View Full Version : TR Emerald - The horror....
2004-06-28, 10:07 AM
I pity the TR left on Emerald that didn't quit or hop empires.
Not only do they have the TR legacy of outdated, obsolete and ineffective equipment, but have a pathetically low population at all times (Markov TR *sometimes* get over 30%).
Add to that the fact that there are lots of outfits of "elite" players in the VS or NC that realized long ago that "zee goggles" and how nice the chicks look in the TR's hot red leather outfits weren't enough to make up for the crap weapons that the DEVs expect the TR to play with. They all switched because it's a lot easier to "pwn" with good kit.
The level of organization these outfits display compounded with the weapon imbalances, population imbalances (compounded by our high crew requirements), and how unfair Core Combat is now to the empire(s) that can lock the caverns all the time (cough *NCs* cough) and you have basically wholesale slaughter of the TR every single night.
Every TR raid typically fails even if they bring lots of numbers (I've seen the VS/NC outnumbered 2-1 and still push the TR back), and if the TR hold a continent and the enemy brings anywhere near equal numbers to the battle, the TR get rolled up. Should that be a sign to the DEVs that, all other things aside, yes, the TR equipment is just that bad (MCG is overrated garbage; Sweeper is better 8 times out of 10).
I play NC or TR on Markov and I go 4-1 kills/deaths or better. On Emerald, I have 1/2 the ping but I barely get 2-1 on the best night because I can't keep a vehicle alive and grunting is suicide thanks to the sheer number of Maelstroms and Flails and enemy vehicular dominance.
I guess I just fail to see why people would want to play the TR on Emerlald right now. My own experiences have been more frustrating than ever in the past little while. The balance was always bad, but lately it just seems worse. Anyone see any hope?
2004-06-28, 10:15 AM
Death before dishonor - I will be Terran Republic until the end. Black and Red for life and liberty!
2004-06-28, 10:42 AM
People like you are the only reason the TR are still here. :D
Unfortunately, I don't have fun playing the TR any more. When a game crosses the line from fun to frustrating, and I start screaming at the screen and slamming my fist on my keyboard, it's time to move on or take another break for a while, or else log in as my NC toon, compounding the problem. It's no fun to lose consistently, or spend more time staring at a respawn timer than playing.
Worst part is, I don't suck. I have almost 25k kills on all my characters, but I just can't do anything when I can't keep a Reaver or Mosquito in the air due to being swarmed with AA or enemy air (TR on Emerald seem to have very few pilots anymore and no AA). I am forced to grunt it far more often than I want to. When I play NC, I have little trouble keeping vehicles alive in comparison.
Red and Black are cool colors, and I do really like wearing them, but I think the DEVs only see in Blue and Yellow and that really sucks IMHO.
2004-06-28, 10:42 AM
This question was asked by the entire CDL outfit last week. The answer we gave ourselfs? Wait it out. Our time will come...
2004-06-28, 01:18 PM
:drunk: I will represent red and black till the end. I feel honor with their dedication of our people that stay. devs are attempting a buff so i hope they come through. we are losing players all the time cause they would rather go nc to get their uber one shot kill weapons then learn how to use what we have. Example jackhammer is easy to kill with especially indoors, one triple shot close quarters=insta kill to anything not max or in rexo. Same with thunderer. Scattmax owns multiple people at a time, it should but tr's doesnt.
vs is right in the middle. their weapons are good but not uber. if TR get a decent buff, i believe the numbers will get better. I hope! or we'll just end up with 80% br20's cr5's cause the newbs left
Diddy Mao
2004-06-28, 02:00 PM
Death before dishonor - I will be Terran Republic until the end. Black and Red for life and liberty!
Last time I check... Liberty had nothing to do with the TR.... As hulk Hogan would say "Freedom Brother!"
2004-06-28, 02:04 PM
Do not give in to the liberators! Fight back against the light! Fascism forever!-Terran Motto
2004-06-28, 02:40 PM
Last time I check... Liberty had nothing to do with the TR.... As hulk Hogan would say "Freedom Brother!"Ahhh, such a misguided, propagandized rebel. Your silly factions scream for "freedom from the oppressor!" yet you misunderstand our intentions. A short analogy will help you see the truth:
The bird spent all it's time peering from the free home it lived in, desiring to fly free with the clouds. It would look with disdain upon it's daily feedings, and daily home cleaning, feeling like it would be best if it lived upon it's own.
