View Full Version : What continent should get the axe?
2004-06-17, 02:56 AM
SporkfirePS : This set of islands constitutes one cluster. I realize that there is some confusion on this. It will be easier once we announced the retired continent and can begin grouping all of these by their proper name (i.e. the <old continent name> cluster).
So, since something is getting axed what do you think it should be? :evil:
2004-06-17, 03:07 AM
esamir or ceryshen shuold go.
2004-06-17, 03:16 AM
I agree, but I hate Ceryshen a little more...
Vis Armata
2004-06-17, 03:51 AM
Don't know I really don't want to see any of the conteints go no matter how much I hate fighting on Cyssor.
2004-06-17, 04:17 AM
Ishundar is the spawn of Satan.
2004-06-17, 04:37 AM
I love cery/solsar I would have to say one of the huge conts has gotta go. Out of Sear/Cy/Ish/Esa, I owuld say either ish or esa.
2004-06-17, 04:52 AM
The guy who said hossin can die!
I like cyssor. I voted esamir. But i bet its cyssor 8\
2004-06-17, 05:07 AM
nah i rarly see ppl on ceryshen
its like a secondary concideration no one really cares
2004-06-17, 07:32 AM
Ishundar is the spawn of Satan. ^^^ Oh so true. ^^^
2004-06-17, 09:08 AM
No one ever goes to oshur so I voted it :D
2004-06-17, 09:28 AM
Get rid of any continent but Cyssor it's a Galaxy's paradise there ;)
2004-06-17, 09:37 AM
I liked Cery. :tear:
One of the desert ones should go.
Red October
2004-06-17, 10:14 AM
Ishundar is the spawn of Satan.
2004-06-17, 10:22 AM
not cyssor period, anything else is fine even he NC sanc
2004-06-17, 11:02 AM
Amerish is where the devil lives in his little hut with osama bin laden
2004-06-17, 11:35 AM
WTF? Axe cery? Cery rocks. Its like a battle island in itself. You have to follow the roads, which allow for ambushes and stuff. I personally love cery. Besides, cery just *looks* evil. Its awesome. I intended to make a movie highlighting this but, never got around to it.
2004-06-17, 12:31 PM
Cyssor must go.
2004-06-17, 12:37 PM
I voted cery. In terms of different gameplay, cery is definately unique. But I think cery would be a lot cooler if the textures werent so damn depressing. All the fog, and the bleak snow and dead trees just make it so not worth fighting for.
Red October
2004-06-17, 12:58 PM
I love fighting on cery, problem is, its a huge ass cont tucked away in the upper left hand corner. Its not easy to take over and it really doesnt show much importance. Cyssor is in the lower left, but easier to take. Its counter part Esamir is similar, but smaller. If cery was in the middle of the map with gates linking everywhere, I think you would see it used more. Sadly, I think cery is going to go.
2004-06-17, 01:25 PM
i like cery, esmir is decent, Hossin, amerish, or the deset conts can go
2004-06-17, 01:31 PM
much love for cyssor!
2004-06-17, 02:07 PM
Amerish is the only continent designed for the VS to naturally that is what I voted for ...:lol:
2004-06-17, 02:11 PM
My personal favorite continents are Esamir, Cyssor, Amerish, and Forseral; they should not be removed. IMHO, Ceryshen should get shown the door; it's massive, but very difficult for vehicles, which I love to fight against. When no vehicles show up, ther eis no fun for The N00b!
2004-06-17, 02:14 PM
I would love to see Ceryshen or Ishundar go up. I think it's gonna be Searhus or Cery, though.
2004-06-17, 02:20 PM
Ceryshen needs to go.
2004-06-17, 03:53 PM
Cyssor or Ish
Sad to see so many disliking Ceryshen. Although I agree it is a little to dark and deprressing there, I think its the most original and strategic and tacticly unique and interesting cont of them all. If they only made it a brighter sunnier place then it would really be cool. I remember my first huge battle I played in during beta was on Ceryshen between the SW Amerish Gate Watch Tower and the SW Tarqaq Air Tower. I was on the VS side owning the Tarqaq Air tower and Tarqaq base but I don't recall who we were fighting against. Very fond memories of that fight though. For some reason I bet no fight that big has existed since then between those towers though.
2004-06-17, 08:04 PM
Please let it be ish.
2004-06-17, 08:11 PM
Ishundar is the spawn of Satan.
2004-06-17, 09:16 PM
ya if there was a con on earth covered in snow on earth it would be really damn bright. o wait there is one called antartica and all the pictures u see of people there have sun glasses because the sun reflects off the snow and is really ###### bright!
my point: make ceryshen brighter and people will like it more.
my second point:
there are two snow conts, two tropical rainforest conts, two temprate forrest conts, one volcanic cont and THREE desert continents. I think everyone is fine with only one volcanic cont but do we really need inshunder, oshur, and solsar which are mostly the same. besides not many people play on oshur and ishunder is the spawn of satan. if any cont should get the axe it should be either osh or ish
2004-06-17, 09:52 PM
I would go Cyssor, Esamir, Ishundar, then Searhus.
They are all the biggest continents, and big continents are just too freaking big.
Oshur is the smallest continent, but there is PLENTY of real estate for all 3 empires to pop-lock and have an awesome fight.
2004-06-17, 09:55 PM
WTF? Axe cery? Cery rocks. Its like a battle island in itself. You have to follow the roads, which allow for ambushes and stuff. I personally love cery. Besides, cery just *looks* evil. Its awesome. I intended to make a movie highlighting this but, never got around to it.
The first person I've ever seen to notice this. Ceryshen seems to me to be one huge infantry based continent. Everyone I see giving a reason why they don't like Cery says it's because vehicles have a hard time getting around. You guys think Ascension will be any easier? Ceryshen is my favorite continent because it seems to be so focused on infantry battles.
I voted Ishundar. You know, since I'm TR from before the BWGs. *shudder* ;) :D
2004-06-17, 10:10 PM
cery is dark cause of hte clouds. It would be brighter if it werent always clouded over. The sun has to HIT the snow to make it bright. :rolleyes: It always stormy there, if you hadnt noticed. Even when there isnt weather.
Ceryshens not infantry based untill you get on a plateau. The point is its hard and you ahve to take transport untill you get up close then clober one another with good mixed forces of infantry vehicles and air. I should say it hard to get around on foot if your going up. The opposite is true when going down. :D nothing like sliding down the hill at the WWEEE little tower from behind!
2004-06-17, 10:13 PM
Ceryshen is my favorite continent because it seems to be so focused on infantry battles.
Quoted for truth.
Back when we still had sanc warpgates, and I was vanu, it cery was like the wtfpwn because it proved that TR was evil
Darkness, and death everywhere, and you come over this gigantic hill and then...BLOOD RED WARPGATE! MWHAHA.
Pheer t3h TR.
2004-06-18, 12:13 AM
Hossin is SOE's way of kicking cloakers and snipers in the ass. It's gotta go
2004-06-18, 07:18 AM
Don't lose Oshur or Ishundar.. my outfit and a few others i know are usually there at least 4 times a week :P
get rid of solsar.. the new links make it annoying with the bottleneck at sobek, we have another one on hossin :P
Solsar smells funny, give it the axe :D
2004-06-18, 01:39 PM
Tr Sanctuary!
2004-06-18, 04:28 PM
They need to change the sancs, should be one desert, one snow, and one grassy
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