View Full Version : VS Markov- the horror...
2004-07-02, 03:34 PM
Thought Id post my own. Might not be as bad as TR on emerald but still the VS on markov are making suking ass a daily routine. 6 times in the last 7days we have gone down to 0 bases Only 1 good day ONLY 1!!!! Our cr5s suk and our soldiers listen to them too much, we only zerg (and arent too good at it) and if we see a base being bak haked no1 cares, losing on our only cont? I go to another trying to bak hak, send tells to several cr5s asking for bak up and the response i get is "Cap it and Ill send a global"... that obviously doesnt help if its 20 vs us 5 >_<. Its becoming a chore and I dont like chores, a large reason Im still playing is because I own an outfit. If I didnt have an outfit Id be long gone >_<
Red October
2004-07-02, 03:48 PM
That explains why I always try to fight the NC....more of a challenge. :lol:
Seriously though, you guys do scare me some times. You do make very good use of your vechicles and max units. Forces me to drop my infiltraitor and go to my alt TR Charachter and whip out Mr. Striker.
2004-07-02, 05:27 PM
wow i must be seeing something else, me and Orange logged on and twas ownage. you guys repair vehicles you use maxes and infantry you take down turrets. read my sig and follow the advice.
2004-07-02, 08:28 PM
haha VS on markov always suck. they just back hack the shit outta other empires.
2004-07-02, 09:32 PM
Does piss me off though.
Just be glad your on Markov, every time i go there with vs we are sucking more balls than your mum on halloween. Not funny.
The VS MAXs do scare me though, I say thats your biggest advantage.
2004-07-03, 05:48 AM
Us NC Markov like to laugh at the VS on Markov. The TR are a challenge, cunning even sometimes, but the VS are downright pathetic.
PS- I saw a Hawk3ye today on Markov VS! SAY IT ISNT TRUE HAWKEYE, SAY IT ISNT TRUE!!!
2004-07-03, 12:27 PM
is markov the euro server???
please say it isnt, plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
2004-07-03, 12:30 PM
is markov the euro server???
please say it isnt, plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
no its not....Werner is the euro server
anyways, i occasionaly (sp?) play vs on markov and in sanc there always seem to be people broadcasting complaints and whines of the overpowered noob-hammer and splatter cannon instead of fighting on the continent they're about to loose to the TR or NC (and no it's not locked) of course I usually play that char at 4 in the morning
2004-07-03, 12:45 PM
i thought that was supposed to be the strong point for the VS, good team work because we have no really big weapons, do we
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-03, 02:59 PM
Lasher, Magrider, VS MAXes, Lancer (in cappable hands), Pulsar (accurate as all hell), thresher (the most AWESOME of all the assult buggies), and, yes, sometimes even the Aurora (if you have a cunning crew). So... I think that's just about ALL your stuff.
It isn't yer equipment, it could be argued that it's the other empires' equipment, their numbers, and your sucky leadership, though. I can say the last one because I play TR on Emerald.
TR Emerald is like playing this game on GodLike in UT:GOTY Edition- possible, but not easy, nor fun.
NC on either Markov or Emerald is like playing UT:GOTY Edition on novice, and using all the cheats...
2004-07-03, 03:11 PM
Yea our weapons are fine and so are our vecs its just our pop and sucky ass leadership...
2004-07-03, 03:13 PM
I'd just like to say that with the right crew you can take on a vanguard with a magrider and come out on top. Made battle rank 8 in an hour just by going against vanguards, this was on my VS alt by the way =D
2004-07-03, 05:44 PM
Its not that its a vanguard vs a mag its a mag vs a vanguard who dies then goes the other way and runs into a prowler >_< they gang up on us. ie. TR and NC have a base with touching sois and we are kilometers away and they 4get each other and attak us >_<. Give us a 50 50 battle vs nc and we will kik theyr asses
2004-07-03, 09:53 PM
PS- I saw a Hawk3ye today on Markov VS! SAY IT ISNT TRUE HAWKEYE, SAY IT ISNT TRUE!!!
nope that is not me. it is some other dude. i am still NC. but will play TR sometimes.
2004-07-04, 12:53 AM
You play TR????
U gotta find me sometimes, we could kick nc ass sometime!
2004-07-04, 08:16 PM
yea bugger my TR name is Hawkeyetr.
2004-07-06, 04:13 AM
VS Auora absolutely owns. At least in my hands it does =D Unload (12) your initial salvo into an air (buttun mash to get best results) and that reaver or mossie is gone in seconds. Infantry are always fun to kill, especially stragglers. Anything lighter than an actualy tank could be easily delt with (except maybe other empire specific variants). Armor is always an issue, so be sure to have a gunner/driver/passenger ready to pop out and patch the veh up after pulling out to safety. Oh, and bring extra ammo for those long drawn out battles.
