View Full Version : How many jumps to drain stamina?
2003-02-05, 08:49 AM
How many consecutive jumps to you all thing it should take to drain all your stamina?
2003-02-05, 11:18 AM
Does it really take stamina to jump?
If so then that would make me really mad. its kind of pathetic, having to waste stamina on something so natural as jumping.
2003-02-05, 11:23 AM
I'm hoping 3-6.
I see enough bunny-hoping, strafe-jumping, glide-jumping peeps in TFC and other FPS's and hope that PS does not become a battlefield of rabbits on speed.
2003-02-05, 11:30 AM
If they will make it so many jumps then they should make it atleast 20.
2003-02-05, 11:54 AM
I think stamina for jumping is a good idea. I mean, come on, when was the last time you saw somebody jumping to pick up more speed than they had by running? Or to avoid getting shot? For that matter, when was the last time you saw somebody jump on a regular basis at all? Requiring stamina to jump helps keep people from just jumping around all the time. How immersed could you get into the game if everyone was jumping around like rabbits?
2003-02-05, 12:17 PM
A limit to jumping? My God, finally! It has to be the single most annoying thing in most FPS when they can jump 10 feet in the air and not even bend at the knees and stall a second before they jump again. I shiver at the memory of Halo cheaters (they tweak out and jump constantly the moment you line up a shot with the sniper rifle), even though it only prolonged their life a few seconds.
2003-02-05, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Kyonye
Does it really take stamina to jump?
If so then that would make me really mad. its kind of pathetic, having to waste stamina on something so natural as jumping.
Yes it does indeed.
You try jumping 2 ft in the air for like 20 mins.
Its good that they did it, hopping/jumping ruins many games. Like when I am playing SoF2 and some jackass jumps over my shotgun blast.
2003-02-05, 12:18 PM
Does it really take stamina to jump?
If so then that would make me really mad. its kind of pathetic, having to waste stamina on something so natural as jumping.
So you would rather have the enemy you are firing at hopping around like a bunny dodging your bullets? It's not pathetic, it's realistic.
2003-02-05, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Yes it does indeed.
You try jumping 2 ft in the air for like 20 mins.
Its good that they did it, hopping/jumping ruins many games. Like when I am playing SoF2 and some jackass jumps over my shotgun blast.
^bingo.. stamina would certainly affect your ability to jump in real life i mean come on.
2003-02-05, 01:25 PM
Definately a good idea to drain stamina for jumping... I agree with Hamma, too lazy to qoute him though
damn thats laziness
2003-02-05, 01:27 PM
from what people say, i guess i'm starting to agree with people.
Yeah it's definitely a good thing. :)
I'm hoping between 3-6 as well.
2003-02-05, 03:07 PM
Yeah it makes it more realistic cause you cant jump 20 times in a row wearing heavy armor thats just crazy and cheap
2003-02-05, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Its good that they did it, hopping/jumping ruins many games. Like when I am playing SoF2 and some jackass jumps over my shotgun blast. Amen Hamma. This happened to me about half a dozen times this afternoon. It's like they gave Michael Jordan a gun or something.
Keep in mind too, that we'll be wearing armor (as mentioned), and that we'll be carrying a lot of gear, further weighing us down.
I think its a good idea, but you should be able to get at least 6-10 jumps out of a full stamina bar. Unless stamina regenerates very quickly.
2003-02-05, 05:27 PM
And just for anyone not aware, Implants (regeneration, personal shield, etc) also draw on stamina. In other words, if you're running an Implant in combat, which you very likely will, you're going to want to keep your feet firmly on the ground. The developers clearly do not want people jumping around shooting each other, which I totally agree with. As such, I voted the first option as well. The only time you should ever be jumping in a combat situation is if you're jumping over an obstacle to pursue or get away from your attackers.
2003-02-05, 05:34 PM
bunny hopping is oobah gay
2003-02-05, 05:37 PM
from what people say, i guess i'm starting to agree with people.
