View Full Version : JAGED that is the last place to ask
2004-06-22, 09:24 PM
never ask that question there!
This is how half of them see politics
Democrat= the light
that is all half of them know, I'm a centrist and I'm trying to see if they ban me for being open minded.
2004-06-22, 09:26 PM
:huh: :huh:
2004-06-22, 09:31 PM :D
2004-06-22, 09:38 PM
Babaloo? Did this really deserve a topic?
2004-06-22, 09:48 PM
Babaloo? Did this really deserve a topic?
yea because Jaged has been on a quest to determine his political standing for like a month now. I think there are like 2 threads maybe 3 on here about Jaged and politics.
2004-06-22, 09:51 PM
Lol I only remember making one post on PSU.
But yeah I am on a quest to find my polotical standing. I am actualy getting some maturity out of the folks on DU.
Btw, I posted there fully aware that my answer would have a democratic slant. Thats what I wanted. I am trying to find people on both sides of the line and ask them that question so I can compair and contrast. Next stop,
2004-06-22, 10:05 PM
lol i was viewing some topics there and jeez there so retarded.Im sure there are republican sites like this too but damn.In the thread about Farahenit 9/11 or whatever the fuck its called they all like 'Man,if someone protests there Ill kick there ass and oh if i was pres id send in national guard" LMAO yet if a bash Kerry movie was out we'd have every news station down there protesting and what not.
2004-06-22, 10:06 PM
Sertiously go and just read the dictionary meanings.
2004-06-22, 10:21 PM
This should be in political forum, not lounge.
2004-06-22, 10:23 PM
Lol I only remember making one post on PSU.
But yeah I am on a quest to find my polotical standing. I am actualy getting some maturity out of the folks on DU.
Btw, I posted there fully aware that my answer would have a democratic slant. Thats what I wanted. I am trying to find people on both sides of the line and ask them that question so I can compair and contrast. Next stop,
oh man FR might be worse, Some guy got banned because he said he was wrong to make fun of what Kerry's kids looked like and that Reagan wouldn't have wanted them to do that.
2004-06-22, 10:39 PM
Worse then DU? I just got banned from that place. Look at the thread you linked to. Did that warent a full IP ban? Fucking jackasses. I don't think i will bother with FR.
I fucking hate these political sites.
2004-06-22, 10:49 PM
lol your profile says "Here lies a disruptor,He disrupted poorly.........." lol what jackasses,u didnt do shit and there banning you.Goods thing Hamma aint like that
2004-06-22, 10:54 PM
Politics Are Gay
2004-06-22, 10:57 PM
I forgot, I already got banned from FR for venturing into their turf without strongly conservative views. Same with kerry's website. This kind of behavior is evident on prety much any political board I venture on. So far I am at 3 attempts to post on them, and 3 IP bans....
Hey Jaged, I'd advise you to stay centrist. The truly intelligent don't need to align themselves with a group. Note all the bans you've recieved, proof that they refuse any views other than their own, thus showing a blatant lack of intellect.
2004-06-22, 11:12 PM
Mag, you my friend are a genious. I was already disgusted by both parties ignorance and inability to accept any idea other then their own. Centrist I shall be. My quest is complete. At least I think it is.
2004-06-22, 11:15 PM
Can someone please move this to the proper forum?
2004-06-22, 11:16 PM
We are not debating politics in any way. Why should it be moved?
2004-06-22, 11:18 PM
1. This is a message board for Democrats and other progressives.
2. Treat people with respect. Don't be rude or bigoted. Discuss the message, not the messenger.
3. Don't post entire articles. Instead, post short excerpts (not exceeding 4 paragraphs) with links.
4. Respect the wishes of the moderators and administrators
The democratic site thingy rules
2004-06-22, 11:24 PM
1. This is a message board for Democrats and other progressives.
2. Treat people with respect. Don't be rude or bigoted. Discuss the message, not the messenger.
3. Don't post entire articles. Instead, post short excerpts (not exceeding 4 paragraphs) with links.
4. Respect the wishes of the moderators and administrators
The democratic site thingy rules
1. Well I guess I did break this rule, unless I fall under the definition of a progressive, whatever the hell that is...
2. I treated everyone with respect.
3. I diddn't post any articles.
4. The mods diddn't ask me to do anything that I could of broken.
2004-06-23, 12:22 AM
Mag, you my friend are a genious. I was already disgusted by both parties ignorance and inability to accept any idea other then their own. Centrist I shall be. My quest is complete. At least I think it is.
welcome to the club. People don't seem to understand that in reality it is the centrist and wavering moderates that make up the population that actually determines the major elections. Its extremely basic math behind it as well. You have 30-35% of the population that will vote democrat no matter what happens. You also have 30-35% of the population that will vote republican no matter what happens. These two groups cancel each other out, you don't even need to campaign to win their votes because you know you have them. No matter what happens you have their votes because you're attached to that party name and thats all they care about. Its those that could go either way are the ones who actually matter in an election. We, the last third of the population actually determine who is going to lead us. People at FR and DU will never understand that they will NEVER make a difference in politics.
That is why I wanted you to steer away from DU and didn't suggest going to FR but Mag summed it up perfectly
By the way they banned me for saying be careful about Moores movies don't believe everything he says, and Fox isn't all lies, they wouldn't be able to broadcast a station of complete bullshit. They edited in for the fox (this is an expection) or something.
2004-06-23, 12:27 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This made me lollergigle.
:rofl: I dunno why, but that's funny.
