cause on normal continents you need lighter vehicles for speed across the big terrain. Here it shouldn't be too big.
2004-06-16, 04:57 AM
Now that ive found the right thread. Id like to know whey they didnt jsut tell people to get their asses in the caverns instead of doing this and actually backing up something they made instead of ditching something i fucking payed 30 bucks for!!
that desert one looks sweet. they should make a whole continent like that. Would add some real more vehicular start to teh game.
2004-06-16, 05:17 AM
Is there some purpose to these in the overall battle plan, like new access to contintents from them? OR are they just like huge fighting arenas that take you out of the normal fighting? Has anyoen mentioned anything?
2004-06-16, 07:26 AM
There's an overall battle plan? :o
I assume the idea is that they become part of the normal fighting, not take you away from it.
Diddy Mao
2004-06-16, 08:31 AM
I hope there is just more then these 3, even so I hopoe they dont' cancel out all the original conts sentimental value... ya know?
I Hate Pants
2004-06-16, 08:32 AM
wow! Those new continents look bitchn'! I'll buy ag ame card when those are released.
2004-06-16, 09:35 AM
Desolation = sniper heaven if you're in a base/tower
2004-06-16, 10:00 AM
Now that ive found the right thread. Id like to know whey they didnt jsut tell people to get their asses in the caverns instead of doing this and actually backing up something they made instead of ditching something i fucking payed 30 bucks for!!
2004-06-16, 10:39 AM
Is there some purpose to these in the overall battle plan, like new access to contintents from them? OR are they just like huge fighting arenas that take you out of the normal fighting? Has anyoen mentioned anything?They are connected to the global lattice, yes.
2004-06-16, 10:44 AM
2004-06-16, 11:30 AM
Desolation :eek:
2004-06-16, 12:07 PM
Extinction looks r33t
Vis Armata
2004-06-16, 12:12 PM
Hossin would be a good continent to sink for this cluster.
2004-06-16, 12:17 PM
Desolation is an Artillery Paradise, a long open plain to pound the enemy into submission! :love:
2004-06-16, 12:48 PM
Wowza', these look awesome :eek: ! I love SOE and the Devs right now :love: :love:
2004-06-16, 01:15 PM
Searhus will get retired - they screwed up on the waterlevel when creating the terrain in Terragen and they can't change the height of the terrain again. Because the ground is high above sealevel, there is a low flight ceiling. I don't know which others would be took, but Searhus seems the logical choice.
2004-06-16, 01:24 PM
So they are gonna can som of the current conts? Y? Thers room...
2004-06-16, 01:34 PM
There really isn't quite enough room. If they have to remove three large continents, I'd say that they should remove Searhus, for Hezzy's reasons, Ceryshen, because of it's annoying complexities, and either Solsar or Oshur, because of their boring, monotonous terrain. Definite keepers are Esamir, for it's beautiful snow and lakes, Hossin, for it's 1337 jungle, and Ishundar, for it's wide, expansive, vehicle-friendliness.
2004-06-16, 01:44 PM
And cyssor dont take cyssor its the best. Between solsar and oshur... Id say oshur never a battle ther cuz no1 likes it.
2004-06-16, 07:29 PM
I cant wait for this... but i still dont fully understand. Are these ABSOLUTELY going to be replacing continents that are already in existence or are they going to be islands out in the ocean, that will have 1337 Advantages, such as Permanent Equip moduels(sp) ?
I NEVER play on Oshur, in fact, i dont think i have even gotten the EXP for being there. lol. Anyway, This will be awesome.
Once I install the new video card i got (Radeon 9600 XT 128mb) then i will have no problem handling these.
The only thing i have a problem with is the desert one, it is too flat, and it looks like it is meant to be used for Capture The flag, or something. I know that is going to turn out to be a tankfest, and i hate tanks, because they are beasts to kill, and they lower framerate.
2004-06-16, 07:32 PM
Ther is gonna be mor than just these 3 right?
Cauldron Borne
2004-06-16, 09:15 PM
If they only can one cont (most likely), then they can make room for these three. My vote is on Solsar. Seth's a bitch...
And Ish is the WORST place on earth for vecs, too many hills and sink holes. Even Cery is better, at least that cont has followable roades. Some roads on Ish can't even be scaled by vehicles...
