View Full Version : Dealing with n00bs.

2004-06-26, 01:49 AM
IM fairly certain we all go to, or have gone to different forums in our time.

Now, I used to attend a forum site called hackernetwork.com, a humor site, with no information regarding hacking. Now, this did not deter from many the idiot stumbling into the forums, nda begg1ng in r337 k1dd13 sp33ch 4 h4x plz. So, We would ban them on site, or toy around with them by saying we DID have hacks.

However, they would just re-register, and start spamming again. They got banned again.
They returned. More spam. More ban.

IP ban was not possible, because the admin of the site is Greek. Thus, he was prolly out drinking beer, or raping goats or something. before any other greeks start flaming, Im greek myself, so STFU.

Eventually, the devious lead mod of the forums, Demosthenes, created a small program capable of rendering the n00bies system completely and totally useless, unless they knew how to fix it, which was rather simple.

The file, entitled hotmail3.bat was given to the idiotic noobies, promising them teh 1337 3ma1l h4x. What it did, was changed ALL file associations to .txt

.whatever the hell else you can think of, all to .txt

System restore or another system function easily corrects this problem, but most were stupid enough where they gave up instantly, and had it taken in to be fixed by a professional. Those people who got pwnd by teh h4x never usually came back.

Now, the purpose of this tale, is to see how other forums deal with idiot noobs. From what Ive noticed, Hamma is incredibly lenient, but is not afraid to use the banhammer. Those are the only two forums Ive surfed regularly.

So, how do your other forums handle the waves of n00bs?

2004-06-26, 01:57 AM
I like to change their posts then ban them on my outfit boards because I'm evil.

2004-06-26, 01:57 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2004-06-26, 01:58 AM
So, how do your other forums handle the waves of n00bs?
pns ndabut

2004-06-26, 01:58 AM
PSU forums are the only ones I've ever visited regularly. except my outfit forums. which came after PSU.

EDIT: HOLY FUCKING SHIT! when I clicked this thread there were no responses, so I type a messege and post it, I come back and theres 3 responses already!

2004-06-26, 03:36 AM
pns ndabut

2004-06-26, 04:19 AM
i used to browse the rage extreme forums (cs hacking clan) they were much like psu in dealing with noobs..

2004-06-26, 04:25 AM
Entensity Forums:


2004-06-26, 07:01 AM
All I did was give them a Richard Simmons avatar and change their names to Nancy

2004-06-26, 11:40 AM
Entensity Forums:

I think I am going to change our banned msg.

2004-06-26, 11:58 AM
I think I am going to change our banned msg.


Depends which kind of n00b you mean. If it's a one that's willing to listen and learn, then I teach them. If it's one who tipes liek dis an den dey strt beein idyots den ah /ignoar theyre asses.

Simple really

2004-06-26, 12:04 PM
*name withheld, not T/God*: You were ostracized and then left, especially if you were any of the following:

called the administrator fat (I swear to God, that happened)
opposed to premarital sex
opposed to drug abuse, esp. the use of medical pharmaceutical drugs for said purposes
rejected "The Cult of the Admin", in which you did not kiss ass to the admin at any given moment

Sven Co-Op forums: Newbies never had a problem, but that's because the maturity level is about 11 (which isn't really a problem, but can get annoying after a while, esp. when every post has at least four smileys), and everyone above that age is either not very active, in the angsty mid and late teens, or works for the Half-Life mod.

2004-06-26, 12:41 PM
You still browse the Sven Co-op forums? Sweet. I havn't been there for like 2 years

2004-06-26, 12:52 PM
Entensity Forums:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2004-06-26, 12:53 PM
Entensity Forums:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2004-06-26, 07:55 PM
At the last forum I was at (now gone), they would just repeatedly ban the person until they gave up. Few actually tried to register twice. It was a small forum.

2004-06-26, 10:20 PM
Hezzy: It's been like 2 years here, as well.