2004-06-23, 02:43 AM
Go Republican!
2004-06-23, 03:03 AM
Hey Jaged, I'd advise you to stay centrist. The truly intelligent don't need to align themselves with a group. Note all the bans you've recieved, proof that they refuse any views other than their own, thus showing a blatant lack of intellect.
/\ /\ :)
2004-06-23, 03:48 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This made me lollergigle.
Haha, thats great.
2004-06-23, 03:59 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This made me lollergigle. :stupid:
2004-06-23, 07:00 AM
Jaged don't bother picking a political platform until you graduate highschool with a B or better in all your history classes.
If you fail to accomplish this then I believe that politics does not need your input.
Don't take this as an insult, it's just a personal belief i hold. Right now we have almost half of our political spectrum pushing towards socialism, an idea that has failed EVERY time it was used before.
I just think having a firm grip on history would seriously help.
2004-06-23, 09:33 AM
Hey Jaged, I'd advise you to stay centrist. The truly intelligent don't need to align themselves with a group. Note all the bans you've recieved, proof that they refuse any views other than their own, thus showing a blatant lack of intellect.
For truth...
...or you can revive the federalist party...
2004-06-23, 09:40 AM
I agree with them, Jaged. Keep in the center, and have an open mind.
I found ******* on the Kerry forums once...
2004-06-23, 09:42 AM
I agree with them, Jaged. Keep in the center, and have an open mind.
I found ******* on the Kerry forums once...
******* being TG or He Who Shalt Not Be Named?
2004-06-23, 09:46 AM
He who shall not be named. He was ranting about the military like he thought he knew something.
2004-06-23, 09:54 AM
True knowledge exists in knowing that you no nothing...
2004-06-23, 09:55 AM
Jaged I am very involved in politics on a local level where I live. I am a Democrat, but I also find that I am a very conservative Democrat. You will never find alliances with the very liberal Democratic or the very conservative Republican websites because they are soooo one sided in their opinions.
Attaching yourself to one party or another is not the most important thing. The most important thing in deciding your political views is to look at each issue and each politician from both perspectives and ot make an informed decision - not one baed upon party affiliation.
You do not need a minimum history grade as Tek suggested because political parties are not the same as they were even thirty years ago. In attempting to discover your own political theories I would say that there are a few main current issues to think about - abortion; gay rights; death penalty. Some great reading about our historical political originations are Hobbes Leviathon, Locke's Two Treatise on Government (A phenomenal book) and The Federalist Papers.
2004-06-23, 12:29 PM
He who shall not be named. He was ranting about the military like he thought he knew something.
2004-06-23, 01:19 PM
Jaged don't bother picking a political platform until you graduate highschool with a B or better in all your history classes.
If you fail to accomplish this then I believe that politics does not need your input.
Don't take this as an insult, it's just a personal belief i hold. Right now we have almost half of our political spectrum pushing towards socialism, an idea that has failed EVERY time it was used before.
I just think having a firm grip on history would seriously help.
Do i count? I get As and Im in 10th grade and finished my senior year history with a nice lil A.Its only class I can pass.In fact just got my report card today and Im even "retained to the 10th grade" so i think i failed but o well.Least I passed all my history classes with A.Cept god damn Early American History,god a stupid B but o well.
2004-06-23, 01:21 PM
Do i count? I get As and Im in 10th grade and finished my senior year history with a nice lil A.Its only class I can pass.In fact just got my report card today and Im even "retained to the 10th grade" so i think i failed but o well.Least I passed all my history classes with A.Cept god damn Early American History,god a stupid B but o well.
erm pardon... but that makes no sense... your in 10th grade (AKA Sophmore) have Senior (AKA 12th grade) History, failed 10th grade (WTFHAX), and you were allowed to keep the advanced history... your school system sucks worse then philly's...
2004-06-23, 01:30 PM
Your post confused me.So let me just say.......sure okay.
as for my school,lol it sucks more then you know,after having 4 levies in the last year fail and another one in August prolly gonna fail my schools fucked,there gonna have to get rid of some of the best teachers(the young ones who are actually cool) so were gonna be left with these 60 y/o fruitcakes who give us notes all period long on stuff you can easily find in your book. GAH school sucks
2004-06-23, 01:32 PM
You said you were in 10th grade, but have Senior (AKA 12th grade) level History, and you failed the 10th grade numerically... At my school they would've nazied your advanced history so fast...
2004-06-23, 01:35 PM
They prolly will and just not tell me it or anything.The people who work at my school hate me.
j00 said his name!!!!1!1!1!!!!7!
2004-06-23, 10:42 PM
Error 404: Joke has already been made.
2004-06-23, 10:47 PM
It wasnt very funny in the first place :p
Then why'd you make it?
2004-06-24, 02:05 AM
Just for the record, I have been un-nanned at DU. I told my democratic mom about my mistreatment and she was disgusted. Her email changed their minds. I don't plan on posting there ever again though.
2004-06-24, 03:15 PM
You.......told.....your mom on them..........
2004-06-24, 03:35 PM
Go Jaged.
2004-06-24, 06:28 PM
Lol, I mentioned it to her. I diddn't go crying to her or anything. "Mommy, mommy banned me! Make them be nice!"
2004-06-24, 06:35 PM
You.......told.....your mom on them..........
2004-06-24, 06:57 PM
Buncha pussies. Scared by some kid's mom.
2004-06-24, 06:59 PM
You don't know what you are talking about. She can be very scarry. :scared:
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