Holy Crap
Did anyone just see that? Someone actually changed his mind on an internet forum.
Kyonye, I salute you.
2003-02-05, 08:59 PM
Heavy armor and full weapons weigh atleast 100Lbs. If someone can jump 2 feet in the air for 20 minutes with all that, you should be in the Olympics.
2003-02-05, 09:04 PM
If you think jumping 20+ times is realistic, then please tape your computer monitor to your chest, tape printer to back, CD/disc big rectangle thingy to leg, speakers to other leg, and put the keyboard on your head. Jump 2 feet into the air, on a trampoline if you want to, for 2 minutes. :) Call a doctor when done, don't sue me.
2003-02-05, 09:04 PM
stamina for jumping rox, i have all these horrible memories of jumping AWP'ers from CS /me shudders
2003-02-05, 10:21 PM
Judgeing from other games that uses stamina, I'm guessing 3-5. Enough so you can jump over a few obsticals, but not enough to allow bunny-hopping.
Bunny-hopping was allowed due to a poor phisics engein and the way it dealt with running foreward and strafeing.
2003-02-05, 11:47 PM
Draining stamina for jumping = Good.
But I hope there is diffrent stamina drain for diffrent armors. Ie an agile armor jump shouldent drain as much as a reinforced..
2003-02-06, 02:11 AM
I'm with SandTrout. Anyone play Dod? The stamina works well in that; gives enough for 2-6 jumps depending on weapon (in the case of PS it could depend on armour type) but it will regenerate in about 5seconds if you stand still (5 seconds in a fire fight is a LONG TIME to stand still! :). Just enough to get over that wall or whatever.
I know theres a speed implant to improve run speed; I guess that means there isn't a sprint key par se; a shame because what people really do in real combat is RUNNNNNN, not jump. Don't want to get off topic talking about sprinting :).
2003-02-06, 04:55 AM
1-5 guys need to get up from your computer and do some jump-rope or something, shit.
It looks like the armor is powered, so this discussion of weight is pretty weak. If you can't jump 16+ times with out getting tired u rly rly need to get in better shape...
I'd think there would be different stamina drains for different armor types. If you're wearing reinforced I'd say somewhere in the order of 3-6, but if you're wearing normal I'd say somewhere closer to 15 would be in order.
2003-02-06, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
You try jumping 2 ft in the air for like 20 mins.
Its good that they did it, hopping/jumping ruins many games. Like when I am playing SoF2 and some jackass jumps over my shotgun blast. [/B]
"You try jumping 2 ft in the air for like 20 mins."
Can I carry a plasma gun and use warp gates for 20 mins also?
"Like when I am playing SoF2 and some jackass jumps over my shotgun blast."
Aim up.
2003-02-06, 06:16 AM
If theres a HUGE nrg drain when you jump, the nrg recharge rate better be fucking fast...
2003-02-06, 08:14 AM
Bunny hopping is the gayest thing in FPS today, if you cant see that. Than dont make posts like this :p
This ESPECIALLY goes for games like CS and SOF2, they are based on humans, a human with no armor or anything. You cant jump that high so much, I dont care what kind of steroids you are on. When people start hopping around in games its one of the things that leads me to leave.
Real life needs to play some part in gaming bro, sorry if you dissagree with the majority. This isnt tribes 2 :p
2003-02-06, 09:29 AM
I hope jumps will not have huge effect on stamina. I play a game named MoHAA. It works very well there. It doesn't cost any stamina, but those who jumps when they fight is almost always loosing, because it goes much faster to run than it goes to run and jump all the time. So there it goes. :) Jumping in MoHAA is used to tactically evade combat. :) People use it there to jump out of windows to avoid end up dead or to hunt someone down. They rarely use it in combat while they shoot at each other. So by letting the speed when u jump be lower than when u run it will be ok for me.
There is very fun when u succeed to escape another fellow who have almost killed u by jumping out of a window or over an obstacle he doesn't succeed to.