Then one day, the opportunity came for it to grasp that coveted "freedom" it so long had desired! The loving owner had left the beautiful home's door open! The bird leapt with joy to the opening and flying through entered the big wide world of apparent "freedom". Within the next second it was snapped up in the waiting mouth of the owner's cat and was devoured whole, nothing left but a pretty feather that settled slowly to the ground.
Freedom can be deceptive in it's allure.
Your loving owner only wishes to keep you safe. ;)
2004-06-28, 03:03 PM
That brought a tear to my eye Mani :tear:
2004-06-28, 03:04 PM
Ahhh, such a misguided, propagandized rebel. Your silly factions scream for "freedom from the oppressor!" yet you misunderstand our intentions. A short analogy will help you see the truth:
The bird spent all it's time peering from the free home it lived in, desiring to fly free with the clouds. It would look with disdain upon it's daily feedings, and daily home cleaning, feeling like it would be best if it lived upon it's own.
Then one day, the opportunity came for it to grasp that coveted "freedom" it so long had desired! The loving owner had left the beautiful home's door open! The bird leapt with joy to the opening and flying through entered the big wide world of apparent "freedom". Within the next second it was snapped up in the waiting mouth of the owner's cat and was devoured whole, nothing left but a pretty feather that settled slowly to the ground.
Freedom can be deceptive in it's allure.
Your loving owner only wishes to keep you safe. ;)
OMG teh kitteh!
And he does have an actual point as well.
2004-06-28, 05:34 PM
I wholeheartedly agree with you guys. Especially when it comes to waiting it out. I've been playing as a Vanu since I bought the damn game last May. And I remember when we the Vanu were the gimps of Auraxis. I also remember when the TR was a force to be wreckoned with. Now, we the Vanu are holding our own finally, and the TR are getting the short end of the stick. Whereas the NC have always been the dominating force, but I feel that this will one day come to an end. I see either one or two possibilities: 1) The devs are going to finally start listening to the Vanu and TR bitch about the NC winning all the time and then severely nerf them, or 2) The devs are going to start listening to all sides and make everything as balanced as possible. Yes, it is possible, but as we all know, it's highly unlikely. The thing is that it's a vicious circle of buffing and nerfing, and it's not going to stop. However, you if are a member of the 4th empire, keep in mind that you are only prolonging some of the problems that we as players are faced with.
2004-06-28, 06:40 PM
it's the small things that really make the TR on emerald look bad, as well as the big things.
Example 1: Intense indoor fighting against the enemy. I find cover and hit "VNM"
Emerald: I stay ignored and prompty die.
Markov: I am healed as soon as I take cover, no need to ask for it.
Example 2: I lock down a hallway by deploying in a Dual Cycler and creating a wall of lead (It's possible damnit, don't underestimate da DC)
Emerald: People run head long into certain death infront of me, getting torn by my fire and the fire of the enemies.
Markov: A few engineers position themselves behind me and MCG users are at my sides helping me keep the enemies at bay.
Abit of thought and kindness would go a long way in making the TR on emerald a formidable force.
2004-06-28, 07:46 PM
if i still played, i would have joined common pool a long time ago...
2004-06-28, 08:49 PM
Pop numbers during primetime tonight (so far)
33% TR
33% NC
34% VS
2004-06-28, 08:57 PM
Now it's:
34% TR
33% NC
33% VS
Holy Fucking Shit, Batman! The TR actually have the most fucking people!
2004-06-28, 09:42 PM
as if a 1% gain is the same as the NC having at leased 10%+ more then the rest...... :rolleyes:
2004-06-28, 09:48 PM
as if a 1% gain is the same as the NC having at leased 10%+ more then the rest...... :rolleyes:
1) In primetime, 1% is about 30-50 people. Given that the NC dropped a percent and the TR gained one, that means that there was around a 60-100 person shift, which is enough people to Pop-lock 1-2/3 of a continent.
2) The purely psychological importance of having the greatest population is quite profound.
2004-06-28, 11:24 PM
There is a lot of discussion about major Emerald outfits leaving TR and going to Markov as another empire, just to make a point.