How much you wanna bet people will be having Jumper Events into Extinctions volcano? How much you wanna bet I'll be there to ruin it just like the Cery Bridge jump? Cours if it's extinct the bottom of that crater would be a kick ass dueling arena.
2004-06-16, 09:17 PM
Smoke said that if this first Cluster is a hit, they will more then likely add / swap in more clusters later on.
2004-06-16, 09:28 PM
One of the devs, my memory is a bit shady, said that they are making a new map interface to accomadate the Battle islands(and their clusters).
2004-06-16, 10:31 PM
On the contrary, I hope they toss Cyssor and permanently delete all the files of it and deny it ever existed.
It's a damn waste of space with a horrible lattice and layout and a big pointless mountain in the middle.
2004-06-16, 11:16 PM
As long as they plan on getting rid of warpgates eventually I dun care what they do...
These look sweet though...:)
2004-06-16, 11:47 PM
Well, what I am wondering is what the story for the new battle continents is, in "fluff" terms. I mean, how come all of a sudden one (or more) of the continents is gone and is replaced by islands? Maybe one of the empires launched some kind of super-nuke at a continent and completely devastated it or something.
2004-06-17, 12:38 AM
Well, what I am wondering is what the story for the new battle continents is, in "fluff" terms. I mean, how come all of a sudden one (or more) of the continents is gone and is replaced by islands? Maybe one of the empires launched some kind of super-nuke at a continent and completely devastated it or something.
In the last ATD's they said that there will be an in-game event to herald the arrival of the new cluster, so I assume something suitably catastrophic will occur.
2004-06-17, 12:52 AM
How much you wanna bet I'll be there to ruin it just like the Cery Bridge jump? .
2004-06-17, 01:20 AM
that's the awesomest word in the English language.
Asshat is indeed an awesome word. As for the story behind the islands, I'd imagine it'd play into the Ancient Vanu a bit. Probably some mechanized device in the planet started up and ripped a continent apart.
2004-06-17, 05:28 AM
that's the awesomest word in the English language.
Don't you mean 'most awesome'?
2004-06-17, 05:55 AM
aren't the islands something around the size of the searhus crater?
also, for a reply to soemwhere in some page i read...
Nooo, don't get rid of searhus, its kewl :)
get rid of cery, its blooooody annoyin for movement.
I agree with all those other posts that Asshat is definitely a kewl word :) wewt.
2004-06-17, 06:20 PM
Don't you mean 'most awesome'?
No, "awesomest," just like "embiggens," is a perfectly chromulent word.
/end simpsons reference
anyway, I think the continent that should go most is... Solsar. I hate that place. Searhus is cool, the crater is sniper heaven. I like it.
2004-06-17, 09:30 PM
i think if two are going it should be oshur and cyassor because noone plays on oshur and cyassor is stupid(some trees, some lakes, and a mountain no one ever goes to) if the put in a base on top of the cyassor mountain that made it really special later on, like if you wanted to go into orbital platforms and cyassor mountain was like the only way than it might be cool to keep but other than that it is pointless and should be axed with oshur
2004-06-18, 07:15 AM
I'm on Oshur daily...
2004-06-18, 08:31 AM
Im on cyssor daily...
Cauldron Borne
2004-06-19, 01:03 AM
/end rant
and awesomest ranks right up there with asshat.
2004-06-19, 01:17 AM
No, "awesomest," just like "embiggens," is a perfectly chromulent word.
/end simpsons reference
anyway, I think the continent that should go most is... Solsar. I hate that place. Searhus is cool, the crater is sniper heaven. I like it.
yea searhus is cool. its cool to take the outer bases, then go in, where theres a massive enemy force. its like going to mordor in LOTR.
Cauldron Borne
2004-06-19, 04:28 PM
*awaits retort
2004-06-19, 10:06 PM
So is this like going to be where we have outfit wars and stuff like that? So it would be sort of like making your own server(island) and play CTF and King of the Hill kind of games on? And Battle islands would be just like playinga minituare Battlefield 1942 game, or any other FPS. I don't think any info is out on this, but this is what I'm kind of expecting.
Cauldron Borne
2004-06-20, 11:35 AM
I think they are just going to be smaller continents (only three bases each), so there will be more intence action (troops closer together). I don't think they are going to introduce a CTF or King of the Hill aspect...