I will use my stamina for my implants instead and never jump if it drains lots of stamina. Jumping is very good to have if it's cheap regarding stamina because it gives u another chance to avoid getting killed if u are skilled enough.
If I am almost dead in PS, it will probably mean my stamina is empty and if I can't jump through a window or so to escape (last chance) it will really s*ck.
I like strategy games. I hope PS will be one too.
2003-02-06, 10:43 AM
^ugg, yeah but in Mohaa people juke, which is worse than bunny hopping
2003-02-06, 01:32 PM
Jumping in MoHAA is used to tactically evade combat.
Tactically evade combat? Heh. And when I was in highschool, I was an urban flora management specialist during the summer. Glorify it all you want, bunny-hopping is bunny-hopping, and even the people who develop CS had the sense to realize that jumping in combat did more harm than good for their game on the whole.
Perhaps they'll make it so you cant shoot when you jump. That'd make it so that jumping is used only for its true purpose.
2003-02-06, 06:34 PM
Bunny hoppin is lame. Even in the hey day of my tae kwon do experience, after 5 leaps, you had to change strategies cause you were gonna get fucked up good cause you'd be drained. It's just lame. I hope in PS you cant sequentially jump more than 3 times or so.
2003-02-06, 06:38 PM
They will increase the size of the CoF when jumping, so you can shoot, but not accurately.
What would make more of a difference is if getting shot will slow your movement, or move you slightly in the direction the bullet is moveing.
The momentum transfer would work better because you could still strafe, but you cant jum up to a person and blow them away. However, lag issues might prevent this.
The jump-ropeing anology is irelevent. You don't jump 2 feet in the air when jump-ropeing, but rather just a couple of inches. Power-armor likely wouldn't be able to compleatly compensate for this as there is the weight of the armor, weapons, misc. equip, and a few hundred rounds of ammunition.
Try puting just a 30 lbs. backpack on and see how many times you can jump as high as you can. Now divide that number by 2 and you're got a good number.
BTW Warborn: when he was refering to abvoiding combat in MoHAA he was not talkign about bunny-hopping, but rather jumping through windows or behind sandbags. A simple miscommunication.
2003-02-06, 06:50 PM
BTW Warborn: when he was refering to abvoiding combat in MoHAA he was not talkign about bunny-hopping, but rather jumping through windows or behind sandbags. A simple miscommunication.
My bad.
2003-02-06, 07:38 PM
Might have been said already, but I think the heavier the armor the more sta it should drain per jump.
2003-02-06, 09:14 PM
Have you guys ever heard of hurdles? People run entire races at a full sprint jumping rather high REPEATEDLY without slowing down much. Sure, they're athletes, but the average soldier would undoubtedly be in pretty good shape. 6 or 7 jumps per bar would be pretty reasonable.
They could just do what CS did to their bunny hoppers and make each hop get progressively slower, I think that'd work quite well with the stamina restrictions already in place...however, I think you should also be able to make one jump and hit the ground running, normal human beings can at least manage that, even with a good amount of gear on. Sometimes when I'm missing my bus I have to run with a 40 pound backpack on (yes, it really DOES weigh that much, I weighed it in my health class one day), and I can make a jump or two from a sidewalk without slowing down...and I'm pretty out of shape, lemme tell ya.
2003-02-06, 09:44 PM
Uhh, have you ever tried hurdles? The people who are half way decent dont actually jump that high, their head is almost at the same level from start to finish.
I dont really care about realism, i care about gameplay and maybe agile armor should be able to jump maybe 1-2ft 5 times with no other implants on but the reinforced armor should only use jump as a means to get on or out of things. Anything else just seems silly and will detract from the gameplay.
2003-02-06, 10:18 PM
They have to get their legs over the hurdle, and the hurdle is usually like 3 feet high. Doesn't matter where their head is, it still expends as much energy as a normal jump because normal jumps are usually a lot lower to the ground.