A lot of outfits on TR/Emerald are also simply giving up and going to VS, if they aren't just taking their whole team and going to another game.
Wakie wakie, developers. Your game is fast going down the shitter- despite your public spins that everything is cool.
2004-06-28, 11:37 PM
Agreed. And with the availability of Planetside only being a download away, I wonder what makes SOE think that this is a viable option?
We had a discussion tonight and are remaining TR on Emerald, but will keep an open view on jumping empires. It's a shame, really. I wish I could be a fly on the wall during SOE's board meetings with the people in charge of Planetside. Marketing, Development, Customer Service, etc. all getting in a room to discuss it.
Happy lil Elf
2004-06-29, 03:39 AM
Not to be a, actually, to be a dick:
These, and pardon my language, are starting to get really fucking old. If you want to write a neat little whine about how absolutely horrendous it is for your team, go play on the OF boards. Yes I know that the TR have it rough compared to their competition. That sucks, and I sympathized. I say sympathized because it's gone past feeling sympathetic and hovers more in the area of being really [i]really/[i] fucking annoyed about having to hear about it constantly. Yes we know it's been rough for you. That sucks. Here's the thing though guys, in spite of all the griping about equipment, it's the population that's killing you, not the relatively minor imbalance in the everlasting arms race that is planetside.
But hey, I'm sure that writing rant after fucking rant is going to make people want to give TR a shot.
No, wait.
P.S. Let me save you the trouble: "Then don't read it". You're missing the point with that tired innane response though. Let me summarize the point for you: Don't fucking write it. It's not NC or VS that it may very well be helping to fuck over.
2004-06-29, 04:40 AM
Enclave rejoined the TR. This alone is probably about 2-4+% for the TR. I know a lot of people don't like Enclave, but it took guts for them to go back to TR with all the doom and gloom surrounding them on Emerald.
C22 and KAAOS both left TR. C22 is now VS, and KAAOS I believe went to try out Markov.
VS also has a lot of influx of Markov people now, which is scary. type /who vam and see who they are.
With the next balance changes coming soon in terms of maxes and TR stuff, the glory days of NC are coming to an end.
I'm not saying the NC will falter, just that the map will be much more even. Expect global locks to not occur for a long time.
2004-06-29, 11:36 AM
These, and pardon my language, are starting to get really fucking old. If you want to write a neat little whine about how absolutely horrendous it is for your team, go play on the OF boards. Yes I know that the TR have it rough compared to their competition. That sucks, and I sympathized. I say sympathized because it's gone past feeling sympathetic and hovers more in the area of being really [i]really/[i] fucking annoyed about having to hear about it constantly. Yes we know it's been rough for you. That sucks. Here's the thing though guys, in spite of all the griping about equipment, it's the population that's killing you, not the relatively minor imbalance in the everlasting arms race that is planetside.
But hey, I'm sure that writing rant after fucking rant is going to make people want to give TR a shot.
No, wait.
P.S. Let me save you the trouble: "Then don't read it". You're missing the point with that tired innane response though. Let me summarize the point for you: Don't fucking write it. It's not NC or VS that it may very well be helping to fuck over.
It's all fun and games until you're not in the limelight. You know, we listened to the Vanu when they cried about their Lasher for months. Most of us are well-aware and readily acknowledge the fact that the problem is the population. I don't give a shit about the weapons, I can use captured weapons or Core Combat weapons just as easily as anyone else, and have no problems getting my hands on them whenever I want.
So be of good cheer. The Lord loves a cheerful worker. Move out and draw fire.
2004-06-29, 08:41 PM
These, and pardon my language, are starting to get really fucking old. If you want to write a neat little whine about how absolutely horrendous it is for your team, go play on the OF boards. Yes I know that the TR have it rough compared to their competition. That sucks, and I sympathized. I say sympathized because it's gone past feeling sympathetic and hovers more in the area of being really [i]really/[i] fucking annoyed about having to hear about it constantly. Yes we know it's been rough for you. That sucks. Here's the thing though guys, in spite of all the griping about equipment, it's the population that's killing you, not the relatively minor imbalance in the everlasting arms race that is planetside.
But hey, I'm sure that writing rant after fucking rant is going to make people want to give TR a shot.
