View Full Version : IRC Russian Roulette

2004-06-19, 01:16 AM
<%Starbum> I'm going to play the russian-roulette /quit game!
<%Starbum> /quit
< AztecWarrior> Ooh...
< AztecWarrior> How do you play Starbum?
<%Starbum> Isnt it obvious? :)
<@PSU-Marsman> /quit
< AztecWarrior> ...not really. I know Russian Roulette but not its application.
<@PSU-Marsman> phew!
* AztecWarrior ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Watch out for snakes!)
<%Starbum> ...
<%Starbum> rofl
<@PSU-Marsman> roffles
< Viper> um...O_o
<%Starbum> awesome
* AztecWarrior ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
<@PSU-Marsman> I usually don't paticipate in those but
<%Starbum> You lost! :(
< AztecWarrior> I hare you.
< AztecWarrior> DAMNIT
< AztecWarrior> I *hate* you.
* AztecWarrior ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Watch out for snakes!)
< Viper> how cold you possibly win
< Viper> ?
<%Starbum> ROFL
<%Starbum> roflmao
* @PSU-Marsman holds his sides
<%Starbum> Easy, I can win
<%Starbum> /quit
<%Starbum> see?
< Viper> how are you doing that??
<@PSU-Marsman> let me take another stab at it
<%Starbum> Its a bot program
<@PSU-Marsman> /quit
<%Starbum> It randomizes who really quits
<@PSU-Marsman> I win! wheeee
<%Starbum> I turned on the app so the game is still running
* Viper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
<%Starbum> YES!
* Viper ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
<@PSU-Marsman> hahahahaha
< Viper> gah!
<%Starbum> letme try again
* %Starbum ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: <Hamma|Work> Im bringing some hemiroid creme)
* Viper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
* Viper ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
* Starbum ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
* ChanServ sets mode: +h Starbum
<%Starbum> damn
<%Starbum> Another round?
<%Starbum> /quit
* Viper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
* Viper ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
<%Starbum> BAAAHAHAH
< Viper> gah
<%Starbum> You lost again
* Viper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
* Viper ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
< Viper> wtf
<%Starbum> Alright, Im turning it off
< Viper> why do i keep losing...
<%Starbum> ^quitgame off
<%Starbum> that was fun
< Viper> not really :(
<%Starbum> Better luck next time
<%Starbum> I'd suggest not playing the real russian roulette
< Viper> :)
< Ivan> lol
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol:

2004-06-19, 01:18 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2004-06-19, 01:19 AM

2004-06-19, 01:20 AM
What happened to my nick?

2004-06-19, 01:21 AM
What happened to my nick?Interpreted as html tags - fixored.

2004-06-19, 01:22 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


2004-06-19, 01:22 AM
I was laughing my ass off when I saw that in the channel. :rolf:

2004-06-19, 01:24 AM
[01:18] * CDL-Peacemaker has activated russian rulette- to play type /quit
[01:18] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:18] * Ivan dance with Peace wearing nothing but his manties.
[01:19] <Fragmatic|Awake> squeeky... can I send you that mp3 now?
[01:19] * Doop plays russian roulette with the spinfusor
[01:19] * Viper has quit IRC (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
[01:19] * Viper has joined #ps-universe
[01:19] <hDrakbynea> hahahahaahahahaha
[01:19] <CDL-Peacemaker> hahahaha
[01:19] <CDL-Peacemaker> wow
[01:19] <hDrakbynea> You lsoe again!
[01:20] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:20] <Viper> WHAT THE FUCK
[01:20] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:21] <CDL-Peacemaker> rofl
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:21] * Viper has quit IRC (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> AHAHHA
[01:21] <CDL-Peacemaker> hahahaha
[01:21] * Viper has joined #ps-universe
[01:21] <CDL-Peacemaker> lol
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:21] <Viper> GAH
[01:21] <CDL-Peacemaker> lost again eh?
[01:21] * Viper has quit IRC (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
[01:21] <Doop> .....
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> rofl
[01:21] * Viper has joined #ps-universe
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:21] <Doop> jesus viper
[01:21] * Viper has quit IRC (Quit: Viper)
[01:21] <CDL-Peacemaker> Common viper you can win!
[01:21] * Viper has joined #ps-universe
[01:21] <CDL-Peacemaker> HAHAHA
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:21] <Doop> /quit
[01:21] <Doop> /quit
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:21] <Doop> /quit
[01:21] <CDL-Peacemaker> do it viper
[01:21] * Viper has quit IRC (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> /quit I win
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> haha
[01:21] <CDL-Peacemaker> ROFL
[01:21] <Starbum> /quit
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> owned
[01:21] * scrawl93 has joined #ps-universe
[01:21] * Ivan Molesterbates scrawl.
[01:21] <Ivan> Yeah! You like that bitch don't you!!
[01:21] <Reign> hogties Scrawl and has wild, hot monkey love with him
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:21] <CDL-Peacemaker> ok
[01:21] <hDrakbynea> What a moron
[01:21] <Doop> -_-
[01:21] * Viper has joined #ps-universe
[01:22] <CDL-Peacemaker> this is going in ownage
[01:22] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:22] * scrawl93 has quit IRC (Quit: [SearchIRC] Indexed 33 channels in 4 secs @ Jun 19th, 2004, 12:22 am)
[01:22] <hDrakbynea> It must.
[01:22] <CDL-Peacemaker> Lemmi do it
[01:22] <Ivan> http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?p=404785#post404785
[01:22] <hDrakbynea> k
[01:22] <Starbum> /quit
[01:22] <CDL-Peacemaker> I tricked the idiot
[01:22] * Viper has quit IRC (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
[01:22] * Viper has joined #ps-universe
[01:22] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:22] <Starbum> /quit
[01:22] <hDrakbynea> wait until it's all done, Peace
[01:22] <Viper> WHAT THE FUCK!
[01:22] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:22] <Starbum> Maybe its your nickname?
[01:22] * Viper was kicked by PSU-Bot (Turn off CapsLock �659�)
[01:22] * Viper has joined #ps-universe
[01:22] * Viper has quit IRC (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is gone...life is good!)
[01:23] * Viper has joined #ps-universe
[01:23] <Starbum> Maybe its your nickname?
[01:23] <hDrakbynea> /quit
[01:23] * Viper CRIES


2004-06-19, 01:28 AM
You people all suck.

2004-06-19, 01:29 AM

2004-06-19, 01:33 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


2004-06-19, 01:34 AM
OMG :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


2004-06-19, 01:45 AM
I want to play..

2004-06-19, 02:41 AM
Hahaha, i've never seen Marsman partake in such shenanigans. Which means this must've been really funny to him. Good to know, since i was laughing my ass off too.

2004-06-19, 11:33 AM
:rofl: :P~

2004-06-19, 11:56 AM
You're all mean :P~


2004-06-19, 11:57 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2004-06-19, 12:11 PM
* Viper has joined #ps-universe
<ZionsFire> ........
* hDrakbynea slaps Viper around a bit with a large trout
<Viper> !
<xmodum> Anyone wanna play Russian Roulette?
<Viper> ...
<hDrakbynea> ahaha
<xmodum> /quit
<Viper> stfu xmodum
* ZionsFire has quit IRC (Quit: ZionsFire)
<xmodum> lol
<Phobos> hahaha
* hDrakbynea has turned on Russian Roulette! Type /quit to play!
* Disconnected
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
<xmodum> damn
<xmodum> /quit
<hDrakbynea> /quit
<Viper> /quit
* Disconnected
* Rejoined channel #ps-universe
<xmodum> :(

2004-06-19, 01:00 PM