But if you imagined all the people on say...forseral when poplocked..put that population into a smaller continent (like making them all fight only inside of searhus' crator), that kind of battle
2004-06-20, 11:46 AM
"Looking at them, they make me feel randomly awesome"
Best Sentence to describe them all.
2004-06-20, 12:48 PM
My only worry is that if the action is tighter packed and there are choke points that focus troops then the FLAIL might get more retarded that it already is...
From looking at the maps it seems as though a flail might have a few choice spots to beat back a small zerg single handedly.
Air might be a problem as on that one map every tower seems to be an air tower... AA MAXes and Reavers might rule...
However, I will reserve judgement unilt the patch is released and I have time to actually play the islands a bit.
2004-06-21, 12:31 AM
Ok, maybe I'm missing something no one else is. So, please enlighten me if I am off-base here. The concept as I see it is to take a normal continent and shrink it to a smaller size with only three bases and towers. Ok, so what? The way the population is going on emerald, the NC will have zerged over these 3 battle islands in the first hour of the day they come out and thats it for the small battle. Then we will be back to business as usual.
Are they going to make the bases non-captureable, or are they going to reset them every hour? I mean, SOE will have to do something to make fighting on them worth it. The idea of non-capturable bases, with the enemy slugging it out over a single point would be wonderful. Then we would see great bridge battles and open field armor engagements. But if they are just miniture continents, all we really will see are quick continent caps followed by noone ever bothering with them again.
And even if they make a single point for us to fight over, are they going to make it worth while for commanders (CEP/BEP wise)? If not, I wouldn't mind fighting for the sake of fighting, but I can do that now trying to defend against the zerg.
Cauldron Borne
2004-06-21, 12:54 AM
Agreed, something needs to be done about the current situation on Emerald. And if some smart alleck NC come on here and exclaims: 'oh, well you're just mad becuase the NC are better than you' I think they need to be banned.
My reason: When I shoot 2 rounds w/ my Bolt driver into an enemy agile, i expect it to die. But no. He has not got PShield, and he didn't grab a med pack, no, he has the friggin server benifit. That benifit gives enough of an edge to the lowest population to help them out. Problem: It always goes to the NC, whether or not they are the lowest population.
SO: SOMETHING needs to happen to balance out these populations. I don't care what, I'd prefer it was fair (a TR buff, an NC nerf, a VS nerf/buff, i dunno), but at this point I don't really care.
If it doesn't then KIAsan's prediction will come true: the BC's will become a useless waste of time, as no-one will use them except for the awesome rolling NC zerg, that , once started, cannot be beat because of shear numbers. Not tactics, mind, because the CR5's for NC-emerald are just (for the most part) as dumb as the TR cr5's. Just the shear weight in numbers.
2004-06-21, 05:59 PM
This may actually make me want to come back to Planetside...assuming that Infiltrators are not still broken. Now, if they would make some interesting and new buildings it would be a for sure hit
2004-06-21, 06:00 PM
This may actually make me want to come back to Planetside.
GAH!!! Cancel the islands, CANCEL THE ISLANDS!!!!!!!!!
;) :D
2004-06-21, 09:05 PM
Ok, maybe I'm missing something no one else is. So, please enlighten me if I am off-base here. The concept as I see it is to take a normal continent and shrink it to a smaller size with only three bases and towers. Ok, so what? The way the population is going on emerald, the NC will have zerged over these 3 battle islands in the first hour of the day they come out and thats it for the small battle. Then we will be back to business as usual.
Are they going to make the bases non-captureable, or are they going to reset them every hour? I mean, SOE will have to do something to make fighting on them worth it. The idea of non-capturable bases, with the enemy slugging it out over a single point would be wonderful. Then we would see great bridge battles and open field armor engagements. But if they are just miniture continents, all we really will see are quick continent caps followed by noone ever bothering with them again.
And even if they make a single point for us to fight over, are they going to make it worth while for commanders (CEP/BEP wise)? If not, I wouldn't mind fighting for the sake of fighting, but I can do that now trying to defend against the zerg.
Same problem on Markov, massive nc zerg taking over entire continents within an hour... seen it b4...
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