No, wait.
P.S. Let me save you the trouble: "Then don't read it". You're missing the point with that tired innane response though. Let me summarize the point for you: Don't fucking write it. It's not NC or VS that it may very well be helping to fuck over.
They're old to us, but that's irrelevant. It's new to the devs, which is important. Personally, I don't feel that they are giving in the whines. Many of them about the TR(especially the maxes and extra vehicle requirements) really do need to be looked at and addressed.
2004-06-29, 10:21 PM
To the TR players,
As a former player of PS, you have my deepest sympathies and understanding of the situation with the TR. I know that in the minds of 95% of the NC players, everything is balanced, and fine, and nothing you say will make any difference to them and only attract flames about how its all skill and poor tactics on our part.
The veterans of the TR know better, and we know they're only fooling themselves. If they think things are "fine". Talking with my former outfitmates, it sounds like the same old thing really.... whats sad, no longer do they talk about fighting to win bases, but just fighting for kills. It appears that expectations are at such a low point, that to paraphrase (sorta) and one guy, "you get used losing all the time and just have fun defending a base" or words to that effect. Kinda sad.
I'm contemplating returning to the game, but i have to say this, rather than switch empires, i quit the game instead. But now, after having been removed from my old outfit from inactivity, and having something of a falling out, i find myself with no loyalties other than to continue a hopless fight that i know we cannot win. So for the first time, having no affiliation i find myself contemplating playing as something ive come to hate beyond words.... An NC.
But then.. i hate giving in more. I think if i return to this game, and continue on as TR, and merits go in.. i will wear my veterans badge with pride.
2004-06-29, 11:03 PM
So for the first time, having no affiliation i find myself contemplating playing as something ive come to hate beyond words.... An NC.
But then.. i hate giving in more. I think if i return to this game, and continue on as TR, and merits go in.. i will wear my veterans badge with pride.
Come to the dark side. Come to TR-Emerald. And come to Black Widow Company.
Diddy Mao
2004-06-29, 11:30 PM
C22 going VS, Tr going Enclave. Everything is balancing out, though u dont' welcome the Enclave back they do contribute much
2004-06-30, 01:45 AM
While we dont like the Enclave the fact that they are so massive just means that we will like the help. Not them.
2004-06-30, 11:09 AM
While we dont like the Enclave
You mean White Power or whatever the fuck they're called.
"The Great White Hope" is Southern-slang for the KKK. Just an FYI in case you give a shit.
2004-06-30, 11:42 AM
I doubt the ENTIRE enclave is a bunch of white power smacktards but if they are id say Fsck em. Let the NC keep them.
2004-06-30, 11:57 AM
(FYI: TR of werner, an it aint all balanced there either ;) )
I'm jus wondering.. I've seen TR and VS cries for help..
Have the NC ever had to?
If not, hopefully 2.8 => 2.10 will be their turn, lol
@ TR who read this
I feel your pain :(
@ NC who read this
FLAME AWAY!!! :lol:
@ VS who read this
ello :)
2004-06-30, 01:27 PM
Come to the dark side. Come to TR-Emerald. And come to Black Widow Company.
Amen. You'll never even contemplate Smurfism again...
Red October
2004-06-30, 04:25 PM
Last night I log in to play after a really f'd up day....I'm mad, furious, drunk, holding a gun (in the game) and hate anything thats blue or purple....
Problem....the whole f'n world was two colors. Purple and Blue. And the one place that had a little locked. Nowhere to go to shoot. Outfit leader is stuck for 15+ min in orbit trying to get to cont.
Luckily I can get to some contested continents (between VS and NC) and blow gens for the time being. Eventually enough organize and we add some red to Esamir. Now I know what it feels like to be TR on Emerald....Yes...I play on Markov. Hell, even the Global Chat from the CR5's was sayin "If you abandon TR to play VS or NC, you're a coward". I agree. As TR on Markov, we've been holding our own pretty well and most who come from other servers often say the TR on Markov is one of the better organized in comparison. But HFS! Last night was a huge chore..not fun...a chore!
My question is, Emerald was first...but is Markov next to go down the drain? Is our organization only going to carry us so far before we follow the same route as Emerald? If it does, I'm going to play City of Heros untill EQII comes out. I play games for fun, not a chore. Its F'n rediculous that we could have a cont pop locked, be well organized and still cant make any progress unless we vastly outnumber the enemy.