Also, I had another thought about it-did you ever think about how since certain aspects of real world movement usually aren't or can't yet be represented in a game world that jumping could sort of "sit in" for them? Things like diving to the side or rolling on the ground or twisting your body to the side to avoid someone stabbing at you with a knife. In most games, jumping serves as a sort of "universal dodge" feature. When you think about it that way, bunny-hopping isn't QUITE as annoying anymore. Except for maybe in games like UT2k3 that have those dodge moves in there...though in its defense, UT was more "game-ish" than a lot of recent games. I'm getting really friggin tired of all these story-based action games that are more movie than game. I think realism has little or no place in a game that is trying to be fun, because last I checked, RL wasn't fair/fun. Immersion is fine for RPGs that actually allocate a lot of money to the writers, but COME ON MAN! KEEP THAT GARBAGE OUT OF MY ALIEN BLASTING POWER FANTASIES! I want more stuff like PS, stuff that only has loose connections to real life and keeps things fun and fair. I should probably stop ranting now...heh.
2003-02-06, 10:38 PM
If it doesn't matter where their heads are, then let them jump 100 times, I still have a nice fat target.
2003-02-06, 10:43 PM
As someone who actually has hurdled before, the hurdle isnt actually very hard or strenuous. Jumping a hurdle is just a bit different from your average sprinting stride. A high jump or long jump is much harder to do repetitively.
Also, lets say im in combat, hear gunshots behind me, turn around and jump. Without a big arm swing or run up, i doubt i'd get more than an 18 in. off the ground. Is this going to help me dodge anything?
If you use this as a case, then it has no grounds because you dont want this to be realistic and yet you are still talking about real life. I dont believe everything should be realistic and therefore this argument is irrelevant to me. I still dont like excessive jump dodging in games, it just turns the game into a joke. A Max payne style dive (realtime) which used a significant amount of stamina (half) might be interesting though.
2003-02-07, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Destroyeron
I hate it when people constantly jump around to avoid being shot. it is soooooooo annoying. I think there should be jumping, but only to get to higher areas, and it should take stamina.
Yea... I hate having to actually aim at targets too... takes the fun out of FPS
TGF NightHawk
2003-02-08, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Kyonye
Does it really take stamina to jump?
If so then that would make me really mad. its kind of pathetic, having to waste stamina on something so natural as jumping.
How many jumps can u do before you are panting or need to sit down? No need to get pissy, jumping doesn't come natural,must be learned. Hope jumping drains your stamina quickly!!;)
TGF NightHawk
2003-02-08, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Validuz
Yea... I hate having to actually aim at targets too... takes the fun out of FPS
I was hoping he wouldn't see this thread!! Has no reasoning behind his thoughts, just likes flaming people and their thoughts. Aiming at a mexican jumping bean, just toss a nade!!:thumbsup:
2003-02-08, 11:28 AM
I think jumping should be a way to get through a window, over obstacles, in stairs or bridges to tactically get an advantage of a surprise attack or to avoid attacker. U will of course take falling damage if u jump from "high" (>= 3m) ground. If u have played MoHAA u will see that almost "no one" (very few of them) jumps while people shoot with their guns at each other. They do it the first two times but after that they stop doing it because they see how slowly they move and often end up dying. Jumping isn't good at all when u fight it's only good when u try to escape from your opponent, but not to avoid his bullets, they hit u badly, but to jump down from a stair, bridge or out through the window. U do this with a small hope that he will not see where u went or that your enemy will not successfully jump through/over the obstacle. If u succeed to confuse him with these manouvers u can safely hide behind an appropiate object or in another building. It's however more often u fail to flee and die, because it takes more time to get (jump) out of the window (or whatever) than to run forward and shoot someone in the back. So how jumping works in MoHAA is very good with their simple punishment (slow run speed while jumping).
Games with bad jumping "system"
Jedi Knight Outcast - Everyone jumps there because it doesn't cost anything in speed (or stamina). In that game everyone jumps like frogs. It looks really stupid.
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