Lasher, spam.
Lancer, aim and track.
Pulsar, aim and fire and dont let them get too close.
I wouldn't say Thresher is awesome, it's alright. It's no Aurora mind you.
VS Maxes are really something great. I love them, though I don't use them. AA is a great deterrent, AI can dispatch enemies quite well. Not so sure about AV, havn't had much time with it. I guess it's alright.
VS stuff needs patience. We're not getting owned in the weaponry/vehicle department. At least I don't feel that way.
I don't think our forces weren't made to be zerglings. When it all comes down to it, our weapons lack the refire rate or the sheer power to decimate out enemies. Perhaps emplyoing ambushes and such would better our cause. Perhaps not, don't really know.
I have no comment on our leadership. I listen to what my SL says, and follow orders.
I think one of the hardest things for the VS to do is to pull out of a base without the use of force by the NC or TR. I remember back we were holed up in Sina for about 2 hours while the NC and TR battle raged on outside. It was a lost cause, but none of us wanted to leave.
Ironic how on the "record breaking day" VS won, yet in the last week we've been sucking extremely badly.
This could just be a phase though. Wait another week to see if it blows over.
2004-07-06, 08:21 AM
Im hopin its just a phase... it happened again yesterday...
2004-07-07, 04:18 PM
Just wondering, fatal, you wouldnt happen to be the little bastard who tries to spam recruit in not only the sanc, but in active combat zones, empty facilities and damn near everywhere i happen to be, wouldya? I havent been on in a while, so i cant remember exact names, but VS Saviors sounds familiar.
2004-07-07, 05:08 PM
"Ironic how on the "record breaking day" VS won, yet in the last week we've been sucking extremely badly."
[cough cough]
at the moment we're winning on all three servers...
so perhaps it is a phase...
2004-07-07, 08:38 PM
I used to, not any more sorry bout that. realized how noobish and retarded that is >_<
2004-07-07, 11:54 PM
have u realized the population in the high times?
how often do u see VS NOT beeing the lowest pop?
not often that i saw that. :doh:
did u realize how often we were about too win a continent and than got backhacked by the 3rd empire?
I agree that sometimes a few CR5 really suck(not naming anyone though) and they make some globals to quickly before others can talk them out of that.
the alternative would be to global something different which would simply result in a zerg that is headless.
BUT if the right CR5 are giving commands u usually see VS advancing( unless we have a 20 something pop). If u watch carefully u see soon who the good ones are and who are not.
Zerg is following global too much????? that`s ridiculous. if they would follow orders as outfitmembers do we would be in a much better shape.
the problem are SL just looking for EXP.
it is sometimes necessary to retreat from a cont or move on fast for the next but ppl either say"i`m waiting for exp" or "i`m not leaving this good fight".
if asking for Genrepairs or ANT`s we get a lot tells like this" why don`t u do it?"
i think that a lot of this stuff get sorted out by CR`s though u dont always have the manpower to do it all?
or ppl who u think is bringing all the AMS`s to the front?( or at least take care of it via outfit members)???
just my 10 cent
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-08, 12:26 AM
Yer a CR5, aren't yeh?
I already don't like yeh. I can tell you are the type who pull your people off a winning battle to defend the non-existent 'home continents'. The fastest way to lose is to give up on a win.
In this game you will always lose territory. The trick is to gain it faster than you lose it. You can't do that while defending. There is NO long term benifit to defending in this game. Once you go defensive, the enemy wins.
The CR5's don't seem to grasp this, and it is really a shame that they don't.
2004-07-08, 04:05 AM
Well I think it was pretty obvious he's a cr5 from his Markov signature.
Anyways, I guess that a person's style of conquering land would vary from person to person. In this case it varies from cr5 to cr5. Some believe it's best to defend what we have, others like yourself it's best to use all your forces and take over as many continents as possible.
There should be some sort of system of seniority in the command system, one where every cr5 does not have an equal say in what direction the empire goes. Or maybe not of seniority but of total cep.
All in all, a system where good commanders are rewarded with a greater say in the empire's direction is needed.
The devs made getting to cr5 way to easy. Now commanders who don't command (or at least not well) get the perks of a commander who can actually use his/her troops. Higher levels of cr are a must at this point.
Cauldron- I agree, defending is a death sentence, the only benefit is bep and racking up kills. Very few times have I seen my own empire go on the defenseive and actually manage to expel the intruders from the SOI.
2004-07-08, 12:34 PM
In my opinion, the reason that the CR5's still persist on choosing defense is because most of them cannot get their minds around the concept that home continents are gone. The introduction of the broadcast warpgates changed the game in the largest way a patch ever has, more so than either Balance Patch, the capitals, or even Core Combat. The idea now should be to attack, and never stop attacking. Don't ever sit back and defend. If an enemy is attacking your base, abandon that base and backhack their linking base. Press foreward like crazy, and you should win.