Something is wrong with balance period. I can't say it pop for sure or weapons, vehicles, etc. but something is definately wrong. We have our off nights....and that wasn't one of them..that was a disaster.
2004-06-30, 07:20 PM
The #2 problem with TR right now is that our multiple outfits seem to lack coordination. One CR5 will global for an invasion of continent X. Then 3 minutes later another CR5 will global for an invasion of continent Y. New Players to TR don't have a solid footing as far as tactics are concerned, so they go with either X or Y continent, splitting up our forces. Don't worry though, things are being planned as you read this.
2004-06-30, 11:48 PM
Please stop hating on the Enclave, I am in ** and we are just fine. Some of you may not like us but we are returning to our roots and we could care quite less of what you guys think. I have been TR most of my careeer in PS except the time i switched to NC for about 2 weeks. ** will help TR out alot, you people ( Peacemaker ) need to just give us a shot, we have the numbers and the skill.
2004-07-01, 12:18 AM
I'm curious how many outfits you have been in (sheer curiosity, nothing else, don't take it out of context). It says three different outfits there, and then you say you're in White Power now.
you people ( Peacemaker ) need to just give us a shot
The thing about Enclave/White Pride is, we GIVE them a shot... and they use it to put a round in the backs of any TR nearby. It was that way on Konreid, it was that way on Emerald before they went NC, and there are reports of it now again on the return-trip.
2004-07-01, 12:57 AM
I despise markov tr. Why? Because im jelous that you actually have fucking cr5s that can lead, instead of getting weapons lock, and then RUNNING OVER PEOPLE WITH ANTS IN THE FUCKING SANC!
2004-07-01, 01:43 AM
I despise markov tr. Why? Because im jelous that you actually have fucking cr5s that can lead, instead of getting weapons lock, and then RUNNING OVER PEOPLE WITH ANTS IN THE FUCKING SANC!
I know I've posted about this before here and on the OF, but that in a nutshell is 90% of Emerald's problem with the TR... that being attitude. The Emerald TR for the most part have given up and whine more than they actually fight these days.
Reality Check...
TR gear does not suck. With some tweaking the Prowler (on 12mm gun only) and their MAXes (lock down needs to be rethought) might be more useful, but other than that they are just fine. (Both are currently being addressed by the Devs...)
If you have a "Thunderer" problem, just get a Reaver and now you have 1 guy in a vehicle spanking (risk free) 3 guys in a vehicle. See AA capability is the Thunderer's weakness... exploit that. The Raider might be weaker vs. the Thunderer, but is does not have the AA weakness... Raiders own air. Use this strength.
Other strengths...
The Striker is the ONLY AV with AA capability. IMHO this is HUGE. Think your AA MAX sucks? You don't need one. TR troops getting harassed by Reavers can defend themselves. Other empires have to go get a MAX which ends up being ground vehicle or Striker bait...
With the death of surge and the removal of the quad-shot exploit the MCG is in a very nice position to be the best HA weapon in the game. This is subject to opinion of course, but that Rexo+PS+MCG is a damn tough combo to beat with either the Jack or Lasher.
The Marauder is the only assault buggy worth a shake of salt. The arching fire from the grenage rifle allows you to take shots when on uneven ground... whereas the Enforcer driver has to line shots up for the gunner. Also that 12mm gatling gun is the same as the one on the Mossy and Harrasser... it's hyper-accurate and very deadly and gives the Marauder AA capability that the Enforcer and Thresher just don't have. Finally because of the Striker the other buggies are useless 7 hit wonders so 2 striker users mean nearly instant death. The other Empire AV just won't own buggys as fast. I never have a problem getting away. I "wtfpwn" with my Marauder all day long. I can't do the same with the Enforcer or Thresher.
Prowlers with no 12mm gunners (ditch the ammo) and more 100mm ammo with a few SkyGuards = teh win. Applied here again is the concept of avoiding your own weaknesses... now you have a tank column with very effective AA capability and very effective ground pounding capability.
Anyway, I'm rambling now... my point behing here that it's amazing to me that one whole server can figure this out and kick butt while another whole server (community) can not figure this out and get's their arses handed to them daily.
