View Full Version : [Idea]PSU Weekly Gaming Night

2004-06-26, 04:53 AM
I just thought of the Idea tonight of having a PSU Weekly Gaming Night. All of the PSU Community and Staff could get together and sit down for a few good hours of PS Fragging. Maybe even some Teamspeak Coordination with a PSU Platoon, im looking for available Teamspeak Servers so if you know any that wouldnt mind a load one day of the week PM me. Im also thinking that In-Game Voice would suffice. But what are your opinions on the possibility of a Weekly PSU Gaming Night on a date to be agreed upon at a later date. Keep in mind that if Hamma decides to do this details could change and at this point I havent run this by any of the staffers but im looking for support from the community. Ideas? Comments? Suggestions?

2004-06-26, 04:54 AM
Wait... So just PS? It's a bit of a bad idea since most people here don't play the game much/anymore.

2004-06-26, 04:55 AM
yes for psu weekly gaming night, i don't really care what game it is as long as it has a free demo

2004-06-26, 04:57 AM
Wait... So just PS? It's a bit of a bad idea since most people here don't play the game much/anymore.

This is Planetside-Universe. I was talking about it in IRC, maybe we would play other games like BFV or UT2004 when Hamma occassionaly likes to fire up a server. But for the most part this is Planetside Universe, its true that alot of PSU Regulars dont play but, there are regulars who come to PSU outside of the Forums and IRC. The facts are there are a alot more people who play Planetside than those who dont.

2004-06-26, 05:01 AM
This is the Lounge Mr. Bio. As far as I know, most of the population here doesn't play it. I'm pretty sure you don't want to be playing with a whole lot of Game Discussion inhabitants.

2004-06-26, 05:06 AM
I'm down for some BF:V action

2004-06-26, 05:08 AM
does bf:v have a demo? :P

2004-06-26, 05:09 AM
I'm down for some BF:V action

get on vs5.osg.cc:8797 (Teamspeak IP)

and if you be so kind as to unignore me from AIM.

btw, I made a thread in Game Discussion about this (its only a link to this thread).

2004-06-26, 05:19 AM
get on vs5.osg.cc:8797 (Teamspeak IP)

and if you be so kind as to unignore me from AIM.

btw, I made a thread in Game Discussion about this (its only a link to this thread).

Hey I'm in full support of this, but not if you only limited it to PS.

2004-06-26, 05:21 AM
Hey I'm in full support of this, but not if you only limited it to PS.

Im sure other games would be played but its Hamma's decision if its associated with PSU its almost a given that it would be Planetside.

I was only telling Squeeky that I wanted to play some BFV.

2004-06-26, 06:31 AM
Im sure other games would be played but its Hamma's decision if its associated with PSU its almost a given that it would be Planetside.

I was only telling Squeeky that I wanted to play some BFV.

But you must remember PS is not Hamma's life. It's fairly likely he'll allow other games to be played.

2004-06-26, 06:38 AM
ok, how bout we leave the hamma decisions to hamma, and think about whether or whether not this is a good idea :doh:

2004-06-26, 08:23 AM
PS or UT2004

i'll support it

2004-06-26, 08:36 AM
Joint Ops all the way; anything else is inferior and will be crushed.

2004-06-26, 11:41 AM
Wait... So just PS? It's a bit of a bad idea since most people here don't play the game much/anymore.
That was a pretty ignorant statement, plenty of people here still play the game.

2004-06-26, 11:45 AM
Hey I'm in full support of this, but not if you only limited it to PS.

It dosent work very well if its an MMO game...

2004-06-26, 11:57 AM
Anyone who opposes this idea is Communist. GG

2004-06-26, 12:17 PM
Kinda hard to have a PS gaming night, since we're all different empires. BF:V would be perfect though, and if Hamma or someone couldn't put up a server, I know a few ones that wouldn't mind if we went in there and played.

2004-06-26, 12:23 PM
I'm in favor of it

2004-06-26, 12:58 PM
Maybe Markov, Emerald, or Werner and we alternate every week. But in geographical terms Emerald is the middle server so Its fair to both people living on the west coast, Hamma and CDL, and everyone from across the pond.

2004-06-26, 01:49 PM
Kinda hard to have a PS gaming night, since we're all different empires.

2004-06-26, 01:52 PM
Just create an alternate empire charaectar. Its still a good idea because it lets PSU Get Toghether on an Established Weekly Time. Its not a big deal seeing as you can create another empire charaectar.

2004-06-26, 01:54 PM
While this is true, I dont play PS anymore, so I'm out :p

2004-06-26, 01:54 PM
As long as we have more than just a planetside night.

2004-06-26, 01:57 PM
PS night idea = bad

Other game nights = good

I'm not voting until we establish that it will be other games too, rather than PS only.

2004-06-26, 01:57 PM
As long as we have more than just a planetside night.

Up to Hamma, but if we do get a Teamspeak Server (Frag is in the process of getting approval from one of his friends who runs a 80 Person TS Server). Im sure we could all play some BFV but for the sake of community it will probably be Planetside most of the time. If we all want to play BFV or something else after the events that would be possible. Dont want to get ahead of ourselves, but im posting this to address your comments over the idea of playing something other than Planetside.

2004-06-26, 02:10 PM
Anyone who opposes this idea is Communist. GG
I oppose!!!!!!!!!!!!!

j/k I'm up for it.