2004-07-08, 02:24 PM
Defending a base or cont is much easier than attacking a base succesfully.
Last night VS kicking TR off amerish, than NC hacked 2 bases. WE were sending ppl to NC bases to finish cont BUT ooohhh ppl left for solsar and oshur. despite numerous globals to come back to amerish to finish nc 1st, we were fighting on 3 conts now, against both enemy zergs.
we soon had 20-30 open spots on amerish against nc poplock, we were outnumbered by far on solsar as well as oshur.
RESULT: Solsar was gone, Oshur about to be gone and TR finally came back to ame to backhack us. :mad:
after splitting up we were not able to win any battle
2004-07-08, 02:29 PM
That's the problem. CR5's, in my opinion, who are good at strategy, should be more active in their globals. Don't be afraid to explain to your forces the reasons for your tactics. You just need to charge ahead, and, assuming that you can get a decent amount of troops to follow your lead, you should be able to do much better than enemy forces can.
2004-07-08, 03:33 PM
agree BUT if u are fighting NC poplock and TR near poplock u can`t win. people yesterday fighting on solsar just didn`t want to leave no matter how bad it looked. with there immediate help we would have beaten NC on ame and THAN continued at another cont.
we made several globals about te non-win situation there and the situation globally but got only few ppl on solsar listening. not enough as it turned out :(
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-08, 05:26 PM
N00B- there is one statement you made about abandoning a base and pushing on. I can't agree with that. Defence in a Continental stupid. Defence in a small scale like a base is alright AS LONG AS your empire is making advances in other areas. By abandoning any base that gets attacked you invite a ring around the rosy ordeal.
If the cr5's recall all their troops to go defend a continent, then that is stupid. If, how ever, they PICK ONE AND ONLY ONE target, then we can win.
EVERY time the cr5's say 'so and so is primary, and this place is secondary' you get a split of forces. Focus on one contient. Give ONE goal. Everyone else not at that goal, can pick at random their own battles elsewhere. Once that first goal is complete the CR5's can pick a new goal based on what contient has made the most leeway in the time it took the focus objective to be capped.
NEVER recall forces to a cont where you are outnumbered already. This is why: the other teams zerg will always outpace you. You cannot meet there population numbers. In this game an offensive player counts for more than a defensive player. He has more options to spawn at, and can more easliy encompass the target area.
And about the need for a new CR rank. Just do this: Set every cr5 back to cr4. Take away the cr5 OS (it's useless anyway. Only purpose is a kills spam weapon. THe cr4 OS can just as easily take out an AMS. It just has a smaller radius). This will do two things: One it gives the stupid cr5's what they want: an OS. And will keep them out of global. Meanwhile the cr5's that actually WANT to lead will regain their cr5, and will be given the chance to lead more effectivly. Also, i suppose they could re-do the ammount of cep that it takes to get cr5, to make it harder to get.
Honestly there are probably 10-20 CR5's TOTAL across all three servers that got cr5 to lead and use globals. Everyone else got it for the bigger OS...
2004-07-09, 10:27 AM
cauldron, sorry but u obv don`t know what ya talking about.
Secondary target: it almost only exists IF the main target has a poplock ( so we can`t bring in more troops) ORwe don`t need more troops at that place( for whatever reason u can imagine). We need a secondary target for this situations to prevent the rest from preading over all continents.
Abandoning bases: Yesterday, AMERISH. server started to fill up. soon we had poplock and fought NC zerg. they had Xelas and Mekala. We were able to get Mekala back when TR zerg arrived :( . They got onatha and were about to take tumas. our zerg didn`t listen and continued fighting TR zerg in the north instead of kicking out NC. ppl left ame, we had up to 30 open spots, that`s bad. so instead of getting xelas we did not. After numerous calls to poplock again and TR owning azeban we called for immediate relocation to hit qumu. due to the ignoration of many ppl we almost lost the hack. BUT we managed to hold it and kick out TR. price NC now azeban,xelas and mekala. ppl left again for new target(solsar again). So we had little trouble to kick nc finally, ppl didnt respond :(. so with 20-30 open spots we finally won that cont.
We could have done much quicker and more effective IF, yes IF ppl really would listen. sometimes u have to abandon have a cont in order to win the whol in the end.
with poplock the entire time we could have done much faster and in the outcome would have done much better on solsar.
2004-07-09, 11:57 AM
I think we pulled outa the slump ^_^ wer doin ok now this thread can die now
2004-07-09, 01:12 PM
2004-07-09, 08:09 PM
Maybe it's this thread that's making us win!
Okay, unlikely, so shoot me.
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