Here are my 2 "buff" suggestions that IMHO are the only two areas the TR are somewhat lacking.
The Prowler (
The TR MAX Units (
2004-07-01, 04:25 AM
@ Sentrosi
I know whatcha mean.. I've seen in Werner sanc.. people are yelling over broadcast that they are making a new outfit.. roughly 3 or 4 people each week. Shame really.
Happy lil Elf
2004-07-02, 12:32 AM
It's all fun and games until you're not in the limelight. You know, we listened to the Vanu when they cried about their Lasher for months. Most of us are well-aware and readily acknowledge the fact that the problem is the population. I don't give a shit about the weapons, I can use captured weapons or Core Combat weapons just as easily as anyone else, and have no problems getting my hands on them whenever I want.
So be of good cheer. The Lord loves a cheerful worker. Move out and draw fire.
Right...not sure where the limelight thing is coming from...but ok. And yes, I know we had to listen to the Vanu cry about the lasher for months and it was just as, if not more, annoying. I also asked those various posters to shut up after I read the same rant for the 20th time. Granted it was for differernt reasons (I just plain got sick of that particular brand of idiocy >_< ). This rebuke, though, stems not so much from annoyance as it does from concern. Although, yes, I feely admit annoyance is what promted my reply to the original poster.
My whole point to the original author of this rant, other than I'm starting to get very sick of hearing about it, was that these bitch fests don't help the most serious problem: Population. Might they help fix the slight disadvantage as far as equipment goes? There is a remote possiblity of that, yes. Is it worth the distinct possibility of making the population issue even more of a problem? I can't see how it could be.
2004-07-02, 02:25 AM
Lol. Band of Brothers went to TR from VS now.
The whole world has gone crazy, but at least it's better than everyone getting bored and quitting.
Last thing we need is more people leaving Planetside.
2004-07-02, 11:03 AM
BadAsh's post = So true.
TR weapons are godly, as soon as you learn how to use them. People just need to learn how to fight with the weapons in their hands. I've gotten MANY easy kills from cycler or pulsar users running straight at me, while I run at them with a JH. We meet in the middle and 9 out of 10 times they recieve a free trip to the spawn room.
Moral of the story: Don't run at people with shotguns. :doh:
EDIT: By the way, a few days ago TR had a population around 45%
2004-07-02, 12:17 PM
The Striker is the ONLY AV with AA capability. IMHO this is HUGE. Think your AA MAX sucks? You don't need one. TR troops getting harassed by Reavers can defend themselves. Other empires have to go get a MAX which ends up being ground vehicle or Striker bait...Is there some reason why your maxes can't use cover now...? I'd rather have a few guys dedicated to AA that can knock down liberators and the like then a bunch of guys that can barely keep the rocketspammers off there own back, let alone anyone elses.
If you have a "Thunderer" problem, just get a Reaver and now you have 1 guy in a vehicle spanking (risk free) 3 guys in a vehicle. See AA capability is the Thunderer's weakness... exploit that. The Raider might be weaker vs. the Thunderer, but is does not have the AA weakness... Raiders own air. Use this strength.Uh, stock dels are about as good at AA work. I'll put my money a stock del and a Thunderer against a Reaver and a Raider any day.
With the death of surge and the removal of the quad-shot exploit the MCG is in a very nice position to be the best HA weapon in the game. This is subject to opinion of course, but that Rexo+PS+MCG is a damn tough combo to beat with either the Jack or Lasher.Realistically, all HA are about equal, even the maelstrom, they simply excel in different situations.