Actually, I'm up for BF:V right now.

xfire: corrosion

2004-06-26, 02:11 PM
oh and I dont care what game you play

2004-06-26, 02:15 PM
Americas Army, its free, its fun, and it encourages tactics.


2004-06-26, 02:16 PM
I vote BF:V

2004-06-26, 02:17 PM
Ok, I will work on a schedule of the games we can play each week. First, we need to agree on some games though that will Alternate Weekly. Here are some games that I think should be played (in no particular order).

Planetside, Battlefield 1942, Desert Combat, Battlefield: Vietnam, Call of Duty, Steam Games, Joint Ops, UT2004, Americas Army.

Just some ideas. If you want any other games added to the list post here, and ill work on a simple schedule for the next month that we can agree on.

2004-06-26, 02:19 PM
BF:V damnit, most of the people here have it, alot more than JO, UT2k4, etc.

2004-06-26, 02:28 PM
I vote to add Gun Bound (http://www.gunbound.net) to the list of possible games. :D

2004-06-26, 03:04 PM
yes Gunbound and BF:V thats it done.

2004-06-26, 03:24 PM
Planetside, Battlefield: Vietnam, Battlefield 1942, Desert Combat, Call of Duty, and Americas Army. Im sure that is a list that will make most happy.

2004-06-26, 04:38 PM
I'll play, haven't played with Hamma for a long while.

2004-06-26, 04:49 PM
Planetside, Battlefield: Vietnam, Battlefield 1942, Desert Combat, Call of Duty, and Americas Army. Im sure that is a list that will make most happy.
Yep! :thumbsup:

2004-06-26, 05:45 PM
Ill have information about a Teamspeak Server Shortly, I will have a schedule tonight.

-Update- All of the Gaming Nights are Friday.

2004-06-26, 06:02 PM
Guess I'll wait till UT2k4 night then. =/

2004-06-26, 06:25 PM
so there isn't going to be a PS night?

2004-06-26, 07:06 PM
i'm down for BFV.

2004-06-26, 07:07 PM
That was a pretty ignorant statement, plenty of people here still play the game.

I'm just speaking for what I've heard. I've seen a lot of the well-known and active members say they don't really play much anymore.

2004-06-26, 07:10 PM
i play

2004-06-26, 07:23 PM
so far my idea is every Friday from 9 PM til 2 AM EST. Two Games Every Friday.

A thread with a poll every monday then on thursday the poll will close and the two games with the most votes will be played. Another and possibly a better suggestion.

2 Hours and 30 Minutes Each Game.

List of all Games:
Planetside, Battlefield 1942, Desert Combat, Battlefield: Vietnam, Call of Duty, Steam Games, Joint Ops, UT2004, Americas Army.

2004-06-26, 07:28 PM
I'm down for those BFV and CoD nights.

Heh, july 16th will be fun. :brow:

2004-06-26, 07:28 PM
I'm just speaking for what I've heard. I've seen a lot of the well-known and active members say they don't really play much anymore.

Im talking about the PS community in general, you do make a vaild point but still there are more people on PSU who play PS then dont.

btw, I took the schedule down because Its more fair to vote. Just incase any of you were wondering why 1024 was talking to himself.

2004-06-26, 10:24 PM
I've only got three of them. Damn. (CoD, AA, PS).

2004-06-26, 10:40 PM
Bio, stop trying to make events and things, spend as much time playing with the Black Hawks and stuff.

2004-06-26, 10:49 PM
Bio, stop trying to make events and things, spend as much time playing with the Black Hawks and stuff.

I was grounded.

2004-06-26, 10:49 PM
Bio, stop trying to make events and things, spend as much time playing with the Black Hawks and stuff.

xmodum, don't be negative about it.

2004-06-26, 11:00 PM
So how are you setting this up? One game per night?
Monday - Planetside
Tuesday - BF:V
Wednesday: bf'42
Thrus - blah

Like that?

2004-06-26, 11:34 PM
I'm guessing he means one night per week.

2004-06-27, 02:53 AM
I'm guessing he means one night per week.

Yep, more details tomorrow.

2004-06-27, 03:00 AM
When Tribes Vengeance comes out we can all play that.

2004-06-27, 03:08 AM
I'd attempt BF:V, but it runs worse than planetside for me (and ps is suppose to be a really hard running game).

Damn i probly should've used my money on some computer shit, not a new xbox (that atm i adore).

Though if not, lets keep this not just for games up to date if you know what i mean. I mean like possibly Tribes2, Unreal Tournement (orriginal or 2k3 since most have it), maybe even Quake. Others too. Lets have a classics night or something. And dont say 'dont play that game, it wont work out' cause there are a few who still play that particular game (maybe, maybe not).

I think there should be another thread/poll that should have different games to poll on to see who has it and is able to play it (as if ps if the person is still paying to play).

Other wise, great idea! Even though i can barely even contribute to it, its the one thing this place has not been including.

2004-06-27, 03:10 AM
sounds like a great idea. set it up and I'd have no reason not to play PS again.
any other game is fine from BFV to GCII (I suppose UT2k4, I dont have it but there are some sweet mods out for it that make it a tempting purchase)

oh and about BF:V : jennyboo. she's a mad dog killer. I've seen it first hand. good fun :)

2004-06-27, 03:10 AM
BF 1942, Desert Combat would be sweet too.

2004-06-27, 03:28 AM
oh and about BF:V : jennyboo. she's a mad dog killer. I've seen it first hand. good fun :):nod: indeed she is. Ph34r Jennyboo!

2004-06-27, 05:37 AM