View Full Version : weapon availability idea

2004-06-21, 08:12 AM
I've played planetside since soon after release and i have an idea on the way weapons terms are used. If you hack an enemy term that makes enemy weapons, why do you have access to your empire weapons. if the base or tower is another empires, it should only make thier equipment, not yours.

So to get to my point, when hacking an enemies terms, wether its eqpt. or vehicle, you chould get their vehicles and weapons, not to mention max armors. i think this will add variety and a different approach to your tactics. its not as if all these, except maxes, cant be obtained by killing the owners on the feild, or jacking their vehicles, this would increase use of adv hackers that are frequently not used.

Who would not also like to see a tr scattermax, or a vs dual cycler on occasion, or an nc quazar? It may even slow the firing of nerf rants i hear if these were more accessible.

Please leave opinions on possible restrictions or more benifits i have not mentioned


2004-06-21, 09:05 AM
Some of us actually like our own weaponary, that's why we chose that empire.

At the moment there is a risk element to pick up enemy weaponary. With such a system, there would be no risk.

2004-06-21, 09:17 AM
When you hack something in this game, you're re-programming it over to your side. You don't know the enemy's construction codes, so you put your own in.

2004-06-21, 10:59 AM
As I've said a lot when this issue comes up, this would be cool as a Hacker-tied Elite Ability.

2004-06-21, 02:29 PM
I thought that when you hack something, with the exception of CCs, you disable the IFF on it, so you can use it. When you hack the CCs, you connect the CC to your lattice, and it takes 15 minutes to fully connect, or, in the case of the LLU, the LLU is used to connect the base to the lattice.

2004-06-21, 02:54 PM
no... were talking about equipment terminals... not CC's and LLu's. And... as Rayders said... you dont know the codes to use the ememy vehicles. Just deal with it.

2004-06-21, 02:59 PM
It's really unfair to throw any kind of storyline logic into this debate. If you'd like me to use some logic, the Vanguard would be a common-pool tank because it's on the screens of every Tech Plant, regardless of empire affilliation.

I think this should be given to a certain medal rank of Advanced hacker. But you can only hack out so much enemy equipment per day or whatever.

2004-06-21, 08:43 PM
The concept would give more character to certain strategic situations. The speed of peoples death now a days would stop any overly abbundant enemy weapons stealing along with the small locker size. And if the enemy are now more cautious about you hacking their terms, then it would be less of a problem. Even an incentive to paying attention to certain types of strategies more, whether its the enemy not wanting you to do it or you taking advantage of it.

And it would kindof be annoying getting nc maxs, for instance, when youre VS. I would rather have my nimble purple max armor than that clumsy peice of crap, and it would be annoying situation when the nc hack the base while were still spawning.

2004-06-21, 08:57 PM
...this would be cool as a Hacker-tied Elite Ability.
Yea like one of the things you get with the medals wen they com out