The Marauder is the only assault buggy worth a shake of salt. The arching fire from the grenage rifle allows you to take shots when on uneven ground... whereas the Enforcer driver has to line shots up for the gunner. Also that 12mm gatling gun is the same as the one on the Mossy and Harrasser... it's hyper-accurate and very deadly and gives the Marauder AA capability that the Enforcer and Thresher just don't have. Finally because of the Striker the other buggies are useless 7 hit wonders so 2 striker users mean nearly instant death. The other Empire AV just won't own buggys as fast. I never have a problem getting away. I "wtfpwn" with my Marauder all day long. I can't do the same with the Enforcer or Thresher.I think we have a difference of opinion here, I would love to have the Enforcer as our empire vehicler and I think it would really get our Skyguard count up. I hate the Marauder, it feels like a 3-man Lightning to me, it does the exact same job as other vehicles marginally better but with more personnel. The Enforcer brings a unique, long range/high damage/flatline attack to the table, although the slow projectile speed dampens the possibilities somewhat, it still makes a great weapon for harrassing defenders and decent sized groups of people. It'll also put a decent sized dent into vehicles, it won't go one on one with an MBT anytime soon, but it'll give most anything else a run for it's money. It's not as good as the Marauder against grunts, but grunts wandering around outside are meat for just about any other vehicle. Don't get me wrong, neither vehicle is all that great, assault buggies are mainly useful waiting for your Skyguard timer to go down, but of the two I'd prefer the Enforcer. Then again, my opinion is somewhat dated as I barely ever see them anymore, but I don't recall seeing any changes to them in the patch notes.
Prowlers with no 12mm gunners (ditch the ammo) and more 100mm ammo with a few SkyGuards = teh win. Applied here again is the concept of avoiding your own weaknesses... now you have a tank column with very effective AA capability and very effective ground pounding capability.Yep, organized like that it's nearly as effective as the Vanguard. Pity the Terrans are to stupid to use it like that.
I don't really know why I'm argueing with you on this though, because I agree with you on the real cause of the TRs problem. We are a beaten, broken group of people with shit for leadership and morale that matches. Our ranks are a revolving door of experienced people constantly quitting and switching sides being replaced by innexperienced players who think our colors are the best (god knows i can't think of any other reason to join up at this point.) The current balance issues aren't enough to cause the sorts of problems we have, we don't really have any standout equipment that you can point to and say "that gun/vehicle is the best one in the game for it's job" but what we have is all decent enough (except for the Raider/AI/AV maxes) that we should be able to get by on it and do better then we are now.
2004-07-02, 12:34 PM
Hell, the Prowler can be pretty damn good! I was using it two days ago, in my small Outfit squad, and we were running a small convoy of two Prowlers and a Skyguard against the VS, with no 12mm gunners for the Prowlers. What I object to is that the Vanguard can do exactly the same thing, but without the Skyguard: The 20mm is quite effective against aircraft.
2004-07-02, 04:00 PM
I don't really know why I'm argueing with you on this though, because I agree with you on the real cause of the TRs problem. We are a beaten, broken group of people with shit for leadership and morale that matches. Our ranks are a revolving door of experienced people constantly quitting and switching sides being replaced by innexperienced players who think our colors are the best (god knows i can't think of any other reason to join up at this point.) The current balance issues aren't enough to cause the sorts of problems we have, we don't really have any standout equipment that you can point to and say "that gun/vehicle is the best one in the game for it's job" but what we have is all decent enough (except for the Raider/AI/AV maxes) that we should be able to get by on it and do better then we are now.
I hear ya man...
Just from my multi-empire perspective I hate flying against the TR the most. Every freaking grunt out there has a striker so Reavers and Mosquitos are always under attack. Then if there is a burster in the area you usually don't know it until it's too late... if he is locked down and gets a bead on you it's over... And then Raiders make quick work of aircraft too... it seems that everything the TR have can fight back against air... the VS and NC are pretty helpless if they don't have any AA MAXes in the area...
I love my Maruader. I can last a LONG time in that thing and if I have a few good gunners we can do a lot of spanking. Plus it provides a fast and fun transportation service. I can deliver 3 rexos including myself to a tower using the Marauder to own the spits and other deployables in the area... and ALWAYS some goober with agile and MA has to come out of the tower and donate to our kill count while we are clearing the deployables. Also, if a Reaver comes around you just stop and have the 12mm blast away while the driver and main gunner jump out for some dual striker action.
The Enforcer requires more coordination to line up shots and you can forget trying to kill troops in hilly areas... if you go up there you will die and never get a good shot off. In even flat ground it's pretty nice, but how often does that happen? The main problem with the enforcer is the TR Striker. Since every other TR grunt seems to carry one you can find yourself in trouble quickly as it only takes 7 hits to take you down. Also, if a Reaver shows up you are just meat for him to chew on. If you stay in your vehicle you will die and if you get out you will die.
The Thresher... well what can I say? It looks cool and floats on water... LOL
2004-07-02, 04:53 PM
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Yep, organized like that it's nearly as effective as the Vanguard. Pity the Terrans are to stupid to use it like that. :rolleyes:
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um, am i missing something here? you are right that a prowler and a skyguard together would be as effective as a van, maybe a bit more, but one of tr's main complaints is that it requires more troops to equal what the other empires have. Like you said, it takes 4 tr and 2 vehicles to equal 2 nc and 1 vehicle. On emerald, thats even more important because we dont have near the amount of people to do that. to balance out a vehicle battle, we would need moer troops than the other empires to be equal.
Put 30 tr in prowlers against 30 vs in vanguards, hmm, 15 vanguards against 10 prowlers. Dont even add in heavier round from the heavier armored and faster traveling vanguards. who wants to guess the outcome of that fight? TR might as well all sell prowler certs and get lightnings. 30 lightnings might have more impact on vanguards than the 10 prowlers. Or how about the thunderer or aurora vs little wagon? again, 30 troops. 5 raider against 10 thunderers or 10 auroras. If we poplocked a continent, all had empire specific vehicles only, who wins? sure as hell not tr, who has 2/3 the vehicles of anyone else. :no:
I wont argue with the striker though, it owns hands down. If the vehicle personell needs are addressed as well as maxes, tr would be a strong force again, as well as draw back some of the pansies that quit tr to play the game on easy difficulty(NC)
2004-07-02, 04:58 PM
it seems that everything the TR have can fight back against air... the VS and NC are pretty helpless if they don't have any AA MAXes in the area...Thats the sick joke the devs played on the TR, they give us all this short range AA and nothing with reach (and accuracy, that is.) Sure we can kill them if they get close, but the VS can just park a couple of starfires on top of a tower and you've got an instant no-fly-zone.
I love my Maruader. I can last a LONG time in that thing and if I have a few good gunners we can do a lot of spanking. Plus it provides a fast and fun transportation service. I can deliver 3 rexos including myself to a tower using the Marauder to own the spits and other deployables in the area... and ALWAYS some goober with agile and MA has to come out of the tower and donate to our kill count while we are clearing the deployables. Also, if a Reaver comes around you just stop and have the 12mm blast away while the driver and main gunner jump out for some dual striker action.
The Enforcer requires more coordination to line up shots and you can forget trying to kill troops in hilly areas... if you go up there you will die and never get a good shot off. In even flat ground it's pretty nice, but how often does that happen? The main problem with the enforcer is the TR Striker. Since every other TR grunt seems to carry one you can find yourself in trouble quickly as it only takes 7 hits to take you down. Also, if a Reaver shows up you are just meat for him to chew on. If you stay in your vehicle you will die and if you get out you will die.
The Thresher... well what can I say? It looks cool and floats on water... LOL
Just my take
My problem with the marauder is that it feels... redundant to me. The Lightning will do just as good if not better clearing CE and the Deliverer can dump the grunts better, keeping them safer on the way and arriving in larger numbers. I suppose it makes a reasonable unit to range out alone and snag key towers, but aircraft are better suited to that. Also, that ground pounder just seems totally useless against armored vehicles, so the second a decent sized vehicle shows up the grunt killing fun ends in a mad dash towards the nearest Prowler, which probably doesn't exist because all the idiot flyers are clogging the forward vehicle pads and half the ones that aren't flyers are pulling light vehicles which they'll probably spend more time waiting for then using.
The Enforcer, to me, is more useful because it can almost fill the role of ghetto AT (i hate using that word, but it fits) when you don't have tech, and they can also run up the flanks of TR armored columns and fire in to create confusion. When the TR lose there tech, we can't kill tanks for shit, when the NC lose there tech, they can harrass our tanks with Enforcers to try and get them to do something stupid, or cut them them up with Thunderers. You've got to perform a range balancing act with them though, because it is a buggy, but the prolwer is innaccurate enough to provide some leeway. Then again, the TR never have tech dominance anymore, so it's a moot point.
The Thresher is suprisingly annoying, in rough terrain, that fucker is impossible to hit, so it makes a decent enough transport/AMS finder imho, but the others are much more preferable.
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